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Would you choose a C-section again?


Mummy & Expecting #2
Feb 4, 2010
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I had an emergency C-section with my little girl due to failure to progress after 23hours of established Labour (hell on earth) Now with my next baby My doctor says I have a choice wether to try for a natural birth or I can opt for a C-section again. Would you choose a C-section again if given the option? xxxx
I personally would go for the vbac, after having an emergency c section followed by two successful v bacs, but you really need to way up the pros and cons for yourself maybe discussing it with your midwife may help
I dont know i dont like the idea of another c sec as recovery for me was awful and next time i will have 2 chldren to look after most probably newborn and toddler so vbac would be better in that respect but then im terrified of uterine rupture so that puts me off vbac.

I think i will probably talk to the consultant in my next pregnancy and go with whatever they think is best then it is out of my hands so to speak and i dont have to keep going between the two and driving myself crazy!
I'm so torn. I was a bit traumatised by the emcs but got through it. I'm scared something will go wrong with a VBAC. I have an irrational fear that baby will get stuck! I also have ulcerative colitis so not sure if a vaginal birth would make this worse? Eek it's such a difficult thing to decide. I'd have to discuss it with a midwife/doctor I think.
I'm such a scaredy squirrel that a VBAC terrifies me and I recovered decently from my C-section but I don't know. I will wait until I"m actually pregnant again and see what my doctor says.
After much discussion and research I want an elective csection after my previous emergency section because my experience last time was awful and in my opinion they let me labour too long before deciding on the surgery. Trouble is that my dr wants me to have a vbac so I have a fight on my hands to get my elective!
I had an emergency c section with my first after a failed induction at 42 weeks, and this time was given the choice. It took me literally 30 weeks to make my mind up, but have gone for the elective section option as I am more scared of having to undergo another emergency section after possibly hours of labour.
This way I feel like I have *some* small element of control over the birth experience. Yes, recovery is a bit rubbish, but I don't know any different having never gone through natural labour and delivery and I can plan things and I know what I'm letting myself in for!
I am being sectioned at 39 weeks, however I have the option to change my mind at ANY time, and if I was to go into labour before then, I have the option of seeing how it goes. Personally the idea of being continually monitored during labour puts me off. I know you can refuse it, but they do it for a reason and I would rather my little one arrived safe and sound. It doesn't really matter how they get here in the end.
Also, knowing that it would be a section anyway if I went overdue, made my mind up for me. Induction isn't allowed after previous c sects at my hospital, so instead of waiting until possibly 42 weeks again, I know what date she's going to be here and can plan accordingly!
Go with your gut feeling, I did, and as soon as I made my mind up I felt SO much better! I was driving myself mad looking up the pros and cons of vbac vs elective, and reading horror stories on google didn't help! Know that you can always change your mind at any time. Sorry that was a bit of an essay, but I hope it helped! :)
In all honesty, I'd only have a section again if I "had to"... If I knew my baby was under 8lbs and everything was going smoothly I'd much rather a VBAC!

Reason being that the section recovery is so bloody painful!

If I suspected a large baby I'd have a section again in a flash as I won't put my baby at risk of a shoulder dystocia delivery which happened with my second baby who for some reason was quite large.
Not sure my section was an elective for breech so a totally different experience and a great one. Id say for ease id have another section as Ive recovered V well but part of me wants to experience a natural birth so id be tempted to go for that, but Id have no issues having another section x
Well after 48hrs of back to back labour then an emergency c section where he got stuck and had to be pulled out with forceps by the registrar i'm not sure. I think I'll book an elective then ask for a late scan to see how big the baby was and what position it was in. There's no way I could do that labour again.
My recovery took longer than I expected and I hated the way my stomach felt. I think with a second baby it would be too difficult for DH to take care of me, a toddler and a newborn. I would also love to experience labour, but at the same time, I'm terrified of an emcs more than anything. My planned cs (baby was breech) was emotionally managable.
I will definitely be having the c-section. I had a very long, very painful induced labour, ending in an emcs. I really would never want to go through that again.
I had a horrid 40 hour labour that ended with an emcs. I thought before labour that a c section would be the worst thing ever and the thought terrified me but now having had the section and recovered quickly and easily I would definitely choose the c section again. DH said halfway through my labour that he couldn't bear to watch me go through it again and we did consider not having another child. 11 weeks down the line and yes we want another one but I'm too scared to take the risk for a vbac xxx
I would probably TRY a VBAC if I was able to just for the experience of it BUT if its whats best (CS) then sign me up. This will be number 3 for me.
I had an emergency section as my daughter decided to arrive 4 weeks early and bum first. Added into that the hospital told me I wasn't in labour (my waters had broken earlier int he day) sent my stand in birth partner away and put me on the maternity ward.

When I asked for pain relief they identified I was in labour, 4cm dilated and that my baby was actually breech. Within about 15 mins I was 8cm. But they did manage to get me into theatre on time.

My section was a good experience, my recovery was fantastic.

But the question is - will I have a section again? And I think the answer is yes - here is why

- Out of all the options, forceps is what scares me most for some reason.
- We have a family history of big babies, my mum and her brother were 9 and 10lbers 50 years ago; I was 8lb 12 and my brother was 10lb 15oz (serious ouch for my mum). Although a month early my little girl was still 6lb 9oz; at full term or overdue she could easily have been an 8lber. A second baby is likely to be bigger again
- my recovery was fantastic
- I don't have any concerns about not having a vaginal birth; I know many women feel that they somehow haven't done it 'properly', they have my utmost sympathy but its just a view I cannot and do not subscribe to. the main thing is that baby and mummy are healthy and happy
- I know that a higher percentage of vaginal attempts after a previous section result in either instrument delivery or section anyway compared to those who haven't had a section
- if you go overdue you can't be induced, you just have to stick it out or end up being sectioned anyway
- I have a little girl already and having an actual date will actually make it easier to arrange for her to be looked after
- my husband works off shore and this would prevent us from 'wasting' his time home waiting for me to go into labour!

But - it doesn't stop me going early again, and hubby can still potentially miss this birth as well. Let's hope he doesn't :wacko:

And if I do go early, I can change my mind at that point and go naturally. It feels like a win-win to me!
I had an emergency C-section with my little girl due to failure to progress after 23hours of established Labour (hell on earth) Now with my next baby My doctor says I have a choice wether to try for a natural birth or I can opt for a C-section again. Would you choose a C-section again if given the option? xxxx

I had the same thing, went in wanting an all natural-no drug birth... after over 30 hours of constant contrations ended up with a c-section because I wasn't dilating (even after 12 hours on pitocin.) I wouldn't change anything, all the pain was worth it, it was a wonderful birthing experience.

My doctor says when we have another child he'll want to do a C-section at 39 weeks but I want to try to have a natural birth again.
I am choosing a c-section this time too, I chose one last time but had to have an emcs because I had been in pre-term labour for 26 hours and they couldn't stop it.

I accept that the next one probably will be very different from the first one but I know what to expect and believe in getting moving as soon after as possible. The nurses last time felt that my recovery was smoother and better because I didn't insist on being wheeled around. At the time I just wanted to go to NICU to see my baby, it was quicker to walk there myself lol.
I had a horrible experience with my dr., nurses, and I would not do another c section ever unless I have to. I had one in the first place bc labored for 24 hrs. I got to a five and my cervix started swelling and baby was turned side ways not facing my back and I had a fever so they decided to take her. I am searching for a new dr who is willing to do vbac and I have done tons of research.
I went in no pain meds no nothing! I dilated, but my water never broke. The dc broke my water, and was in labor for an hour before they said nothing was happening. I was rushed in for emergency c section, and the cord ended up around his neck. He ended up being over 9lbs, and they said he wouldn't of even fit through my canal.

I definitely want natural birth next time. The recovery time is so much quicker, and less painful.

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