Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

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Hi ladies, could I join in? Im 23 with pcos, ive had it since I can remember. Im startingmy first clomid cycle next cycle. Id love to know if any of you ladies got pregnant with clomid?
Hi redrose!

My LO was concieved on 2nd round of 50mg clomid, good luck :)

I thought I posted this in here after it happened - but I guess I didn't. The pain killers they give you in the hospital are good stuff .... let me tell you .... I don't remember half of anything for a few days after haha

Anyway --

Little Allison Hope made her debut last Saturday at 12:15pm via emergency c-section after 21 hours of labor. She decided to show up 10 days early, funny enough right after I posted on FB requesting she hurry up because I was done being pregnant and I was ready to meet her now. Ideally, I would have appreciated her cooking to 40 weeks I wasn't being serious - but I guess she was ready. Friday at 3:30pm we walked in the door and I said to myself, "I have to pee" and as soon as I said that I felt a 'whoosh' of liquid and thought it was vaginal discharge because that gets funky while pregnant ... and it was water with no smell. So I came out and told my husband I needed to call the doctor. He said, "Why?" I said, "I think my water just broke." and sure enough - when I stood back up, another 'whoosh', and another panty liner full. So I said, "We have to go. Now." I put on a heavy-pad and we went to the Doctor to get checked to verify if it was or not. I'm StrepB+ so I needed to get hooked up to the anti-biotics ASAP when I went into labor so I didn't want to hang out at home for very long. We got to the doctor and they did the strip test, the 'fern' test, and saw the water pooling in my vagina.

Off to labor and delivery I went.

Got checked into L&D, I was dilated to 3/4 at that time and due to my water being broke for a couple hours at that point, they hooked me up to petocin. I labored naturally with no epidural from until 5:30am. They had done 3-rounds of petocin at that time and I still wasn't fully dilated. My contractions were getting to 95 on the level reader (whatever they call that thing) and I honestly barely felt them. Having PCOS and cysts my whole life prepared me for contractions because THEY WERE NOTHING to me LOL My friend who has 6 kids was up there and she said, "Do you not feel those?!" I said, "I feel them, but they're not bad...." she said, "Girl if you don't feel THOSE, you will be able to do this all naturally!!" I did have the pain killers to take the edge off because I was afraid they would get bad, but ummm yeah - I didn't feel them really. They were like a bad day of cramps. I have had cramps worse, honestly.


So I ended up getting an epidural because they said she wasn't dropping on her own and that if I didn't get the epidural at that time, they wouldn't be able to give me one. I logically thought if after all this time, my water has been broke, she's not dropping, I'm at 8cm -- it's about to get painful because they are going to end up having to assist with her arrival. So I got the epidural. AND I AM GLAD I DID.

Once I got to 10cm, the doctor said she was not dropped and I needed to push her into the birth canal, and then I needed to push her out from there. Ok, I was game. I was ready and had my game face on. 2.5 hours I pushed, I pushed like my life (and hers!) depended on it. She was stuck between 0/1 position - her head didn't turn fully so she wasn't able to fit down the canal :( The doctor came in and said it had been too long, there was no other option - I needed a c-section NOW.

I cried. I cried like I can't even tell you; I was scared to death. However, I am SO glad I got that epidural because since I got the epi not only did I not feel the extreme amount of pain I would have felt from having to do all that pushing, but I also didn't have to get a spinal block (those just scare me more than an epidural did...)

Within 5 minutes, they had me back in the OR, prepped and waiting on my husband. Why waiting on my husband? As my doctor came down the hall, he asked my husband if he had the camera and everything we wanted to have foot-printed. I am SO glad he did that because we left her baby book AND the camera in the duffel bag in the delivery room!!! lol So he hauled ass back to the room, got the book and the camera and joined us just as they were getting ready to make the cut.

I was holding my breath, this was it - this was the moment I have been waiting years for. The moment that every doctor except my current one said would never happen. The moment I was about to become a mom on the outside and not just to the little human inside of me. I was about to be responsible for the care and well-being of a little human. And I held my breath because I was so scared something was going to happen and it was all going to be a dream and I was going to wake up and realize the whole thing never happened and I wasn't pregnant. Then I heard her. The most beautiful, amazing, blissful noise I have ever heard in my life. I looked at my husband and I couldn't stop crying. I was doped out of my mind, I couldn't feel anything from the neck down, I had no idea what day it was - I couldn't even tell you my full name I am pretty sure, but I cried like no other time I remember in my 30 years on this planet.

She spent 3 days in NICU due to an infection contracted by my water being broke for so long before she was actually born; and she was a little jaundice. She had an IV port in her head, that was the most gut-wrenching thing I had to ever see. My husband I were sobby messes of emotion because we didn't know exactly what was wrong, they hadn't really explained anything or to what level of severity her infection was.

She was born with a side-way cone head due to being stuck diagonally in my birth canal - but this is my angel. My little angel that everyone told me would never happen. And it did. PCOS, and all the doctors I had in the past all lost .... I had my baby. BOOYAH. Jinni - 1, PCOS - 0

Sorry for the super long post; I didn't think it would be that long :dohh:





Oh, and here is my favorite pictures of her - we haven't gotten the prints yet, so I just have the proof ... but we are hanging these up in the nursery. The one of her in my husbands hand just makes me melt every time.

Ok, I'm done now ... I promise lol


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J_lynn she is BEAUTIFUL! Awwwh! Big congrats

Now the fun starts! Xx
Im just starting my clomid today, I just took my first tablet, im so nervous now! When is it likely I will feel side affects? If I get some that is
Awww j-lynn she is a bundle of pure perfection <3 congratulations and I am.glad you are all well :)
I cant wait to be in the ttc gang again......

Redrose good luck with clomid! I did one round and felt nothing different. I just got myself anxious and worked up about it not working. My advice would be relax and dont think about it. Down the hatch and get on with the day. Good luck hun!
I had no side effects from clomid and conceived my son first round 50mg.
After that I had 2 failed rounds ttc #2 (1 bfn, 1 mc) but have just conceived naturally
Redrose, my experience of clomid wasn't great. I struggled with hot flashes, and feeling quite emotional. I didn't really notice how bad it was until I was off it! Really hoping your first cycle works for you :hugs:

J Lynn, congrats! She's gorgeous!
Thank you ladies, every minute she amazes me a bit more :) Oh I love her so!!

Redrose - I had no reaction to clomid at all; I got lucky. No mood swings, headaches, hotflashes - nothing. So maybe you'll get lucky and not have any kind of reaction to it either :D
Oh, and here is my favorite pictures of her - we haven't gotten the prints yet, so I just have the proof ... but we are hanging these up in the nursery. The one of her in my husbands hand just makes me melt every time.

Ok, I'm done now ... I promise lol

Congrats, she is beautiful!
Redrose when I took Clomid in 2012 I had headaches, terrible hot flashes, I was over emotional, had tender breasts, and I was just plain crazy. :dohh: My first round last month only left me with headaches. Then a week after my last pill crazy tender breasts. Otherwise it was WAY better.

I start my second month of Clomid tomorrow. Hope it's just as easy.

I hope you don't have terrible side effects. :hugs:
had my clomid scan i have two follicles measuring 11mm. I will ov within a week and have a 1 in 4 chance of having twins as i will release 2 eggs xx
had my clomid scan i have two follicles measuring 11mm. I will ov within a week and have a 1 in 4 chance of having twins as i will release 2 eggs xx

Good luck! Remember, you won't necessarily release both eggs...It depends on whether they mature at the same rate. For me, one usually gets ahead of the other, and I only release one. I had 2 over 20mm but only one was actually released!

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