WHY did you get pregnant? *share your TTC story*


Mummy to Alice
Aug 8, 2010
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As we all approach our due dates and face the exciting/scary prospect of meeting our LO's, I thought it might be nice if we shared with each other WHY we got pregnant, were there any pressing reasons why you felt the time was right TTC? Or are you blessed with a surprise baby and were happy? Or even if you werent happy at first but decided to keep your bubs. Do you remember how you were feeling when you made that momentous decision TTC/keep your baby? Or is it a complete blur now we're all so near to the end?

I'll start.

So we'd planned to start TTCing perhaps around our 2nd wedding anniversary in December 2010. There were a few reasons why we wanted TTC then. I was concerned about my fertility as my mother had Premature Ovarian Failure at the age of 35 and I am a carbon copy of her. I had turned 27 in June 2010 and genuinely thought due to that, my endometriosis and fibroids, I would struggle so much to conceive and wanted to give myself a chance to try for a good while before I would need to access fertility treatment or before I too have Premature Ovarian Failure. I also had mild concerns over DH's fertility. He had turned 32 in the May of 2010 and he'd had some delayed surgery to his 'gentleman's area' when he was a child that left him at high risk of infertility.

I also had to think about my career. Ive been a Doctor for 4 years and Im 2/3rd of my way through my GP training. The job situation for GPs once we qualify is pretty scary (as it is for all medical and health professionals due to the smelly ConDem government and their NHS cuts) and newly qualified GPs tend to stay on temporary locum contracts for a good while before they can get even a salaried GP job. Either way, the maternity leave/benefits are AWFUL then and as I am and always will be the breadwinner of the family, I wanted to have my child when it was financially possible for me to take as much time as I could at home and still keep a roof over our heads. As an employee of the NHS, this is just about possible for us now whilst Im still training and I have saved and saved and SAVED so we hopefully wont struggle too much whilst Im on mat leave (our mortgage is obscene and I pay the majority of it as I earn twice what DH does).

However, we brought our TTC plans forward a bit to August 2010. My mum was diagnosed with a recurrence of her cancer on June 17th 2010 and we had a turbulent summer. It made me realise that money, career, my constant dieting, whatever was so not important. Family was the most important thing and always would be.

At the time we thought my mum would be ok. And I started a new rotation in August where a colleague of mine confided in me that she was pregnant.

I made an impulse decision that day that we would TTC and, without telling anyone, went to the clinic to get my beloved Mirena out.

We had 3 months of basically, fantastic sex!!!! LOL :haha: We both have never enjoyed ourselves so much. I did go a bit control freaky over it with my OPKs and temping but still managed to make it fun for both me and my DH.

I got a CBFM for the 3rd cycle brand new at a bargain price of £30 (they retail at £100) and tried low dose Soy. I was convinced I was out and remember getting drunk with my DH on Baileys and crying to him that I was a 'defective woman' (yes, after just 3 months, Im a bit of a drama queen when drunk :haha:).

The morning after, I was persuaded by my buddies on here (new mummy K123 and KittyKatBabe who is 20 weeks :dance: ) to test and f*ck me it was :bfp: !!!!!!

Lol, you'd think I'd be estatic but I was SO freaked out! I think it was the shock compounded by working night shifts that weekend.

So my pregnancy has been completely not what I expected. Its been a true struggle, pneumonia, UTIs, anaemia, severe SPD and probably a dose of antenatal depression resulting in my finishing work 3 weeks earlier than I'd hoped.

Also, as you probably all know as Ive mentioned it a lot on here, my mum's cancer returned again and we found out on 14th feb (day before my 20 week scan) it is inoperable.

Ive had a lot of conflicting feelings about being pregnant now I have a terminally ill mother. I feel guilty, that I should have waited and spent the time looking after my mum. Im scared, because I will be bringing up my daughter without my mum by my side. Im happy, because it gives my mum something to focus on. We were convinced she would not make it to see Alice being born and God Willing....she's doing fairly well and hopefully will do.

I will never forget seeing those lines on that test and sobbing down the phone to DH.

I'll never forget at 6 weeks seeing blood, going to EPU and crying to the lovely MW when I had to tell her why I was attending (in front of the entire waiting room, it was awful).

I remember the week between my early scans (as they only saw a gestational sac at the first one) and the fear I'd lost my baby.

I remember crying at the second scan when they saw the baby and it looked like a prawn.

I remember my 12 week scan and laughing at how darn ACTIVE that little baby was, she looked like she was body popping.

I remember my first 20 week scan crying my eyes out because the Sonographer refused to allow my mum in with me to the scan (the day after we'd found out she was terminal) and accusing me of lying about my mum's illness to get her into the scan - I complained about her, dont worry.

I remember my second 20 week scan (attended by both my mum and DH after my awesome complaint letter) and the only image I can remember in my mind is the potty shot and seeing her little hamburger :haha:

I remember feeling her kick for the first time when we were going to a hospital appointment with my mum and it felt like she was kicking me, telling me it would be ok, we would get through this.

I remember just last week, seeing her entire tushy poking out of my bump!!!! I looked like I had a hernia.

So this pregnancy has been so hard in so many ways, not just because of the physical pain.

But I have a lot of memories from TTCing, getting that BFP and my journey through 1st and 2nd trimester that keep me going.

Im terrified about screwing this up and being a terrible mum and not being ready for it...

But the clearest memory is seeing those lines on that FRER on October 28th 2010 and knowing that ready or not, I was going to be a mum.:cloud9:
Wow ! Thats an amazing story. Congrats btw. I am 29 weeks with baby boy number 3. (my other boys are 8 and 4). This baby was a "surprise" for hubby and I. But either way we are both happy and very excited...also last baby for me. I never imagined I would have three children. I grew up always thinking I would have two children (thats all my parents had). And Im starting to get a little nervous thinking about how I am going to manage three children...looking forward to life's journeys that lie ahead :)
Congrats hon! I secretely would love 3 kiddies but I count myself lucky just to have my DD on the way :)
Mrs Pop, what a lovely story, genuinely brought a tear to my eye!
We though we were done at 4 then decided why not try for another one :) We talked about it and then talked to our kiddos and went on with the plan. We've always wanted a big family :)
aww what a lovely ttc story, I'm glad your mum is on tracks to see your lo born and i hope she is around to enjoy her for longer than anyone imagines.

I always said i'd never get married and never have children, I am the original wild child, i partied lots when i was younger and worked hard to build a career and be independant. When i hit 24 i was out one night with a group of friends and realised that not one of the people i was out with had i known for more than a couple of months and that apart from drinking we had not much in common, all my real friends were at home with their oh's and lo's or out doing things in moderation.

A week or so later i went to visit my parents in Cyprus to do a bit of diving and met a guy out there, this was a 10 minute meeting in a dive shop whilst i was with my then boyfriend, nothing amazing happened (apart from thinking cwooooorrrrrrr) and i knew this guy from around the dive sites but i just really wanted to get to know him more and had huge regrets that i was with someone. I came back to England and booked my next trip for 6 weeks later and iin the mean time was offered a promotion, i really don't know how or why but i knew things wern't right and handed my notice in the next day and decided that i'd take a 6 month break in Cyprus working at my dad's dive shop and pick up where i left off if i came back.

Anyways ditched the bf and went to Cyprus, 2 months later a friend introduced me to the dive site guy and that night we became an item, 3 months later we were engaged, 7 months after that we were married, its the best thing i ever done :cloud9: we stayed in Cyprus for another year then came back home. Hubby had a vasectomy in 2003 so kids were out the window but when his ds came to live with us i took him on as my own and it made me realise what i was missing so we saved and saved and had the op reversed in April last year.

After 4 months i had convinced myself it hadnt worked and gave up the opks etc and had a booze holiday back in Cyprus and set my mind on building both our new businesses and had decided if nothing had happened by time i was 32 we'd try treatment. On the 5th month i was a few days late but had af symptoms so held off testing for a few days and when i finally tested on the monday to "put my mind at ease" i went into shock at the cbd saying Pregnant 3+, hubby was promptly woken to the test being launched at him from across the room and it took him a while for it to sink in :happydance:

I actually walked around in shock for 2 days and had to do 3 more tests :haha: I've had a wonderful pregnancy and have loved every minute of it and can't wait to do it all again, although i had a panick about 20 minutes ago when i realised i may be in labour and that i'm actually having a baby lol
Oh Chelle what a GREAT story! I love you throwing the CBD across the room at DH :haha:

And it's your due date too! Congrats! Sending you lots of Quick 'n' Easy Baby Dust!!!!! :dust:
Mother of 4 do you think you will stop at 5 or do you think you might go for no 6?

In an ideal world I think i'd love a huge family but I'd have to win the lottery for that to happen :haha:
Thanks J23, Im gonna start crying now! :haha: Its been a long year and Im UBER emotional at the moment!
this is a lovely post glad u done it all the stories so far have been so nice so here is mine i have two daughters so didnt really think about having anymore then in 2006 i got pre cancer cells and had to have a op then i got endometriosis and constant cysts doctors wanted to do a hysterectomy and said even if i did try again they don't think i would have any more so a hysterectomy is my only option i said i would love to try so they let me and 3 months later i was pregnant and the best thing as it is my last doc wont let me have more for medical reasons bubs is a boy me and OH are over the moon i love this baby so much already and cant wait to meet him i bet all u ladies cant wait to meet ur LO to so good luck girls xxxxxxxxxx
Mother of 4 do you think you will stop at 5 or do you think you might go for no 6?

In an ideal world I think i'd love a huge family but I'd have to win the lottery for that to happen :haha:

Nope this is for sure our last:thumbup: My husband was going to get a vasectomy thankfully we held off but it's being planned after this one :) Babies aren't expensive either :haha: We are cloth diapering, making baby food and breastfeeding it's not 'til they are teenagers that they really start to rack up the food bills :)
Aw, Mrs Pop, you made me well up! I think i remember you posting in 2nd tri about the evil sonographer...
I was on the depo provera injection for over 8 years when we decided i should come off it and think about babies. i knew from reading about it that it could take 18 months for my periods to come back, but i didn't expect it to actually take that long. I did start getting periods sooner than that but i wasn't ovulating. Poor hubby, it did get a bit "right, it's time, come on" towards actually getting a BFP.
So after about 15 months i was ovulating and had a regular 28 days cycle... over the next few months i spent a small fortune on pregnancy tests and got upset every month when i wasn't pregnant and got jealous when friends announced their pregnancies or had babies... then i'd feel guilty for feeling jealous.
The worst was when insensitive stupid people would say "you've been married a while, when are you going to have babies?" :shrug:
They just don't realise how difficult/upsetting it can be until you start trying. :cry: So when i'd just about given up and was thinking that we were going to have to go and get a fertility check, i got the most painful boobs ever and thought here we go, period coming... did a pregnancy check just in case on the friday, negative. Had a boozy weekend at Twickenham rugby and a friends Mulled Wine party and got my positive on the tuesday! I still feel guilty about all the alcohol my 4 week 'baby' was exposed to!
I remember coming home from a late shift, weeing on the stick and two lines appearing! my hands were shaking, i put the cap on it and went downstairs to find my hubby. I had planned in my head something funny to say but i just couldnt speak and waved it at him instead... he said "whose is that?" :haha: and i just cried! :happydance:
Crikey, that was a long time ago now!
Although i've been very lucky with no morning sickness, i do have bad SPD and PGP and have had the worry hanging over us of what my epilepsy medication may have done to baby. But all my scans (12, 20, 25 (4D) and 28 week) have been normal and showed him to be hitting just above or just below average for all his measurements. :happydance:
Because he was planned, i had been taking 5mg folic acid for months before conception so that should've helped cancel out the effects of the meds.
I'm very happy and can't wait to meet my little man! :cloud9: I love it when my whole belly shakes with his kicks - slightly less at 3am but at least i'm getting used to less sleep?! :)
Off work with a cold at the moment, couldn't face sitting at my computer sneezing all day! but not long until i go on maternity leave anyway. His nursery is being decorated right this minute, all so exciting!
Oh you have me crying now, what a lovely idea for a thread.xx
Aw thats a great story Lilli!!!! And Im glad your little boy is doing so well!

My poor 4 week old prawn-baby had a LOT of baileys and she's ok :)
Dont you start crying Sassy!!!! :rofl:

:cry: damn you preggy hormones!!!!!!!!!! :cry:
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
My TTC story goes like this...


Lol. So excited though. I was on the pill and took it religiously, so he was just meant to be.
Aw soon to be 3 congrats!!! I hope once your LO is here your health issues are ok :hugs:
Well ours was a suprise baby but we were also expecting it lol.

I had wanted another baby for a long time, there were lots of arguments and tears about it, I know now OH was being completely sensible but at the time I was blinded by broodyness and we did hit a bit of a rough patch due my unrelenting begging for another child. (Reason behind this is that we are currently building a house, we live in a one and half bedroom cottage with a child already and had neither the room nor finances for another baby)

My coil was removed last May, it had started to fall out and OH agreed it could come out as I didnt like it all that much anyways. From then on we used condoms and I would use OPKs so when i had ovulated we would go 'bareback' until my period came. OH was very paranoid about us getting pregnant as it really wasnt the right time but I was adamant I wasnt going on any contreception as he had agreed to try in the New Year and i didnt want to hinder any chances.
So we had had a couple of 'near misses' over the months but never near OV time, I knew my body pretty well so I knew there was no chance.
One night I got woken by horny OH, got carried away and then realised the next day it was OV day. We did speak briefly about the MAP but 'Mr We Are Not Having Any Babies' said no and what will be will be. I think he had already decided that we were going to get pregnant whereas I thought surely that one time wouldnt come to nothing.
One night, I was about 8DPO we were off to a firework display and I had a complete meltdown, crying uncontrolably and saying no-one wanted me so I might aswell leave etc :wacko: half an hour later I was absolutely fine, nowI can be a drama queen but Im not that bad so the next day went to the pound shop and got a couple of cheapy tests and did one in my lunch hour, after a couple of mins, there it was - the line I had waited months and months to see.
Rang OH straight away who said 'I knew it, I dont have no trouble me' :dohh: a few more tests over the next couple of days put my worried mind at rest.

So here we are, still living in our one and half bedroom cottage but shall be in our new home a couple of months after he is born. We have a very excited big sister waiting and a daddy who is over the moon and cant wait to meet his son.

Ive had a fairly easy pregnancy so far, just a bit of MS, pains and niggles and my spectacular fall this week and have tried to enjoy every minute as it will most likely be my last one. Getting very excited to meet my little Jacob now.

MrsPop your story never fails to bring a tear to my eye :hugs:
My TTC story goes like this...


Lol. So excited though. I was on the pill and took it religiously, so he was just meant to be.

*dies laughing* :rofl:

Best story EVER!!!!!
Hey Barbles! *waves*

I love that 'Ive got no trouble me'....men get so proud of their :spermy: dont they?

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