I had an emergency section as my daughter decided to arrive 4 weeks early and bum first. Added into that the hospital told me I wasn't in labour (my waters had broken earlier int he day) sent my stand in birth partner away and put me on the maternity ward.
When I asked for pain relief they identified I was in labour, 4cm dilated and that my baby was actually breech. Within about 15 mins I was 8cm. But they did manage to get me into theatre on time.
My section was a good experience, my recovery was fantastic.
But the question is - will I have a section again? And I think the answer is yes - here is why
- Out of all the options, forceps is what scares me most for some reason.
- We have a family history of big babies, my mum and her brother were 9 and 10lbers 50 years ago; I was 8lb 12 and my brother was 10lb 15oz (serious ouch for my mum). Although a month early my little girl was still 6lb 9oz; at full term or overdue she could easily have been an 8lber. A second baby is likely to be bigger again
- my recovery was fantastic
- I don't have any concerns about not having a vaginal birth; I know many women feel that they somehow haven't done it 'properly', they have my utmost sympathy but its just a view I cannot and do not subscribe to. the main thing is that baby and mummy are healthy and happy
- I know that a higher percentage of vaginal attempts after a previous section result in either instrument delivery or section anyway compared to those who haven't had a section
- if you go overdue you can't be induced, you just have to stick it out or end up being sectioned anyway
- I have a little girl already and having an actual date will actually make it easier to arrange for her to be looked after
- my husband works off shore and this would prevent us from 'wasting' his time home waiting for me to go into labour!
But - it doesn't stop me going early again, and hubby can still potentially miss this birth as well. Let's hope he doesn't
And if I do go early, I can change my mind at that point and go naturally. It feels like a win-win to me!