@jazzy1 oh no I’m so sorry this is so stressful. People say “don’t use HPTs for progression! That’s not what they’re for!” But honestly unless we can track blood hcg levels at home (and WHY can’t we?!? If they’ve made continuous blood glucose monitors SURELY we can have home hcg blood level monitors too!) we need SOMETHING to tell us we can be reassured or to tell us to brace ourselves. And yet those hpts are a cruel mistress since they’re misleading at best (while I was bleeding heavily, my FRERs got significantly darker and brought me false hope and anxiety over possible ectopic… and when I was NOT miscarrying, my tests got lighter and even went virtually negative for a day before getting dark positive again, and that baby is 18 months old now). It’s really stressful. Can you get betas? If I’m blessed to get pregnant again I swear I’ll go to the emergency room if I have to just to get some dang numbers! Or else we’re left to our own devices and we go insane!
AFM, I FINALLY stopped bleeding 100% after thirteen straight days. OPKs are extremely negative.
For those of you ladies who have had a chemical in the past (and I’m so sorry you have)- did it delay ovulation or make it happen early? Neither?