Hello Girls... Finally i am here .. i want to be here since long time back but tough routine didnt make it possible
i go through really hard time in pregnancy at start Gestational Diabetes then High bp start at 6th month end, till that time diabetes covered though i was on Insulin for a month
then pelvic griddle pain was a tough phase where i was unable to take sides during sleep and then sudden faint etc etc etc....
my Gynea was really a good experienced lady who handled my high risk case very smartly
at end i make it till 33,3 weeks and that time i was with high BP, high uric acid, high protein, i visit for a routine checkup and Dr noticed i was with labor pains and same day 6th December 2015 night 7:30pm ended with emergency csection
delivered premature babies Bisma (Girl, 3mins elder) and Basel (Boy) at 33.3 week, stayed at NICU for Bisma 11 and Basel days
cope up with DDH , small ASD issue , weight was low .. but all covered an now both are healthy babies going to be 4th month coming 6 and 3 month by gestational age
so this is all about me in last months