xxx34 & TTC#2 Need buddies!!!!xxx

Hello ladie im looking for friends to share with, ttc. My boys 4 now so we r ready 4 number 2, 2 join us. Came off mini pill over a week ago so early day. 1st 1 took us a year to concieve :(
Good luck all, lets get pregnant!!!!! =)
Grateful - so glad you and your ds are now on the mend! :hugs: My appointment was today and im still trying to process it all xx

Yazzy - :hi: welcome hun! I look forward to us sharing our journeys together xx

ttc mum - :hi: welcome to you too hun! I hope you get your next bubba quicker than the first :hugs: xx

Feb - Hows things with you hun? xx

afm- had my appointment today and have had a barrage of tests including AMH. My consultant is 90% sure that i have a diminished ovarian reserve aswell as PCOS - great :( The only good news is that the frozen emby is graded - AB which is top quality. there's two grades for the two parts of the embryo. the first grade (A) is for the part that will form the baby and the second grade (B) is the part that will form the placenta. Not bad :thumbup:

It has been recommended that we do another fresh cycle as it is unknown what state my ovarian reserve is at now. I had the blood test for that done today so will know more on tue :) There are other things but i feel a little deflated at the moment so just wanna lurk for a bit xx
Plex - that's a lot to process....overwhelming I'm sure but I am so happy you are getting some tests done and closer to getting some answers that will send you on your way to a BFP in the near future. :hugs: Awesome news on the frozen embie too!!! :thumbup:

AFM: AF has arrived :witch: and DS has started coughing again....poor little guy is having a terrible time trying to kick this respiratory thing.
Grateful - Thanks hun! :hugs: I think ive felt EVERY emotion out there in the past day trying to get my head round it all - i keep thinking the absolute worst case scenarios where i will never have another child and thinking positively. Tuesday i will hopefully have more to go on with regards to my ovarian reserve at least :D

Im so sorry to hear about your lil boy hun :hugs: He's going through a lot recently with bugs and things - really hope he manages to shift the last of that bug :hugs:

Did you ever pinpoint ovulation in your last cycle? xx
Yes talk of ovarian reserve is nothing anyone wants to talk about, but I'm sure everything is fine! I worry about that too being almost 35. But I am just going to keep the faith for our # 2s!!!

Afm I think I O'd on cd 25. Super late again.
me too :D im quietly optimistic about us all getting our #2 bundles

Im waiting on af now, not sure when or if i ovulated - thought i may be 14dpo today but no sign of af yet - im no stranger to long cycles! xx
Thank you for the welcome Plex. Sounds like you had an exhausting day with all that news. On a good note at least you have people looking after you and getting to the bottom of any issues.

The doctors have mentioned about me having PCOS but I think the only reason being is that my cycles are long at 42 days so I ovulate on CD30 every time. They did give me clomid but ended up falling pregnant when I didn't use it.
Ashton 40+4 9lb 5oz!! Whopa :D
Im only 8.5 stone myself so was big boy 4 me, natural birth!!
Actually cum 2 think about it wot am I thinkin!! Lol
Back 2 now im very irregular with my cycle always have been, used ovulation sticks last time, hopin this time guna b quick n simple. Only been off the mini pill 10 days no withdrawl bleed or anythin so waiting game now 4 1st period god knows wen that will arise!! havin fun while waitin tho ;)
Hope we all get wot we want n sooooon xx
Hey Ladies!

I hope everyone had a great Easter weekend. My DS and I came to the city to spend it with my family, DH had to work this weekend...

I took another spill if you can believe it... I'm actually so embarrassed about it! I wore my dads rubber boots (way to big) outside on Sunday for our Easter egg hunt and lost my footing on wet slippery steps. I didn't hit my head this time, but it still shook it enough to make my dizziness come back. I also sprained my ankle! sheesh!! Staying with mom for a bit longer than planned until the pain and swelling dies down.

Plex, I'm glad that your emby is good quality! The reserve topic is always so hard to talk about. I will keep my fingers crossed that things work out perfectly for you.
AS WELL as all of you! Grateful, ttc mum, yazzy:)

Well I'm off to read about all the BFP everyone is having! talk to you soon!
Feb - :hugs::hugs: Crikey hun - hope you're ok! How are you feeling now? xx

Where are you all on your cycles? Im currently on cd38!!!! Ive tested like 100000 times but all :bfn: :( I Just wanna get on with my next cycle :brat: xx
Ugh... Anything after 35 should be outlawed! I'm currently CD11. 34 sleeps until my appointment! It almost feels like I'm anticipating Christmas as a child:)
:happydance: not long left Feb!!! I agree our cycles shouldnt be allowed to be more than 35 days maximum! Im STILL waiting for af :grr:

Have you prepared any questions to ask when you go in? xx
No I haven't made a list yet... I get anxious thinking about it, I'm worried she will say something ridiculous like keep trying and come back in 6,12,18 months! I'm trying not to think worst case scenario. Ideally... June would be the very best month for us to get pregnant. I'm hoping she gives us clomid and that it works first try! I do realize i sound a bit nuts, a girl can dream though. March is the one month a year my DH doesn't work all that much. The roads are closed for larger trucks during 'break up' (while the roads are thawing)

How are you doing Plex? Have you been testing every day?
Urgh long cycles are rubbish...every month mine are 42 days boo! Feels like forever before I can even start trying this month!
Thinking of going to the doctors as they gave clomid to me before but it didn't work first time and I didn't use it when I fell pregnant as we weren't trying because of our wedding!
Feb - they shouldnt make you wait as you are known to have problems, although it may be different where you are (i hope not!) :hugs:

Ive been testing EVERY day morning and just before bed too all bfn, STARK negs!!

I call up to get the results of my AMH test 2moro and im bricking it!! really dont wanna know in a weird way. If i didnt want another child i could live without knowing.....bummer.

how are you all doing? xxx
Fx for you Plex:)

We got more snow today:/ winter doesn't want to leave!!!
We'll I called the clinic and my amh levels are 10.7 pmol which is low ovarian reserve - was kinda expecting it tho. It could be worse I suppose but then it cud be a hellova lot better.

I'm still waiting on af - CD 44 or there abouts.

Winter should just do one! Lolol It's not too bad here cool but not cold so I can live with that :)

Is it just 2week's to ur appointment Feb? Xx

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