Wow.... just, um, wow...

dizz - i totally agree with you, as much as the person who took it shouldnt have i don't think by any chance they are a peodophile, i think it was more a shock. but the mother must of expected this reaction
We live in a world where people are MORE outraged about the photo being taken than the utter total lack of respect for the other diners who really didn't expect to pay for their meal with an added side of a mid-meal poo for entertainment. That says a lot really.

The world does not stop rotating because you have a child, other people's rights to a decent, hygenic, intrusion-free meal don't vanish because you have a child, the restaurant's rights to not have environmental health all over their ass and their custom leave because of this don't vanish because you have a child.

I imagine whoever took the photo was so shocked at what was going on and felt, like lots of people do, that you're right-less up against someone with a child who'll just go ballistic on you if you point out that "hang on - that's really not on" that they did the only thing they felt they could do to convey how utterly disgusting the behaviour was - hopefully the public reaction gets the message across for anyone else wanting a bit of between course potty training as well.

I agree. There is no way i would sit and eat dinner looking at somebody (anybody!) naked at the table never mind on a potty. If i walked into a restaurant and saw this i would leave. If they came in and i was already eating i would not continue..
Am I the only one who noticed the comment that said this was the same as breast feeding in public?

That said, what these parents did is disgusting. Those portable toilets are not hygienic, and should not be forced on the restaurant, the staff, and the guests.
LOL the guys attitude is hilarious, the fact he even says he stood by and watched his wife potty train the children makes me chuckle. Bless him. He clearly has no idea what the whole process of potty training can be like for some children.

No I dont think its entirely acceptable to let your child use the potty at a restaurant table but what's with people bashing using a potty (as in portable mini toilet not a full size toilet in a bathroom)?

They're pretty much standard practice here in the uk, its no more unhygienic that your kiddo sitting in a nappy full of poop.

If I saw that I would probably take a picture to show people what a LOlsome thing I had seen.
Absolutely no excuse for sitting your child on a potty in a restaurant while eating. Take them into the toilet! Pure laziness IMO.

So what if she might be potty training. I've got 3 kids so been their done it and never once have I had to resort to my child sitting on a potty while eating a meal. It's disgusting! You wouldn't do it at home so why is it ok surrounded by a load of strangers?? It's disrespectful to the child and the people around paying for their meal.

It's completely different to a baby in a nappy:dohh:

Oh and we have that exact same potty. It's huge! No way would I be lugging it round a restaurant!
Ha you'll like this then...

We went to a restaurant a couple of years ago and Logan needed his nappy changing. We asked the staff if they had a baby change room as there was no space to do it in the toilets, they said sorry no... Do it on a spare table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We did it on the floor outside the toilet as there was no way I was going to change a nappy on a restaurant table!!
I understand potty training is hard..Im currently three days in.

This is so bloody wrong though! What were the parents thinking? what were the restaurant thinking allowing this? Shocking!!!
Ha you'll like this then...

We went to a restaurant a couple of years ago and Logan needed his nappy changing. We asked the staff if they had a baby change room as there was no space to do it in the toilets, they said sorry no... Do it on a spare table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We did it on the floor outside the toilet as there was no way I was going to change a nappy on a restaurant table!!

Wow what were they thinking?!

I once changed Erin on a table in the job centre when she was only a few months old. I asked if they had any changing facilities and they said no and took us into a private room and said use the table. Hardly ideal but at least nobody could see or were eating and i put the fold up changing mat i had in my bag down first.
Ha you'll like this then...

We went to a restaurant a couple of years ago and Logan needed his nappy changing. We asked the staff if they had a baby change room as there was no space to do it in the toilets, they said sorry no... Do it on a spare table!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We did it on the floor outside the toilet as there was no way I was going to change a nappy on a restaurant table!!


Having worked in food service, that is horrific to me. Fecal matter is a huge source of disease. I can't believe that they suggested changing a dirty diaper on a table where people were going to be eating. I know that kids need to be changed and all, but on a table??
I feel so sorry for those kids.

Surely it totally defeats the object of potty training?

I thought that the point of potty training was for the child to recognise that they need the toilet and tell an adult? But if they are just being plonked straight on a potty for the duration of a meal, able to poo and pee whenever, surely they may aswell be wearing a nappy?

I just feel embarrassed for them
That's just disgusting what was the mother even thinking?? I'm potty training JJ at the moment and if we do go out it'll be nappies until he's well used to it and can tell me he needs to go etc. Also who puts an all in one outfit on a child that's potty training and going out - had she no thought process going on beforehand to tell her that the children would be more or less naked on the potty? I just think the whole thing is revolting - kids need to be taught toilets and food do NOT go together. I've been in the loo before and JJ wandered in eating an apple (because why would he let mammy have even that time in private lol) and I took the apple from him binned it and explained to him that food doesn't go into the bathroom it's not nice.

Also she had 2 kids on the potties not one - did none of the restaurant staff spot a woman coming in with 2 big enough potties and wonder WTH or when serving them etc?

The article is awful too there are no words for the things he's written especially the M word he used about other ppls kids:nope:
wow just wow, why is it that the restaurant owner wasn't notified and told and then had them cover up their child and stop the public crapping...thats just a health code issue right there.

as for the whole snapping a photo, I don't see any genitalia in the photo and I'd personally probably snapped a photo just because who the heck is going to believe you without evidence???
If you take a look at the rest of the site you'll notice that the guys that wrote this site/blog seem to pretty much be knuckle dragging twats.

Straying away from the misguided potty training technique - the more I read it the funnier I find the guy who has written this 'article', EC for hippies, heartless babies, being unable to deal with god forbid your child poop, asking 'did you give birth on your driveway?' (ERMAGERD people dont have hospital births? Doesnt that make you a ****** type comment ).

He's laughable.

Its no wonder he throws the term mongoloid in there. It seems doubtful he really knows what offence the term could cause.
love how they carried on eating and mum dishing up whilst they were sitting there taking a dump! now thats multitasking!

just disgusting on every level!

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