°°*°September 2012 Mommies To Be/Due Dates°°*°

Glad scan went ok Jessy, and cute bump Lynne!

Im sooo over this hot weather now with my little sausage feet and cankles :awww: Hopefully it's going to get cooler again tomorrow.

Cant believe im almost third tri :happydance:
Thanks Princess Taz although not sure where will be, we have decided to have a break from house hunting for awhile- to rent in the U.S where we are is massively expensive but you don't seem to get much for your money and the finish is awful! Anyway enough about that, happy 24 weeks for yesterday, saw bump on the Facebook group and it's looking good!
Jessy- I am so happy that the scan went well and your little girl is growing! Keep up the good work with the diet- and eat lots of steaks, spinach and broccoli - super iron rich and will help with the anaemia. Hope you are enjoying Memorial weekend! Yay to holiday today! Lyndsay- sorry to hear you have been struggling with the heat, anyway you can guarantee it willl be raining and cool by the weekend in time for the double bank holiday! As for me, think I may have overdid it yesterday, power-walked up to the top of a waterfall in 27 degree celsius heat and my lower stomach muscles and hips are aching now. I'm proud to say that I'm fitter than OH and he is not even carrying a baby! Looking forward to a nice relaxing day with OH and DS enjoying Memorial Day :) Baby C has been massively active since we have moved - he is a real little wriggler and does some pretty powerful kicks! Hope everyone is well and enjoyed their weekends xxx
How are you finding your move Kasey I lived in Miami as a teen and loved it! Im so settled now though, i guess with recession housing will be a bit harder to find..

I've been craving pineapples, mangoes and this is a weird one coconuts! I've been going an hour away to buy it prepacked.. Jess it's great your little girl is growing that's always a positive in fact you would be surprised how much they catch up in a short time.

How is everyone else doing today? I'm stuck at work until 8pm that makez it 11hrs today really just wanna go home my feet are so swollen and it's no help that I'm on my feet all day. Moan over lol
Thanks Shezza-have good and bad days at the moment- doesn't help when DS says he misses home and wants to go back to the UK. The good side is we get to see a lot more of my husband, back in the UK he was leaving home at 6:30am and then wouldn't be home until 7:15-7:45 depending on trains, here he leaves 7:45, we then see him for an hour at lunch and then he is back home for 5:15 :). Housing definitely more difficult to find because of the recession- if we had been here for longer it would be more beneficial for us to buy rather than rent. The other reason its so expensive is that we only live 40 miles from the centre of New York. That is a long shift - hope you have some nice time to relax. Take care xx
I am using the same birth plan I used when I gave birth to my son - although will have to scrap the gas and air part as they don't have it here in the U.S!
I am using the same birth plan I used when I gave birth to my son - although will have to scrap the gas and air part as they don't have it here in the U.S!

Aww your LO will settle soon it was hard for me moving a lot as a child as my dad is American and mother British Jamaican so I've lived in all 3 countries lol.. No gas and air!? I've not done a birth plan yet I've been approved a csection due to 3rd degree tear last time with my first I did a birth plan at 30wks and the midwives almost glimpsed at it and that was the end of that lol
Great pictures Lynne, your bump is coming along nicely. Have you settled on a name for your little girl yet?

Anyone experiencing cravings? I'm craving fresh fruit like crazy! Pineapple particularly, but really any fresh fruit! Ooh smoothies too. I'm practically drooling as I'm writing this :haha: I know what I'm going to buy later ;)

Hey Hun, if you're having fresh pineapple you may want to do some research on it as ive known ladies that eat them to help soften their cervix and induce labor. I'm not sure of all the details on it, so maybe just look into it :hugs:
Re pineapples - you have to eat 8 pineapples to induce labour- know that from last pregnancy as went over by 12 days and was reading up on everything on how to get Ben out naturally without having to have an induction! Re birth plan- I was very lucky with last birth- everything that I wanted in my birth plan happened which was fab. Think only about 6-8 hospitals in the US do gas and air, they prefer to give out epidurals instead here. Have they given you a c- section date yet Shezza or do they wait until nearer the due date? Xx
I plan on going all natural but won't beat myself up if I can't. Quite frankly, I think I'll be fine. I lasted 10 hours getting a full chest piece ON my boobs, to then have rubbing alcohol poured on it after and only swore once.. I know it's not the same, but if I can do that, I figure even if I'm swearing my head off I'd be able to. Fingers crossed!!
I have to wait for a date but seeing consultant in July at 28/29 wks so I'm hoping I will get an idea I think they will aim for 39wks to make sure he's almost fully cooked lol..

I know they prefer epidurals, I don't get why not just have a bit of everything although finances seem to have an influence into the service as its more expensive having an epidural than gas and air thank heavens for insurance!
I am so glad the sun isn't out today!! Nice and clouded over although it still feels quite warm here :(

Is anyone else struggling in the heat? I have my midwife appointment on Thursday, do any of you know what she will do at the 25 week one? xx
Apparantly it's going to be cooler this week, which im glad about!

At my 24 week midwife appointment she just checked blood pressure, felt my tummy, listened to heartbeat and gave me my Mat B form and that was it, don't know if it'll be different at yours though.
I don't have to do the glucose test apparently. wehooo!!

Hi everyone? Had my 23 week midwife appt and heard the babies heartbeat again. My hubby heard it for the first time and recorded it on his phone. He was so excited.

Hope you are all doing well
What week do they start measuring fundal height. I thought that was 24 xx
I plan on going all natural but won't beat myself up if I can't. Quite frankly, I think I'll be fine. I lasted 10 hours getting a full chest piece ON my boobs, to then have rubbing alcohol poured on it after and only swore once.. I know it's not the same, but if I can do that, I figure even if I'm swearing my head off I'd be able to. Fingers crossed!!

I didn't find childbirth that bad- I think the more relaxed you are the more the control you have over managing the pain. Once I was in active labour, I used the birthing pool and some gas and air, unfortunately I lost quite a lot of blood and had to get out of the birthing pool and then I was finding the gas and air was doing nothing so didn't bother with anything for the last 3 hours of labour and I didn't find the pain really unbearable. Everyone has different pain tolerances and also depends when your waters go as that increases the pain. Mine didn't go until I was almost fully dilated so it was only the last couple of hours that were more painful.
I have to wait for a date but seeing consultant in July at 28/29 wks so I'm hoping I will get an idea I think they will aim for 39wks to make sure he's almost fully cooked lol..

I know they prefer epidurals, I don't get why not just have a bit of everything although finances seem to have an influence into the service as its more expensive having an epidural than gas and air thank heavens for insurance!

That would be good if you find out in July :) We are really lucky with the medical insurance side of things- OH's company pays for the whole family's medical insurance, we only pay $20 excess for the pre-natal/natal care as its a pre-existing condition. I hoping to try and get away with as natural birth as possible though!
I am so glad the sun isn't out today!! Nice and clouded over although it still feels quite warm here :(

Is anyone else struggling in the heat? I have my midwife appointment on Thursday, do any of you know what she will do at the 25 week one? xx

Charlotte- exactly what Lyndsay said re what to expect in 25 wk check. Re the fundal height, mine wasn't measured but not sure whether that was due to the fact that I had my 25 wk check at 22 wks. However, with Ben, I had the fundal height measured as early as 20 weeks but that was just over 3 years ago.. Xx p.s Love your signature for Jenson- it is so cute x
I had fundal height measured at 20+ as my bump is huge and he's now measuring at 28wks I have appointments every 2 weeks with my Gp and 6 weeks with my consultant. At my appointment last week at 22wks I had fundal height checked and they listened to baby hb on doppler and discussed birth options etc..

Kasey would be nice to get dates so I can prepare I'm dreading leaving my daughter ive never left her over night before! Hope you all get the natural birth you want first experience for me the pain wasn't bad I coped fine and didn't scream or anything but I have a high pain threshold anyway it depends on your frame of mind.. I went in imagining the worst ever pain and syke myself up as much as possible I do encourage being open to change so if you feel you can't cope take whatever you need as it saves you being traumatised after and we are not super human nor is it a failure if you have pain relief x
Thanks for the advice regarding pineapple. I only at a little but I'll be sure to not eat too much of it at one time in case it does soften my cervix.

Back to school today, no fun. Though I am going out for dinner with some friends tonight which should be good. I think I will announce my pregnancy, since only my best friend knows.

How are you all? It's hard to believe some people are already in third tri!

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