Young TTCers? Need some friends :)

Hello! This month makes a year ttc for me, and hoping soon that we get our bfp! Along with you all. :)

This month is my first month using soy. Cycle days 3-7. I'm on CD 4. I just found out about it last cycle, at the same time my dr was pressuring me to try clomid. So I'm going to try soy, and clomid will be a last resort. Along with Soy I'm taking EPO, Folic Acid, and a geritol complete.

Lately I'm just in a depressing stage. Everytime I go on Facebook I see someone else posting that they are pregnant.

I have this one girl on my Facebook that is a great deal younger than me. She is 17, she just announced she was pregnant. By her boyfriend of 2 months. THAT causes so many emotions. Anger, depressed ("why not me"), jealousy, unfair, jealousy.

We have decided not to tell anyone that we are ttc. It's just less stressful that way, but I don't think it could be any more stressful. I never knew it was this hard.

Carrie - I am mildly bi polar. I was on depakote for it, but now am not taking anything. I honesty think I was misdiagnosed, because I was goin through a lot at the time. However, I know the concerns you are having and can only imagine how scary it can be.

I look forward to hearin from you all, and getting to know you. I really need a support system too.

Sorry if there are any typos. On my phone, which likes to change things up on me with out my knowledge.
Hi is it too late to join this group?

I'm 22 ttc #1. My DH is 22 as well (about to turn 23 next month). He comes from a very big family and wants to start having kids now. I just love kids and have always wanted to be a mother.

We've been not trying, not preventing for about a year. We've finally decided to take the plunge and really start trying. I've been charting my BBT and using OPK's. On top of that I've been taking prenatal vitamins and my hubby is taking some zinc.

I hope that I can develop a support system here. I'm a part of another forum and nobody seems to want to connect. Hope we all get some good news soon :happydance:
Hi everyone! My name is Lauren and I'm 24, DH is 23 and I stopped taking the pill at the end of March. Since then I've only ovulated once and had crazy, long cycles :/ I've been to the doctor and had blood work done - all tests came back normal. So who knows.. I told the doctor if I didn't ovulate this month, I would call and they said they could prescribe something to help with that. We haven't told anyone we're TTC yet, we don't want pressure or to feel like we're being judged, so I would LOVE to have a group of ladies to connect with especially since hubby doesn't seem to interested in the whole process (though very supportive!!) I think I just very much need some people to talk to who are going through something similar and understand :) Nice to meet all of you, and baby dust to all of us!!
Hi girls, can I join you? I'm 23 and my OH is 24. We just bought our first house and have settled in. Only thing is we have lots of empty bedrooms :) we're ttc #1. Only my mom knows but no one else. When we bought our house it was a bit of a weird thing and some people were negative as we are not married or engaged. I can't imagine what they'll think when we are expecting. My Oh wants to have a relaxed and natural approach. I on the other hand am a crazy ttc-er. Hope you ladies don't mind. I'd love to have some buddies to chat with here that are in similar situations.
I can't say there is much to my story. My SO and I are 20&22, we were ntnp for a year, ttc hardcore for about 4 months now. We are not telling people we are trying, for obvious reasons. I mentioned it to my obgyn, but he was very patronizing and so now I mostly just avoid him. We are moving in 6 months so I am changing design then thank God.
His family will be happy, mine would rather I was in my 30s or something. I have the babyfever like mad, and so foes he... and everyone else seems to be having an oops, and here I am with a pillow under my butt and no luck. It seems like a cruel joke sometimes! If y'all want to be friends I would love it, no one I have here I can talk to, they all had oopses
Hello jess, wannasticky,hmariet,mrschaffin, babybloo, and palatimos! Of course anyone's welcome hehe I hope we can all be proper friends ad support for each other cause by reading everyone's posts we all seem to be in a similar boat! Where are you gals all from? :)

Wannasticky- I totally relate about5 facebook I hate seeing new baby pics or pregnancy announcements everytime I log on! I think that telling people would be so much worse because then id feel like I was disappointing even more people, or get completely judged!

Hmariet- it's so strange to think how much time people spend trying to prevent. And then when you stop trying to prevent it nothing happens! So frustrating how easily some people get pregnant :( we are close in age :) do you feel your friends would think you were crazy to be TTC?

Mrschaffin- that is strange about your cycles! Although when I came of the implant my cycles went from like 24 days to 31 back to26 for about 4 cycles and I wasn't tracking ovulation or anything, then they regulated, kinda haha! I get you about oh not being interested, mine is very good at wanting to bd all the time except when im o'ing!! So annoying! He just says it will happen when it happens but im like come October it will be year since im off contraception and never thought it would take so long!!

Babybloo- course you can join haha! Contrats on your new house that's great! No way me or oh could afford to buy at the moment, renting is the only way haha! But id definitely prefer to be living together before getting married. My ohh is the same, never seems disappointed when af comes, doesn't bother about ovulation, says im obsessive!! Drives me mad sometimes haha!

Palatimos- I hate hate hate patronizing doctors! I mentioned to my nurse that I had been trying and she was useless! Id thought maybe I had a luteal phase defect cause it has only been 10 days a few times, she didn't even know what it was! I mean it's not her field but she looked at me like I was crazy! I really want to get tested and stuff but I cannot deal with people looking down their noses :/

As for me im cd 2 and kinda glad cause oh has a new job and is working all the time and then when he's not working he's planning his new club promoting business which should hopefully get us some more pennies! So atleadt we're not missing valuable bding time lol. I've bought a bbtv thermometer so going to start properly temping and see if it helps cause opks suck!!! :)
Jess- I forgot to say that when I came of the implant my cycles were long then short but never 3 in a month :o while I was on the implant tho I had sooooo long periods they were awful! It can take like 5 months to regulate but I dunno if it means you are ovulating 3 times haha! X
Hi everyone. Hope it's not too late to join in. I'm 22, my husband is 24.
We've been married for just under a year & together for 5 years.
Its so nice to read all of your posts. I can relate on so many levels!
I changed doctors because of my GP's reaction to me talking about wanting to start a family. I felt so judged! It is frustrating. I am well presented, I am happily married, we bought our first home 3 months ago, he is a school teacher & I work in tourism.

We have always worked so hard for what we have and it's just such a kick in the gut when practical strangers presume we are too young to have children.

It's up to all of us "youngin's" to prove them wrong! We will love our babies more than any judgmental strangers could ever imagine.

Good luck to all of you xxx
Giddy - welcome! Your post made me think about something..

My mother got pregnant with me at 22, my DH's mother got pregnant with him when she was 20 - People used to start families when they were younger! Before that, like grand and great grandparents, people started extremely young (14ish?!) so I don't get why it's so unfathomable to society now that twenties is not too young to start a family!! The older you get, the more exhausting it will be - not to mention much harder to conceive. I read that a woman is at her peak fertility by age 24, and then it starts declining. Anyways, sorry for the ramble...

Treasured - I am from Washington state and I am CD 15 right now, and by the looks of it I think my body tried to O earlier this week without success (based on my temps) :shrug: I'm gonna keep on truckin though, gonna need to go buy more OPKs if I don't get a + in the next 2 days..

Ugh!! I was just starting to feel hopeful that after a bunch of whacked out cycles I would finally be back to normal! But it's not looking like that at this point. Keep your fx'd for me to at least O this month! I hate feeling like its all my fault we aren't pregnant at this point, like "If I would've ovulated, there's a chance we would already be pregnant!" :cry:

Well I hope all you gals are doin alright, thanks for reading my "novel" lol
Hi Giddy!

Glad we can all moan now about patronizing older folk that assume things about us! I think they just see young people with unplanned children, and then assume that even if the child is planned we will act irrisponsibly? silly! how long have you been TTC for? :)

mrschaffin- im gonna really have to start temping! Ive used OPKS during 4 cycles, the first 3 I got (almost) positives on CD16, but this last cycle I used them from CD11 to CD 18 and never got near a positive i dont think, theres pics on my journal if anyone could have a look for me hehe! I have never really thought about the fact I might not be ovulating.. its scary! I get EWCM on like CD 10 but then hardly ever again throughout my cycle :S. my OH has been tested and his little guys are fine so I somtimes blame myself too... although I try everything I can :( xx
Hello :) I'm only 20, DH is 24. We're in the western U.S.
We've only been ttc for 2 cycles, but have had a rough time so far due to lots of pain, cysts, and possible PCOS.
We're keeping it hush hush and I've only told a close friend.
I'm sick of people just "getting pregnant" on accident. All these people that don't even want a baby...
I haven't had any problems with doctors because my OB/GYN is fantastic :D I'm very happy with her and happy I finally found on that I really like!
Good luck everyone!
I know what you mean about the by accident. The one time I had what we thought was a positive.... my brothers wife popped up pregnant by accident because she forgot hee pill. And then our roommate got with a Guy ans married him 3 days after their first date... and apparently got pregnant the first night! And yet I haven't been drinking. Take my pills, ans try... and all I get are evaps. I would say it would happen if we quit trying... but we tried that for a year already haha
Hello! I'm new to the site and was browsing through. It's so nice to know there are other people having the same feelings and difficulties that we are. I am 27 and my husband just turned 30. We have been TTC for 2 years. We were on our 3rd cycle using DI and found out today that something went wrong and we can't go ahead with this cycle anymore. I'm disheartened, angry, and insanely jealous of everyone around me that seem to be popping out babies like its no big deal. I was initially having cycles that were 60 days long or more. I've been on clomid for the past 3 cycles and it gives me hotflashes like you wouldn't believe. (Does anyone else have this problem?) I started my first cycle with so much hope that this was going to work for us and it seems like I have less and less hope as we get farther into it. People that know whats going on tell me "think positive". I tried that, only to find out 2 days later that this cycle failed to get to the insemination part of it...... sorry for the ramblings..... feels good just to unload.
Hi ladies,
I'm 25, been with my fiancé for 5 years who is also 25. Been trying to concieve for 11 months now and it's really starting to get me down!
Everyone around me seems to fall pregnant at the drop of a hat and to top it of my younger brother and his girlfriend announced they were pregnant a few days ago!:cry::cry:
Such an emotional wreck at the moment!:cry::cry::cry:
Comforting reading all your post and to know I'm not the only one in this situation!!
Hi ladies,
I'm 25, been with my fiancé for 5 years who is also 25. Been trying to concieve for 11 months now and it's really starting to get me down!
Everyone around me seems to fall pregnant at the drop of a hat and to top it of my younger brother and his girlfriend announced they were pregnant a few days ago!:cry::cry:
Such an emotional wreck at the moment!:cry::cry::cry:
Comforting reading all your post and to know I'm not the only one in this situation!!

I feel for you.... its frustrating and although you are happy for them, insane jealousy tends to get in the way.... at least for me it does! We've been trying for over 2 years so I understand how you feel.
Hi ladies,
I'm 25, been with my fiancé for 5 years who is also 25. Been trying to concieve for 11 months now and it's really starting to get me down!
Everyone around me seems to fall pregnant at the drop of a hat and to top it of my younger brother and his girlfriend announced they were pregnant a few days ago!:cry::cry:
Such an emotional wreck at the moment!:cry::cry::cry:
Comforting reading all your post and to know I'm not the only one in this situation!!

You are definitely not alone... and I know just how sucky it feels to really want to be the one announcing you are pregnant and its someone else who just fell pregnant as soon as they started trying or by accident. One hard thing I find is that the people that do know we are TTC, as soon as I mention just in conversation that I am moody/tired, etc, they say... you must be pregnant... in fact I am not - I would do anything for that to be true. We have been trying for 9 months and it is really disheartening at times... but our day will come!!! :hugs:
I hate pregnancy announcments too gals :( they are so annoying when you think your just getting on with TTC!

How is everyone doing today? What cycle days are everyone on? anyone close to testing?

I just got my BBT thermom today woo so Im gonna start properly charting on FF and everyone can help me understnad it cause im very confused haha!
Doin alright, used all my OPKs (still no +) so I have to wait for the IC's I ordered to get here.. Still having doubts, I feel like I'm not going to O again this cycle. We'll see though, CD 17 so maybe I'll just O late - been pretty good about BDing tho as you can see! Hehe. How's everyone else holding up?
I've read through all the posts and i think its safe to say that at 19, i'm the baby of this thread lol Anywho, i still havent had a period since coming off the pill last month. Its no surprise though as i was only getting one a year (thanks to PCOS) before i started the pill. I guess i hoped it would help regulate my cycles but no such luck so far. Cant wait to get to Germany so i can get a new, NON JUDGEMENTAL doctor to help me start treatment. In the meantime, im praying for a miracle!
Hey all! I am 23 and my fiancé is 30. We have been having unprotected BD and he cums inside of me ever since September last year but I always got up to pee right after or I scoop the semen out with my fingers. Lol. I am currently cd4 and will be actively trying starting august when I O. Any advice? Him and I are ready for a baby but I am a little scared that it may not happen because of previous experiences, although I think that has to do with me scooping them out or peeing right away. Anyone willing to try softcup and preseed? I purchased them just in case regular bd doesn't work this first month of TTC. :)

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