You guys scare me lol!


4 earth babies!
Mar 23, 2010
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Hope you don't mind, I'm hoping over from ttc after loss!! I decided to come over and check you gals out because I'm a little worried I may be joining yall. My doctor put me on clomid due to late ovulation (cd25+) and short lp(8-10 days) so here I was thinking that after 5 miscarriages (one successful DD) I would love to have my DH and I decided that our next successful pregnancy will be our last, we have been through too much and truth be told if I have more than 1 more miscarriage there might not be another baby since I only get 1 more pregnancy I thought twins would really be a miracle, but after reading some of the posts here, I'm actually kinda terrified of it now! Not that anyone has been really complaining or anything and I hope this isn't coming off as judgmental or rude, but after reading what some of you have been going through I actually feel a little guilty for wishing for twins now, it seems there's alot more to it than I realized. Just out of curiosity were any of you on clomid when you concieved your twins? Also were any of you fertile before the clomid? I do get pregnant easy, I just can't carry and I'm not sure but I think that ups my chances of twins. Anyway sorry to ramble and I hope no-body takes this wrong, I know all of you are madly inlove with your LO's, just trying to prepare myself is all. THanks Ladies!:hugs:
I'm not offended in the slightest! Having twins is hard, at least it is for me. I have yet to deliver them so I can only speak for the first 35 weeks of pregnancy, but I definitly think its been tough. But at the same time it has been extremely rewarding.

If twins are in your future hun, you will fight for them just as hard as you would fight for any of your other children... and thats all we have done. It doesn't take a "special woman" to carry and deliver twins. I think the whole experience makes you a special woman...

Good luck to you and (hopefully) welcome to the club!
Thanks, you make me feel so much better about the possiblilty of twins and for "not so" secretly wanting them! You're right, I will fight to make the best of whatever situation I am given and be thankful for what I have, regardless of how many I get! Now I just got to get pregnant lol! Wow, so you're 35 weeks, I'm sure you are ready to have them here safe and healthy, hope they stay in for just a few more weeks though! Good luck with your twins, I wish you a safe and happy delivery of safe, happy and healthy twins! Oh, btw did you get pregnant with them naturally or were you on medication?
No offence taken hun. Brutal honesty.......yep twins are hard work :) I was told by two other twin mum's at my company that the first 6 months would be the hardest challenge of my life and so far it has been hard.

Mine are nearly 5 months now and I seemed to have clicked up a gear, it doesn't phase me been left alone with them, one will sit in the chair, one will go in the bouncer. They tend to feed one after the other so that's easy and they have regular nap times so I can get in the shower and tidy up whilst they snooze.

When they first came home from hospital I was spoilt as they had been in SCBU for 3 weeks and the midwives had got them into a routine of 4 hourly feeds. That all went out the window when they got home, they were waking up every 2 hours one after the other and I was getting zero sleep. Me and OH just argued daily and as OH works most night's I had to get my Dad to come round and stay till 1am to help me get the babies to bed, it was a nightmare. BUT days become weeks and weeks become months and things get easier and easier. Mine go to bed at 8.30pm and sleep till 5/6.00am so I get a decent kip every night now and manage to get stuff done during their daily nap time.

I'm pregnant again now and if this is just one baby I think it's going to be a breeze!! :)

Good luck and all the best for a healthy and happy pregnancy xxx
Thanks, you make me feel so much better about the possiblilty of twins and for "not so" secretly wanting them! You're right, I will fight to make the best of whatever situation I am given and be thankful for what I have, regardless of how many I get! Now I just got to get pregnant lol! Wow, so you're 35 weeks, I'm sure you are ready to have them here safe and healthy, hope they stay in for just a few more weeks though! Good luck with your twins, I wish you a safe and happy delivery of safe, happy and healthy twins! Oh, btw did you get pregnant with them naturally or were you on medication?

Yeah, I am pretty much over this whole "pregnancy" thing. LOL I did not take any meds. My boys are identicals so they were just a blessing from nature. :flower: I had two losses and one successful pregnancy in between (my 4 year old daughter). After my last loss (Jan 2011) I decided I was done trying for kids. When I got pregnant this time it was completely by accident.

It has been a LONG, rough road. We have battled and conqured TTTS at 20 weeks (a condition only identicals get that can be potentially life threatening), we have undergone MANY appointments, they babies are giving us hell right now with their non-stress tests and I am beyond tired. I am little anxious about raising 2 newborns and a 4 year old, as I fear I will never sleep again... but I have accepted this as my new family.
I was on clomid and conceived Triplets!!! Thier due end of march time !! :)

this is my first pregnancy so sadly cant comment on how it differs to others but it does put a lot of strain on my body - its actually been really difficult but i wouldnt change the idea of it for the world ! I love them so much already and thier not even here yet ! xx
Dont be scared sometimes having multiples is dare I say easy. Everyone is different but i had trouble concieving baby#1 was on clomid for 6 months no baby. 4 IUi and lots of injections and tests finally a baby just one. The next 2 singletons came w/o assistance #2 while breastfeeding and 4 weeks post partum lol oops. #3 planned but no help. My twins (actually quads)came natural with an IUD in place. I was only born with 1 tube and ovary and have PCOs so ovulation is a guessing game. Sorry for ur loss I lost an identical this pregnancy baby C at 12 weeks and baby D never had a heartbeat. Never give up and great nutrition and positive thoughts can do wonders!
I actually thought the same thing as you when I started coming to this section. I was like, oh no what did I get myself into? My pregnancy hasn't been too bad so far, but I am nervous (and of course very excited) for when the babies come. I'm happy that the boys will have each other, someone to play with, will go through major life milestones at the same time.

I did take one round of clomid the month I conceived (50mg) for my PCOS. However, the doctors told me it didn't work, because my hormones didn't get up to the right level and I still didn't ovulate when I should have. Nonetheless, I still managed to get pregnant that month (I must have ovulated a few weeks later than they anticipated). My twins are identical though, which means the twins weren't because of the clomid... if they had been, they would be fraternal. Basically, I have no idea how I managed to get pregnant (the doctor was just as shocked as me), but I am pregnant and am VERY thankful!
Thank you so much, didn't expect so much support for not even being p+regnant yet! I want to say a few things to each one of you but sadly my grandmother died this morning and I'm just kinda numb and jumbled up inside. I am supposed to ovulate this weekend if the clomid works and if stress doesn't change my Ovulation date, and even though I have to go through this sadness, my grandmother really wanted me to get pregnant again and carry. She always cried when I miscarried and held me for as long as I needed, so as much as I am hurting right now I am still going to try this weekend. Sounds crazy I know but I've always heard when someone dies someone is concieved and I know that's what my grandmother would have wanted me to do, out of all the ppl who NEVER understood me, she was one of the few who did...the world lost a really great kind hearted person sorry guys, didn't mean to write a book here, just really wanted yall to know that I am thankful for all of you taking the time to respond to someone who's not even pregnant yet and that I am not ignoring your comments, I juts wont be able to respond to them for a couple of days. Thanks
I am so sorry to hear about your grandma... take care hun. I think I speak for everyone when I say that we will all be here for your support no matter what. In regards to ttc, I wish you multiple (wink, wink) blessings.

So sorry to hear about your grandmother hun :hugs: my Auntie has only days left at the moment so I'm feeling very numb too at the moment.

One thing though they do say when one comes in, one goes out, I'm pregnant again and my Auntie will be leaving us so maybe it is true. In that case maybe take solace from the fact your grandmother may have left this world so you can be granted a wonderful gift. I know it doesn't help with the pain you feel right now but I wish you all the luck in the world this weekend and will keep fingers, toes etc crossed for you xx
sorry for your loss. Just try your best to relax (and have fun:blush:) this weekend. Good luck!
Thanks for the condolences, well here goes:

Kellybd - thank you for being brutally honest! I'm sorry you had a rough time at first but am so happy that you are now finally getting into more of a better sleep schedule, especially since your probably so tired from being pregnant! Are you excited about the new pregnancy? Worried about the possiblity of twins? Congrats on your twins and I hope you have a healthy happy pregnancy and healthy happy baby! On a sadder note, I am so sorry about your aunt, I know what it's like to know that a love one doesn't have a lot of time left...I have always heard that too, thank you for keeping everything crossed for me! I know my Grandma and there was nothing more she wanted than for me to have healthy children, she told me so herself and watched me struggle with all the losses, she loved babies and my daughter was her first and only biological great grand child and she was so happy when she found out we were trying again, she loved life and would have wanted us to continue babymaking even if it was during the weekend of her funeral. - LOL, I knew you'd be tired!! So sorry for your losses but happy that you got the miracle of an identical pregnancy, even though they are more dangerous and sorry for the problems you've been having with the stress tests. I'll bet you are are kinda worried about having 2 newborns and an older child, I'm worried about it and it hasn't even happened to me lol!! I'm sure you'll be a great mommy! I hope you have a very smooth delivery and happy healthy boys! Thank you too, for the support and well wishes!

Summerlily - way to scare me lol!! I would be happy with whatever I got just as long as I actually get to carry and have a healthy baby/babies at the end. Glad you have such a positive attitude, I really think that'll go a long way with being pregnant and rasing multiples! Good luck with the rest of your pregnacy and hope you have a safe happy deliver with safe happy healthy babies!

Redmom2be - wow, what a story lol!! Glad you can relate to the idea of twins on clomid, it is kinda scary but to me kinda exciting to think about! I hope you have a good pregnancy with a good delivery and safe happy healthy babies! I have been trying very hard to just relax, go with the flow and oddly enough I find "being" with my husband very comforting at this time, guess it's just having his arms around me and knowing that he's here for me and loves me that makes my world okay again.

Well, my grandma's service was beautiful, my aunt who has taken care of her for the past couple of years elected to do her makeup and hair (she has experience with this) and because of that, my grandmother actually looked like she was supposed to look! I am very greatfull for that. We had to travel to Louisiana (which is were we're originally from) so that was a good 10 hour trip there and back so we are worn out lol! I got a positive opk yesterday at 2pm and we bd'd this morning at about 4 am (stupid dh decided to drive through the night instead of stopping half way) I'm hoping that it's still positive today so I'll have more time!! Thank you ladies so much for the support, I really am thankfull that yall we're here for me, not only in my twin worry/excitment but also for comforting me at a time like are all truly special people who deserve lots of love and happiness and I truly hope all of you have healthy babies who grow into healthy children and adults! Good luck to all of you!

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