°°*°September 2012 Mommies To Be/Due Dates°°*°

I am sitting here not knowing exactly how to say this. On saturday my water broke, went to the hospital and found out that there was no fluid with the baby. Went through ups and downs thinking that we might still be ok, but this morning (wednesday) I gave birth to a little girl, who is with God now. I was 19 weeks 6 days. She looked like a little sleeping angel. Thanks to everyone who has been there during this pregnancy, we will not give up!

I am so sorry to read of your loss!! that would have been horrible for you and your family, my thoughts are with you! :hugs: :hugs:

Do you know why this has happened?

ive just gone 19 weeks and im in a high risk pregnancy, i worry everyday that something will happen and its the scariest moment in my life. i am truly heart broken (even though i do not know you) that you have had to go through this. god does do things for a reason (or so i believe) your daughter is in his open loving arms now. once again i am so sorry.

I do not know how or why this happened. We are hoping to find out some kind of answers next week, all we know is my water broke. Thanks everyone.

I am so so sorry to hear of your sad loss - my thoughts are with you and your family, big hugs and take care xxxxx
had my 20 week scan today baby was perfect was confirmed a little girl, accidently clicked boy on the poll so its one wrong :D lol ops

sad news though i have been admitted to hospital with as suspected PE as i was Breathless and having some issues so baby is fine nothing at all wrong with her but i am not doing so well....

babyin scan we seen working heart four chambers, all parts of her brain was fantastic the detail, we seen two working kidneys, full bladder and stomach and she was chewing away at her hand, she measured slightly bigger for her gestation but they said thats fine she just going to be a bit bigger than james maybe :D was soo nice to see seen every little part of her, her feet were sooooooo cute :D


Lynne- Congrats on your baby girl and glad to hear she is developing well but sorry to hear about the PE - and hope it isn't one, take care and try to rest xx
seaweedeater, I don't have that one, but I just look up the website to see the sizes - it has a different fruit each week from what i can see? https://pregnant.thebump.com/pregnancy/pregnancy-tools/articles/how-big-is-baby.aspx
Yeah the website has a new one each week but the ticker doesn't after a certain point, its annoying! x
good morning all.

I have some things on my mind, and im hoping that everything is ok or maybe I just need to vent. So please if you can hear me out.

Last night, I got into a serious arguement with my hubby. It stemmed from my 2 boys fighting and to teach my youngest a lesson, I took things from him but let my oldest son continue having them. My hubby got mad at me b/c of this and said it was unfair the way I did it and we ended up arguing. See my hubby has bad PTSD(Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) from being in the military & fighting in Iraq. He does get help for it, but he does not realize some of the things he says & he does not realize that he is hollaring at all of us. When I tell him to stop, it makes him even more mad. But last night, he made me so angry that I can tell you that I have NEVER EVER been that mad before and when I finally calmed down, I started having slight lower abdominal cramps. They did stop, and I pulled out my doppler to hear the heartbeat, which I did hear it, but the heartbeat was around 140 when it usually is around 150 or higher. I am not bleeding and no more cramping. I checked the heartbeat again this morning, and although I couldn't read the heart beat counter, I did hear it and it sounded like it was the way it was last night (a little slower than usual but still within range). I am just scared of loosing this baby seeing how mad I was last night. I've prayed so hard that this baby will be ok and vowed to god that I would never get that mad again.

I know I am an OB nurse, but right now, I can't clear my head to think. Has this happened to anyone before and everything be ok? Did me getting that mad hurt the baby? Please.. any advice would be helpful seeing that I feel like I am in a haze right now and just can't think straight.

Thanks for listening.. i really appreciate it.
No hun, you being mad definitely didn't hurt the baby. Me and OH had a blazing row the other weekend and I was walking the streets in shorts and t shirt at 3am freezing cold. Was so scared I'd hurt him but honestly baby will be fine. Hugs hun. Does your hubby see a councillor for his post tramatic stress? If he doesn't maybe seeing one will help him realise how he is being with you xxx
I don't think you for one minute you will have hurt the baby. Everyone gets mad sometimes, it can't be helped. Me and my OH have had some blazing rows since I've been pregnant, mainly due to my hormones. I'm sure everything is ok. I hope you and OH are kissed and made up now though :hugs:
No hun, you being mad definitely didn't hurt the baby. Me and OH had a blazing row the other weekend and I was walking the streets in shorts and t shirt at 3am freezing cold. Was so scared I'd hurt him but honestly baby will be fine. Hugs hun. Does your hubby see a councillor for his post tramatic stress? If he doesn't maybe seeing one will help him realise how he is being with you xxx

Thank you so much for replying!! He does see someone. I just think that he's adjusted to this being"normal" for him so when we tell him how he's being, he gets defensive. And today he's acting like nothing ever happened, but was concerned that me and the baby are doing ok.
I don't think you for one minute you will have hurt the baby. Everyone gets mad sometimes, it can't be helped. Me and my OH have had some blazing rows since I've been pregnant, mainly due to my hormones. I'm sure everything is ok. I hope you and OH are kissed and made up now though :hugs:

Thank you for your response. I am talking to him now, but he acts like nothing has happened. ughh... MEN:growlmad:
Why do men just not get how much we are going through being pregnant?

says to me, it's not the end of the world, loads of other women do it...and I'm like, yeah, but their husbands give them a foot rub or massage, or whatever they may need when they need it, he won't give me one "because he hates doing them" (he's given me them before...but I have to really try hard to get it out of him!)

They just don't et it do they? How much hard work it is making a baby!
seriously if men had to have the babies, the human race would die out - there is no way they could cope! We have had some epic rows too and I have been hysterical, but baby has been fine - poor things probably wonder what the hell is going on though! 2boyz I hope you are feeling better :hugs:

for some reason I decided it was a good idea to defrost the freezer today, it really needs doing and I've been putting it off for ages. might as well do it now while I still can - gah, when I think of all the stuff that needs sorting in the house before baby arrives I get overwhelmed :wacko:
Hey all hope everyone is well... and having a nice weekend...

Decided i would update about hospital i am finally home thank god! long story short at 4pm yesterday i was told i was going home because my results had come back clear if there was a clot on my lung the blood thinners got rid of it so that was good, but the ward was completely packed and seemed every women in glasgow area was going into labour and having to have a section so there was no doctors around to discharge me, waited hours and at 9pm someone finally came to talk to me did my ops and then talked about me going home, then asked if i had anything bothering me at all and i said that i had a cramp in my leg so they then refused to let me do home it was utter maddness anyways i managed to get home in the end they said they were worried i now had a clot in my leg but i knew it was just pain from all the laying around i had been doing. so i left the hospital last night....

the scan i got yesterday the VQ scan uses radioactive material so i am actually unable to touch james at the moment because i am classed as a biohazard lol its all fun and games. decided since both me and james had a crappy week i would take him to softplay today so we are here just now, means he gets to play while i get to rest lol :D

I am now 20weeks and 1 day so i am beyond grateful i have got to this stage... the VQ scan i got yesterday worried the hell out of me because they injected me with radioactive material and i was sooooo worried about poor baby being effected but they said she wouldn't be so hopefully they are right but got them to say they would give me a scan to put my mind at ease in a few weeks :D
me too lol i actually got a sleep last night which in the hospital wasn't going to happne plus was put on the prelabour ward which meant all the ladies were going up to have their babies i kept crying lol hate to say it but came out more detached for my pregnancy than when i went in incase something happens, really want to talk to OH about this but he's bearly talking to me again.
I'm 20 weeks!! :happydance:

So glad you're home Lynne, you haven't had it easy so I am glad you're home. Is there a reason your OH isn't really talking to you? Sorry if you've already talked about it, I haven't had a proper chance to read all the previous posts.

Tomorrow is my sisters birthday party, she seems very excited about turning 7 in a few days! I didn't end up buying her a present from Cora Grace just so she didn't get even more confused. If she asks me about it, I'll explain that Cora isn't here yet so she'll celebrate my sister's 8th birthday (which btw sounds crazy saying that my little sister will be 8 next year!) and she'll get a present then, but for now Cora Grace sends her love and birthday wishes. Fingers crossed she understands!
happy day Jessy :D i dunno whats up with my OH stress more than likely but ah well will get there lol

awww hope your sister have a lovely birthday :D my sister is 8 next year too lol but we don't really get to see each other because we live a good bit apart but shes coming to james party next month :D
Lynne so glad you're back! :) and radioactive, LOL :haha: shame your OH is being funny is it just the worry and stress getting to him? Hopefully things will settle down and he will come round hun.

happy 20 weeks jessy! aww, hope your sister has a lovely birthday, I bet she can't wait to have her little niece to play with x
My older sister called earlier to say that there's been an issue with the stroller we've ordered and that it won't be with my sister until mid-September, by which time she'll be here in the US! I'm so annoyed as we ordered it in February and now it won't be here in time which is ridiculous. How can it take almost as long as my pregnancy?! So now I have to get another stroller which isn't the end of the world, just annoying!

How are you all?
Haha just bought Lara some baby converse! ;)


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