Wicked Witch has arrived!! TTC BUDDIES - *1st BFP Confirmed!*

Isn't it on there? Or is it lasts mths? I'll try now... Not a lot on there as I didn't have a thermometer til yesterday morning. Used to love just staring at my chart but its rubbish now :( lol. Bd'd last night, was quite a bit in the cup, but with the Con Plus I can't really tell what it is, or what's C+ and what's CM! Confusing me big time lol. Xx
I usually ovulate day 11 which was yesterday, and no I dont temp.. Dont know how to and probably dont have the time too...BUSY BUSY..... I took another OPK this morning ill add it to the other pictures....
here is this morning, it is dried.... to me they are a lot lighter then my other ones yesterday


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Still not a positive... I find OPKs really hard to read! I tend to use the IC's and then I have a box of CB Digital OPKs for confirmation... Only had 1 Smiley face last Cycle and then my Temp rose the next day so I caught it just in time!
I definitely recommend Temp'in... Its easy peasey. I just take my temp when my OH wakes up for work ( 5.30am!! ) Note it down in my phone or pad and then go back to sleep til I need to get up myself! Then, when I'm up, I add it to Fertilityfriend.com and that does the hard work for u! Its definitely worth giving a go, as it confirms ovulation for u, and if, heaven forbid, it isn't happening for u and u need to go to the Dr, they'll act a lot faster and take u more seriously if have charts! Xx
Hey Carly,

You ov'd yet? I haven't. Hopefully I'll Ov earlier than last month (cd18). Tried my softcups. Can't believe how easy they are to use. Putting a little conceive in too.

Hope you're having a nice weekend. Good luck catching that egg.

Magrace. How are the OPKs?
Hey Bean!
Was just about to send a message coz the threads been quiet but u beat me to it!
No not Ov'd yet. Haven't been doing my OPKs, kept forgetting! Temp hasn't risen yet - should Ov between 2day and Tuesday accordin to FF. Been :sex: everyday since CD10. And been using the Softcups! Much more comfortable to sleep after sex now... Leakage used to wake me up :haha:
Tried to get OH to deposit in a cup this morning, which he did, but only a little bit... He wasn't comfortable with the concept but I just said "come'on! I want to experiment" so he agreed but I think he was thinkin too much about what he was doing, bless!
How much C+ u using? Is there such a thing as too much? I have quite a bit in there when I take the cup out so I'm going to try an use less... How u getting on? X
Bean, just stalked ur chart and saw ur temp rise! Do u think u might have ovulated earlier than u expected? Hope u've been baby dancing lots!!
I dnt know what's going on with me. OPKs have hardly any pink now, but was quite dark this morning so I think I may have missed my surge yesterday while I was add the wedding!
How u finding ur soft cups? I'm really concerned by what's left in them when I take them out... Drs always say I have a 'low' cervix wen I have a smear and it does seem to tilt towards my back, so I'm wondering if I'm totally missing it! Hope ur havin better luck... X
Good morning.

Yeah i'm liking the softcup too. Def better without 'leakage' wet patch. I used conceive plus last couple of time. Just but a little bit in and wipe it around a little. I'm not sure whether the plastic of the softcup is good for sperm . I have some left don't worry. I'll be a mixed of semen, dead sperm CM and Conceive. The sperm should have gone on their trip by then. If you are really unsure you can easily check it's in the right place. Prob easiest to check sitting, just reach in a l on the outside of the soft cup and you should be able to feel your cervix and make sure the plastic rim is on the other side of it. I'm pretty sure you're fine if you're pushing it as far back as it goes.

No not ovulated yet. My chart seems to mark the weekends and me having a couple of glasses of wine. Have lovely stable temperatures until I have a drink or two. I know I shouldn't. I am going to discard those temps as inaccurate.

Not sure I could get my OH to do that. He probably would if I asked but not sure I could bring myself too. Yet!

Hoping to Ov in the next few days. You might have not missed you Ov just keep going until your temp rise. Also the darkest of the OPK will vary depending on how dilute your urine is. I don't think you've ov'd yet keep going.
Yea I guess ur right. I'm back in work today so will be drinkin and pee'in less so should have a strong brew for when I get home :haha:
Can't actually reach my cervix atm... Tried to get OH to have a dig around but he wasn't playing for that demand... Lol.
Didn't dtd deed last night, OH had a bad belly. Good job I sperm jacked him wen I did... Lol.
U had a good weekend? X
Not been able to reach your cervix is a good sign. You should Ov today and tomorrow. Keep up the bding. We bd'd twice yesterday and will do everyday now until temp rise.

Had a lovely weekend been with 4 babies in 5 days and going to see a 5day old today! Hopefully they'll rub some babydust on me.

Did you have a good weekend?
Yea it was nice.
My best mate bought little Baby Evan to come and see me again on Friday. He's 5wks old today and a complete recipe for broodiness!
Had the OH's cousins wedding Saturday. Was lovely but a lot of hangin around! Started @ 1 and we didn't sit to eat till gone 6! Left after the food to get changed coz I was feelin uncomfortable in the dress I spend a fortnight gettin into, but we ended up going to bed instead and Tom ordered yet more food?? No wonder he had a bad belly... Lol.
Spent all day yesterday slothing and watchin films while Tom and Elliot went to watch the football and ended up stayin in the club.

Aw I hope they have rubbed some on u! I seriously just cannot envision gettin a :bfp: after so long... X
I am on the same track as you. I started AF on the 4th but I have very irregular periods so I don't know when I will ovulate or when next AF will show. Makes it very difficult. We are on cycle 10 of trying and just started preseed and baby asprin so we will see how it goes this month. Good Luck to you!
Welcome to the group angelria! Good luck to u too! :hugs:

Well girls... I hope ur all having a better day than me. My OH had to have his beloved Bullmastif put down this morning... I've never seen my OH cry. Its quite heartwrenching. Then had to break it to DS who is convinced that we are playin some sort of sick, twisted joke on him while sobbing his little heart out. I had to leave work early as I was so upset... But I get no comfort, I only provide it, apparently :(
Looks like I'm out the running this mth... Can't expect OH to be in the mood to dtd when he feels like his just lost his baby, can I? Don't even think I'm in the mood myself. Just a bit annoyin thinkin of the wasted effort over the last week.
Oh today is a sad day :(
Oh I'm so so sorry. One of our cats died suddenly on christmas day last year. We were beyond devastated. You provide everything for a pet and love them unconditionally. It makes it worse that except pet lovers and close family no one really understands. My OH cried more when our cat died than when his father died. Sounds bad I know but we treated out cats like our babies and had them since we moved in together. Sorry you are all having to go through this. :hugs: It took us a while to get over it but decided to get a rescue cat to be a friend for the cat left behind and to fill a whole in our heart. It also meant another cat wasn't sitting in a cage hoping for a home. It's way to soon now but maybe after christmas. Although you'll have a baby baking by then!

A little bding might make him feel better but best to let him make the first moves. Hope your son is ok. Treat yourself to some vino and chocolate. :hugs:

Hi Angelria - Welcome. Hope this cycle isn't a long one for you.

Dnt think there will be any BD'in... Only hooked my thumb in his waist band and he told me exactly that I had 'no chance' of getting down there, even tho I wasn't even tryin!
Frustrating that this cycles gone to waste now... But guess I need to suck it up and not be so selfish...
Was looking at gettin him a puppy for xmas, as I dnt think there will be anything baking (tho it is a lovely thought) but I dnt know... Lookin @ £700 and my new house is a bit small for such a big dog! My head hurts with it all... Horrible losing a pet. Sorry about ur cat too... X
Thanks love.

Keep an eye on the local rescue places. They get all kind of pedigrees in. Esp big dogs as people take them on without thinking how much feeding them is going to cost then abandon them.

You will have a baby baking I just know it. Don't rule this month out just yet. You never know.
Sorry again.X
I'll leave it til new year for now... See how the land lies then... Its exhausting in this house at the moment. I just don't know what to say or do...
Suppose I shud try to remain positive on the baby front. Hard to feel positive about anything at the moment! Thanks for listenin to me sulkin. Best ttc friend u r :hugs: hehe
I'm so sorry about the pets you ladies have lost. I've been through it myself a few years back. We lost one of our boxers in the pool :( I hope you are doing okay with it all and I do hope you find that puppy for Christmas.

Sorry I kinda disappeared! The DH doesn't like when I'm on the computer too much over the weekends. He's a truck driver so he's gone most of the week so I understand where he's coming from. I took a OPK yesterday, first of the cycle and had an almost positive after church but decided to retest a bit later on with another ic and also a CB midstream test. Both were much more pale than the first one which was a ic wondfo. I got nervous that I might be Oing early and hadn't had time to get in much BDing and none what so ever with egg whites, preseed or even a softcup at that point so that would be no hope. Good thing it was negative and still is today but I am getting watery CM so FF says I'm in my "most fertile" stage of the cycle.

Right now, I have a softcup in. The DH calls it my lab experiment of the month! LOL! We BDed but he kinda freaked out about using the egg whites so he didn't let me put any in beforehand. I told him then he couldn't finish in there because it's no good for the spermies. He said okay and then toward the end of the deal he asked where he should do his thing???? Well you didn't allow me to get a cup or anything ready you fool! He deposited on my belly, ugh and then we sucked it up in an oral syringe then sucked up some of the egg whites. I went and put my rump up on a pillow and inserted the mix, seemed like too much but it was only 2 teaspoons total maybe a hint more because I wanted to get every bit from the dish. I put in a softcup after that and laided with my butt in the air for about 10 minutes. Oh the things we try....

So how is everyone today and are any of you in the "fertile" zone yet?
Im past my fertile zone... Im all crampy! have been for 2 days now... Very gassy today... im hoping thats a good sign!
I've been in my most fertile stage for a few days. Recording CM but to be honest it couldve been Con+ I was seeing. Just don't know. Not had a positive OPK yet. Nor a temp rise. My boobs are looking and feelin swollen today - dnt know what that means! Feelin like this cycle has been a bust from the get-go, with my one day 'bleed' rather than an actual AF. And now with OH lookin like he got the weight of the world on his shoulders and not wantin to talk, unless in the unlikely event some of the little beggas are up there hanging around, I've got no chance coz I'm throwin the towel in! Will carry on tempin, just to be sure I get my confirmed ovulation, but other than that... I just haven't got the strength. - wow I'm a miserable cow today... Sorry girls!!

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