So I'm 5+6 today, Iast year I had a mmc at around 8 weeks, mc in 2002 at 6 weeks, in 2007 I had a ectopic pregnancy ruptured at 7 weeks so i only have my left tube, in 2012 I had a little boy infact he's 3 tomorrow 😀, I also have 3 teenage children, anyway I'm totally worried this bean won't make it, I've been taking them bloody CB digitals, last one yesterday n still reading 2-3 so that's stressed me out, also Saturday night and last night had some tiny bleeding like literally pin drop sized, nothing more today, I had a scan booked for the 26th but I've rang this morning explained my concerns and so they have moved it to the 20th, I have lots of symptoms so that's good but I know from previous loss can mean nothing, also had anybody had straight forward pregnancy then bleeding say which resulted in a live birth, as any time I've bled it's been a bad outcome I know every pregnancy is different but gosh I'm worrying, just looking for reassurance really until I get a proper answer next Wednesday, thankyou xx