WTT Survey

1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Cecillia

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Shawn

3. How long have the future parents been together?: Together nearly 7 years, married for nearly 5

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: Whenever I get to a healthy weight, which will hopefully be this time next year :thumbup:

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: This is going to sound terrible & bitter, but seeing people get pregnant by "accident" who either don't want more kids or shouldn't have more kids.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: Girl!

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: Girl

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: Nope. With my first, I did enjoy being pregnant around the holidays though :)

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Going through the whole process again...baby kicks, morning sickness, rubbing da belly :haha:

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? Making sure I'm getting to a healthy weight to have the healthiest pregnancy possible.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: No boy names, but I like Savannah Grace for a girl (the hubby doesn't!)

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Just sounds pretty :cloud9:

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: Nothing at first, I think I just want to enjoy the process the first couple of months.

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: Possibly, yes.

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process?: Nothing actually lol.

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: Possibly, yes.

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: Not yet, but I will once I'm healthy enough to get pregnant again.

19. How many children would you like to have?: 4!

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: Nope.

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: Nope.

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: They don't know.

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: Nope!

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Trying to lose 64 lbs...I think that counts as big :haha:

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: Yes.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: Nope.

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: I already am, but I'm definitely ready for 2!

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: Infertility meds and then adoption.
1. Name of the future mommy to be?: Springmommy ;)

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Springerdaddy

3. How long have the future parents been together?: Friends since 11/2004, together since 10/2011, married since 10/2012.

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: Valentine's Day, 2015!!! :)

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: One of the hardest things is seeing girls who are not in a stable place in their lives being blessed with a baby. I can't help thinking, "We're so much more ready!" Judgy or not, that's how I feel.

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: Girl :)

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: Boy :)

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: November 2015

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: Everything... but something that stands out is telling our parents. They will be THRILLED!

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? Becoming stable in our marriage, finances, housing situation, working on my MSW and being good to myself.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Caleb Cecil or Caleb John, Kary Elaine :)

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: Some are family names.

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: Check my CM, continue to use my Kindara app, maybe some ovulation predictor tests.

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: Possibly. I have part of a pack in my dresser drawer. We will see!

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : He's basically being encouraging and being a good (co)-provider! And helping me practice ;)

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: No idea. We will cross that bridge when we come to it.

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: No. Honestly, I'm not sure if I will.

19. How many children would you like to have?: 2-3

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: 1 outfit. :)

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: What to Expect When You're Expecting

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: The ones that know are supportive.

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: Just a couple of them know and they're excited!

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: Bought a house, got a full-time job, working on grad school so I can get a better job/career.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I will have a drink here and there. I plan to cut down to almost nothing as we get closer. I don't do illegal drugs. I am on one prescription that I will be weaned off of as the time approaches.

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: Yes!

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: With God's help, yes.

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: I'll keep working on my Master's and keep trying!! If by August when I finish, I'm still not pregnant, I'll put my energy into finding a career. (Current job has decent pay and bennies, but I'll want something better after I get my MSW.)

This was fun! :)
I totally agree with you about seeing people who shouldn't have kids being a difficult thing!! That's basically what I said, as well! Too bad people don't need a "license" to have children, or at least get married first... (I'm oldschool.)
1. Name of the future mommy to be? Cassie

2. Name of the future daddy to be?: Aston

3. How long have the future parents been together?: 9 Years! Yikes

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?: Jan 2016

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?: Waiting ... Im so ready now

6. What does the future mommy want to have?: A healthy baby

7. What does the future daddy want to have?: A healthy baby

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?: Sept/October

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?: every single second of pregnancy

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process? being able to prepare the house and squeeze in our family holiday to lapland now the children are the right age.

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?: Kind of but not sure or set yet

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?: We've liked them for a long time

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?: Not too much

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?: yes

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? : He thinks he is helping by pointing out every single newborn and baby we see whilst out lol

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?: If i needed to yes

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?: Nope

19. How many children would you like to have?: 3

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?: No, but once we are pregnant we will need to buy everything again since i swore my last- was my last.

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?: Not much of a reader :/

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?: They don't know yet :)

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?: Probably not.

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?: I will have to come off the pill by the end of next year to allow my body some time to get back to normal cycles but other than that, no.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?: I will when we are ttc and pregnant but right this second I am enjoying a large glass of rose- it is friday after all :)

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?: I think so

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?: ill get back to you on that one ;) lol

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?: We would possibly seek the help of our gp
1. Name of the future mommy to be?:


2. Name of the future daddy to be?:


3. How long have the future parents been together?:

Married over a year :)

4. When are you starting to trying to conceive?:

2 weeks and 6 days :happydance:

5. What do you think is the hardest part of WTT?:

The waiting!

6. What does the future mommy want to have?:

A baby?:haha:

7. What does the future daddy want to have?:

Neither of us mind genders, a mix would be nice :)

8. Is there a certain month or season you'd like to have the baby in?:

No, although being heavily pregnant in the summer isn't any fun so I hear...

9. What are you looking forward to most when you finally conceive?:

Hmmm so many things! Announcing it, cravings :haha:, being waited on by my inlaws :happydance: lol, an excited daddy buying things and feeling my tummy, a healthy happy baby at my scan this time after 2 previous losses

10. What has been the best thing about the WTT process?

Nothing!! It's good to prepare but I have been WTT for about 4-5 years officially but have always wanted children since I was a child!

11. Picked out any names yet, for when the big day comes?:

We both like Ibrahim for a boy, Zakariyya too. Halimah for a girl I like but we haven't really discussed names, just a few we liked.

12. Any certain reason for choosing those names?:

Beautiful Islamic meanings

14. What things do you/ or will you do to check for when your fertile?:

I am hoping to not have to check and to fall pregnant quite quickly but if we don't then I am aware when I ovulate with CM and I would use ovulation tests.

15. Do you/will you use Ovulation Tests?:

As above :)

16. What does the future daddy do to help you with WTT process? :

I literally stalk EVERYTHING baby related and although he knows I am excited, don't think he knows how much! But we have briefly spoke about what we need to do before TTC and he is watching his diet, exercising and eating more healthy after me telling him I want healthy happy sperm :haha: This site helps me and keeps me sane!

17. Will you consider In-Vitro or any other type of Infertility medicine?:

I would consider if we came to that.

18. Have you had your pre-conceiving physical?:

Nope! Although I have booked in for blood tests next week to make sure my hormone levels are fine. (hypothyroidism).

19. How many children would you like to have?:

As many as we are blessed with. Not an odd number... I have middle child syndrome!

20. Have you started buying some baby stuff?:

No, but wish I could! I have had 2 previous losses and bit anxious to buy anything yet..

21. Any books that you've read that have been helpful?:

Not books, plentiful websites and videos :)

22. Is your family and friends supportive of deciding to TTC soon?:

Yes I think so, don't really talk to family about TTC as such but as our wedding is in a few weeks (2 weeks 6 days infact!) I am sure they know. They have asked how about studying... but I'm planning to do that also :) super women! :happydance: my friends are SUPER happy and excited for me and have been telling me over the last year to just TTC now! Lol they are really excited for me and OH.

23. Or do your family and friends know that you're TTC soon?:

Friends know we are TTC but family more NTNP. Which is the same to me :haha:

24. Have you made any BIG changes in your life to help you conceive?:

Not really, neither of us drink or smoke, I have been taking multivitamins with folic for a few months now and trying to drink more water and exercise, OH too.

25. Have you abstained from alcohol and drugs?:

As above

28. Are you healthy enough to be pregnant?:

I hope so :)

29. Do you really think your ready to be a parent?:

I shall soon find out.. :happydance: Im not a parent but I wouldn't TTC unless I thought I was ready in the sense of embarking upon this journey and going with the flow :hugs:

26. So if you unfortunately do not conceive, then what?:

Then IVF. If still no luck when we would have to accept that and adopt. But let's hope it doesn't come to that! Although we would still like to adopt even if we have our own biological children :kiss:

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