Would anyone like to share their Birth Plan?


Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2009
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I never got round to doing one last time and i felt a little uneasy when i went into the hospital as i was worried i would forget to tell the MW something.

I had an idea of what i wanted though and it worked out well.

This time i want to be prepared as there are a few things such as Delayed cord clamping that i want to be able to do.

So would anyone like to share theirs?

Just so we can all have an idea of what to put on there and how to set it out etc?

This was my initial one (home birth) but I changed a few things when we decided to go for hospital birth:

• I prefer to be known as Nikki or Nik.
• My birth companion will be my husband, Kevin (mobile ***, work ***).
• This is our second pregnancy, first child. The baby is a boy and currently known as Munchkin.
• All being well, we intend to birth our son at home as we feel I will be more relaxed and therefore progress better than in hospital.
• I will be using hypnobirthing techniques for comfort and intend have a pool to hand should I need it.
• Please do not offer me pain relief, I will ask for G&A if required.
• Please encourage me to keep active in order to progress my labour. Do not allow me to rest on my back, but assist me in finding comfortable and progressive positions.
• As this is our first birth I trust your clinical judgement on method and frequency of monitoring mine and baby’s wellbeing.
• The wellbeing of our son is our top priority therefore I am willing to transfer to MMH at the first sign of trouble.
• Please delay clamping of the cord until it has finished pulsating.
• My husband would like to cut the cord.
• I would like immediate skin-to-skin contact unless the baby requires medical attention.
• I intend to breastfeed and would like to attempt to do so as early as possible after birth.
• I would prefer a physiological third stage but am open to your clinical judgement based upon my condition at the time.
• I am happy for baby to have the Vit K injection.
In case of blue-light transfer
• I am content to have a C/S if that is the safest and quickest way to birth our son should he become distressed.
• If C/S is performed I wish to have my husband with me in theatre, and baby to be placed on my chest asap. If I am under GA, my husband to have immediate skin-to-skin.
• If baby is to be removed from my sight for medical attention, my husband must accompany him at all times.
• Breastfeeding is very important to us. Please do not feed the baby unless he needs feeding while I am under general anaesthetic.

my MW later pointed out that if I'm having a crash section under GA, hubby won't be allowed in theatre. I couldn't have delayed cord clamping or physiological 3rd stage in the end as I had meconium so needed to get the boy out pronto. They were really good at not offering pain relief except the pool and I didn't ask for it once I was fully dilated (didn't need it).

Good luck!
My birth plan...........


The end! ..... lol
My birth plan...........


The end! ..... lol

:rofl: this cracked me up!!!

I actually stole mine from someone on here and changed a bit.

BIRTHING PARTNER: xxxxx - Husband. I would like my husband with me at all times during my labour.

• I would like to try a water birth.

• I would like to be free to move around/ change position/have use of a birthing ball etc throughout labour.

• I would prefer to keep the number of vaginal examinations to a minimum.

• I would like to use gas and air. Although I would like the option of other pain relief if I require / ask for it, such as pethidine or an epidural.

• Unless absolutely necessary I would like to avoid an assisted birth using either forceps or ventouse, unless my baby is in any danger.

• Unless absolutely necessary I would like to avoid a C-Section, again unless my baby is in any danger. If I do have a C-Section then I would like the baby given to my husband as soon as possible.

• I would prefer not to have an episiotomy unless required for the baby’s safety. I would also like to have a local anaesthetic before this is performed.

• I would appreciate guidance in when to push and when to stop pushing so the perineum can stretch.

• I would like the baby placed on my chest immediately after delivery.

• I would like my husband to cut the umbilical cord.

• I am happy to have the injection to speed up the delivery of my placenta.

• If the baby must be taken from me for any reason, I would like my husband to accompany the baby at all times.

• I am happy for my baby to receive Vitamin K, by the means advised by the midwife (injection / orally)

• I would like to have the baby with me at all times.

• I would like to have ‘skin to skin’ contact with my baby as soon as possible and for as long as possible after delivery to help with feeding and bonding.

• I plan to breastfeed and would like to try nursing as soon as possible.

• I would appreciate any help and guidance with breastfeeding should I experience any difficulties in this area.
Ironically my only plan was to avoid a c-section at all costs. In the end I never even had one contraction before being whisked off for an emergency c-section as LO's heart stopped when they tried to induce me.
Mine was very simple.

My mum and husband as my birth partners,
Water and gas and air for pain relief
physiological 3rd stage
vitamin k for baby.
skin to skin and breastfeed as soon as possible afterbirth
My birth plan...........


The end! ..... lol

LOL I love it :thumbup:

I don't have a set birth plan yet, other than knowing who I want in the room and that if it hurts (which I'm sure it will), I want pain meds. Other than that, I'm going to just wing it. I always find that if I plan things out, they never tend to work out that way (at least not for me) so I'm just going to see what happens.
I had a birth plan, all natural, absolutely nothing went according to plan except that I avoided a c section, so in the end it was of no use to me. Your best bet is to be flexible to change and be ready for anything
i didnt have a birth plan with amelie and wont have one this time either but i have a general idea of what i want this time.

home birth using the pool for pain relief and maybe gas and air if I need it
id like to deliver in the pool in an upright position
i want to catch my own baby and bring him up to my chest for skin to skin in the water
my mum is to cut the cord once its stopped pulsing
natural 3rd stage
im happy for LO to have vit K

If for any reason I need to have a csection in hospital i want to keep it as natural as possible
I want to watch LO come out of me and he's to be placed straight onto my chest. I do not want him cleaned up before and under no circumstances is he to be given formula without MY consent.
Thanks everyone, i still need to do mine and this is giving me some good ideas xx
Mine is also very simple -

Give me what I want when I want
I do not want an epidural
Do not let the baby out of mine or my partners sight

I don't think I am asking for much !

Fingers crossed

Just remembered some advice my (lovely) midwife gave me. She said don't worry with a specific birth plan, just make sure you know what you might be offered and that you understand all the terms they might use. You can't know whether you're going to end up with a straightforward birth or a complicated one, but you can know what your options are in both scenarios.

I just wanted to add too that I really wanted immediate skin to skin and delayed cord cutting, but with the c-section the cord has to be snipped and with the amount of meconium my LO had to go get sorted out before I even saw him. If it's an emergency, don't fight the medical pros-they just want the best outcome for the baby and you (as I'm sure no-one would sacrifice their LO for the birth experience they want if it came down to the choice)
What is this 3rd stage please?

It's the bit between baby being born and delivery of the placenta. The big choice here is whether to have physiological (natural) third stage, or an injection to speed up delivery of the placenta. Both have their pros and cons.

This is also where you would specify whether you want Delayed Cord Clamping - leaving the cord to pulse until all the blood in it has been passed back to baby :flower: A lot of trusts in the UK now seem to be delaying clamping as standard (unless mum or baby's condition dictates otherwise, as in my case).

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