°°*°September 2012 Mommies To Be/Due Dates°°*°

So, FOB hasn't made any effort at all to contact me since I was 8 weeks. (20 bloody weeks ago) I eventually blocked him because I just did not want to hear from him, I had enough going on and it pissed me off knowing he could message me at any time and didn't. Now that I'm not working and have had some time to sort through the issues, I'm thinking of unblocking him. He probably wouldn't even message me if I did, but I don't know. we don't need him, we're doing fine without him and anything he has to say now will only make it worse for him in the long run most likely. So, do I rock the boat a little and let him see me on FB again, or not? Advice?
If you can handle the fact that he might not get in touch then I'd say maybe unblock him. If you don't think you can deal with that at the minute, then keep him blocked. If he tried to get in touch now would you want his involvement? How do you think you might feel in two or three years time about him being someone your child sees? If you'd like there to be some presence of him down the line, then now might be a good time to re-open things - it's not like you'll be thinking of getting back together, but his support could be good for both of you when the baby is here...
The issue is, he's abandoned his other two daughters. I'm not really comfortable giving him the chance to do that to my daughter too. Him not replying is why I blocked him in the first place, the silence is more infuriating then a message.
In that case - keep him blocked. If he really wants to make the effort then he can come and find you in real life...
Yeah, I want either total silence or total commitment from him and will not accept any in between. To teach his daughters who "daddy" is then sign over his rights? NOT going to happen to mine.
We co-sleep, but we just use our bed! We have a bed rail or the cot pushed up against my side, I sleep in the middle and the baby on my side of the bed, I also put a cushion on the wood frame of the bed in case baby rolls onto the wood! We just make sure baby has no duvet near him/her and my pillows are far away too...I have no experience with co-sleeping cots though! (My son weaned out of our bed at about 23 months!)

Hiya jellybean that's my issue right now my DD is 4 will be 5 soon and she's always slept in my bed since birth but occasionally would sleep in her room when my ex fiance was home which wasn't often as he's a soldier based in Germany mostly...

Now I've been single since BFP she's pretty settled in my bed and I feel putting her in her room and cosleeping with baby would distress her and she wouldn't understand why the baby would need to be with me as she's also got a speech and language special needs so understanding words or explanation is difficult for her, now her dad isn't around she's pretty much my sidekick and I don't want her feeling replaced so wanted a cosleeper cot on the opposite side for baby and leave DD on the other side of the bed and slowly transition her to her room ( dreading this) hopefully baby will be old enough to stay in the nursery then too so she won't feel replaced/abandoned.

I'm probably over thinking it but knowing how attached she is to me it isn't going to be easy I'm prepared to share my bed to avoid it lol

hiya Kacey, hope your new home goes well good luck xx

I think keep him blocked we are in a similar position as my DD and I was abandoned by ex fiancé too.. It's best he stays out of your daughters life because he will most likely hurt her as he did his other 2 and from watching my daughter get distressed from not seeing her father it is heartbreaking!

It's better to have no father than have a rubbish one x
Hi everyone! I'm now 24 weeks so Cora is viable :happydance: It's hard to believe we have such little time left before our babies will be here. I'm having an amazing time with my sister and she is enjoying being home and spending time with all of our family. I announced the pregnancy to my closest friends just a few days back and it's safe to say they were very surprized! They're all happy for me and couldn't believe how far along I am.

Jellybeann, sorry to hear about your SPD. How are you doing since you initially posted about it a few days ago?

Kasey, I hope your offer is accepted and you're able to move both ASAP and without any problems. Keep us updated! How are you finding the US btw? I don't think I'd ever asked. Whoops! :dohh: Is it a lot different to life in the UK?

Alex it may be a hard decision about whether to have FOB in Lara's life or not, but you have to do what is best for the two of you. We're all here to support you with whatever decision you make :hugs:

Oh and just before I head back to class -- I'm happy to announce that my nieces, nephews or niece and nephew are due on February 1st! My SIL had her first sonogram today and she and my brother were very surprized to see two very strong heart beats appearing on the screen! Both babies along with my SIL are doing well. How exciting! :happydance:
Holywood - That plane business sounds scary, don't think I'd of wanted to get back on a plane if that happened to me lol. I'm glad you like the new house and that you're all settling in well, hope you enjoy your German lessons :) xx

Lyndsay - Yay for 3rd Tri and hope you and hubby had a lovely universality xx

JellyBeann - Sorry to hear about the SPD, it seems quite a few people are suffering with it. I hope it gets sorted for you, I can't imagine falling out with my bed :cry: I'd love a home birth too but my consultants won't sign me off for midwife only left care until my 36 appointment and my OH is against the idea with it being our 1st. I was there at my SIL's home birth and it was so relaxed and peaceful xx

Shezza - Hope you're feeling better now, stupid morning sickness! I haven't even thought about co-sleeping so I'm not any help sorry lol xx

Kasey - Yay for finding the apartment, I'm keeping everything crossed for your offer being accepted :) xx

Jessy - Happy V day :) and congrats to your brother and SIL, wow twins! xx

Hope everyone is well xx
Hi Yummy Mummies to be :)

I'm so sorry I never get on. I read the last couple of pages but impossible to catch up on weeks worth of posts lol

Only two days till I start third tri which is great. This trimester has gone really quickly for me and it's been a nice one. The last few days I've been floored with tiredness. Hoping it passes. Only another four weeks of work and then I'm off most of July and August before bump arrives :)

Starting to think about the birth and all that goes with it. Lots to get ready this summer too for baby bump. It's hard to imagine another baby here when for 11 months I've been looking after my baby girl. But I'm really looking forward to us being a four.

My sister is pregnant with her second too. Only 4 months between our second two so it's nice to chat to her about everything.

Hope you're all doing well. It'll be September in no time :)
That's us back from our holiday, it was the worst time every, coming back i am no longer able to walk very well at all, DS is pretty much ill as hell has an absess on his tooth (long story but his dentist has been witholding sending referal to dental hospital for months) and OH and myself just tired and pissed off weather was awful, journey was awful whole thing was not good james has a friend down there who he plays with the whole time she was in our house and we sended up baby sitting for her the 4 days we were there, this morning my DS went to her house (next dooe) to play while we cleaned the house before we left and i went out to load the car only to find that said little girl and my Ds were sitting in her mum's car with the keys and such he's not allowed out without adult supervision as he has some delayed development he is only 4 so shouldn't be in a car alone with another 4 year old personally i think the parents need a good kick up the arse so i am little upset about that too... we wanted to come back early but back home now long story but its not been great and i have actually cancelled our summer holiday after this, i am only 24weeks 4days and i'm already to heavy to be travelling i feel personally so summer at home for us me thinks...

anyways sorry for rant how is everyone else ?
Sorry to hear about your holiday Lynne.. I do hope things get better for you!!

Sorry all that I haven't posted in here lately.. just been busy with work and of course taking day by day with this LO who kicks constantly. lol. I hardly sleep anymore b/c he hates me laying down in any position. :( only time I get relief is standing up, but then I feel so heavy standing up that I have to sit down, ughhh. only 15 more weeks to go.. whew.. I think I can do it :):)

hope all is well with everyone :)
omg love your tag under your name sooo cute :D

don't worry just was too much for us all, holidays and pregnant don't mix for us lol....

our little miss is very active too hun he's always bouncing around other than when i stand and rock her lol :D luckily she has sleeping periods too thank goodness hope that shows when she's here :D
Thanks!! I had it done by Whisper of hope in the siggy shop here on BnB. Gosh do I know about vacations and pregnancy. Already a mini one, but OH wants to go to the beach for a few days and take my boys to see the sites. I'm like WHAT?? Guess he doesn't understand.. oh well.. lol.

I am hoping that he has good sleeping patterns when he's here.. lol. if not oh well, I'll nap when he does. I got lucky with my first son, he was 1 week old when he started sleeping all night, and my 2nd son he was 8 weeks old when he started sleeping through the night. Just hope this one does too.
its lovely hun :D

yeah i think boys are good sleeper, DS was sleepnig 8pm - 8am when he was 8weeks old never forget that was really lucky, he couldn't sleep in same room as me though so had to have his own room and had to be silent and dark, hope baby doesn't expect that as she'll be sharing room with us it might be dark (just bought blackout blinds for whole house) but doubt with DS that it will be at all quiet lol :D be luckily as DS starts school month before DD is due :D
Hi girls. I just got to wondering, have we got a name (think i heard it was september stars) and also have we got a team image?
When i was pregnant last time with my DD i was due in july and we were called

July jellybeans or something like that and we had a image that all july mummies had on their siggy.....July with loads of jelly beans around it.

Just a thought!! xx
Taz, personally a homebirth wouldn't be for me - could you go to a nice quite mw centre as a compromise?
Katekate, hi :) can't imagine having two LOs so close together - I guess it'll be hard to start with but lovely when they're a bit older
Lynne, sorry your holiday was so rubbish - I have to say I think I was v lucky to enjoy our trip to Spain as much as I did! Maybe things will be more settled now you're home. Is it SPD you've got?
2boyz, have you tried any relaxation CDs to get you off to sleep? THere's a nice birth preparation one for free on free-hypnosisdownloads.com that I've been using - I rarely get past the first 10 minutes!
lilysmum, floridagirl did a badge for us - I think you can get it from the first post, or it's in my siggy :)

as for me, I think I've got food poisoning :( started puking yesterday evening. It was too weird, could feel baby moving, and couldn't tell if cramps were from that or imminent D and V. Haven't been sick for over 12 hours. But I'm super paranoid. Can't eat anything, so ended up nearly fainting collecting C from school. Think im going to have to cancel my appointment this evening, was so looking forward to a wee scan to see if bubs still breech :(
I think there are a couple of groups called September Stars, or something similar to that anyway. There's a 'due in September' image on the front page which some people are using :thumbup:

Tomorrow the class of 2012 at my school graduate. It should be a pretty exciting day. I'm due to graduate next year, but because I'll be taking time out of school for Cora, I don't know what'll happen as far as that goes.

I still can't believe my SIL is having twins! In case you don't read my journal, their names will be Joshua Brian (he'll technically be Joshua Brian Jr, as my brother is Joshua Brian) and Evan Elijah, Abigail Kathryn and Juliet Danielle or Joshua Brian and Abigail Kathryn :cloud9:
Hiya ladies I have posted in here before but for some reason wasn't getting any notifications from it anymore so I thought I would introduce myself again I'm Ashlie 18 and 27 weeks pregnant with our little girl Laila Rose due on the 5th September :D

I hope everyone's pregnancy is going well, I was just wondering has anyone thought about when they will be getting thier hospital bag sorted? I have been thinking about it recently but not to sure when to make a start :flower:

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