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Your OH


Well-Known Member
Jul 28, 2014
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How many children do you have?
How many hours does your OH work?
What does your OH do at home? (Chores, for the children, for you)
How much free time does he have to himself?
Excuse me if these are too nosey! I was just wondering what is the norm.
We have two children. He works 40 hours a week.
He does absolutely nothing at home, I do everything and it drives me mad :(
We have 2 children.

His working hours vary day to day, he works from home, he does loads around the house to help but is also quite messy, when I'm working (40-60 hours a week currently on maternity) he also does all the child care, I think he does far more than the norm :flower:
We have 2 boys. He works a 40 hour week. When he gets home, he "takes over" the boys and plays with them, then feeds the baby his dinner while I get my older boy's dinner. I pick up the house while he bathes baby. He really does half the work when he's at home. He's a fab daddy, the best really. He's a true partner to me, and I'm quite lucky.
We have 3 children (ages 5, 2, and 7 months). DH works 32 hours (4 days) and I work 40 hours. DH is MUCH better at cleaning up and tidying than I am :blush: he usually does the dishes, cleans the kitchen and picks up the house. I tend to vacuum, do the laundry, some of the dishes, and almost all of the cooking.

We really split the child care when we're both home. He brings our oldest 2 children to bed while I usually do the baby, but DH plays and entertains all of them during the day when he's home.

Neither of us go out very much, so our "free time" is usually just in the evenings after the kids have gone to bed. Maybe once every couple of months DH goes out with some friends on a Saturday night (after the kids are in bed), and I have work meetings every 6 weeks in the evening and DH is left home alone with the kids.

I do more work with the kids at the moment because I usually am the one who gets out with them at night, and I do 80% of the caring for the baby. But DH definitely does more cleaning than I do and I'd say we're pretty equal in general with household/child contributions.
50+ hours a week. We have three girls. I do the majority of the house work, he will help out if he knows im at the end of my rope lol. But he usually will entertain the kids while i cook dinner, helps with baths and bedtime.
There are sometimes where he will disappear on his computer right when he gets home then again after dinner. But usually give him a break because it means hes had a tough day.
Every once in awhile he needs reminding though lol.
We have 2 kids, 1 on the way.
DH works 40-42 or so hours.
DH either takes over the kids when he gets home and I cook, or he cooks. We both participate in bath and bedtime. He rocks one to sleep while I lie down with the other. He picks up more than I do, but I get all the diapers and booty wipes all day.
One child
40 hours
He does a good bit of chores (much more than before baby), he helps out with baby when asked, like he will watch her while I shower if she gets fussy waiting in her crib.
He has about two hours each weekday to himself when baby and I are not home.
I also do all night waking (thankfully she's been a good sleeper for the most part) so he will stay up later to have time to himself while I get to sleep in case she wakes up early or has a nighttime waking.
We have two boys. A 2 year old and 2 month old. Oh works about 60 hours a week. I do almost all of the house cleaning, but he helps out wherever necessary. He's good at entertaining our oldest when he's home so I don't have to tackle both alone. He also takes our 2 month old from around 9pm to 1 or 2 in the morning so I can get some undisturbed sleep. I feel I'm very lucky.
How many children do you have?
How many hours does your OH work?
What does your OH do at home? (Chores, for the children, for you)
How much free time does he have to himself?
Excuse me if these are too nosey! I was just wondering what is the norm.

We have 3 kids.

He works 9-16 hours a day depending on how busy work is (apprentice electrician).

He doesn't do chores at home but spends a lot of time playing with the kids. He chills with them while I cook and shower etc.

He has maybe a couple of hours a day free time to himself, as do I.

We are happy with how things are going and I'd rather do all the housework anyway.
We have two kids - a five and a half year old boy and a three month old girl.

My husband works Monday - Friday, leave the house at 8 am, back at 7 pm.

I do all the chores - cooking, washing, ironing, tidying.

When he gets in from work he helps with bedtime.

Every Saturday he goes to football from 1230-430. I don't get any time to myself other than maybe a long shower on a Saturday morning. Neither of us have down time in the week other than maybe 830 until bedtime if our daughter is asleep by then.

When we had our son it was 50:50 but over time it's changed. He works every evening when he is home too. I suppose I'm on maternity leave so do most of the stuff but (and he knows this!) i would like him to do more!
We have 2 children, he was 40-44 hours a week. Does "light" housework when I ask. He gets from 6:30 at night until bed free every night. Doesn't help with the kids overnight but that's because I only work agency (so 2 shifts a month) and he's full time.
One kid and a dog.

He works 16h per week - 2.5 days. I work full time (no set hours as I'm a teacher, some weeks I work 50+ hours, sometimes just my contractual 35)

On the days we both work we both do equal housework and childcare (one plays with her while the other makes dinner, then switch)

On days when only I am working then I don't do any housework, he does it all.

On weekends when we are both home we split everything.

We don't class looking after Gracie as "work" so that's why he does all the housework on the days I'm working and he isnt.

During my work holidays when I'm at home and he is working then I do all the work on days he is working.
3 kids: a 3 yo and 2 newborns

DH works m-f and every other Saturday. I work as a HS teacher but am on leave until Feb. He's gone from 7 to 7 daily.

DH does floors, trash and dishwasher (+folding his laundry). He also bathes DD1 and gets her ready for bed. DH also does baby duty from 8-1 at night so I can get DD1 down and get some sleep myself.

Other than the long work hours, I'm lucky!
How many children do you have? - 3
How many hours does your OH work? - 37.5 I think (full time)
What does your OH do at home? (Chores, for the children, for you) - He helps with the housework a little but that's mostly my area. He's just as hands on with the children as me when he's home.
How much free time does he have to himself? - Evenings once the kids are in bed, from about 7.30pm until around 12am when he usually goes to bed.
How many children do you have? 3 that are mine, 1 on the way
How many hours does your OH work? 37
What does your OH do at home? (Chores, for the children, for you)

He takes youngest out on a Tuesday after work (say 5-7.30) just so i get some space and time with big 2. He washes up every dinner and cooks 4 times a week. I do most the washing but he does help.

How much free time does he have to himself? Not alot. I tell him to have more. I have to force him to skate for 2 hrs on a thursday lol

Excuse me if these are too nosey! I was just wondering what is the norm.
We have a four year old and a 16 month old. I'm a SAHM, OH is out of the house at work from 6:50am to 6pm every weekday, so he doesn't do much with the kids during the week. He helps DS1 at night if he needs it but as DS1 sleeps through in his own bed this is only for a rare case of a wet bed or some such. I do all wake ups for DS2 (we still cosleep) and I did all night wake ups for DS1 before our youngest came along.

On the weekend OH lets me sleep in on Saturday and he gets up and makes the kids breakfast. On Sunday I do the reverse for them. I cook during the week but OH usually cooks one if not two of the weekend nights. He also vacuums sometimes and does all the outside jobs (mows, cleans cars, takes the rubbish out, etc). I do the inside cleaning, laundry, etc, which to be fair takes up much more time.

OH gets on my nerves by disappearing to watch YouTube on the weekend and ignoring the kids, but he does take them out to the supermarket so I can have a short break, so it's not too bad. As the kids get older he's more interested in interacting with them, whereas in the baby stage he hasn't had a lot to do with them. I obviously do the most childcare, cooking and cleaning as I am a SAHM, but OH does help out. Both kids are usually asleep from7/7:30 so we have evenings free. I do DS2's bedtime as he still has a breastfeed and I usually take DS1 to bed after DS2 is asleep, but OH can and will put DS1 to bed if he wants him to or I'm held up by our youngest.
How many children do you have? - 2 (6yrs and almost 8 months)
How many hours does your OH work? - 40 hours + on calls.
What does your OH do at home? Lots. He looks after the kids, washes up, puts washing on, hangs out washing, puts the tumble dryer on, plays with them, reads to them, hoovers occasionally. I clean and tidy, make the beds, make dinner, hoover, put washing away, dust etc
How much free time does he have to himself? - Not much. After my son is down at 8ish, he has the evening but we're both normally so tired we end up going to bed by 9pm!
How many children do you have? 6!

How many hours does your OH work? Varies...he owns his own company so he's flexible, but he usually puts in 40+

What does your OH do at home? (Chores, for the children, for you) - we are probably outside the norm, but he doesn't do any housework at all. He does handiwork around the house, such as unclogging a toilet or painting, fixing a door, etc. but no chores. He doesn't do any "baby duty" - I do all the feeding, changing, bathing, 24-7, but he makes up for that with the older kids. He does a lot of getting them to & from practices, school, games, and stuff like that.

How much free time does he have to himself? None LOL neither do I though. If for some crazy reason both babies were asleep & the older kids were out/busy, we would do something together!
We have a one year old daughter (and a second baby on the way in June).

My OH works 40 hrs a week (and so do I).

My OH does a lot around the house. He cooks dinner every night, looks after our daughter and puts her to bed four afternoons/evening a week while I am at work. He gets up with her in the mornings on his days off so I can sleep in. He does his own laundry and sometimes our daughter's laundry if he notices it needs doing. He will wash diapers. He plows our driveway and shovels the deck in the winter, mows the lawn in the summer. He will clean around the house whenever it needs doing, we don't really have a cleaning schedule or anything we each just take the initiative when we notice something needs doing. There isn't really anything around the house that he doesn't do.

He plays hockey two nights a week, and has free time every evening after my daughter goes to bed unless there is some cleaning or something that needs doing.

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