Im out! Af will be full flow by tomorrow! Which doesn't make sense as on cd11 they said I haven't ovulated yet but will within a week. I am cd26 today so it doesn't add up. Someone has got it wrong somewhere along the line but oh well!
Stella, it's quite scary how quick it seems to be going to be honest! It doesn't help that my dates were moved forward quite a lot at my 12 weeks scan.
Fallen, sorry to hear AF got you can you speak to your specialist to try and get some answers before you start your next cycle?
Hopeful, hope you're doing ok! Dating scan soon! Will update the count once you've had that!!
Thanks nlk all is going great! Started to have a bit of nausea last few days so got out the old travel sick bands they work a treat! No vomiting yet though. Feeling very optimistic now I've made it this far- hanging for Wednesday though
Less for me as we're ahead of you! It's about 30 hours away. Ms has finally hit and I'm relieved lol, Jace isn't sleeping and I'm full up with flu! Bout to head out n get myself some subway mmmmm
Scan was ok- I think, except they dated me at 6+2 and I should be 6+6 to 7+1...
6+2 would mean a bfp at 5dpo?! But I was opking so I'm positive! Anyway I have a appointment Friday with head of obs and gyno at hospital gonna ask for a rescan.
But all seemed good-
Hb 129.... Just the dates got me worried!
My early scan they dated me silly too hun, by the time of my 12 week scan, baby had caught up and measured 13 weeks, try not to panic, seeing the HB is amazing!
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