★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Pine I hope you’re feeling better! UTIs can be so uncomfortable!

flueky that’s a crazy dream even by pregnancy dream standards! Would be cool if we could see in and watch the babies grow though :haha:

I had my scan today and all went well. It was weird going alone and all the social distancing restrictions and staff in full PPE. The woman who scanned me was wonderful though. So reassuring! She talked me through everything and made me feel at ease.
Baby is absolutely perfect. I still can’t quite believe it! My due due has been put forward to 11/11 which is handy on here because it’s written the same for British and American dates :haha: but I know I’m not that far along as I would’ve got my BFP at like 3DPO. Never mind! I’ll have to go with it but will keep it in mind if it comes to discussions about induction.

Pine - sorry about the UTI, I hope the antibiotics are making things less painful.

Flukey - lovely scan photos! I'll make a guess that the skull does look male, the forehead is more pronounced then the rounded female skull. But please don't take my word for it! I'm hoping my scan photo guesses of 'girl' are correct, so I'm also trying not to get my hopes up for the next scan!

I also had a very vivid dream on Saturday night... where I was being kidnapped by a Zac Effron look-a-like (US actor, not sure if you know him). It was all very action packed and a little scary, I remember begging the kidnappers not to give me a needle what would knock me out because I was pregnant. I also remember being attracted to the Zac Effron character in the dream because he was nice to me... and attractive! haha.... must be some new pregnancy hormones.

Fern - I'm so glad you can all get outside each day.. I can't imagine being in lockdown like you have been. Are you able to go to second hand stores for baby items? Around here we could pick up baby clothing for very cheap... mind you these stores are closed at the moment... but I'm assuming some of these stores will re-open before our due dates? I also belong to a local Mom group on Facebook for our local town, people post requests to items they need and other moms will often give the items to that person for free. Perhaps you can get some baby items locally by searching for an online group (once bans are lifted of course).

Jelly - love the scan photo, so glad baby is doing well.

AFM - doing well, enjoyed some lovey warm weather on the weekend and spent much of it outside! Also, felt baby kick once or twice, but not for several days. I hate this in-between stage where you only feel occasional kicks and before the next scan. I'm sure the kicks will pick up slowly over the next couple weeks. I also have an anterior placenta, meaning placenta is at the front, so I was told I won't feel movement as easily as my other pregnancies.
Joanna- great idea! Once I’ve received everything from my brother and sister, and I really need something else, I’ll try second hand shops or facebook. Since Friday clothing shops are open but only for the sale of winter clothes as it’s become very cold! Luckily, all basic items for age 0-3 were allowed to be sold throughout. Including clothes, formula, blankets etc. My SIL had her daughter a few days ago so I’m glad that she’ll be able to get whatever basic items she might need. Oh and I also have an anterior placenta, boo! I’ve been feeling “something” but now idk if it’s muffled movement or phantom kicks, which I’ve had since being pregnant with ds. Can’t wait for more pronounced movement! :)

I had a good laugh at your dreams. I had a nightmare that I was swimming in a dam in a national park (which I would NEVER do!!) and suddenly I was surrounded by huge, sleeping hippos. (I am scared to death of hippos, having been chased by hippo cows when we drifted to close to their calves on a boat of which the motor had just died- we got out but were almost killed.) I couldn’t get to the shore and couldn’t swim anywhere for fear of waking them- luckily I was the one who woke up!! Freaking scary.

My tummy is definitely looking like a bump for a few days now and not varying so much between bump and chubby-looking. Annddd the image is sideways again, sorry.

Jelly my dreams were always weird before pregnancy. They just get even weirder when pregnant lol but yes it would be nice to check on them whenever we wanted.

Beautiful scan pic! It is so strange going to the OB now vs with my other 2. They are still allowing 1 support person at least 18 y.o. at my office. We have had pretty low number of cases thankfully.

Joanna:rofl: I love your dream too. I'm sorry for the anterior placenta, I had one last time. I think I felt movements around 18 weeks?

Fern I love the baby consignment stores. I'm very sad that the closest one is closing in 2 weeks. Damn covid ruining everything.

I never realized hippos could be so aggressive. I'd be terrified too as they are huge animals! Love the bump and pic of your 1st.
Aww @jellybeanxx what a cutie you're growing! So happy that baby is doing wonderful! And you mentioned you didn't want to find out the gender, right? So I'll add you to team yellow :)

@Fern81 You're looking lovely!! That bump is definitely unmistakable!!

The midwife told me that the further along you are the more likely you are to have no symptoms of UTI.

It's interesting you mention that because I definitely did not have the typical UTI symptoms, like pain/burning sensation while peeing. All I had were those awful cramps. So I was surprised to hear I there was a bladder infection!

So happy to read all these replies and seeing that everyone, including our babies, is doing wonderfully! And btw I can relate to the weird dreams! I'm also having a lot of dreams about my childhood, my past and people in my past - almost like the pregnancy triggers some subconscious stuff and memories at the moment.

Not much to update here, other than that our bassinet for the first 6-8 months arrived today :) Feels so surreal to think that my little guy is gonna be laying in there in about 5 months or less.

Fern - love the bump shot, so cute! And your hippo dream does sound scary, but I did laugh a little reading it.

Flueky - I sort of assumed that the feeling of movement would pickup as the baby got bigger but I'm glad to hear yours started around 18 weeks. Do you know if the anterior placenta causes any problems (with delivery?). My doctor mentioned that they would keep an eye on it, but didn't really elaborate.

Pine - cute bassinet! I picked up a baby rocker that both sits up and lies down (like a bassinet)... it also has a vibrate function. I thought it was small enough that I could move it around the house in different rooms but also keep it beside the bed if I wanted to. Plus it was on clearance and so it was half price :)

Started ordering baby items over the weekend. Picked out a diaper bag and also a breast pump. Discovered a breast pump on amazon with amazing reviews... it's made of silicone and fits on one breast at a time, it draws the milk by using suction but also could just be placed on the breast for milk letdown when nursing. Plus it was only $18 CAD... which even manual hand breast pumps are around $50 CAD! It's called Haakaa if anyone is interested... some reviews said it was even better then their electric pump! From experience, I only used a manual breast pump when feeling engorged (for the 1st or 2nd month nursing) and if I felt mastitis coming on. So I know it won't be a daily item for me.
Lol just a side note on hippos... they kill more people in Africa than lions! They are freaking dangerous and, weirdly, very fast. They are very aggressive toward humans and will happily tip your boat and bite you in half.

Pine- love the bassinet!! Joanne that breast pump sounds interesting, I’ve seen a lot of posts about it on the Glow app.
Pine love the bassinet. Is it chicco? I love their products.

Joanna mine was discovered at my anatomy scan and it wasn't near my cervix so no issues from that aspect. My birth experience was as fantastic as it gets: no complications, quick, no tearing, and no pain afterwards except for the afterbirth cramps of uterus shrinking.

I put a haakaa on my registry. I debated last time but I never leaked so thought it might not work for me. I'd like to try this time though. Get an easy oz without pumping would be awesome.

For any mommas that will be getting a double electric breast pump, I highly recommend a spectra! I got the s2 but wish I'd have spent the 30 or 50 for the s1 so I wouldn't be tied down to an outlet. I have also used the medela PISA which I hated and I used the hospital grade medela for a month but wasn't impressed.
Flukey it’s brilliant you can still have someone in with you! I’m hoping we’ll be back to that here before my last scan!

Pine I’m pretty sure that’s the same side sleeper as we have! I absolutely love it!
Yes we’re not planning on finding out the sex this time. I’ve been desperately trying to work out if I can tell anything from the scan photos though (I’m open to guesses from anyone!) so will see how long I hold out :haha:

Joanna I work in breastfeeding support and so many people absolutely rave about the haaka, it’s really popular! Hopefully you love it just as much! How exciting to be buying baby things, so much fun!

Fern that’s a lovely bump!
I also have a Haaka on my registry because I've heard it's fantastic. As for an electric pump I would really like the Elvie but it is $365 AFTER insurance! If I continue to work mostly from home come this fall/ winter, I'm not entirely sure that the Elvie will be necessary. We shall see.

Jelly CUTE baby! That is a FANTASTIC picture!!!

Pine - YAY baby bassinet! I really want the Snuzpod but they are hard to get in the US.
I'm so happy to see so many people know about the Haakaa, I guess it was a good find... I'd never heard of it before now. I've been very lucky to not have any problems with breastfeeding in the past, had lots of supply... in fact I went through breast pads like crazy! So I'm mostly just going to use the Haakaa to help me just collect the letdown milk while feeding and not waste too many breast pads.

Lower bump is sore today, not sure if baby is sitting low or if things are stretching? Just trying to stay sitting at my desk at work... walking around is a little sore.

I hope everyone is doing well today.
So after all these posts I had a look at the Haakaa and it looks amazing! It’s quite expensive over here though so I’m looking into similar silicone breast pumps; the Tommee Tippee one seems to get good reviews and it’s 30% the price of the Haakaa. I’m definitely getting one or the other. I want to feed and pump and collect as much as possible to get a nice supply, plus my new medical insurance covers one lc visit which I’m glad for as I really struggled with low supply last time and ended up formula feeding.
Glad to see everyone is doing well. Lovely scan pic @jellybeanxx .
I had the CVS done yesterday after it couldn’t be done on Thursday due to the placenta being in an awkward position. Just got the result and all looks normal!! Got to have a detailed scan at 16 weeks and awaiting a more thorough report in 2 weeks but so far so good!!! So relieved!!
Also I’m having a boy!!! \\:D/
Lissy - congratulations on the boy! and happy to hear the scan results are good.

OK ladies - we need some :pink: announcements soon! haha. So far the :blue: are taking over lol.
It doesn't seem like anyone is having twins on this thread either....hmmm.
Hi everyone.
So lovely to see all the scan pics. I haven’t been on in ages. We’ve been in isolation for 9 weeks now, I’m a teacher and we’ve been told school won’t the open until September so that means I won’t be back until September 2021 as I’ll take the whole year off with baby. I have a scan tomorrow week so I’m very excited about that
As it will have been 5 weeks since last scan. I was scanned every week or forthright on my first due to my Crohn’s. I’m 17 weeks as of yesterday but baby was measuring a bit ahead so will be interesting to see if they still are. I be had a very obvious bump for a few weeks now, I’m very slim but I didn’t show with my 1st until I was about 25 weeks so this time it’s much earlier, I suppose everything is looser!!!!!

Jelly yeah I'm thankful that he gets to attend as I know that's not the norm right now. We only have 4 active cases in a county of 60,000 ppl so I think that's great.

Co one of my coworkers bought the elvie as she had to switch to exclusively pumping. She ended up selling it within 2 weeks because it was not effective. She actually pumped at least 2 oz extra after using the elvie! If you want to be hands free, buy a pumping bra. Check your states laws but in most states mothers are guaranteed pumping breaks in a private room that may be locked and is not a bathroom.

Joanna sorry for the aches. Are you feeling better today?

Keep the girlie vibes away from me lol

Fern I supplemented with formula from day one with my 1st as she was in NICU at 1st and I only got drops of colostrum. My supply was gone by 12 weeks and was all formula fed from then on. I felt like such a failure during the whole process even though I did everything I was supposed to. I had a very successful breastfeeding journey with my 2nd with minimal supplementing. I'm actually still nursing at night.

Lissy congrats on baby boy!!

Fitz lovely bump! That's exciting you won't be going back until Sept of next year!!!

Oh and yes that bump comes quicker. I'm shocked at mine this time.
Congrats on finding out the genders CC94 and Lissy!!! CC94 lol your son doesn’t look happy haha!

And to everyone who got low risk results, that’s great. My dr phoned me yesterday to say that even though my blood results showed a higher than normal risk for abnormalities, after my NT scan (which scanned everything even the shape of the toes!) my risk has gone way down. So I’m happy! Dr says it’s weird that the blood and initial estimate showed high risk and now it’s low. However. My age and the fact that it’s an ivf baby put me into a high risk category when they do the calculations. That much both the dr and specialist explained to me. Also- with ds 1 I had low PAPP-A hormone which can be a marker for Downs especially when combined with other hormone markers, but it was at a level frequently associated with ivf babies and how they attach to the womb lining. I just had to take blood thinners and measure BP daily and I was fine. Which makes me wonder if that hormone was low again, which would have influenced my test. Idk this dr doesn’t share as many details with me as my previous dr.
Lovely bump Fitz, glad you are still doing well despite the Crohns!

Flueky it’s reassuring to read about your bf journey with dd 2. That’s almost exactly what happened to me. I also had only drops of colostrum and my son got dehydrated, after that I was so scared of bf because I couldn’t measure how much he got and I was terrified of dehydrating or starving him. It didn’t help that I produced very little when I pumped so I kept stressing. I hope I can manage to produce enough this time so that he will be properly fed.

ETA: Day 100 for me!!
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