

BnB Co-Founder ~ Retired
Aug 31, 2006
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My baby is home :happydance:

An old lady like 3 doors up had her bless! The woman is 96 I think. I felt so bad she didn't want to let her go. Her daughter knocked our door about 30 minutes ago I nearly cried ... I could cry! I am SO happy!

The lady told me that the £50 reward is pointless & to make a donation to the cats home so i will do that but I will be getting the old lady a bunch of flowers & have promised to print her off a photo by the end of today bless her.

Anyway :happydance: :happydance: :happydance: :happydance:
yay!!!! im so happy 4 u hun!!! :D
see i knew she ould come back to you :headspin::happydance::headspin::happydance::headspin::happydance::headspin::happydance:

That is fantastic news! I'm sure it is an omen for a change in your luck!! It brought a tear to my eye, soppy cow that I am.

looks like you're on a winning streak this week

lets home tha good luck continues!
Aww thats great news Wobbs :hugs: the old lady must have taken great care of her to get attached.
Definatley a change of luck for you.
Horrah! thats the best news Im sooo happy for you hun, I bet you will be spoiling her rotten now! just dont let her out of the house. :happydance:
:happydance: :headspin: :happydance: :headspin::happydance: :headspin:

Wobbs, this is fantastic! Im so happy that your kitty is finally home! This is wonderful!!!! I am grinning from ear to ear!:happydance:
yay!!!! so pleased for you hun :D

Yay!!! Am sooo pleased kitty is home :D Bet you cant believe it ... lol
Aww Great news Wobbles ! you must be so pleased!! xx
Fantastic news!! :yipee:

I agree with the others... this is a good sign... this is going to be a good week :hugs:

Thats fab news hun, am so happy for you :)
I hope it's a good sign to a good week but regardless I am so pleased to have her back. I just have to find out now if shes been shagging & get her done!!

I've decided to buy the old woman a plant rather than a bunch of flowers. I noticed she likes them as she has a few around the house and a massive one by her door. I took her round some pictures already though so will order the plant tomorrow - I couldn't order today with hospital appointment moro.

Just really pleased she seems to be ok & I've had kitty snuggles :headspin:
I bet you didn't want to let her out of your snuggles. I would miss my cats so much if they went walkies!
Awwwwww yayyyy so pleased she came back!!!

Bless her for looking after her! ... least you know theres a cat sitter on hand!

Looks like things are all going in the right direction!

Good luck for tomorrow and im really chuffed she came home to you!

She didn't come home I had to bribe her with felix :rofl:

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