Young-ish moms?

I'm 19 and my OH is 25. I'm gonna be 20 in three weeks though :haha:! and we just conceived! :D I wanted a baby.. forever, though I thought I couldn't have kids, after a very unplanned miscarriage, we managed to catch it first cycle :)
I was 18 when i concieved my daughter. I had turned 19 by the time she was born. I am now married for nearly 9 month's and been with him for 5 years. We are TTC #2, but i think my weight is causing some issues, nor are my cycles regular.

I am currently a SAHM but once little one start's nursery next September i am looking to go back to college to study Physiotherapy.

If i get pregnant before then ( hoping we do) i will still do my course but opt for studying at home.
Wowe. This is a great thread. Feels good to know there are peeps my age here. I will be 20 on the 27th
Hey :)
I was 17 when i fell pregnant with my DS, 18 when i gave birth and attempted to return to college at 19, last september. i managed to stick at it for 4 months but like you described, i felt like i was so sure i was doing and studying what i wanted to, and it turned out i ended up coming home exhausted, my DF was so supportive but it just wasn't what i needed at that time. i was missing everything as my baby boy was growing up without me there most of the time.
I hated being away from him and tbh i feel that nothing i could study at college or do at work would make me any happier or turn out to be what i really want in my future, because i just needed to be a mother, at home with my son.
So that's how i did it :)
We were I think 19 when we started ttc and got pregnant 1 month after turning 21. Just had my little boy last month and will be 22 in april. I'm a stay at home mom, I did go to college part time taking 3 classes before him. Would love to go back but don't think I can leave him :/
hi ladies,
im 21, oh is 24. im ttc and he's more ntnp (if you know what i mean!). i'm in my second year of studying my digital/graphic design degree which i love to bits. im pretty sure it will be difficult juggling full time uni and motherhood but i know my oh and my mum will be supportive and do whatever they need to do to help me get through uni. my mum doesnt know we are ttc/ntnp but she always mentions how she cant wait to be a grandmother so im excited about trying! financially, i work part time and oh just got promoted to supervisor in his job so i think we should be ok.

im just really eager to get preggo now. we've been ntnp since early last year but now ive started making an effort so hopefully we'll get our bfp soon and so will you guys!!

loads of baby dust to all you young-yummy-mummies-to-be lol xx
heyy i'm 19 (almost 20) and me and my bf who is almost 25 are ntnp atm :) i'm glad theres more people around my age planning babies than i thought :) hopefully i shall have a baby by 2013 :) baby dust to everyone :dust:
hey im 23 (24 in nov) and OH is 22, both in our 2nd year of our nursing training. Have been together for 6 years and have a kitty called Mollie :) im having my implant out next week :)

am i still classed as a young-ish mum lol?!
I am 25 I was 20 when I got pregnant with my daughter and 21 right after she was born I was 24 when I was preggo with my second and 25 a few days after he was born. I am a SAHM only because my husband is military. If he was not military id be up a creek with no schooling. I think if I were to do it all over again I would have done school then kids. I am one of those that feels super blessed and I love my kids more then myself BUT! I know I missed out on freedoms and education and I can't regret my kids but I wish I would have done other things first.
Aaaaaah, I slipped away from bnb for a while to buckle down on some school/extracurricular work and managed to TOTALLY MISS all of you lovely ladies' posts!

Thank you all a ton for all the stories you've shared, and TONS OF BABYDUST to all you NTNP/TTC ladies.

To the lady that is 23, yes, you're still a young-ish mom. ;D
You're only as old as you feel! Hahaha.

And aaaah, there are just so many people to reply to! I can't do it all. XD

I think there is nothing I want more than to be a mom. School just is NOT my thing. I feel like I'm wasting my time. Maybe it's the school itself, or maybe it's my classes, but it just feels like I'm learning things I've already been taught, so I'm stuck on repeat when what I WANT to do is move forward! So IRRITATING.

I definitely feel mature enough, capable and responsible enough to have a child. I know DF is ready, he's just scared. He's afraid that maybe he'll accidentally make a wrong choice, or a mistake somewhere along the way and totally mess the child up. But if you knew him, you would agree with me that there's no way. DF is a beautiful man with a beautiful heart, and the most loving, nurturing, fatherly instincts of anybody I have ever seen. He has 5 young (3, 4, 5, 9, and 10 year old girls) cousins, one 15-16 year old cousin, three young nieces (3-4, 5, 9y.o.), and a little 5 year old nephew. He is FANTASTIC with them. He helps take care of them, plays with them, teaches them, knows how to get on their level, and also how to be firm with them when need be. He's a strong man, and the sole supporter of us at the moment, and I know he is extremely capable. I plan to work as soon as this semester is over. My last day is May 2nd, my 21st birthday!

As for whether or not I would go back to school... I'm not sure at the moment, but I have made an appointment with an academic advisor for this Wednesday just to talk about some potential plans. Just in case. ;)


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