I hope katie goes this week tbh.
Wagner aside, because lets face it he is talentless where singing is concerned, katie is my least favourite and I think having been in the bottom two for 4 weeks on the trot she should have went last week instead of poor aiden. I think aiden only went because he had a bad week - he could have changed that this week if he'd still been there. Up until then he'd been a show favourite.
I think katie can sing, but she is never going to win the show so why should someone else get the boot over someone who clearly has no chance? And simon knows she's no chance so why he didnt send her home last week is beyond me - probably because of the press she gets the show. I agree with dani about her poor me attitude - it bugs the life out of me.
I feel kinda sorry for wagner. Its not his fault hes still in the comp, he has never been in the bottom 2 and despite not being a good singer, from what we saw happen last year with RATM getting number 1 it wouldnt surprise me if, with the current wagner to win campaign on FB, he was in with a fair chance at winning. That of course would probably spell the end of x factor for good so lets hope that doesnt happen.
Oh and I thought cher was amazing last night. I like her with a more fresh face, not so many eyelashes. Matt however put on the most ridiculous voice ever, why did he do that? I cringed his almost his full performance, until the end where he seemed to resume his actual voice.
Listen to me I sound like simon