°°*°September 2012 Mommies To Be/Due Dates°°*°

Welcome Ashlie :wave:

I will probably pack my bag around 27/28 weeks, definitely towards the start of third tri and no later than 30 weeks :thumbup:
Aww thank you for replying :)

I think I will start getting bits sorted in the next few weeks as I'd rather have it done early sat there waiting than have a mad rush early hours of the morning haha
It's always better to be prepared, right? That way you don't need to worry about getting it done and there's always time to change things if necessary, such as clothing which may be dependent on the weather.

I have an ultrasound coming up, it's on Monday, I guess I forgot to say that in my previous posts. I should get my SIL to join BnB, though when I told her about it previously (prior to her pregnancy, just in general conversation), she seemed weirded out by it. I think her dates are off because of they heard the heartbeats so early but obviously I am no professional :haha:
Hiya ladies I have posted in here before but for some reason wasn't getting any notifications from it anymore so I thought I would introduce myself again I'm Ashlie 18 and 27 weeks pregnant with our little girl Laila Rose due on the 5th September :D

I hope everyone's pregnancy is going well, I was just wondering has anyone thought about when they will be getting thier hospital bag sorted? I have been thinking about it recently but not to sure when to make a start :flower:

hey there ladybug!! welcome to the september mommies :happydance: ... sorry I didn't write back, my laptop here at work, seems to only work half the time and only let certain things pop up and then blocks them, grr.. I have a work order scheduled for Friday, so hopefully this thing will be taken care of..

how's lil miss Laila???? :hugs:
Hiya ladies I have posted in here before but for some reason wasn't getting any notifications from it anymore so I thought I would introduce myself again I'm Ashlie 18 and 27 weeks pregnant with our little girl Laila Rose due on the 5th September :D

I hope everyone's pregnancy is going well, I was just wondering has anyone thought about when they will be getting thier hospital bag sorted? I have been thinking about it recently but not to sure when to make a start :flower:

hey there ladybug!! welcome to the september mommies :happydance: ... sorry I didn't write back, my laptop here at work, seems to only work half the time and only let certain things pop up and then blocks them, grr.. I have a work order scheduled for Friday, so hopefully this thing will be taken care of..

how's lil miss Laila???? :hugs:

Hiya chick! thank you I managed to find it again :happydance: oh that's okay I know how annoying these work computers/laptops can be haha I hope you manage to get it fixed if not then we can always chat on here now that I have found it again :D

Laila is doing well thank you she's been really active over the last few days I feel as if she is trying to escape! we have our 4d scan on the 16th which I am soo excited for I have been counting down the days like a big kid at christmas haha how's little Lucas? I hope your both well :hugs: x
Hi Ashley,
I am moving house at the minute, so I guess it'll be a good few weeks before I start to think about a hospital bag at all! I'm about 28 weeks now (scan/LMP dates are different) so I think in about a month I'll get on to it once the moving is over - there's plenty more for me to sort out before then!
Hi Ashlie, welcome again haha :hi:

I start ML pretty early, as I've got about 3 weeks holiday to take beforehand, so I'll be off from about 32 weeks. So I'm planning on starting the hospital bag then. Can't believe it's time to start thinking about these things! Had my 24 week appointment yesterday, everything fine, fundal height 25cm :thumbup: she asked me to start thinking about which birth centre I wanted to use and said I should go look round them soon! :wacko:
Elhaym blackburn birth centre is open to look around on Sundays at 2pm. I think that's when I went lol. It is lovely in there though. I really want to give birth there. Ooooh if you go there I wonder if our paths will cross hehe.

Is everyone doing a birth plan? I've done one but I feel a bit silly xx
My hospital says they'd rather you just do a ton of research then have a set birth plan. Like research the pros/cons of the meds but not have a set plan in mind in case it goes wrong. She was all impressed with how much I knew already lol!
Hi Ashley,
I am moving house at the minute, so I guess it'll be a good few weeks before I start to think about a hospital bag at all! I'm about 28 weeks now (scan/LMP dates are different) so I think in about a month I'll get on to it once the moving is over - there's plenty more for me to sort out before then!

Hiya :)
Oh good luck with your move I hope all is going well yeah you have alot going on with your move so I am sure your hospital bag can wait, that can give you something a little less hectic to sort out after the move :flow:

Hi Ashlie, welcome again haha :hi:

I start ML pretty early, as I've got about 3 weeks holiday to take beforehand, so I'll be off from about 32 weeks. So I'm planning on starting the hospital bag then. Can't believe it's time to start thinking about these things! Had my 24 week appointment yesterday, everything fine, fundal height 25cm :thumbup: she asked me to start thinking about which birth centre I wanted to use and said I should go look round them soon! :wacko:

Hello again :haha: and thank you
Really that's good so you will be able to take your time and get everything sorted in good time, I know tell me about it! I only just thought about doing mine as I am house sitting for a friend in mid July for 3 weeks so I thought I best have that ready in the car just incase. I am glad that everything went well at your appointment and that your LO is measuring well :) that's crazy but exciting viewing the birthing centres! I just can't believe how quickly it's coming around :flower:
Welcome Ashlie :) I probably won't plan to pack my hospital bag until 34 weeks although last time I think I only officially finished packing my bag at 41 weeks - maybe that's why I went overdue! Definitely will take less stuff this time - I seemed to have everything bar the kitchen sink!
Lynne - welcome back- sorry to hear your holiday wasn't very relaxing and weather was rubbish.
Lucy- hope you are feeling better, I am feeling much better today - so don't think I had food poisoning, think it was hormonal and pregnancy related.
Jessy- good luck for the scan next Monday and congrats to your SIL on expecting twins -very exciting! Glad all seems to be going well with her pregnancy do far.
Just a bit of an update from me, we have had the offer accepted on our rental property so just finalizing contracts, OH's company has to write some kind of guarantee as we have no credit history in the US but if all goes to plan we will have the keys to our new home on the 25th June and all our furniture and possessions will come on the 2nd July :) thanks everyone for having your fingers crossed for us - much appreciated! Jessy- thanks for asking - we are still getting used to life in the US but getting there. Ben and I are meeting some other stay at home mums and children next week so will be nice for us both to meet people. Can be a bit lonely here but it's great having skype to catch up with our families. We are doing lots of walking everyday which is great and going to head off to the beach in a bit :) I have finally got a OB - first appointment is not until 18th June. Been reading about the hospital I'm planning to give birth in and not really sure I want to go there. I just feel that they will try and thrust medication on me and I would prefer to go as natural as possible. Have found a lovely birth centre about 45 mins away which I think would suit me better but worried it's too far and that depending on when I went into labour could be an issue especially if it's during rush hour! Decisions... Xxx
Hi all can't believe I'm thinking about hospital bags I can't remember when I packed my last one.. I need to look into to it do you need different things if it's a csection or pretty much the same? One thing I'll say is take lots of maternity sani towels I found I bled so heavy I went through lots x
Hiya ladies I have posted in here before but for some reason wasn't getting any notifications from it anymore so I thought I would introduce myself again I'm Ashlie 18 and 27 weeks pregnant with our little girl Laila Rose due on the 5th September :D

I hope everyone's pregnancy is going well, I was just wondering has anyone thought about when they will be getting thier hospital bag sorted? I have been thinking about it recently but not to sure when to make a start :flower:

hey there ladybug!! welcome to the september mommies :happydance: ... sorry I didn't write back, my laptop here at work, seems to only work half the time and only let certain things pop up and then blocks them, grr.. I have a work order scheduled for Friday, so hopefully this thing will be taken care of..

how's lil miss Laila???? :hugs:

Hiya chick! thank you I managed to find it again :happydance: oh that's okay I know how annoying these work computers/laptops can be haha I hope you manage to get it fixed if not then we can always chat on here now that I have found it again :D

Laila is doing well thank you she's been really active over the last few days I feel as if she is trying to escape! we have our 4d scan on the 16th which I am soo excited for I have been counting down the days like a big kid at christmas haha how's little Lucas? I hope your both well :hugs: x

We are hanging in there!! Had my drs apt yesterday and due to the contractions I had been having wanted to be checked to make sure I wasn't dilating. With my 2nd son, I started having what I thought were braxton hicks around 21 weeks and thought nothing of it. They continued on everyday off an on for the next 7 weeks, then found out I was 50% effaced and already 1 cm dilated. I was soo scared, but after being put on bedrest, he hung in there until my c-section date. NOWWWW... with this one.. started having the same thing all over again, contractions that I know are braxton hicks, but wanted to have the dr check. Thank god my cervix is still closed and long.. so we are ok for now, but my drs apts are every 2 weeks and I am on a cervical check at every apt. can be irritating I know, but hey atleast they are being proactive.. Lucas is having his own dance party in there. He moves contantly!! Last night good lord, it was so bad that i was almost in tears because it hurts at times. Then it felt like TMI - like a hot poker was stuck up there, it was a pain that would not go away. Luckily it did, but got me a little worried and then hubby leans over in bed and lays his head on my belly, kisses it, rubs and says " Lucas this is daddy, stop hurting momma, come on baby, I love you".. oh I just melted and Lucas calmed down, guess he liked his daddy's voice.. too cute i know..hehe..

well now that I've written a novel, lol.. glad to see that your ok, and hope everyone else on here is doing well. :hugs: to everyone :)
I feel like I'm running out of time lol!! I have to make like sixty billion appointments this month and have my application for the university in by next week and ahhh. My family's going to be here like mid august, I have prenatal courses all through july. Lol stress leave has been stressful!! I'm glad I'm off work though, could not have done this all while working as they don't give me days off
Hiya ladies I have posted in here before but for some reason wasn't getting any notifications from it anymore so I thought I would introduce myself again I'm Ashlie 18 and 27 weeks pregnant with our little girl Laila Rose due on the 5th September :D

I hope everyone's pregnancy is going well, I was just wondering has anyone thought about when they will be getting thier hospital bag sorted? I have been thinking about it recently but not to sure when to make a start :flower:

hey there ladybug!! welcome to the september mommies :happydance: ... sorry I didn't write back, my laptop here at work, seems to only work half the time and only let certain things pop up and then blocks them, grr.. I have a work order scheduled for Friday, so hopefully this thing will be taken care of..

how's lil miss Laila???? :hugs:

Hiya chick! thank you I managed to find it again :happydance: oh that's okay I know how annoying these work computers/laptops can be haha I hope you manage to get it fixed if not then we can always chat on here now that I have found it again :D

Laila is doing well thank you she's been really active over the last few days I feel as if she is trying to escape! we have our 4d scan on the 16th which I am soo excited for I have been counting down the days like a big kid at christmas haha how's little Lucas? I hope your both well :hugs: x

We are hanging in there!! Had my drs apt yesterday and due to the contractions I had been having wanted to be checked to make sure I wasn't dilating. With my 2nd son, I started having what I thought were braxton hicks around 21 weeks and thought nothing of it. They continued on everyday off an on for the next 7 weeks, then found out I was 50% effaced and already 1 cm dilated. I was soo scared, but after being put on bedrest, he hung in there until my c-section date. NOWWWW... with this one.. started having the same thing all over again, contractions that I know are braxton hicks, but wanted to have the dr check. Thank god my cervix is still closed and long.. so we are ok for now, but my drs apts are every 2 weeks and I am on a cervical check at every apt. can be irritating I know, but hey atleast they are being proactive.. Lucas is having his own dance party in there. He moves contantly!! Last night good lord, it was so bad that i was almost in tears because it hurts at times. Then it felt like TMI - like a hot poker was stuck up there, it was a pain that would not go away. Luckily it did, but got me a little worried and then hubby leans over in bed and lays his head on my belly, kisses it, rubs and says " Lucas this is daddy, stop hurting momma, come on baby, I love you".. oh I just melted and Lucas calmed down, guess he liked his daddy's voice.. too cute i know..hehe..

well now that I've written a novel, lol.. glad to see that your ok, and hope everyone else on here is doing well. :hugs: to everyone :)

Good I am glad that your both okay and that little Lucas doesn't have any plans of making an early entrance :) I can imagine how worried you must have been having been in a simular situation previous pregnancy it's good that they are making sure everything is okay, that would put my mind at rest a bit knowing there keeping on top of things even though it can be quite a pain up and down the hospital all the time but as you say at least they are keeping a close eye on everything. Haha is he having a rave in there again Laila has been very simular the passed few days very very active also a few people have commented today how low she is which I noticed myself this morning but didn't think to much of it as I know babies change positions all the time but I am really hoping that she is not looking for an escape route already :nope:

That is soooo cute that he listend to his daddy! that just really is to cute I hope he keeps it up and stops beating you so much as they are not the most gentle movements now as our LO are getting bigger and stronger :hugs:
I know right!! As I sit here typing, he's all over the place. but yea when hubby said that...ughh.. if i wasn't in so much pain, i'd probably would have cried .. hehe..

We went shopping for him last night and got really good deals on things. my mom met us there at the store, and then as we were getting ready to leave, she had the guy bring out this baby swing and said for hubby to put it in his truck and take it home. I'm like what??? my mom went and bought a cradle swing and didn't tell me. I mean I love my mom buying things for her grandson, but I'm the type of person that I want to buy them myself that I work hard for the money to be able to buy it. I not mad at her, just wished she wouldn't have. it was a nice jesture :).

and now my sister calls me and says that she has another dresser at her house that she doesn't use and wants to give it to me for baby Lucas since we needed one. I was shocked and excited!! atleast the big things we need are slowly being marked off my to do list.. whew.. thank god!
hey i am finally back again, ended up in hopsital yesterday with contraction like pains and with my history of preterm labour they had to keep an eye on me :cry: wasn't fun didn't really get any answers either but now home on bed rest. I am 25weeks today also so thats good news baby is going well was just my body having a hissy fit more than likely.
Yay into double figures, only 99 days to go :))

Lynne - Glad your home now, hope you feel better xx

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