°°*°September 2012 Mommies To Be/Due Dates°°*°

bought a two pack maybe i should wait till thursday thats when i tested last week i had a scan tomorrow but been getting period like pains all day :( the line test is much much darker before i had to sqint to see it no w its visable to anyone even half blind people (like my partner lol)

maybe my urine was too diluted to its afternoon and i have been to the loo about a million times already last thursdays was done with fmu?

Probably still best to do with fmu, it should be more concentrated.
maybe was worried seeing people on here with 2-3 clearblues and weren't much ahead of me if at all...
maybe was worried seeing people on here with 2-3 clearblues and weren't much ahead of me if at all...

I took a digi last Fri when I was 5 weeks 2 days and I was still getting 2-3 weeks. Spoke to my doctor who said not to take too much notice of the digi tests as its only based on an average, the main thing is it still is coming up pregnant and every women's hormones rise at different rates- try not to worry too much (easier said then done I know) xx
Aaargh just had pink cm after a BM, I hope its just implantation, felt a lead weight drop in my stomach when I saw it :(
oh no hun it could be nothing i really hope it is nothing for you... :( :hugs: i've been getting pains all morning
I know everyone says spotting is normal in early preg but that's what I thought last time :( will mention it to doc on Fri might give them more of an incentive to scan.
Lynne massive :hugs: it is so scary, but cramping is normal, if the lines are much darker that is fantastic. Every body is different as is every pregnancy.

I just watched Call the Midwife, it was good but agree not as good as the book. Didnt realise Jennifer Worth had died :(
Aaargh just had pink cm after a BM, I hope its just implantation, felt a lead weight drop in my stomach when I saw it :(

It can mean nothing at all hun, although I know it is very scary. I bled until 16 weeks with Kaysie Blossom and she is currently snuggled in bed with me :thumbup:
true hun i would tell your doctor about it do you have the number for the EPU to?
thanks prob just worrying about nothing even if something does happen little i can do got a scan tomorrow so hopefully that shows something but worried about havig an internal scan aren't they dagerous?
OMG, you ladies are such chatters! :haha: So much to catch up on!!

congrats to all the new preggo ladies and welcome :flow: adding you all now :flower:

TVG - I added your date :flow: sorry about that!

Elhaym - so nice that you got your :bfp: on your previous Due Date, so sorry for your prior loss hun :hugs:

FloridaGirl, please can you remove me from the list as i am no longer expecting
good luck to all of you september mums, wish you all a happy and healthy remaining 7.5ish months xx
I'm so sorry hun :hugs: Hope to see you back in here soon :flow:

Name (just first)? Prefer not to say, its a very unusual name and I haven't announced my pregnancy yet.....

How old are you? 35

What's your EDD, how have you figured that date? yet to be determined

What # child is this for you? 8

Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl? Not sure yet, maybe boy since I'm STARVING all the time....

Are you finding out the gender? Undecided

How many months were you TTC? NTNP just gave birth 9/23/11

Are you on any meds to help support your pregnancy? Prometrium and baby aspirin

I have been cautiously waiting to join this thread, let me tell you a little about my situation:

I got a BFP and the next day had a 5-10 minute heavy cramping session which I passed a clot the size of a quarter. Woke up the next day and NO bleeding no nothing so I called the Dr and we started betas. They were drawn exactly 49 hours apart from each other. First draw my beta was 198, knowing I needed to see the 2nd # to be able to tell anything I called my Dr after the 2nd draw expecting to hear bad news. The Nurse paused on the phone and sounded very surprised when she read me my beta, it was 635. She said its more than doubled, its actually more than tripled!! I used the betabase caculator and I'm getting a doubling time of 29.14 hours. I have NO idea what's going on at this point so all I can do is reassure myself that "Yes" I am pregnant and wait...........

:hi: hun! I'm on Prometrium and baby aspirin too. Sorry too hear about the trouble you've had to far. I'd think that since the bleeding has stopped and your beta has come back so good that everything should be okay. I understand how nerve wracking this must be :hugs: Will they do a scan or something to see if baby is in the right place and to confirm that baby is okay? :hugs: Let me know your EDD once you know it so I can add you to the main page :flow:

Anyone else getting really sick lately? Morning sickness (aka all day sickness) showed up full force a few days ago. I dont ever remember morning sickness showing up so early and so severe. :sick:
Hey mommyof5, yes, I’ve been terribly sick. 24/7, worse when I don’t eat every hour and a half to two hours.. I think I might ask my DR for some Zofran Wednesday at my appointment

I'm awake. Needed to pee. I never wake up in the night for a wee! Lol. And now I feel sick xxx
:haha: When I wake up to pee, which is every ngiht, I try to not think about the nausea & keep a snack at my bedside. :sick:

Booking appt with midwife on Valentines day :)

So sorry to hear your news lindblum. Best of luck for a nice sticky bean next time. :hugs:
Happy 5 weeks Smile!
Ooh i also forgot to update yesterday that i have a provisional booking on apt with the midwife!
9th Feb @10am if all goes well at the scan.
Yay for a first appointment! :D

So sorry for your loss lindblum :hugs:
I've been feeling so nauseous I can't eat at all even feeding my little boy makes me heave at the minute tho I have just had 2 cheese triangles and found I actually really like them hehe. Ive been trying to snack on tomotoes and fruit I kinda just want to throw up already and get over it.
Holywood sorry your feeling so rough, get yourself to bed with a nice hot drink and chillax.
It's not going to be long and this thread will be full of scan pics whoooooooo, I'm super excited now. I even got my Doppler out today even tho I know I'd never hear the hb it killed an hour whilst lo was napping hehe. Is anyone else getting a Doppler?
Sarah/darkest I was born in Kingston and lived in tolworth, my nan lived by Iceland for years bless her heart. I still have cousins in Epsom too, it's a very small world indeed hehe
What does everyone have planned for the weekend?
:hi: hun! I have not been in the mood to eat at all, but if I don’t and go over say 2 hours without eating, my nausea gets so much worse & I’ll start vomiting bile acid. It really is better to eat something than nothing at all, I’ve figured that out.. Took a while :wacko:
I’ve borrowed a friend’s Doppler and plan on trying to start using it around 10 weeks :happydance:

Just told my Mum, she was so shocked that it's thrown me off guard a bit.
:hugs: I’m sure she’ll come around hun :hugs:

I dont understand it at all... my lmp was 13th Dec...I ovulated smack bang on cd 14. My doc never gave me a due date...didnt even ask my LMP... going by what they did with last pg they added 9m and 7d which would be Sept 20th but when I go on tickers... it has me as 4w 4d and my due date on the 18th or 19th so I don't actually know when my due date is... somehow that makes me feel lost... lol...

Okay I would date you as 4wd 4 with an edd of the 17th September. I counted 38 weeks from when you ovualted and that is what it gives me, the tickers dont allow for the extra day in Feb cos of the leap year. :thumbup:
Ahhhh thank you... I feel found :p xx
I agree with Tasha, EDD would be the 17th, I’ll change your date :flow:
Anyone here from the states?
Florida here :flow:
Got my booking appointment through :happydance: 8 Feb when I will be 10+2 by my count... quite similar to when I've had scans in last two pregnancies.
But I'm going to ask if I can come a week later - partly cos then I'm on half term and don't have to task for time off work, and partly so DH can come with me as he'll be home from Germany that week anyway - can't believe I'm making myself wait longer!
:happydance: yay for an appointment! Stinks it’s so late in the first tri though. I would have gone crazy for another month feeling that there might be two in there and not have been able to confirm! :wacko:
Congratulations Florida Girl! Do you have twins in your family?
Thank you hun! Yes, 3 sets :wacko: 2 on my mom’s side and 1 on my dad’s
FloridaGirl- Is that natural or were you on something? How exciting!!!!!!
:hi: mommyof5, I have 3 sets of twins in my family & I was on Clomid.. I’m guessing it was the combination of the two factors :shrug:
I think I'm one of the lucky ones -- I get extreme nausea if I don't eat, but as long as I sneak a few crackers and some water in bed before I get up in the morning, mine is completely manageable. I'm still dealing with some *wicked* food aversions though...nothing at all sounds good and after about 7pm or so it's worse than pulling teeth to make myself eat no matter HOW hungry I get! I think it's partially due to the fact that by that point, I've been at work for over 7 hours and I'm just plain too exhausted to fight the nausea.
And another thing...just because I know we have some more appointments coming up and I'd like to put some minds at ease if I can: After my appointment on Wednesday I started spotting brown and have for the past couple days. It's getting progressively lighter and although there have been a few cramps, they aren't AF-like cramps and I'm relatively confident that little Baby September is okay in there.
Naturally I freaked out when this started happening and did all kinds of research -- everything I read said that it was normal to happen (especially if they do a Pap smear, which they did for me) and that you should only worry if you have bad cramps and red blood. I think the fact that it's so radically different from my earlier loss (where it was fine fine fine BAM you're done) that it's really helping me stay calm. Looking forward to the next two days when I get a chance to put my feet up and rest.
How is everyone else getting on? Oh! Congrats on the twins, Ysa! I remember you saying early on you suspected them! Man, that's so exciting. Now I get to make the journey with you, but then only do half the work afterwards! :haha:
Also, happy 7 weeks to Ayates, brooke1993, AnnieB82, frantastic20(<3 fran, you're my favorite 7 weeker! =P ), and Pink-Mummy!
Happy 6 weeks to kittiyara, kissyfacelala, Jinbean, growingbean, Cherrylicious, and purplepanda
Happy 5 weeks to msprincess, Baby Gaga, juicyjen, izzy29, and Erinsmummy
:hi: Riliye! I had a friend who spotted after her first pap while pregnant and has gone on to have a beautiful little girl :cloud9: Don’t worry about it :hugs: And yes, I did have a hunch they’re might have been more than one in there! Early :bfp:, high beta’s that were more than doubling and nausea/MS began at 5weeks! :wacko: Plus, I took Clomid and have a family history of twins so I knew it was a possibility!

Such massive congrats floridagirl!!!! What amazing news!
Hi to all the new ladies and congrats on the new bfp's.
Been working all day and will be tomorrow again but wanted to drop by.
I also got my hcg results, i was 4w4d (or 17dpo) when they were taken. There were 878 which from what i can find on the net is higher then average. Yay!
At 16DPO, my beta was 943, your’s sound great! :D
with caution i post this:
please don't add me to the list until after tuesday.... i have a scan on tuesday at infertility clinic to hopefully rule out ectopic or miscarrage....
Name (just first)? Lynne (Lynne192)

How old are you? in my 20's

What's your EDD, how have you figured that date? 19th September 2012 (online calculation from LMP)

What # child is this for you? I have one living son and many miscarriages and an ectopic but this will be my child #3

Do you predict you're carrying a boy or girl? no idea through chinese charting its girl....

Are you finding out the gender? yes hopefully (if we get that far)

How many months were you TTC? we have been TTC almost 5 years

Are you on any meds to help support your pregnancy? none yet but hopefully will be soon with anti-d and such.
Let me know when you’d like to be added hun. FXed for you xx
Has anyone else had to have hcg betas drawn? If so were they tripling? I'm a bit concerned ......... I googled it ( I know I know, BAD idea) but most of the women on the beta board that had a doubing time of around the same as mine (29.14 hrs) are having multiples. Not that multiples wouldn't be a blessing but my last 2 children are less than a year apart ( Son born 9/26/10 and Daughter born 9/23/11) so this one will be due around a year from the last and I fear multiples would be very difficult to handle with a 2yr old and 1 year old. I do have older children who love to help ( Son 16, Daughters 15, 13, 12 & 11) I let them help sometimes but I just want them to enjoy being kids.
:hi: hun! My first beta was 371 & 2nd was 944, my doubling time was 35-ish hours and we’ve got two babies in there right now! :baby::baby: Beta’s don’t give a definitive answer as to whether there are multiples, but your doubling time sounds amazing! You’ll need a scan to confirm, do you know when they’ll give you one??

If you check the front page in 5 minutes and don't see your name listed, PM me & I'll add you, but I think I got everyone :flow:
thanks prob just worrying about nothing even if something does happen little i can do got a scan tomorrow so hopefully that shows something but worried about havig an internal scan aren't they dagerous?

No they arent dangerous hun :flower:
thanks prob just worrying about nothing even if something does happen little i can do got a scan tomorrow so hopefully that shows something but worried about havig an internal scan aren't they dagerous?

No they arent dangerous hun :flower:

ah good times have changed when i was pregnant with my son they didn't offer them because they believe they were linked to early miscarriage
Lol Floridagirl that was a massive response. Are the ones in your family identical or non?

Wow Lynne, you were told that? How old is James?
thanks prob just worrying about nothing even if something does happen little i can do got a scan tomorrow so hopefully that shows something but worried about havig an internal scan aren't they dagerous?

No they arent dangerous hun :flower:

ah good times have changed when i was pregnant with my son they didn't offer them because they believe they were linked to early miscarriage

I've had a couple (none with this preg). They are completely safe.
Thanks ladies for the reassurance :) if I can't get a scan I can hopefully persuade them to at least do betas.

Thanks Floridagirl! Hope you and your little twins are ok :) x
Ysa, would you mind changing my due date to the 15th (the leap year threw my dates out a bit and i didn't know until the other ladies were talking about confusion too!)
Thx. xx
Lol Floridagirl that was a massive response. Are the ones in your family identical or non?

Wow Lynne, you were told that? How old is James?

They are non-identical, fraternal. They say they are a lot more common. Apparently I released two eggs this cycle! :wacko:
Fraternal twins are hereditary :thumbup:

So if I originally thought my EDD was the 15th, does that make it the 16th because of the leap year? I don't want to go back a day! :haha: I think I'll just leave it as it is until I get to my scan! x

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