

Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2007
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hi hun, just wondered how you were getting on? How much does Caitlin weigh now? How's she sleeping?

Matthew dropped from 7,7 to 7,4 but that was last tuesday so is probably back up to his birth weight now. I can't believe how quick 2 weeks has gone. It's funny, at the end of my pregnancy 2 weeks went alot slower ! LOL. Matthew has some nice awake time now, the really sleepy stage has passed already, although he's still asleep alot. After his 10.30am feed he'll have an hour awake and then the same after his 7.30pm feed. Pretty much dozes in between. However he does now sleep from his 10.30pm feed right up until 4-5am. I'm quite impressed with that :) hopefully it'll stay that way.

Hope you are both well,
Naimi xx

Thanks for asking

Lil man is doing well huh :wohoo:

Caitlin was 7lb at birth and dropped to 6 something I think 6lb 7 but was told very normal then next weigh she was back to 7lb then next weigh she was the same ... (changed her milk between these 2 weighs as she would not keep SMA down) next she went up to 7lb 6 ... 2 weeks later to which she had been poorly inbetween she weighed 8lb 2 but HV not concerned at all and thought it was good as she expected her to drop again after being poorly plus she has suspected slight jaundice. Wanted to leave weighing WEdnesday gone & see her at baby clinic this Wednesday coming :D Shes happy though and we see a difference in her size now but seems quite a petite baby at same time

Caitlin had stages of 6-7 hours sleep in one day at the beginning but thats kind of faded :dohh: although getting back up to 5 hours ish but she too is becoming hard to settle and seems VERY alert - nice awake time as you put it :lol: Wouldn't mind so much if she did what Matthew does lol

You must share some more pics - I bet you have LOADS :mrgreen:
LOL, I swear I probably take about 10 pictures a day at least :) I'll post some more soon.

It sounds like Caitlin's weight is nicely on track now. I'm going to venture up to the health clinic sometime next week to have the little man weighed. He's eating well so I think he's at least back up to 7lb 7. Like you said, the midwife wasn't concerned because it was less than a 10% loss. I changed Matthew's milk too after about a week. He's now on the Aptamil and seems much more settled, brings up his wind better and is poo'ing a lot more regularly too.

I've probably jinxed it by saying what I did about his awake time being at decent times of the day. Going to seriously regret saying it out loud no doubt ! Lol.

Naimi xx
Here's a few of him with his proud siblings :) and me looking a little better than i did in his birth photo's :)




I was between aptamil and cow & gate (went with cow & gate). In her first couple of weeks she too wasn't winding very well or poo'ing often but saying that she started off very slow feeding! Even now we lucky to get 4oz down her but she is comfortable with that.

Hopefully lil mans weight has gone up if anything its a great feeling I was panic when she stayed at 7 on 2 weighs but was :mrgreen: when she went up over her birth weight. My HV uses the chart in my book she says she doesn't pay much attention to the exact weight gain but just likes to see the graph going up nicely that every baby is different and she will go at her own rate but a drop can cause concern is all.

We have digi scales at home - My OH puts her on those :D
I have digital scales too, but they only go up in pounds not ounces otherwise I'd do the same :)
Oh wow lovely pics :D You look great - I still look drained!

2 of each as well - they look really proud of their ikkle bro :mrgreen:

Have you completed your family now?
Oh he just told me he weighs himself then weighs himself holding her and works out the difference!
Yes definitely. I always say that i've been told by Andrew that Matthew is my last, but to tell you the truth I agree with him. We have 2 of each and although I love being pregnant, I didn't for a second realise how tiring being pregnant with 3 kids already at home would be. I was always exhausted and even through all my pelvic pain and general heavy pain towards the end, unfortunately sitting down and putting my feet up just wasn't an option. Once Andrew got home he would take over, but from 9-5 I had my jobs to do. So I definitely think that having another with 4 at home would be almost impossible, or at least I think I'd have a lot more problems because of the added stress. I surprised myself actually, I'm a very broody person but within a few days of being home I can honestly say i felt "done". Andrew is relieved :)

How about you?
4 is a nice number ... 2 is nice for us lol

Sooo one more but not sure when we will try - theres a debate about that and a disagreement over condoms :rofl:
This is Andrew and my best friend Missy. They were my birth partners and were a great help. I'm really glad I had some great support. Missy cut the cord too as Andrew was a bit grossed out by it :)

Was he :lol:

My OH cut the cord I didn't even want to see the placenta :blush:
is the disagreement "to use or not to use" ?? LOL I've got an appointment to see my doctor on Thursday and I'm going to go back on the mini pill then sometime in the near future Andrew is going in for the snip. However I think 2 bricks and a good whack would do it :)

If i could offer some advice about age differences i would recommend that my gap between Lucy and Matthew in my opinion is perfect. Matthew was born on the Saturday and Lucy started full time school on Monday 7th Jan. I have all day to spend with him (and nap if I need it) and then while he's sleeping i do stuff with the girls in the afternoon. However some think that 5 years is too much, I suppose its each to their own.
However I think 2 bricks and a good whack would do it :)
:shock: LMAO!!

I wouldn't want more than 2-3 I don't think but sticking with only 2 children the idea seems to suit!
However there's 3.5 years between Katie and Lucy and its great that they are really close, so both age gaps have their advantages.

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