★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Congrats on finding out the genders CC94 and Lissy!!! CC94 lol your son doesn’t look happy haha!

And to everyone who got low risk results, that’s great. My dr phoned me yesterday to say that even though my blood results showed a higher than normal risk for abnormalities, after my NT scan (which scanned everything even the shape of the toes!) my risk has gone way down. So I’m happy! Dr says it’s weird that the blood and initial estimate showed high risk and now it’s low. However. My age and the fact that it’s an ivf baby put me into a high risk category when they do the calculations. That much both the dr and specialist explained to me. Also- with ds 1 I had low PAPP-A hormone which can be a marker for Downs especially when combined with other hormone markers, but it was at a level frequently associated with ivf babies and how they attach to the womb lining. I just had to take blood thinners and measure BP daily and I was fine. Which makes me wonder if that hormone was low again, which would have influenced my test. Idk this dr doesn’t share as many details with me as my previous dr.

That is great news! On other boards I follow I’m seeing a lot of “higher risk” NIPT results eased by the NT testing, almost all of them I’ve noticed were eradicated by CVS/amnio - seems like NIPT has still got a way to go. Causing a lot of unnecessary heartache it seems, glad bub is looking good. :flow: Is it too late/ difficult to find a new dr? I’ve settled in the past, but really impressed with my new one. I like all info though every detail I can manage x

Thanks! He was disappointed, still thinks I’m joking and that she will end up a boy still... but he’s done much better since DH got him excited for all the father/ son privileges to come. Actually quite happy, I think he’s going to appreciate being our one & only son x
CC- yes he’s going to have a special place :)

I didn’t have the NIPT done, it’s too expensive due no income for husband in sight for goodness knows how long, as he works in sport. The high risk was from the first tri blood screening combined with my demographics. Also, I’ve been advised not to have the amnio done so I’m not going to have any more testing; will just see if baby’s structures continue to look fine at the anatomy scan. :)
Aww lovely reading everyone’s updates. @Fitz2020 very cute and noticable bump!! <3 @Lissy_Sweetie Yayyy congrats on your precious lil BOY!!
@CC94 Congrats on having a baby girl!!!! :cloud9:

I have updated the front page with all the new genders/ team yellows!

Pine love the bassinet. Is it chicco? I love their products.

Yes, it’s chicco :) wasn’t the cheapest option in bassinets (it’s the Next2me Dream) but I really wanted a quality one with a hard mattress (a lot of the other, cheaper bassinets I looked at had reviews saying the mattress is soft / too soft - which we all know isn’t good for a newborn’s spine) as well as one that would last us a while since we plan on more babies in the future. It was also important to me that it would open at the side so I can reach baby easily during night time.

Nothing much going on here! Weather is SO lovely, I’m so bummed out all the beaches are closed :( went to the car dealership yesterday and we’re slightly undecided which model to get, but still so surreal that we’ll get a car of our own soon. So many lil roadtrips coming up once corona is gone!

Bit crampy again today, same ones I had last week with the bladder infection so probably going to get a new prescription for antibiotics. Ugh, so annoying.

Anyone else weirdly emotional lately? But not in a sad way.. I’ve teared up several times lately thinking about how much I love my lil guy, it’s ridiculous! Full on cried yesterday hahah.
CC congrats on team pink! I'm sure he'll come around to having another sister.

Fern will he not answers questions if you ask? If he won't answer is there any way you could see someone else? If he does answer it may be you just have to be a little direct.

I saw a NP for my 1st appt with V and she said I had a little implant bleed. I realized later she meant I had a SCH. I learned to just speak up and ask questions. I prefer honest and medical terminology from my providers rather than simplifying terms or sugar coating issues. I know not everyone is the same though.

I'm glad my story helped. I was really hoping to have a more successful journey the 2nd time. The thing I regret the most in my 2nd journey is not seeking help sooner because I was told in hospital she didn't have ties. Well lo and behold at 5 months, posterior tongue, lip, and cheek ties. I had a fair amount of pain in the beginning but improved at 3 months. She also was gaining appropriately, had enough wet diapers so I assumed I was just a wimp. I actually went to the ibclc at 5 months because my pump output was slowly declining each week. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to reach out to me via the thread or pm.

Pine yes I wish I could get chicco everything but a little too pricy for me on that.

Is there any vehicle you are really interested in?

Sometimes I nearly tear up for no reason. I hardly cry at anything. I tend to cry or get sad over sad moments in movies or shows even cartoons. I also get quicker to anger. I don't enjoy that aspect.

AFM our dryer messed up last night but DH was able to fix. The belt came off. The dryer will be 10 y.o. this summer. We were hoping to wait to buy new washer and dryer until after we move into our new home....which we need to sell ours 1st (we haven't put up for sale yet d/t covid). So hopefully no other issues until then.

Symptoms seem to be improving. I still have nausea and loads of food aversions. Had my first "weird" craving. French fries with sour cream on them. It was so good. My husband just shook his head but he isn't a sour cream fan.
Fitz - good to see you back and glad the chron's isn't affecting you as much now. Your bump looks about the same size as mine at the minute.

CC94 - Congrats on the :pink: announcement. We finally have 1 in team pink :)

Fern - so happy to hear that your baby is now at a lower risk for Down's.

Pine - Yay for new car shopping, such an exciting time. We picked up our car seat and stroller set from a friend yesterday, we have yet to try and fit the car seat in between our 2 kids booster seats.. hoping they all fit because we don't have much choice for the next year. We have just over a 1 year left on our leased car and then we want to trade it in for a mini van... so the kids might be a bit squished in the back for about a year but we will make it work.

Flueky - sorry the nausea/aversions is lingering... mine was still around at 12 weeks, but now at 16 weeks its gone. Hopefully your at the tail end. As for cravings... I've got a new one each day it seems. Yesterday someone at work said the word 'cake' and now cake has been on my mind since then! haha.

AFM - sore lower belly is gone, must have been some stretching or round-ligament pain. Everything pregnancy wise seems to be going well, so can't really complain.

How is everyone doing being stuck at home? I know some of you are in complete lock down and other's are just advised to stay home as much as possible. I'm lucky that I can leave and go to work... but DH and the kids are going stir crazy. Take care everyone!
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@Fern81 I have lower hormone as well - but they compared it to my previous pregnancies and it was slightly higher this time - but that combined with the higher NT put me at high risk. But thankfully the CVS came back clear so far, but I am having another scan at 16 weeks to check all is ok. Will you have another scan around then too? Glad yours has come back lower risk now though - such a stressful time when in between not knowing xx

Thanks for all the congrats, I love how supportive this group is. You’re all lovely x
Congrats to those with gender reveals lately!! I'm 100% on team pink for this little one and convinced myself since day one it was a girl, while my partner is hoping so hard for a boy. One of us is going to be quite disappointed. Very impatiently waiting for my 20w scan to find out the gender. Only what... six and a half weeks to go :shock:

So glad to hear everyone is doing well! Love hearing about the wild dreams, too :)

My bump is definitely getting more pronounced each day and it's crazy how stretched I feel right now. Thank goodness for bio oil. Had to get my partner to give me some shirts to get me by until this move is over since none of mine fit. Also had to order some maternity undies that are a bit bigger (lol) and lower cut and what a difference. So much more comfy! I got a set from Intimate Portal on Amazon.. cheap and they definitely do the trick. Feel like I'm going to be a whale at this point if I'm already feeling like this and still a few days shy of hitting the 2nd tri lol

Started looking at getting a registry together this week and holy moly is it overwhelming for a FTM! So many things to look at and compare. I don't even know where to start. Definitely appreciate the recommendations on the breast pumps from everyone - that helps!!

Does anyone have any suggestions to help with quenching thirst? I have been struggling with that this week... water is getting so boring and doesn't seem to help much. Juice is just so sugary. So thirsty all the time....... which I probably wouldn't be if I wasn't peeing constantly :lol: At least it seems that the nausea is finally going away!! YAY!! What a brutal first tri!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend!! :)
Is there any vehicle you are really interested in?


Yes! Our initial choice was a Ford (like a Fiesta or Focus), but then we did some research online and read a lot of good things about VW (Volkswagen) and that it's better in terms of quality etc. than Ford. So we checked out the VW dealership near our place and have our eyes on the Polo. Their service was also much much friendlier than at the Ford dealership!

Hope your dryier stays put for a while longer! And how good that your SO was able to fix it. Nothing like a man who can fix stuff in the house. It's just one of those things I love about men!! Also, hope your symptoms improve very soon! Almost second trimester for you! :)

@Joannaxoxo I definitely think that the belly soreness you had was your abdomen stretching and expanding. I had exactly the same thing especially in week 16. It wasn't really painful per se, just uncomfortable. From what I've read, weeks 16-18 are also really common times to have growing/ stretching pains.

@AzureOrchid Oooh I hadn't realized it is your first baby too!! And now you've convinced me to maybe buy some maternity undies too. I didn't really know what was the point of them as they seem like normal underwear, but it makes sense that a lower cut is more comfortable!

Totally get you regarding baby stuff and how it's overwhelming at first. It definitely took me quite some time to put together all my amazon lists (all private). It helped me divide them into categories such as "Sleeping & relaxing", "Toys, learning & reading", "Baby Care" (with products like oils, creams, diapers, rash creams etc.) and so on. I have slowly bought off different items from each list every month. And oh boy, I spent hours and hours doing research on baby items, reading the reviews on amazon, comparing between competitors. But it was worth it because I now have picked out good stuff that is backed up by positive reviews, a good overview of everything I need and just need to buy off all the items from my lists until October.

I'm also super thirsty, but water is pretty much all I've been drinking for years now so I don't really get tired of it or anything, but I DO recommend squeezing the juice of a fresh lemon into your water here and there. Or you could also put a few slices of cucumber into your water battle. Love that stuff. ALSO! I've been making healthy iced teas (i.e. a glass jar of Green tea + lemon slices + basil + ginger, or just regular fruit tea) and I sooo recommend. So refreshing especially because it's getting warmer out, and it's healthy too!
@Pineberry ohhh that sounds delicious! I may have to give that a try :) Will also try adding some more lemons into the mix. I recently discovered this superb sparkling lemonade at a local vegan place that I order from every so often and it is so darn good.

Thanks for sharing how you built your lists out! That definitely helps!! :)

It's also nice that we're starting to make progress on stores reopening and what-not right now. I love the online reviews but definitely want to be able to mess around in person with certain big ticket items before committing. Fingers crossed things keep going in the right direction.
@AzureOrchid I’ve personally found sparkling water much more quenching than regular water, I also second what Pineberry said to add lemon/lime or cucumber slices or mint to a jug of water and chill it in the fridge. Strawberries or other berries in water are also delish!

My bump is growing at an alarming rate! Also- his name is picked out!
As for lockdown, we are basically still in very hard lockdown with only a handful of people allowed back at work even though our death toll is not even 200 yet. Idk how the government thinks this country will survive financially as South Africa was on the brink of a recession already. I’m sooooo stressed as I have no idea when husband will be allowed to continue coaching sport. The government made funds available for sport as a department but only for professional players and professional referees, not any coaches. They are trying to source some money from charity organizations atm. My salary is nowhere near enough to cover our house and car payments etc, very worried about our ability to keep paying medical insurance (which is an absolute essential esp in pregnancy). We are living off of credit and loans right now... and in debt from ivf. My parents have said they will help out financially so that we can try to keep the house but they are both retired so they only have their pension to help out with. Basically everyone we know is in the same boat! At least I have the income from teaching to buy groceries and pay a few debit orders.
Joanna stay at home order was lifted over a week ago. Things aren't normal but they are better, when I looked Friday we only had 1 active case in our county.

Azure I hope you get your little girl. As for thirst, maybe some Pedialyte?

Pine oh I've heard nice things about VW. The only downside I've heard is parts or repairs are expensive here. Not many dealerships in my area either.

Yes I'm so thankful DH is handy. He fixed my apartment door that I had to break into once because I didn't have my keys. I was both amazed and saddened I could bust the door open. I actually was able to get the deposit back too :)

Fern I'm so sorry for the financial woes. I hope he gets paid so that it will help you guys.

AFM symptoms are improving. I was able to eat more this weekend. When I weighed Tuesday I hadn't gained any which is typical of me in 1st tri. I will definitely gain in 2nd tri so not worried.
Fern - Yay for baby boy's name being picked out! We had both a boy's and a girl's name picked out when we were just TTC, so when we found out it's a boy and we started calling him his name, it made me feel so much more connected to my little one :)

Flueky - Glad symptoms are improving! What a relief :)

I managed to go for my first run ever since becoming pregnant!!! :wohoo:
My SO has been going on more runs lately so I thought I'd join him, as I was planning on becoming more active again anyway.

It was only semi-successful because of that damn consistent pressure on my bladder. Had to stop several times to pee, and then just couldn't keep going because the bladder pressure became too much. Even after peeing, as soon as I'm running for like 2 minutes, it starts again. #-o

Did a light leg-workout at home afterward with a resistance band! Feels so good!
Pine - can I suggest Toyota or Honda? We've also been really happy with our Jeeps. VW and Audi's are SUPER over-engineered, which means they take heavier maintenance, are harder to maintain (when changing the oil, etc.) and require special tools to replace brakes and other basic parts that need replacing every so often. If you can always afford to take it to a mechanic who is familiar with German-made vehicles, that's great (they will charge extra), but I guarantee you that it will end up costing you thousands in the long run. I know this because my husband, his dad, and both his grandpas were raised as mechanics and DH and I have personally had experience trying to maintain VWs and Audis (they are basically the same brand) and we will never purchase either brand again. A Toyota will run FOREVER, doesn't cost as much to maintain and are fantastic vehicles. Honda is along the same lines, though I've heard won't last quite as long as Toyota, or is a little pricier to maintain in the long run, but nothing compared to VW/ Audi. I will agree that Ford's are not built to last anymore.
Fern - that's really hard. I've heard that most African countries are suffering badly right now - not from Covid, but from the economic impacts of locking down to prevent Covid. In Uganda, people are starving to death because they can't make a living and can't buy/ make food. I'm sorry you are dealing with these types of repercussions. When I think about that sort of thing, I get so p/ o'd when I see whiney Americans storming state capitols with assault rifles. We do NOT have it bad. Not by a long shot. I hope the rest of the world knows that those brats represent a very small portion of our population and that most of us over in the US are trying to follow rules and take necessary precautions.
Pine something that may or may not help is leaning forward while peeing to make sure you empty your bladder (that may not be an issue at all yet though). I usually have to during 3rd tri but I've already had to start doing it :(
Foster & Pine - Personal experience with a FORD... we had the FORD Escape SUV, the engine was good and wasn't too costly to repair... however, the damn thing rusted so badly it wasn't able to be fixed (whole frame rusted up)... it was only a 2008 vehicle! My mom just replaced her car (it was a Toyota)... which lasted 19 years!! Also, my sister bought a brand new VW car... it was difficult and expensive to repair, so she didn't go with that vehicle again. So I second Foster's advise... Honda and Toyota are good vehicles.

Does anyone else finding their back is sore after sleeping? I don't remember this in my last 2 pregnancies (even at 3rd trimester). I am a side sleeper and I've tried using pillows to support my belly at the front but I think the pillows are preventing me from shifting from one side to the other in my sleep... so I'm waking up very sore from being in the same position for several hours. I have a feeling this baby is sitting in my belly differently then the other two babies... perhaps it has to do with the anterior placenta and maybe baby is sitting further into my back?? Did those who've had anterior placenta's find this and did you get back labour?
Joanna - I obviously have no experience with labor, but I can tell you that I have a full pregnancy pillow (the kind that wraps around the back and front when you're on your side, and it makes a big difference for me with back pain because I can kind of lean back into the pillow and be supported but still be on my side. Amazon has some decent prices on full pillows. Mine is Queen Rose brand (I think). Don't know if it'll help your situation though because I really haven't had that much back pain. But maybe it's because the pillow has been helping that? I also have a chiropractor I see about once per month because of a back issue I had before I got pregnant.
Thanks for the support and letting me vent. Africa really is suffering financially and lots of people here are rioting because they are hungry, breaking into stores for food, looting food parcel distribution vans; lots of people are not getting food parcels due to corruption & municipal officials hoarding food parcels for themselves or selling it; most people are out of a job and especially the poorest people are *really* suffering. Our greatest problem is socio-economic, not the virus. I predict that people are going to start rioting/violence will break out in a larger scale before too long...
anyway, other than that we are helpless.

Anyway, enough of that.

Flueky you’re lucky that you haven’t picked up weight! I’m going for my 16 week appointment next week and DREADING that scale!

Pine I agree having a name is a great connection and bonding factor. I can’t wait until my baby “A” is born! In fact I dream about holding him.

Joanna I also have an anterior placenta but not feeling back pain yet. Hope you find some relief!

For the moms who are a few years older with a second/third etc baby... do you feel a lot older physically with this pregnancy or is it just me?? Lol I’m 38 now, will be 39 when A comes. With ds1 I was 4 years younger. I was gardening, house was always spotless, did the whole nursery myself, painting etc, and this time I feel old and tired with little energy lol!!
Fern I’m 37, I was 29 when I first fell pregnant with my eldest (30 when he was born) and I do feel a difference. I think being under lockdown is having an impact as well. I just feel constantly drained!

Pine well done on managing that run! I had the same issue with needing to wee all the time in my last pregnancy. It would take a few attempts to leave the house because I kept having to go back to wee again! I agree that leaning forward can help get the bladder emptied, or standing up and sitting back down again helped sometimes too!

Joanna I wake up achey too! I always do in pregnancy though. I had an anterior placenta with my first but didn’t have back labour. I have an anterior placenta this time too. I sleep with a pillow between my knees as I find that more comfortable.

I had my consultant appointment yesterday (over the phone). They’re not doing glucose tolerance tests at the moment as they don’t want women being in hospital for the time it takes to do them due to the virus. So I had an hba1c at booking in that was fine and I’ll have another one at 28 weeks and that will be it as far as being tested for GD! I’ll also have growth scans because, to quote the consultant, I “make small babies” so that might pick up on issues. I’m a bit nervous about it all and will be continuing with the GD diet anyway even though I’m being treated as non diabetic. If the growth scans are all fine, I’ll be considered low risk and returned to midwife led care. Luckily I have an excellent midwife (same from my last pregnancy) and I trust her a lot more than the consultants anyway.
Joanna no back soreness after sleeping. Just if I've been very active wth the girls. I didn't have back labor with my anterior placenta. I did have some back pain during 2nd tri. A physical therapist told me about a stretch I could do and it was a godsend! You lie on your back and bring your knees towards your chest (kinda like frog legs) then slowly move your legs but not rest of your body side to side. It really gives a great stretch to pesky back pain. I honestly only had that back pain for a couple weeks in 2nd tri with my anterior placenta. The most pain I had when I had anterior placenta was from late 2nd tri til the end with lots of pelvic pressure. I fet like I had a bowling ball in my pelvis essentially. I really don't think that had anything to do with placenta placement though.

Fern I'm too scared to step on scale this week with my improved appetite. Don't be jealous, I gain 8 to 9 lbs in a month during 2nd tri. It happened both times.

That is seriously scary what's going on. I hope that you and your family stay safe during this madness.

First tri fatigue has been awful during both my 2nd and 3rd time. I think it's partly worse because I have little one(s) to care for which can take all I have. I also had insomnia some this time. I'm slowly doing more around the house. For refetence I got pregnant at 28, 30, and 31(almost 32).

Jelly glad that you seem to not have GD but I'd say it's a good idea you are eating as if you do. I'm absolutely amazed though. Food aversions have been so bad this time there is no way I coud have chose to eat a healthy diet. I ate some healthy things but not majority.

I'm also curious what they constitute as making small babies. Do you mind me asking what your babies were when born? Mine were 5lb 13oz (born early) and 6lb 4oz.

Omg I did something soooo stupid yesterday. I was backing into my parking spot at home. I hit the park button but apparently not fully......my van slowly backed into garage door. The girls and I were okay, van has minor scuff that should buff out. Garage door will need to be replaced. Hoping we can just get the door itself replaced. The track looks fine. I just can't believe I did that. Oh well.

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