°°*°September 2012 Mommies To Be/Due Dates°°*°

Hi Miss Malteser, here is a link for the tesco sheets so you can get an idea of what they sell before you return to the UK https://www.tesco.com/direct/home-furniture/fitted-sheets/cat8060010.cat?catId=4294949745 I was able to buy them at the bigger Tescos - ones that sell tvs, clothes, toys etc. xx

Thanks Kasey. Just had a quick peek and unfortunately most seem to be for cot bed sizes (140*70cm) but mine is only 120*60cm but hopefully I´ll find something when I´m over there.

What do I have to do to be added to the fb page? Is it still private group that others can´t see?
Finally got around to updating the main page with the bump colors! :D Quite proud of myself. I'll leave the poll open, but once you find out a gender, please PM me or something if you want it added to the main page as i won't be going through the poll again. Too much work! lol

Hope everyone is well. My first baby shower is in 2 weeks from this Saturday. Can't wait!
well done floridagirl, its hard to keep up with everything... can i ask you to change my date to 21st as thats my due date, and also we're having a girl lol accidently clicked on blue on the poll about 10weeks ago lol sorry.

starting to lose my mind, we're away on holiday tomorrow just for a short time to see the beach even if its a scottish beach, cleaned the whole house packed all the bags but james has been crying since he woke from his bed about 4hours ago he wont stop crying, he's not in pain no temp, just screaming like a one year old would instead of talking like a 5year old tried to comfort him get slap in the fact, try to leave him alone he gets worse, he's in my bed just now sprawled out crying dunno what the hecks going on.

Sorry to hear Lynne- hope James settles for you soon- not sure what to suggest. Hope you manage to go on your holiday and have a nice time if you do xxx
hey hun thanks not sure what was wrong with him, managed to get everything done and he finally went to sleep in the end got to bed at 4am myself and been up cleaning, and sorting everything for the last few hours, just waiting on OH getting home then we can go. sooo tired though might just sleep in the car
Well i am some what sorted for going on holiday now, although i can't really be bothered anymore waiting ages to leave waiting on OH coming home, the more we wait the more less DS creats lol. too tired to be bothered now but sure i will cheer up soon

not looking forward to being without internet or mobile for few days thats always like rehab for me i love being down there but soo addicted to my phone and internet lol going to be shock to the system, currently sitting on 1 pc, 1laptop and 1 netbook to get things sorted lol get last of my fix before we go
fantastic hun seems there is alot of girls being born this year :D
Jessy - Really glad your little baba is growing nicely, she'll be caught uo in no time. Have lots of fun with your sister x

Lilysmum - Congrats on your pink bundle x

Lynne - Hope it was just a one off with James, maybe he's just getting a little jealous with a new baby on the way! I hope you have a lovely holiday hun x

Elhaym - Sorry to hear you've been struggling with pains, hopefully they'll be able to do something about it x

Missmalteser - I have bought 4 moses basket sheets and 4 fitted cotbed sheets. I got mine off Ebay 2 for £10 100% cotton. I also got me bedding set from Ebay (bumper, quilt, wallpaper boarder, curtains and a light shade) £45.
I've got loads of balnkets too, got some from Asda and some from Matalan x

RoseRed - :hi: Angel, welcome and congrats hun x

I've just had jelly and ice cream for my lunch, it was amazing, I've been craving it all week lol. We have absolutely everything for baba now, just waiting on the nursery furniture to be delivered on Saturday. The baby room looks like a bomb has hit it at the moment, boxes and baby stuff everywhere. Once I've got the furniture up and everything sorted out I'll post some pics of everything.

I was really curious of what child might look like with me and OH both being mixed race. I'm white/black caribbean and he's white/south african but only quarter so he looks pretty white. So for a bit of fun I used one of those baby gererators and here is what we got... lol

Hi Miss Malteser, here is a link for the tesco sheets so you can get an idea of what they sell before you return to the UK https://www.tesco.com/direct/home-furniture/fitted-sheets/cat8060010.cat?catId=4294949745 I was able to buy them at the bigger Tescos - ones that sell tvs, clothes, toys etc. xx

Thanks Kasey. Just had a quick peek and unfortunately most seem to be for cot bed sizes (140*70cm) but mine is only 120*60cm but hopefully I´ll find something when I´m over there.

What do I have to do to be added to the fb page? Is it still private group that others can´t see?

That's annoying about the sizes :( good luck with the search. The fb group is still private. I am happy to add you- but you will have to add me as a friend first. I will pm my Facebook link then once confirmed I can add you to the group.
Finally got around to updating the main page with the bump colors! :D Quite proud of myself. I'll leave the poll open, but once you find out a gender, please PM me or something if you want it added to the main page as i won't be going through the poll again. Too much work! lol

Hope everyone is well. My first baby shower is in 2 weeks from this Saturday. Can't wait!
well done floridagirl, its hard to keep up with everything... can i ask you to change my date to 21st as thats my due date, and also we're having a girl lol accidently clicked on blue on the poll about 10weeks ago lol sorry.

starting to lose my mind, we're away on holiday tomorrow just for a short time to see the beach even if its a scottish beach, cleaned the whole house packed all the bags but james has been crying since he woke from his bed about 4hours ago he wont stop crying, he's not in pain no temp, just screaming like a one year old would instead of talking like a 5year old tried to comfort him get slap in the fact, try to leave him alone he gets worse, he's in my bed just now sprawled out crying dunno what the hecks going on.

Sorry to hear Lynne- hope James settles for you soon- not sure what to suggest. Hope you manage to go on your holiday and have a nice time if you do xxx
hey hun thanks not sure what was wrong with him, managed to get everything done and he finally went to sleep in the end got to bed at 4am myself and been up cleaning, and sorting everything for the last few hours, just waiting on OH getting home then we can go. sooo tired though might just sleep in the car

Lynne - glad to hear he settled in the end, hope you have a lovely holiday xxx
Jessy - Really glad your little baba is growing nicely, she'll be caught uo in no time. Have lots of fun with your sister x

Lilysmum - Congrats on your pink bundle x

Lynne - Hope it was just a one off with James, maybe he's just getting a little jealous with a new baby on the way! I hope you have a lovely holiday hun x

Elhaym - Sorry to hear you've been struggling with pains, hopefully they'll be able to do something about it x

Missmalteser - I have bought 4 moses basket sheets and 4 fitted cotbed sheets. I got mine off Ebay 2 for £10 100% cotton. I also got me bedding set from Ebay (bumper, quilt, wallpaper boarder, curtains and a light shade) £45.
I've got loads of balnkets too, got some from Asda and some from Matalan x

RoseRed - :hi: Angel, welcome and congrats hun x

I've just had jelly and ice cream for my lunch, it was amazing, I've been craving it all week lol. We have absolutely everything for baba now, just waiting on the nursery furniture to be delivered on Saturday. The baby room looks like a bomb has hit it at the moment, boxes and baby stuff everywhere. Once I've got the furniture up and everything sorted out I'll post some pics of everything.

I was really curious of what child might look like with me and OH both being mixed race. I'm white/black caribbean and he's white/south african but only quarter so he looks pretty white. So for a bit of fun I used one of those baby gererators and here is what we got... lol

View attachment 410697

Sounding very organized Princess Taz :) must be exciting that you will have the nursery ready very soon. I wish we could start but won't be moving out of our temporary accommodation until 2nd July and still looking for somewhere to live! Have a load of viewings today so fingers crossed we will find something. Love the baby photo- your child is going to look very cute! Xx
Kasey I still don't feel very organised lol, not sure if I have enough clothes or if I've got the right sizes but we're saving some money to get more after baby is here and we know if we have a he or she!

I hope todays search goes well and that you find somewhere very soon, I have everything crossed for you :) x
Thanks Princess Taz- doesn't really help that there is not much on the market and thats even after we have had to up our budget. Just hope we find something soon but the good news is our house in the UK is now let agreed so one less worry! Don't worry too much about clothes- we only bought neutral 0-3 month set x2 as decided we were going to have a big baby (he ended up being 8lbs 11oz) so was quite a good size and what we had bought was perfect. We then bought clothes that were gender specific when he was born- we only bought a few newborn sized clothes but mainly bought 0-3 months. I found mothercare 0-3 massive, Ben didn't really fit the clothes until he was 3 months plus, M&S, Tesco, Asda and Sainsburys are not massive but not too small either, but found Boots, M&Co and Mamas and Papas quite small. Hope that helps xx
I've been AWOL sorry!!
Hi Shezza and Angel :)
Alexis, boo to stress leave, but happy 3rd tri! How are you doing now? Apparently they don't go in for birth plans much in Germany, but I'll probably do one anyway, just based on the last two..
Jessy, lovely to have your sister home - and so pleased to hear you and Cora are doing so much better :) Did you tell all your friends when you went out for dinner?
Taz and Charlotte, great news to hit V day (and anyone else who has hit that milestone!)
Jenny, boo to GD - I have to go for GTT next week - I'm not expecting good news either :(
Lynne, hope you got away for your holiday OK - your bump is looking great - and nice pic that James took too!
Kasey, sounds like you're settling in well - and great work on the walking to the waterfall - get your DH our for some more exercise! There's no gas and air in Germany either, so I'm feeling a bit out of a limb about that - but maybe it'll be third time lucky for me to get in the water! Hope your house hunt is going well :)
Mrsine, yay for no GTT and great that your DH got to hear the heartbeat - I might go and dig my doppler out now - it's been a while since I used it!
Miss Malteser, you can buy 60x120 cot sheets in Ikea - that's where got all of ours from - very competitively priced, and available in most countries I would guess! We have 4 cot sheets and barely need that many. Think we had 3 for crib... You could buy one set with bumpers (we never bothered) and then just a two pack of plain white ones to supplement?
Hi Elhaym :wave: I had bad pain in my pubic bone too - I'd definitely recommend physio - talk to your MW, or some maternity hospitals you can self refer... I saw a MW here that specialises in SPD pain and I only saw her twice and feeling so much better - for a quick fix, get yourself some satin type pyjamas - makes turning over in bed SO much easier (Primark, you should be able to get them for about 6 quid - not maternity, but just buy bigger :))
lilysmum, welcome to the two girls club!
Taz, I like the look of your baby photo, I'm going to have a look at that website, is it free?
FG, thanks for updating the front page! If I decide to waver from team yellow I'll let you know!

As for me, well yes AWOL - we had a week in Spain last week - and shock horror, NO INTERNET! I was bereft :winkwink: We had a drama on the way home - the plane hit birds on the runway and wasn't allowed to fly - we queued all afternoon to get rebooked but got an all expenses paid extra night of holiday for our trouble :)
No excuse this week though, just been busy, my German lessons have started, so I'm not hanging round the house in the morning these days... B has had a bit of a rough ride settling in to the creche, but has got better as the week has gone on thankfully.
We got the keys to our new house last night, and I saw it for the first time today - bit scary that I'd never seen the place we'd be living! But it was really good actually - the girls had a great time exploring, and I'm (mostly) looking forward to getting it all sorted out!
Im 26+4 (LMP) or 28+5 (scan), but I won't count myself third tri until 28 weeks by dates, as I'm fairly sure I'll go to 42 weeks, and that's 2/3 of the way through :)
I got asked by the creche lady yesterday am I having twins - erm no!
DH's dad is on his way to help us move this week - driving somewhere in Germany as I type, but unable to give an exact location!
Hope everyone is well :)
glad you made it back home safely :) I've been kind of AWOL too. It's just work has me working like a dog and by the time I get to check this, I am home and just want to eat and go to bed. :(

oh well.. hope everyone is well :)
Well I am officially 3rd tri now cant believe how fast it is going!:happydance:

It's mine and OH 1st wedding anniversary tomorrow so we are off out for a meal tonight. Then hubby is off work next week so he is going to start doing the nursery. :thumbup:

Hope you are all well x
My computer screen is broke, so I only come on very rarely now...I can't even think about reading all I've miseed, so hugs, congrats and good lucks to everyone who needs them!

I have SPD (BOOOOOOOO) And it hurts like buggery! Bed is the worst, oh, how I hate bed! :( I used to love bed, but we've had a falling out, and I think he is trying to kill me in my sleep! :cry: He's not doing it very covert though, as he's waking me up every hour and a half! (Good practice for the baby I suppose!)

Apart from my pelvis being floppy I am all okay! My DS was unwell the other day, and he's still not himself, so he's sleeping loads atm, which means sitting down and resting Mr. Floppy Pelvis! :)thumbup: good times!)

I have loads of clothes left over from DS, we left his sex a secret too, so have loads of white things, I think about 20 sleepsuits (long legs and arms) and about double that in short ones. All I need to get now really is a few knitted cardies and the such, and my home birth stuff! So think I am pretty much sorted in the clothes department for LO. I need a new cot mattress too, but that's a last minute thing really!
Hi all!

Been floating around last few days and just feel so crap almost as though morning sickness is back just awful hangover feeling.. meh!

How is everyone doing? My mum dragged me out yesterday and we saw a movie and got a few bits for my boy.
Anyone considering co sleeping? I'm trying to find a small cosleeper cot to attach to my bed which is a divan so a bit more difficult to find a suitable one any suggestions?

Have a great day girlies xx
Jellybeann, boo to SPD :( At least you a re getting some rest at the minute, but sorry your son is not well
Shezza, garrr to feeling sick again We won't be co sleeping so I don't know about those side of the bed cots at all...
House moving has started - DH and FIL off in the van and I'm entertaining the girls.
We co-sleep, but we just use our bed! We have a bed rail or the cot pushed up against my side, I sleep in the middle and the baby on my side of the bed, I also put a cushion on the wood frame of the bed in case baby rolls onto the wood! We just make sure baby has no duvet near him/her and my pillows are far away too...I have no experience with co-sleeping cots though! (My son weaned out of our bed at about 23 months!)
Just a quick post as off out to sort out leasing of car today. Holywoodmum - welcome back :) good luck with the move and unpacking. We have that to look forward to in exactly a month's time - very happy all our possessions are in the U.S and have cleared through customs so they are now being stored until 2nd July. Poor Ben keeps asking when he will get his toys! Found an apartment we loved yesterday- have wait until next week to hear whether our offer has been accepted-so fingers crossed. I am also waiting until 28 weeks to be officially third trimester too!
Lyndsay- Happy Anniversary for tomorrow- hope you have a lovely day celebrating :)
Jellybeann sorry to hear about the SPD :(
Shezza- sorry to hear that you feeling rubbish :( hope you feel better soon. Have no idea on co-sleeping cots etc. sorry!
Hope everyone has a lovely weekend - UK peeps enjoy the double Bank holiday and Jubilee celebrations xxx

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