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25 week bump picture!


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HI Jessy, sounds like a good trip :)
Looking good Alex!
I haven't take a bump pic in ages - should maybe do a V day one before bed tonight...

as for me, I had a nose bleed for the first time in ages today - was not good, I was trying to get B down for a nap - I had to get her to pinch my nose while I zipped up her sleeping bag! Worse though, it bled heavily for over half an hour - I was getting a bit worried then. And I kept getting horrible globby bloody lumps to spit out. 1h40 later it fully stopped... only then did I look on NHS direct and it said if it doesn't stop after 20mins to go to A&E! I texted my MW, I'd a really sore head too, and bad sinus pain on one side. she said to rest and see GP tomorrow, so I think I'm OK, but I've felt rough as a result all afternoon - DH had to leave work at lunch to collect C from school as I was still bleeding at that stage - I phoned the school to say I'd be late and they didn't understand my German, then got me the teacher who speaks English by then I was in tears, and she didn't really understand me either - just heard bleeding it won't stop! DH said when he got back they were going to send a doctor to me! I'll have to apologise tomorrow...
i decided to write up some check lists would love anyone's imput :D



soo tired today and week is filled with exams can't wait till summer :D no work, no college just me and OH and DS and hopefully a holiday :D
HI Jessy, sounds like a good trip :)
Looking good Alex!
I haven't take a bump pic in ages - should maybe do a V day one before bed tonight...

as for me, I had a nose bleed for the first time in ages today - was not good, I was trying to get B down for a nap - I had to get her to pinch my nose while I zipped up her sleeping bag! Worse though, it bled heavily for over half an hour - I was getting a bit worried then. And I kept getting horrible globby bloody lumps to spit out. 1h40 later it fully stopped... only then did I look on NHS direct and it said if it doesn't stop after 20mins to go to A&E! I texted my MW, I'd a really sore head too, and bad sinus pain on one side. she said to rest and see GP tomorrow, so I think I'm OK, but I've felt rough as a result all afternoon - DH had to leave work at lunch to collect C from school as I was still bleeding at that stage - I phoned the school to say I'd be late and they didn't understand my German, then got me the teacher who speaks English by then I was in tears, and she didn't really understand me either - just heard bleeding it won't stop! DH said when he got back they were going to send a doctor to me! I'll have to apologise tomorrow...

How are you feeling today Lucy? You poor thing :hugs: Take care xxx
it's a GIRL! :cloud9: :happydance:

scan was fantatsic and babybond were great, would recommend them to anyone! Baby had her feet everywhere, playing with her toes and putting her feet over her head :haha:


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I can't believe it, my girl :D

Congratulations Elhaym on team pink! Scan photos are lovely too! :happydance:
It's scan day! I'm very nervous in case there's something wrong but I am feeling movement, it's minimal but it's there, so I have my fingers crossed that she is okay. FOB is coming with me, he is nervous too. I will update you all when I can. My scan is at 9am :)
Good luck Jessy- hope all goes well and baby has grown lots. Will be thinking of you. Take care. Xxx
Best of luck Jessy :)

Holywood are you feeling better today? Sounds like you had a scary experience!

Lynne the lists look good, I dunno what you might be missing I'm a first timer so no idea I'm a bit overwhelmed :haha: will be keeping an eye on those threads!

Made my first purchase today, some cute sleepsuits, can't look at them without wanting to cry! They look so tiny, its really hitting me we will have a tiny person to wear them in 4 months :cry:
Your lists seem pretty comprehensive Lynne! I've posted on both threads...
Kasey, I'm feeling much better today, well less drained anyway. I saw the GP this morning on MW recommendation, just to get BP checked etc - all fine. But she referred me to ENT doctor - had to go there this afternoon, it was drop in, so the girls did a great job of waiting for nearly and hour and half! He was very comprehensive; I kind of expected antibiotics as he confirmed sinus infection, but the German way isn't that way I guess - I have nasal decongestant (kids strength, as I'm pregnant) and some herbal something or other! Here's hoping it works!
Jessy, hope your scan went well...
Elhaym - yay for some baby buys! I have bought a sling so far...
thanks hun :d hopefully get everything covered if only sorting the house out were as easy as making that list lol
Wow, this morning was a mix of emotions.

Cora has Intrauterine Growth Restriction (IUGR). It's likely to have occurred due to a combination of me having placenta previa, which had not been picked up on before now, as well as anemia, slightly higher than normal blood pressure and a low weight and weight gain meaning that she has been not getting enough nutrients to grow properly. They can't pinpoint one specific reason as to why this has developed so they are putting the cause down to a combination of the above. The placenta previa may or may not be because of my retroverted uterus, but my OB/GYN is sure the placenta will move by itself and my uterus will naturally correct after birth.

She is developing fine and is showing no abnormalities. At 21 weeks and 3 days she is measuring about the same as a fetus at around 16 and a half weeks, so she is very behind with her growth. However, no chromosomal or physical abnormalities as I said, so that is promising.

I have a very low weight and weight gain since falling pregnant. I have also developed anemia since becoming pregnant, so I will meet with a dietitian tomorrow to create a diet plan that I have to stick to to see if it helps with both mine and Cora's development. I've been given iron supplements as well as general vitamins to help me feel better and help the anemia, so hopefully they will start to work soon.

My OB/GYN then dropped the bomb by saying I am at higher risk of developing preeclampsia and if I do not overcome the issues discovered today, he thinks it is highly unlikely that I will make it to 32 weeks. At this point, I burst into tears. I feel as if I have completely failed as a mom and I don't even have my daughter yet. I've let her down and I am so angry with myself. FOB has vowed to be more involved and promises he will come to every appointment I have. I will have to have an ultrasound every 10-14 days to check up on Cora Grace and I will have lab work done then too to see how I am doing. I'm pleased she is okay despite everything, but I am so angry with myself. Some of the things that have occurred have been out of my control but I am at least partially responsible for the others. I feel terrible.

All in all, a pretty crappy morning.
Awww Jessy big hugs - you have not failed as a mother and think the positives you should take away is that you can rectify the issues that they have mentioned today- they are going to sort out your diet and give you vitamins and plus you will be monitored closely. Thinking of you hun and take care of yourself and please try not to worry xxx
Your lists seem pretty comprehensive Lynne! I've posted on both threads...
Kasey, I'm feeling much better today, well less drained anyway. I saw the GP this morning on MW recommendation, just to get BP checked etc - all fine. But she referred me to ENT doctor - had to go there this afternoon, it was drop in, so the girls did a great job of waiting for nearly and hour and half! He was very comprehensive; I kind of expected antibiotics as he confirmed sinus infection, but the German way isn't that way I guess - I have nasal decongestant (kids strength, as I'm pregnant) and some herbal something or other! Here's hoping it works!
Jessy, hope your scan went well...
Elhaym - yay for some baby buys! I have bought a sling so far...

Glad to hear you are feeling much better- sinus infections are nasty-hope you get well soon and the herbal remedy works! Xxx
Awww, Jessy hon, I am so sorry about all the challenges you just learned you are facing. :hugs: :hugs: Please don't feel like you have failed as a mom. It's really just bad luck. If the things you are saying were in your control are the diet and weight gain, there are tons of people who don't gain much weight during pregnancy without any bad outcomes -- we all hear all the time that "babies are great parasites" and things like that. You couldn't possibly have known or intended what has happened.

It's great though that your little girl is developing well besides being small. I know I have read about plenty of moms and babies with IUGR who end up just fine. And lots of us (self included) are at risk for pre-e for one reason or another. It is great that you are being monitored and will be able to make the best, most informed decisions for you and Cora.

:hugs: :hugs:
Jessy :hugs: YOu have not at all failed Cora Grace as a mummy, so please don't be down on yourself. There is nothing you could have done before now, as you didn't even know there was an issue until today, and you now have the chance to build yourself up and help her grow bigger and stronger too. I think you'll feel the benefit of the iron almost straight away, so that's good news, as if you're feeling better in yourself you'll be more inclined to stay positive and treat yourself with kindness. Please don't come away feeling bad about yourself here at all pet. It's sounds like you've got a great team of people behind you now, and FOB on your side too, and all of us here
totally agree with everyone else jessy - you have in no way failed, please don't blame yourself. It's just bad luck, some women are ill and actually lose weight yet it has no effect on baby's size, so please don't think it's your fault for not gaining enough. There was no way you could have known. It's great Cora will be monitored regularly and get the best care possible, and it's surely a very good sign that she is developing normally aside from size. :) Take care chick, we're all here to hold your hand. :hugs:
awww jessy alot going on hopefully they will just feed you up and she will catch up :( if only it were that simple ah, i really hope she does catch up though the placenta can move yes hopefully for you it does, i really hope that things look up soon are they going to start scanning you every week now? you have not failed her in the slightest you have done nothing wrong if anything the doctors should have been keeping an eye on you and baby better :( sadly sometimes stuff like this can happen when your little younger as body has alot more to deal with, but i really hope things will be good

its very positive that although she's small she's healthy otherwise, thats huge plus i know its hard but got to hold onto that, got everything crossed that things progress with cora grace :( x
Thank you all so much for your messages, I honestly really appreciate them. My next scan is on the 25th which is 10 days from now. I'm not too sure what to hope for but I'm hoping for the best, whatever that is! I'm just so relieved that she is okay despite being small, and I know that as soon as I get in the right shape and condition she'll follow in the same way.

It's been an emotional day and I keep crying, though that's normal and expected apparently! I was a bit of a mess at the hospital but FOB was great and so supportive. We are going out shortly to discuss things but I have a feeling we may get back together. I'll keep you all updated!

Thank you ladies, again, I really appreciate it. I may be several thousand miles away from most of you but please know whenever you need to chat/rant or anything, I'm only a message away if you need me. I really appreciate the support you've given me since I've joined this group.

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