★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Flueky I’m glad you and the girls are okay and there’s not much damage to your van! I think you can definitely blame baby brain for that one!
All I wanted to eat when the nausea was bad was salad and I’d have a little feta cheese for the protein so that was doable. When I was diagnosed at 13 weeks with DS2, I had to go for a heart scan for him as raised blood sugars in early pregnancies can cause issues there. So the thought of that kept me going with being careful how I ate. It was tricky at times though!
My eldest was 6lb 3oz and I was induced at 38 weeks. No one mentioned anything about it at the time but when I was pregnant with my second, they made a growth chart for him and told me that my eldest was borderline low birth weight. They worked it out based on a few things so I don’t think it’s just the weight. My second was 7lb 2oz and that was a spontaneous labour at 39 weeks.
Jelly thank you. I know it could have been much worse, but still feel silly.

I know they say boys are supposed to weigh more. Was just curious as I know my girls were petite but nothing was really said that they were small. Well dd1 but she was pretty big for her gestational age. My fundal height it usually only a week behind once they start measuring (28 weeks I think).
Flueky that sounds like something I would do right now. I'm glad you are all okay. Hope you are able to get the garage door fixed soon and cheaply! Just chalk it up to Baby wanting to redecorate lol. I blame so much on this baby! :haha:

I'm predicted to have small babies because I have half a uterus. I'm really hoping to make it to 38 weeks. Pretty much since week 7 this baby has been measuring a bit ahead, so it makes me wonder if he's going to outgrow the space before he's truly ready to come out. My brothers and I weren't super big though - they were each 7lbs something and I was 6lbs 10oz. Apparently I was that small and also a month late. They finally induced my mom after so long but I think they waited because I probably wasn't measuring big enough at her due date. I'm guessing that will also influence my baby's birth weight but I don't know. DH was a huge baby (although apparently he was only 7 or 8lbs but his head was the same size as his grandma's).
Morning All.

Sorry I haven't replied to some of the suggestions that you all gave me for the sore back from sleeping. I'm lucky to not have any pain during the day, it just seems to be first thing in the morning. Thanks for the suggestions, I might look for one of those big body pillows... my only concern is that it'll take up too much room in our bed for poor DH lol.

Been super busy at work this week and I usually don't have chance to check BNB at home (too hard to do on my phone)... so I haven't gotten much chance to check in with you all. Hope everyone is doing well.
Pine something that may or may not help is leaning forward while peeing to make sure you empty your bladder (that may not be an issue at all yet though). I usually have to during 3rd tri but I've already had to start doing it :(

I agree that leaning forward can help get the bladder emptied, or standing up and sitting back down again helped sometimes too!

Thanks ladies, I’ll give that a shot!

@co_fostermom Wow you do seem to know quite a bit about cars! :) Thanks for the recommendations! I have heard about being VW parts being expensive, so we’ll definitely take that into consideration. We’re actually going to my SO’s parents tomorrow again as they have a car place near them that has a lot of new cars on sale right now that we’ll visit on Friday. So I’ll be on the lookout for a Toyota as well (hopefully they have models under 20K). Though it looks like at least for now, we have our eyes set on the Seat Arona. But we’ll see on Friday!

Not much to update here - ordered some more maternity clothes, one package of which arrived today. Never thought how life saving they would be. Getting really massive these days. Also can’t believe I am soon 20 weeks, like howwwww does time go by so fast!

Still listening to my little one several times a day. Honestly, the best part of my days at the moment are my one cup of coffee with whipped cream, and hearing my lil guy’s heartbeat + wiggling around in there. :dance:

Anyone else have their anatomy scan booked yet (sorry if I missed it)? I have mine next Wednesday so in exactly a week. Will be 20w+4. It’s heavily doubtful that partners will be allowed into the room again by then and my SO is currently super down about it especially because it’s such a huge and important scan :( I feel so bad for him.
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I have my anatomy scan booked for June 10th - I'll be 20w+3 that day. Next OB appointment will be on May 26th - I'll be 18 weeks. I need to buy maternity summer clothes. I am severely lacking in that department, which means I need to bite the bullet and buy a maternity swim suit because we go to the beach a lot. Those things are SO expensive though.

Does anyone have any experience with dry/ flaky nipples? This is a new thing for me that started about a month ago but then went away and then came back this week. It doesn't bother me (it's not uncomfortable or I don't notice it until I see it) but I didn't realize that was a thing. Should I get nipple butter now? I'm just concerned that if my nipples are getting dry now, what will they be like when a baby is sucking on them?
Joanna hope you get relief soon.

Pine mine isn't schedule yet, but i suspect it'll be June 29th as that's 4 weeks from my next appt. I'm sorry it's looking like DH won't be able to attend.

Co have you checked Target or old navy for maternity swimsuits. I've heard they are cute and cheap.

Try some coconut oil on your nipples. If not you could always buy some lanolin. Your nipples will get tougher, having a good latch though is super important. Oh and it may be just hormones causing them to be dry right now
@co_fostermom Ooh yes I definitely had dry (and itchy) nipples for a while a few weeks ago. I put coconut oil on them and it made it better but it took a while. I wouldn’t spend money on nipple butter just yet (I’m planning on buying it for when after baby gets here), they’re so expensive and coconut oil and/or vaseline helps just as much!

Just checked my hospital’s website and they allow partners again at ultrasounds! Omg! We’re sooo happy!!!
Co_foster yep maybe it’s just hormones and hopefully it will not be a problem when bf, I agree with Flueky keep them well moisturized regardless, hope they feel better. My facial skin has done a 180 from oily and very spotty, to very dry and itchy. And itchy nipples all of a sudden. Pregnancy symptoms can be weird!!

Pine my 16 week checkup and u/s is next Thursday, the day after your scan. No partners allowed. I can imagine how upsetting it must be for your s/o. I keep thinking how I would have felt if I had a pregnant female partner and couldn’t attend our baby’s ultrasounds. It’s very sad!
Last time I went for my appointment with the gynae, they mentioned that I will book my hospital tour, register at the hospital for the birth, and find out about prenatal classes on the day of my 16 week scan. I wonder what they have planned for prenatal classes, are any of you doing an online class perhaps? I also wonder if they will still do a hospital tour but I doubt it. For my previous birth, they showed me around l&d, showed me the nursery, labour wards, etc. I enjoyed it! This delivery will be at a new hospital though as my previous gynae has emigrated and my new gynae is affiliated with a different hospital. I was looking forward to the tour, it helps if you are in labour and know what to expect. Well I will find out next week!

Joanna have you started to feel baby a bit? I thought I’d have to wait until much later with this anterior placenta but I think I can feel him along the sides and at the bottom of my bump! My son keeps trying to “feel the baby” and ends up wobbling my tummy & laughing.
Cross posted with you Pineberry, glad they’re allowing him!!
@Fern81 how exciting to have a name picked out!! So sorry to hear about what you’re going through, though.

@Flueky88 that’s great about your symptoms improving. It’s crazy what a difference the second trimester makes! I’m still in disbelief that things are this much better. I’m sorry to hear about your garage door incident! Glad to hear everyone is okay, though. Things happen!

@Pineberry that’s so great about going for a jog! I’m looking forward to the nicer weather around the corner here and going to start going for walks. Would loooove to be able to toss in a jog or two.

@Joannaxoxo I’ve been having back issues lately, too! I find towards the end of the day, sitting on the couch or laying down gets it so uncomfortable (very lower back and hips). I hobble more than I walk! I seem fine by morning and good most of the day. It’s strange. I’m hoping getting more exercise and getting back into yoga will help.

@co_fostermom ohhh I’ve been eyeing those pillows ever since conception! My partner dreads me bringing one in (he already hates the one body pillow I use) but I think that’ll help so much. I also toss/turn so much at night and bringing the pillow with me each time so I can keep it between my knees gets rather annoying! Thanks for sharing the brand you have! There are so many to choose from.

@jellybeanxx that must be a big help having a midwife you know and trust going through this with you again!

AFM - Had my family doctor appt this morning (in person) along with my OBGYN appt over the phone afterwards. Gained 4lbs since last time, which is great since I lost about that much, if not more, from the nausea. Seem to be measuring normal and actually got to hear the baby for the first time today! It was so cool! I feel so bad that my partner couldn’t join me for that. He’s starting to get a bit down that he’s missing out on all this great stuff.

My OBGYN confirmed that my tests came back negative for NT and what-not, so yay! I absolutely love this OB office so much as they’re so incredibly helpful. My family doctor has been less than stellar in that department, definitely a big difference between the two.

I get to book my anatomy scan tomorrow for some time at or after 18 weeks. I’m seeing my OBGYN at 20w so thinking I might get it done at 19w so it’s taken care of before I get in there. Super excited to find out the gender!! We’re hoping by then that my partner will be allowed to come in. The technician seemed hopeful last time we spoke and things are starting to open up around here soon so fingers crossed!!
Azure glad to hear your tests came back okay and you got to hear baby! Sounds like a good day!

Pine it’s brilliant that your partner will be able to go with you to your scan! It’s so hard for them to be missing out at the moment.

Can’t believe we’re getting to the point of 20 week scans! Mine is booked for 22nd June which still feels like a while off but time goes so fast at the moment.
The midwife thinks there’s a chance they might allow partners by then. Things change so quickly at the moment. Who knows! I’ve told my husband that if he’s able to come to the scan and still wants to know the sex, then we can find out (the curiosity is getting to me) but now he can’t decide! He thinks it’ll be nice for the kids to know in advance but we’re both torn between wanting to find out because we’re nosey and wanting to experience finding out at the birth.
Whenever I’m pregnant, I tend to be a little more anxious and my brain finds something random to focus all that anxiety on. With DS2, it was whether I should buy a new pram or use the old one. I obsessed over it for WEEKS! This time it’s finding out the sex. I’m driving myself mad :shrug:
On a positive note, all my screening tests came back low risk.
Joanna have you started to feel baby a bit? I thought I’d have to wait until much later with this anterior placenta but I think I can feel him along the sides and at the bottom of my bump! My son keeps trying to “feel the baby” and ends up wobbling my tummy & laughing.

Fern - I haven't felt a thing yet. I'm a little concerned as I am 18 weeks on Saturday. I've felt 1 'kick' that I think was baby but can't be sure. I have my monthly OB visit Tuesday next week so I'll bring up the concern... we will also listen to the heart beat which will help reassure me. I will have my 20 week ultrasound in a couple weeks too... hoping baby is good and can't wait to find out the gender. Should I be concerned that I literally feel nothing... not even any butterfly fickler feelings. I'm sure by the 20 week ultrasound with my other pregnancies I was feeling regular movement.
Joanna - maybe call your doctor and ask? If you're concerned they can always help put your mind at ease, or at least schedule a quick appointment to check the heartbeat. In the meantime, I would definitely recommend getting a doppler app on your phone (assuming you have a smart phone). The premium apps are definitely better but it might help ease your worries if you hear a heartbeat at home. Or you can order an actual doppler. It's really whatever you think will help. Nowadays I do whatever I can to help my stress levels.
Pine wonderful news that he can attend! Yay!!

Azure glad things went well at appt and with OB. I hope that your partner can attend your anatomy scan. It's such an awesome scan :)

Jelly great news that your results are low risk!!! Oh and..... if it's bothering you that much, find out the gender:wink: hehe I'm a bad influence.

Joanna I didn't feel any flutters with my 2nd until 18 weeks and I think I was closer to 21 weeks before it became more regular. I may have felt some movements last week but nothing this week so thinking it wasn't baby. I heard baby with doppler Tuesday too. So I don't think it's concerning because of anterior placenta.
Joanna I think there’s a massive range of normal for feeling first movements, even between different pregnancies. Is your placenta at the front? That can make it harder to feel baby.

Flueky haha I’m soooo tempted, it’ll depend on if my husband is allowed at the 20 week scan, we’ll decide then. At the moment though I think it’s just how I’m channeling my anxiety, so I’m worried if I do find out the sex, I’ll just find something else to constantly think about. Maybe this is the best option :haha:
Can we talk round ligament pain? I thought I had experienced it earlier this pregnancy, standing up after sitting for a while, but I stood up a few minutes ago and holy h**l. It wasn't so much a sharp stabbing pain as it was a very intense, powerful cramp that lasted maybe 30 seconds and then went away, but I couldn't stand up straight when it happened and was basically doubled over for a minute. Round ligament pain? Or something else? Should I be concerned?
Co_foster was it one-sided? Or maybe on both sides? If it’s on the side (feels like it goes a bit toward the hip bones) then it’s most likely round ligament pain. Can be very sore!

Joanna the specialist that I saw at 12 weeks said with the anterior placenta I will most likely not feel much before 20 weeks even though it’s not my first pregnancy. If that’s any consolation? And I haven’t been able to hear any heartbeat (except my own lol) with the babybeats app, I assume it’s as the placenta is in the way. I’m not going to buy a doppler in any case.

Flueky I forgot- do/did you also have an anterior placenta?

Jelly I’m also a bad influence but if I were you I’d find out if it’s going to bother you! If you find out now it will also be a surprise... just sooner ;) but good luck with your decision!

So we remain in hard lockdown. Which MIGHT be eased in stages for certain low-risk areas of the country at the end of May. Similar to what NZ is doing but way stricter. We’ve moved from stage 5 to stage 4 but all it means is that very, very few people have been allowed to start working and the rest of us are still locked up in all regards. I’m in a big city so we’re in a ton of trouble for most of us getting our jobs back since high-risk areas will not be easing lockdown! However, we are breaking it next week Sunday and will go to my parents’ for a gender & name reveal party. My sister and her family will join via Zoom. We’re not allowed to see family or friends AT ALL but basically everyone I know has started sneaking in a visit here or there to see their closest family after 2 months of hard lockdown!

Anyone else have a virtual/real life gender reveal planned?
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Jelly haha, yeah after anatomy scan, my big focus is reaching viability, then to3rd tri, and get a bit anxious about preterm labor. I had a few extra dr appt last time due to irregular contractions. I think I was 3cm and can't remember about effaced (I think 100%) at my 39 week appt. Anywho excited either way for your scan.

Co, I can't quite remember but I think rlp was more intense the farther I got. It still wasn't too bad with my 1st. Much stronger with 2nd and 3rd. It has seemed more intense than it originally started this pregnancy.

Fern I did for sure with my 2nd and not sure this time. My ultrasound at 11 weeks wasn't medical so they won't tell you things like that, I think because they can't "diagnose"and it's being performed at my OB office. I guess I won't find out until my anatomy scan. I do suspect it's a possibilty this time since I've not felt movement.

Sorry things are still a mess there in SA. I can't imagine what you are going through. I hope you enjoy seeing family.

We are planning on using fireworks to announce gender to our family. That is, if we can find what we need at the fireworks store. If you purchase online it's like $200 shipping due to being hazardous material. Or you can purchase $500 worth and forgo shipping fee.... yeah no thanks. If that doesn't work then I'm not sure. I should probably talk back up plan with DH.

Oh forgot to update earlier. So it looks like I'll be taking the makena injections again as they are still fda approved. It was successful for me and the side effects were 100% worth it (rash, itchy arms). I'm relieved as I don't want another preterm labor. Want to avoid any NICU time. So I should get my 1st one on the 1st. I'm hoping they will let me have a coworker give again like they allowed last time. Don't want to worry about scheduling weekly visits to office for 20 weeks.
Fern - thanks for the reassurance on the possibility of no movement before 20 weeks. I'll still be asking my doctor on Tuesday.

Foster - what Doppler apps do you recommend... I have an apple phone and I searched last night for an app but the reviews on all of them were awful. I might try the app that Fern mentioned... 'Babybeats'. Also, sorry about the round ligament pain ... I have only noticed rlp if I move suddenly in a certain position... I think rlp can vary from person to person and pregnancy to pregnancy.

Gender reveal: I think we are going to purchase one of those gender reveal balloons. I will find out the gender at my next ultrasound (no date set) but it will be before the end of May. I'm planning to go home and fill the balloon with the correct gender confetti and then will have DH and and kids pop it to find out. I'm going to film it and send it to our family.

My daughter (6 years old) is just so excited for this baby. She kisses my stomach every day and asks how baby is doing. She can't wait to help dress the baby (pick out the clothing) and assist with diaper changes/feeding/bathing, etc. We got the stroller and car seat last week, she wanted to play with the stroller and push her stuffies in it... I can just picture her wanting to push baby in the stroller when we go on walks. <3

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