Well someone I really do not like has used a name a really loved for her baby and now I'm annoyed that we have the same taste
And obviously even if I did get the opportunity to use it now I never would because it makes me think of her.
This person (not on B&B as far as I know) has three children and two have names I don't like (so I was happy she had bad taste lol) and one has a name that was on my shortlist once and now it's ruined
I know it's a common problem when people say "oh I loved the name but there was a really awful child at school with me called it and so I can't use it."
But going off a name because a really awful person who is called something else entirely has used it for their child feels different.
This is just out of interest and for fun really but I am curious. Is it normal or do I just bear a grudge that little bit further than everyone else

This person (not on B&B as far as I know) has three children and two have names I don't like (so I was happy she had bad taste lol) and one has a name that was on my shortlist once and now it's ruined

I know it's a common problem when people say "oh I loved the name but there was a really awful child at school with me called it and so I can't use it."
But going off a name because a really awful person who is called something else entirely has used it for their child feels different.
This is just out of interest and for fun really but I am curious. Is it normal or do I just bear a grudge that little bit further than everyone else