Would anyone like a tarot card reading? [closed for now]

I'll just post it then.

I have an older (50s/60s), larger man, balding...he has a black top on. Like a polo shirt. He's a pretty happy guy, a bit of a joker! He's singing and it's annoying me, which he seems to think is funny. He likes to have my attention. He says that I'm in trouble though. Not to keep 'her' waiting to long and he's going to hang around until I speak to 'her' to make sure I do.

Thought I'd put it out there!

lol he sounds quite a character but i never met my OH dad so maybe he is meant for someone else xxx

Possibly..... I might do your reading next just in case it's connected to you in some way. I'll probably get a better idea then. He's been around since last night.

People who come through don't have to have personal relationships with us. I had a reading done once and my great grandfather came through who died well before I was born.
I'll just post it then.

I have an older (50s/60s), larger man, balding...he has a black top on. Like a polo shirt. He's a pretty happy guy, a bit of a joker! He's singing and it's annoying me, which he seems to think is funny. He likes to have my attention. He says that I'm in trouble though. Not to keep 'her' waiting to long and he's going to hang around until I speak to 'her' to make sure I do.

Thought I'd put it out there!

lol he sounds quite a character but i never met my OH dad so maybe he is meant for someone else xxx

Possibly..... I might do your reading next just in case it's connected to you in some way. I'll probably get a better idea then. He's been around since last night.

People who come through don't have to have personal relationships with us. I had a reading done once and my great grandfather came through who died well before I was born.
aww thanks hun i didnt know it was possible xx
Here you go :) Please let me know your thoughts and if you feel it was accurate or any questions you have.

I'd love a general reading too xx

I did a 7 card horseshoe spread for you too. I will say that I had a hard time picking the 6th card.

Card 1: The Past


You have overcome a hard time, adversity through courage and strength that you might not have even known that you had. You may have recently reconciled with someone that you never thought you would have in the past. There is healing and recovery here, both physically and emotionally. You may have felt very conflicted recently, having a bit of an internal struggle within yourself, wondering if you've done the right thing.

Card 2: The present

King of Swords

This card shows a King, sitting on a throne who is very much in command but who is also wise and fair in judgement.

This card can either represent a person, or a situation.

If a person, it shows great strength and authority. Maybe someone involved in mental, analytical work like research, teacher, lawyer, etc. This shows a gift for thinking clearly and rapidly, an ability to express oneself vey well.

If a situation it mens that mental and communication skills are being called upon. This is the time to use your skills of negotiation and observation. There may be a situation in which a decision will need to be made. You may find yourself in a new situation that will require you to rethink your old plans. This may also be a good time to seek advice from those around you.

In this, be careful not to neglect your emotions. You may be behaving aloof and distant. This may cause others around you to feel that you are being insensitive or ignoring their feelings.

Card 3: Future, Hidden Influences

The High Priestess Reversed

You are a very intellectual person, but you aren't listening to your inner feelings. Something within you is seeking recognition. You are aware that something is stirring, almost like a fidgety feeling. To others you might seem not quite yourself, or a bit vague. Ignore this. You are in the process of finding your own way around things and finding out what is best for you. Listen to what you want more, don't say yes to something or someone when you really just want to say no. It's ok to look after yourself sometimes.

There may be something that you are burying in yourself or don't want to think about. If this is true, you need to feel the significance of it and deal with it internally rather than trying to process it in an almost scientific manner.

You have an internal conflict, but that's ok. Don't ignore your inner feelings. Accept them, process them and move on refreshed.

Card 4: What is happening now, your present position.

The Lovers Reversed.

Your separate parts are coming together. Realise that you can be brainy and beautiful at the same time. You can be strong, but also need someone too. You are resolving conflict and making differences into support for yourself. The Lovers are a symbol of two halves becoming whole, of a rift being healed.

The reversed lovers can also show a problem in a relationship around you. Harsh words and hurt feelings. This may be a good time to explore whether your all of your relationships are healthy or if you feel more duty bound by some.

Card 5: Circumstances and environment around you.

King of Wands

You are independent and resourceful. Your creativity and motivation will set you apart from others. You are a great communicator. The King of Wands is noted for a strong sense of loyalty and duty and shows someone who has a strong desire to help and look after others. This card shows good fortune, such as unexpected help or advice or good news.

There is someone around you who offers 'fatherly advice' someone that you look up to and trust their opinion, someone honest. It could be a partner, a parent, a mentor or someone you work with. This is a mature, caring person who looks out for you.

Card 6: What is blocking you

The Fool Reversed

The fear of the unknown. It is important to recognise the significance of this fear and how it hinders your view of the world. Pay particular attention to the opportunities you may have passed by because of your feelings of apprehension. This can reveal major barriers in your life. You can achieve so much if you choose to.

However, in saying that, this card says don't be too risky. You must be able to tell the difference between fantasy and reality. Not that what you want, or choose to do isn't ok, just that you should weigh up all the pros and cons carefully. Pause before taking any action and listen to your intuition. Don't be afraid to seek out advice.

Card 7: How things will develop, the outcome.

Nine of Cups

This is a wonderful card! It's often referred to as the 'wish' card and many people think it is the best card in the whole deck. It stands for joy, happiness, dreams coming true. Success and triumph. When this card appears in a reading you should think about what you truly desire and make a wish.

The Nine of cups assures material gain and comfort. It often is associated to endings, particularly with important projects or a cycle of work. Now it's time to reap the rewards and take it easy. The card urges you to take some time to have some fun and enjoy yourself because god things are coming your way.
Oh my goodness Avalanche! You sent me a private pm regarding my reading and it is spot on. I had three psychics tell me that I am going to have a little girl!! You had read my card perfectly. Thank you very much... Eeek!!
Omg I hope I am next ,this is great news g ,:happydance::happydance:am excited for you :happydance::hugs::hugs::nope:Thanks avalanche :hugs:
hiya could u see whats on the cards for me? if you have time
Here you go hun, please let me know if you feel it was accurate or any thought you have. :)

I would love a general reading too :) x

I used a seven card horseshoe spread for you.

Card 1: The Past


When Temperance appears in a reading, it generally stands for patience. In a past reference, that you have had to show restrain and patience, with a feeling of sitting on your hands! You're eager to go, but have had to show moderation or defer to someone else's plans. Temperance encourages you to moderate your impulses and behaviors. You may find yourself desiring things that go against your value system. You may need to slow down and examine where you stand in your current situation. It is important to be willing to compromise.

Card 2: The Present

6 of Pentacles

This card shows a rich man giving money to the poor while holding a set of scales. It stands for prosperity and shows that past financial problems are being resolved. Your income is steady and you feel that you have security. You are balanced. You may be even using your prosperity to help others. The 6 represents give and take too, so it might mean shared responsibility. Good things are coming to you and you are sending out positive things into the world. You are experiencing abundance and prosperity. If you are struggling financially, you will receive assistance. Previous investments can have big returns. In a tarot reading, the Six can suggest that you can receive a financial gift, loan or an opportunity to participate in something profitable. You may receive a job offer or promotion.

Card 3: Future, Hidden influences

Queen of Swords Reversed

This card is read in relation to the first two.

Be careful that your past has not left your feeling resentful and slighted. It is important to reconnect with your feelings. Someone may try to manipulate you through force or intimidation, do not let this person undermine you to twist things around you. Information that you receive needs to be confirmed and validated.

This points to a situation where you are going to get bogged down emotionally or may let your heart rule your head. It is important to remain balanced, fair, and non-judgmental but look after yourself. You may feel sadness and a need to withdraw, but it will pass and you will be ok.

Card 4: What is happening right now to you, your present position.

Queen of Wands

There is a sense of energy and motivation around a job or employment opportunity. In this case, you can expect a successful outcome. You will stand apart from others. Expect to be congratulated for a job well done. You may also have a sudden surge or creative ideas and initiative. This is the time to get into action and you are feeling motivated. You are shining right now and people want to be around you. You have the qualities you need to succeed, if there is something you want go out and get it. You are also feeling try in balance with your partner right now and even a bit on the passionate side :winkwink:

Card 5: Circumstances and environment around you

7 of Cups Reversed

So much is going on, you feel like your head is spinning. You may feel like things are passing you by or that you want to step back and take a breather. This card says you need to step forward. Allow yourself time to think things through and listen to your inner self when trying to make decisions, but don't shy away from making them. Your determination will pay off. You are now able to see matters as they really are. If you are clear about your goals, they can be met with success. Confusion has been replaced with clarity and you have know which direction you should pursue.

Remember though to act rationally and make sure your choices are logical ones. Focus on what is essential and act decisively. If your efforts have failed in the past, now is the time to take what you have learned and try again.

Card 6: What is blocking you

Knight of Pentacles

Hmm I get the feeling that maybe your OH is more practical than you might be? This card represents someone serious, hardworking and committed and it hands for fidelity, responsibility and determination. You can expect things your plans to develop over extended periods of time. You must remember patience but also perseverance. The Knight of Pentacles reminds you not to deviate from your goals. They will materialise, good things come to those who wait.

With this card I get the sense that you are feeling very proactive and ready to leap into something. Your emotions feel carefree, happy, loving but that your OH might be more methodical, thinking things through. Making sure everything is organised properly.

This card basically say that yes, things might happen slowly but you will get there in the end and remember, it's not a race.

Also, this is a positive card for money, so expect to have more of it soon and it may suddenly come in from unexpected places.

Card 7: How things will develop, the outcome


Faith in yourself will pay off. Believe that you can do something and it will happen. Your position is strong because you have become strong through trials and tribulations in your past. Let people around you know who you are, especially if someone has been trying to overshadow or bully you. This card says that you might even be able to reconcile your differences. You can now stand up to those that are pushing you around.

There is a new opportunity on the horizon that will require some risk taking. That's ok though, you have courage, strength and are feeling on top of the world. Practice self-discipline, remember patience and try not to act too much on impulse and you have a lot of bright things coming your way.


Things are very much looking up for you in regards to work and money. I get the sense of a job offer soon, but there is definitely more money coming your way! I think your reading is very positive and it gave me a warm happy feeling doing it. The cards have really emphasised that you need to be patient and let things run their own course but also don't be afraid of when new opportunities do come your way. Grab them with both hands! Your relationship with your OH looks very loving, solid and passionate and that you have a very loving family. I get the sense that someone either now, or in the future is trying to bully you a bit. It's jealousy. You will be able to stand up to them soon so don't let them divert you off your path.

Ohh thank you so much! So kind of you to spend your time doing this :) Im impressed too! :thumbup: My new job starts on the 27th and my mother in law has just this second left our house and said she will pay my partners credit card off! So I would say your very talented :flower: x x
Ohh thank you so much! So kind of you to spend your time doing this :) Im impressed too! :thumbup: My new job starts on the 27th and my mother in law has just this second left our house and said she will pay my partners credit card off! So I would say your very talented :flower: x x

I'm glad you liked it, and that's brilliant news that your MIL is helping and you have a new job. :happydance:
Oh my goodness Avalanche! You sent me a private pm regarding my reading and it is spot on. I had three psychics tell me that I am going to have a little girl!! You had read my card perfectly. Thank you very much... Eeek!!

I'm glad you liked it. I'm sorry I couldn't be more specific but I'm glad what I did say resonated with you. :hugs:
Oh Despie I hope you get a great one...waiting on mine patiently too...hope its good too :D
I'm hoping to do three tonight....

I will be jumping around the list, and I'm sorry it's not in any particular order. I WILL get to everyone in the next 3 days though, I promise. I do readings late US pacific time, so early morning UK time.

If someone wants a quick reading and would like me to pull just the one card, then I can do that sooner than waiting for a general reading. Each general reading take me at least an hour.

Thanks for being patient. :)
I'm hoping to do three tonight....

I will be jumping around the list, and I'm sorry it's not in any particular order. I WILL get to everyone in the next 3 days though, I promise. I do readings late US pacific time, so early morning UK time.

If someone wants a quick reading and would like me to pull just the one card, then I can do that sooner than waiting for a general reading. Each general reading take me at least an hour.

Thanks for being patient. :)
Waiting on my turn :)
As I said to you in PM, there was a lot of activity around this reading. To the point I found it hard to concentrate. I was continually being hugged and embraced as I drew the cards and the spirits around you very much wanted me to let you know that they are with you, around you and are looking after you.

They were very positive, loving, kind spirits and family members who have passed over.

oh i would love a general reading please good luck on your practising xx

I did a Celtic Cross reading for you.

Card 1: This represents you

9 of cups reversed

This card suggests it suggests disappointment that your wishes are not materialising. Perhaps there are a lot of desires that you have, but there is some frustration because these aren't being fulfilled. This card can also appear if you are feeling down or feeling like you have somehow failed or are finding it hard to see your own self worth.

For others looking in from the outside, you seem to have every reason to celebrate, however you don't feel content, either with what you've achieved or with life itself. You feel like you've achieved a goal, but it didn't happen the way you expected, or you had different anticipations.

Somehow, something is missing from the success. You may have been so focused on trying to get to a goal that you feel like you've missed out on the joy of the journey. You are looking at everything that is missing from or wrong with your achievement and might even be beating yourself up for the things you didn't do, rather than celebrating your success.

The cards also points to over indulgences, in food or drink. I feel that you feel that you have over indulged yourself and that you don't feel comfortable in your own skin anymore.

There could also be a feeling of a lack of money right now.

However, this card also says 'relax'. Have faith in the universe and have faith in yourself. Everything will be ok and as much as you want to try, you cannot control this. You will find your balance.

Card 2: Obstacles

10 of wands

You are spreading yourself too thin, trying to do too much. You feel a need to take everything on your shoulders and do it all yourself, maybe so that you don't trouble others or maybe so that you know it's done right. You are feeling overloaded. You may need to take a step back. Your hard efforts may be exhausting you. Remember to take time for yourself.

I have to ask, are you feeling that your health is affected at all? Are you feeling ill? Or very stressed?

If you have not been feeling well when this card appears, first give some thought to whether some or all of your symptoms could be a result of stress. You are likely to have been pushing yourself too hard for far too long. You are fatigued.

There is a concern over money. This is certainly not a time to be extravagant (no matter how flush you may be feeling) but it is also not a time to panic. Give yourself permission to take a break from worrying about the cash flow for a while. It's a cliche but it's also true: money really and truly is not everything.

This card also says though, that your burdens will be lifted from you. Your worries will be shifted, reapportioned or disappear entirely. Learn to delegate, ask for help and take less on. You will soon feel incredibly free and realise that trying to do everything or keep everyone happy really isn't what's important.

Card 3: Current influences, what is known to you.

6 of pentacles reversed

The 6 of Pentacles reversed can mean that you are not aware of the potential sources of help that are available to you. You may be feeling like you can do everything on your own. This would be a mistake. Don't be too proud or too stubborn to allow others to help you, or feel like no one cares. You have people around you who love you and care for you and are happy to share the load.

There is generosity around you, but you are yet to see it.

You must watch your spending at the moment. Carelessness or impulsive spending will lead you into trouble. Financial increase is available to you but not in the way you expect. It might come from a new business venture, a family or friend or simply cutting back on your spending and budgeting.

Card 4: Your past, foundation for the present.

Temperance reversed

There is a lack of balance here. Balance and moderation is key to a healthy, fulfilling life. Have a think and decide whether you are eating well, sleeping well, playing and working enough and/or getting enough exercise?

In relationships I am getting a sense of infidelity. Either your partner, at some point, believed that you had strayed or that they had strayed.

You may feel that you are giving 300% to a relationship while your partner is not even giving 100%. Just remember, they do love you and they are as invested into the relationship. They just show it in a different way to you. Try to take a step back and let it all just flow. Look at your deeper personal “issues” and see if or how these are standing in your way and if they are, how to work through them. do what you need to do to find balance, in yourself, in your relationships, and with your goals and aspirations.

Don't be afraid to ask for help.

Card 5: Recent history

Ace of Wands

The cards want me to acknowledge that you have a new baby, a new addition to your family. I'm kind of like ....yeah that's a given really! But the cards wants me to really emphasise this point and I have a very strong feeling of spirit around you, loved ones who have passed who are watching over you and your family. There is a sense of telling you how proud they are, how beautiful your child is and I get the feeling that they watch over you all, very protectively.

This card can have other meanings, but I am getting a very strong 'no, this is about the babba' feeling.

This is a really lovely, positive card to get and I feel a lot of love with it.

The spirits tell me that your beautiful baby is what matters the most, is the main focus. Everything else pales in comparison to how wonderful she is.

Card 6: What is before you, your near future.

The queen of wands

Quite a contrast to the past cards, this card stands for balance. The Queen of Wands is an ambitious card. She is energetic. You will find that you can multi-task are well balanced and can juggle home life and maybe even work simultaneously. You are a force to be reckoned with. People find you charming and you are the centre of attention.

You may find that an older, mature woman offers you advice which sets you on this path.

You are feeling energised, with more vitality and a can-do attitude. You quickly forget any burdens in the past and move forward. You will find a new level of happiness with your partner and everything just falls into place.

There is also another pregnancy on the horizon for you and the cards advise that if this is not want you want, then don't just take precautions but take extra ones too.

Card 7: Current state of mind, attitude

Knight of cups reversed

Things, overall are going well you just feel pulled in different directions. Be careful of those who offer you something that seems like it is too good of a deal for you to turn down.

In terms of relationships, there is a feeling that one half is more committed than the other or one half is doing more work that the other. You are feeling emotionally overwhelmed by the demands of the relationship. This can be worked out. Explore, and share, your feelings.

You may feel stuck or emotionally blocked. This is the time to tap back into your emotions, pay attention to your inner self and listen to what you want and what you need right now. Everything else will fall into place, just give yourself some breathing room.

Card 8: Family and friends

Page of Pentacles reveresed

This points to someone who seems unmotivated, uninterested and lost. There is a disappointment, maybe failing an exam, not getting a job or not having things work out the way they were supposed to. There is a sense of resentment, feeling hard done by. A sort of 'why me?' attitude.

You are very likely to be easily distracted now. Do your best to do one thing at a time, and keep your mind where it needs to be. Give yourself a break from your usual routine. If it's possible, even a long weekend to recharge your batteries can help you come back renewed and refreshed.

There may be miscommunication with family, especially if someone is trying to help. Remember their intentions are good.

Card 9: Goals, hopes, fears

Two of wands reversed.

There are feelings of frustration and anxiety as you wait for something to happen. You may feel as though you have made the wrong choice. Your energy may be scattered and you are unable to focus. A situation may not seem to be working out the way you thought it would.

Your own doubt is causing you to lose your focus and energy. There may be altercations or disagreements with your partnerships.

However, a pleasant surprised headed your way soon. Take the time to think positively, and to be grateful for the gifts that life is bringing you. Allow yourself to take joy and pleasure in the little things. Remember to keep your emotions in perspective. Sometimes what you feel is not the total reality of the situation and things are not as bad as they seem.

A relationship will deepen or become more committed and you will literally feel swept off your feet.

There is a relief from financial worries and a positive surprise with money.

Things are looking up.

Card 10: What will be

King of cups

Emotional well-being and harmony. Happiness. Direct your energy, set your goals high and you will achieve amazing results. There is a complete calming in yourself. A sigh of relief and knowing that everything has ended up as it should have. You are positive energy around you.

This card suggests a time of compassion in your life. You have a quieting, accepting nature, and are a natural healer. People are drawn to you. Remember to balance your own needs with your compassion for others.
wow hun so much of it hits the nail on the head-overindulging not feeling good in my own skin-not feeling my OH is 100% and it was hin that was unfaithful to me a couple years back-you describe me perfectly i am quite stubborn and tend to try to do things myself rather than accept help.
Am i feeling ill? i am feeling very run down and stressed at the moment i do need to get healthier for my own sanity:blush:
Its quite scary how you say i feel like ive missed the journey to where i am now- i probably sound selfish but i all i ever wanted was to find someone i love and settle down with a baby and i do find myself thinking when all my mates go out or on holiday etc. but then i look at her and i wouldnt change her for the world:cloud9:
Thank you so much im sure there is plenty more i could say but you truely do have a gift.:flower:

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