Young Yummy Mummies TTC

ive used them a few times but since i came off the pill on the 7th march they have all showed up negative so ive gone through loads! but i normally buy mine online they do sell them in boots and places like that or the supermarket but there quite expensive, thats why i get them online cos there cheaper. x
Can I join? I'm 22 and hubby is 28.. guess hes not young lol but i am!
hey nurseh14 course u can hun!!!!! welcomeee!!!!so how long have u been ttc and what r u doing??xxxxxx
hey there, im 20, my oh is 25, im currently trying for my second :)
hey nurseh14 course u can hun!!!!! welcomeee!!!!so how long have u been ttc and what r u doing??xxxxxx

Hey This is cycle 9 and doing digi opks, preseed, prenatal vit, b-12,b-6, E.P.O. and softcups. What about you?
Hi Ladies! Can i join you girls? I am 22 and so is OH.
Hello Ladies,

MAy I also join you?

I am 23 and OH 26..

This is our 1st month TTC and I am so excited! :happydance:

How long have you been trying?

And are any of you using OPK's? I will be using them this month, curious to see if I do actually ovulate!
o havnt been on this thread in so long!!!!how is every1!?glad to see a few r havina bubbas and 1 has had hers!!!hw exciting!!hw r the girls who r tryin getting on??any advice needed u only have to message me :) xxxxxx
Hello.. Ive not long found this forum this is my first post :).. Im 22 and i have a little boy who will be 2 in jan. I had a misscarriage last month at 11weeks and am absolutly gutted about it :( i really want another baby! asap!!
Iyaaaa rainbow, aww am so sorry to hear about your loss hun!!no words can really b sed to comfort u ino, although I was 6weeks wen I miscaried u we're a lot further!!!what r u trying hun?or u just going with it and doin it normaly?xxx
Thank you :) Yeah you never think its going to happen to you till it actually happens! Not really proper trying just sort of going with the flow and hoping it happens, soon! Concidering using opks tho, having the miscarriage made me realise how much i want it, how long was you trying for? xx
Yerrrr I understand totaly wa u mean hun!!!that's y we started trying!!!the 1st time just happend out the blue after 2years of being together!but after it was taken away we decided we wil ttry we tried for 4months. 3months just having sex and using opks which we're never positive I then got fed up and didn't bother trying in may just tuk a month out and enjoyed ourselves without thinking of baby things then in june I decided to just guess wen I ovulate from my cycle lengths since miscarage.and we used softcups and conceive plus!and they worked :D xxxxxx
When i fell pregnant with my little boy that was just out the blue aswel after been together about a year, then fell pregnant when he was 18months old and thats when i misscarried, so im guessing it might take me a while to fall again after taking so long the first 2 times! I hope not though!! I think im just going to go with the flow a few months then start trying different things to see if anything works.. Congrats on the little boy! Bet you cant wait :) xx
Hellloooo! This is my first post on bnb. I'm 23 and my oh is 25. I came off of BCP about 9 months ago after taking them for 8 years!! My af came about 2 weeks after my withdrawal bleed but now my cycles are longer.. 32-35 days which is frustrating bc I never know when I am ov or if I even am! I am going to start testing w/ OPK this month. We have been BDing pretty much every 2-4 days for all of those 9 months w/o BCP and no BFP yet :(.. so now we are going from NTNP to TTC! :) Good luck and baby dust to all you ladies trying!!
yerrrr rainbow its best to go with the flow rather than stress urself out completely as it may just bugger up!!!i stresd n stresd after the MC and then just relaxd for a month as i sed then got my bfp the month after wen i startd ttc again :). thank uuu hun :D xxx

hiiii emerald :) welcummmmmm, good luck hun really hope you get somewer now ur actually ttc :D bumpy ride but u'll get ther :D i'm loren and i'm 22 and DF is 21 just so u know lol and i'm due a little boy James Anthony on the 4th of march :D what bcp wer u on?xxx
Well so much for just going with the flow.. I decided to try opks n never got a positive! which worried me, so now im going to just not stressing about it lol.. Im sure it will happen when the time is right.. Hopefully sooner rather then later! x
WOWWW its been such a long time since i posted in here, or anyone for that matter!!!

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