★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Foster - that dream sounds disturbing! But I kind of did laugh at it, not that I would have had I'd experienced it!

Fern - glad everything was alright, but do try to take care of yourself. It's so much harder said then done... on Saturday I went crazy cleaning and after my lower bump was so sore!

As for baby sleeping arrangements, I will point out that we do plan for about a year with baby in our room but it's never lasted that long with our other babies. Our first was a light sleeper and actually slept better in his own room from about 4 months old (with a baby monitor of course). Our second, around 11 months breast feeding became difficult as she tended to use me more for a pacifier and less for actual milk. Once switching to the bedroom with her brother she and I slept a lot better... she quickly weaned on her own after that and used a bottle for cows milk around a year old. So just saying that we will make the best decision as the time comes for this little one.
Congrats @Flueky88 on being team pink! I'm getting worried about gender disappointment with our appointment around the corner. DH will surely come around!

@Fern81 that must be weird with the class sizes being so small. That's a tough situation having to possibly go back so early. I hope it works out for you.

@Joannaxoxo Congrats on team blue!!

Welcome @victorial8 and congratulations!!!

@co_fostermom that's so exciting with the kicks :)

@CC94 so great to see them!! It's wild how many ladies on here have anterior placenta.

@Pineberry ahhh that's so exciting to be able to see the kicks!!
omg I'm struggling with technology today and hit reply before I was done! Trying to get through all these posts in the last couple weeks :) So many great updates but running out of time!! lol

I'm impatiently waiting for our anatomy scan that's a week from today. Can't wait to find out the gender but really worried about gender disappointment. I'm rooting so hard for team pink. I think I started feeling some movement this week but not sure if it was that or gas/digestive system doing funky things. It did stand out as a different feeling, though.. so maybe!

Currently 18w!! :)

Lovely bump Azure!

Love Bug is officially TEAM BLUE! I mean, okay, we knew he was a boy but I definitely had that 3% margin of doubt in my mind lol. Now I can just prepare myself for dirty jeans and Tonka trucks. All is well. Baby was measuring about 6 days behind and in the 9th percentile, but my perinatologist (who I REALLY like even though I just met her today) wasn't concerned. I haven't gained any weight since my 12 week appointment because honestly I haven't been eating enough of anything, so I'm going to basically force feed myself iron-rich greens, way more proteins, and healthy fats like avocados, and my peri even said to get some more starch in there (yay potatoes!!!). Apparently all of that can help with Baby's growth, though my uterus will restrict growth eventually. Anyway, enough of that. Pictures!

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Great bump pic azure! Good luck for the anatomy scan :)

Aww co_foster, look at those little feet. Gorgeous scan pics! Glad all was well xx
@AzureOrchid Aww love your bumpie! Gorgeous! <3

@co_fostermom How awesome that your SO was able to come to your anatomy scan, and I'm sooo happy that all went well! And OMG, how adorable is your babyboy? He is so so so cute in the side profile pic (and his little feet too ofc!). I can literally already tell he's going to be such a handsome little bubba!:happydance:

I had my fetal echo on Monday & I'm happy to report that there are no heart issues whatsoever! Was slightly worried about it due to my GD and it being able to cause defects especially if blood sugars were high in the first trimester (which they definitely were as I was unaware of the GD until 13 weeks, and did not eat healthy at all during those first 3 months).

A little sad that movement hasn't been as intense and regular since last week, where he was kicking up a storm for like 3 days in a row. It's now back to the occasional little kick at night and a flutter here and there. Everything I've read says though that movement becomes more consistent after 24 weeks, so looking forward to that!!
Azure - adorable bump and I'm excited for you to find out the gender next week.

Foster - I love the photo of the little feet! So cute! I've definitely felt the need to eat healthier these days... got lots of good fresh veggies (did not want to eat those the first few months)... but I've always craved the potatoes this pregnancy. At my last appointment I'd only gained 5 lbs this whole pregnancy... I'm sure it's a couple more now. I've always but on weight towards the end of my pregnancy and not too much at the start.

Pineberry - I'm so glad everything looks good with the baby's heart. I also only really feel baby in the evening and a few kicks during the day at the moment. I think our bodies rock them to sleep when we are moving around during the day (plus we are more distracted to feeling it). But when we are sitting around like in the evening or in bed at night baby is awake and we are more aware of the movement. But certainly let your doctor know if it doesn't feel right.

Has anyone noticed any stretch marks so far (or new ones for those of you who've already had a baby)? My stretch marks from previous pregnancies are just faded white lines but I've noticed that one or two of them are getting a little pink, so they might stretch a bit more. Don't have any new ones yet. I've been moisturizing after a shower but I know from experience that moisturizing doesn't really help in the end except to help with feeling itchy. Does any one have any products that they find help? I used bio oil in my first pregnancy and it was good until the last 2 weeks when my belly exploded with stretch marks.
Pine: I'm SO glad your fetal echo went perfectly! Yay for a healthy heart! As for movement, I definitely notice kicks more when I'm laying down in bed or sitting, especially in the evenings. But most of the day I don't feel anything. Baby was super active after the scan yesterday, but I think that's because he was mad about all the poking and prodding. Seriously, when the tech was trying to get a measurement of his legs, he literally started kicking continually lol. That's my stubborn little kid haha. But I would also definitely call your doctor if you feel off about the lack of movement. One tip I did read recently (and it totally works), is having some juice or a light snack to "wake up" the baby if you're concerned about lack of movement. The quick spike in blood sugar apparently gets them moving for a minute. I do realize you have the GD to worry about, but perhaps you can pick a time of day that you normally don't feel movement and schedule in a snack or small juice drink. Might ease your mind.

Joanna - I haven't noticed too many new stretch marks. I have old ones from being overweight. However, I have been using Earth Mama belly butter on and off and I love it. Lovely scent and feels lovely on my skin. Bonus - it's organic, so you know whatever is going into your bloodstream is safe.
Hi ladies. Just checking in and reading all the updates. Glad you all seem to be doing well.

I have been so chuffed tonight, DH and DD felt kicks for the first time and I even saw one from the outside too ❤️ Didn’t expect that yet but so happy about it. I suppose when I was pregnant last time, I was about 4/5 stone heavier and this time I don’t have as much padding to get through haha.
I have been so chuffed tonight, DH and DD felt kicks for the first time and I even saw one from the outside too ❤️ Didn’t expect that yet but so happy about it. I suppose when I was pregnant last time, I was about 4/5 stone heavier and this time I don’t have as much padding to get through haha.

Aww I’m jelaous! Whenever I feel a lot of movement and seeing some kicks on the outside, AS SOON AS I tell my SO to get over here to see/ feel it, baby will suddenly stop in its tracks completely haha. Almost as if he’s doing it on purpose or gets shy :p

Joanna and co - hmm I dont really feel ’off’ about the lack of movement. I really think it’s cause my anterior placenta still prevents me from feeling a lot of those kicks, and because movement in general isn’t very regular before 24 weeks from what I’ve read. Maybe he just happened to be in a really good position last week and that’s why I felt so many kicks then.

I still check his heartbeat with my doppler about once to twice a day so I know he’s fine, and sometimes I’ll hear him moving & turning around in there with my doppler :)
Has anyone noticed any stretch marks so far (or new ones for those of you who've already had a baby)?

No stretch marks as of yet. I have 3 different oils that I use in rotation; coconut oil and the other two are mixes between avocado/ jojoba oil etc. Dont know if they are really going to prevent them in the end, but it feels good to feel like I am doing something to help prevent it and they feel so nice on the skin and smell lovely :)

If I do end up getting them in the end, meh, whatever :) I will just view them as "badges of honour" and my little boy will be worth it 100%. Our bodies are beautiful either way!
Pineberry - I was thinking the same thing regarding the movement. I think a lot of the movement feeling depends on where the baby is positioned. Some days I feel baby move a lot and other days (like today) I've only felt a couple very slight movements.

Victoria - how exciting having DH feel some kicks! My kids have felt baby kick once but just like Pineberry was saying, baby is shy for DH and he hasn't felt one yet haha.

So my work has announced a that we will be going down to 4 days a week starting Monday. We have a lot less work at the moment (a large part because of COVID i think) and lot of our customer's are based in the USA and they've been shut down. Luckily in Canada, our place of work as applied through the government for something called Work Sharing, which essentially means that the government pays our salary for the days we are off work. So I'm happy that for the next few months I'll be off work every Monday and not loose any pay. I'm definitely needed at home with DH and the kids being there, so it will be nice to have 3 day weekends every week through the summer.
Joanna that sounds like a wonderful program. Wish the US would get on board with social programs like that, but hey, if all these cries for defunding the police (which really means lowering their funding, not completely removing it) actually get heard by legislatures than who knows, maybe our country will have some cool work sharing social programs like Canada one day. And maybe even paid maternity leave! Wouldn't that be a thing?!
As a side note, if our current president somehow manages to get himself re-elected, I only live like 4 hours away from Canada. Might be a time for a move...
Foster - I definitely recommend Canada. Especially since you are pretty much getting the same winter we do if you live only 4 hours from our border, so the weather you wouldn't need to adjust to. I can't complain about the 1 year maternity leave (though it isn't at our full salary, only around 60%). I have never understood how people in the US go back to work when their baby is only 3 months old... but then again I didn't feel ready when my first was 12 months old ... so I think a lot depends on the individual and their situation (and obviously some people don't have a choice).

Is anyone else thinking or doing cloth diapers? I used cloth diapers with my other children but sold my stash years ago. I'd love to do them again but the up front cost is really high... plus DH hated them lol. But I do love that I feel like I'm doing my part for the environment, so I'm considering looking into doing them again. I haven't seen anyone local selling any used cloth diapers. Any suggestions or brands you love that might be worth the money?
Wow a lot of news from everyone:)

Joanna you have it lucky in Canada, wow!! My husband has lost his job to Covid lockdown since March, (will hopefully be able to start again at some stage, for some reason the government views tennis coaching as high risk and no coaches are allowed to make a living), ZERO government relief for white owned businesses. Also- we get 4 months max mat leave at about 50-60% salary but only with certain companies. Mostly unpaid. If I continue to work at the school I will get about 60% paid leave but I agree 4 months is so early to leave baby for a full day! I’ll have to leave him from 6AM until 5PM. I know lots and lots of people do it and they are just fine but I want to spend those precious first years before preschool with him :( when he starts his solids, and learns to roll over and crawl; I want to do baby brain gym with him and teach him baby sign language; everything I did with ds 1..!! Such a hard decision. If husband isn’t allowed start to work soon (as we still live together for now and both pay bills), we will be in so much debt that I’ll have to keep working, I won’t have a choice.

Azure, love the bump!

Yay Pineberry for a healthy baby heart!

Co_foster those pics are precious. I can’t wait for my anatomy scan next week and hope that we can also confirm team blue!

I felt baby move again lots yesterday and about 3 times today but only in the past hour. They are very soft/muffled movements though, not at all what I had with ds. Oh well after the bleeding scare last Sunday I’m just glad to feel him even if it’s not a lot.

Cloth diapers- no.

Anyone else have pelvic/hip/joint/sciatic pain? Mine is at the point where I’m going to see a physiotherapist on Monday. I’m sure my huge bump & too much weight gain is having an effect on my pelvis and nerves!
Joanna - believe me, even 3 months of partially paid maternity leave would be nice. At least in WA if you've been working we now get FMLA which I think will match up to 25% of your previous paychecks, but I can't claim it now because I quit my job. Honestly with the way things were going, I could really see them just laying me off under the pretext of Covid but in reality it totally would have been because I would be needing maternity leave. My boss was such a chauvinistic sexist, narcissist who was really good at twisting the truth with pretty much anyone and everyone. Victoria would have about the same weather as we get from what I'm told. I wouldn't want to move much further north. Canada in general has definitely been looking appealing as of late. That being said, I'm in the process of starting an opera company with the other two colleagues who quit with me and our whole premise is around community engagement. I feel like with all the changes happening we could actually affect real change through art and that's pretty exciting. But we shall see.

Fern - I hope things get better for you really soon! I know it's been really hard for lots of people and going into debt to stay alive is awful.

Hip/ Groin pain - YES. My groin will hurt randomly and I've struggled with sciatica on and off since college and it has gotten exponentially worse during pregnancy. I find that prenatal yoga works really well. I really like the app Down Dog. They just released a prenatal yoga app (the icon is blue with a white dog holding a puppy in a blanket) and I've been using that at least once a week to relieve hip pain. It really works wonders.

Cloth diapers - honestly I wouldn't have the patience and aim for organic disposables that are somewhat eco-friendly. That being said, I did register for some hybrid cloth diapers, where the insert is disposable but the cover is cloth. I think that's about the extent I could handle, and at the very least I do want to try it. Brand is GroVia.
Lol co_foster I had to smile (ironically) at the way we both feel about our governments... if we were able to have a cup of tea together now I think we’d have a good vent :)

I just have to report..! This morning I felt a good few bumps from baby. Two things that were huge for me... he responded to a poke for the first time (that I could feel). He bumped me, I poked and he immediately pushed back. Also, I felt him through my skin for the first time! Both times on the right side. I really think my placenta has moved up a bit because I’m really able to feel more in the lower middle and sides whereas before it was just very low and sides. After all my worries and disappointment for not feeling him move, this makes me soooo happy!
Is anyone else thinking or doing cloth diapers?

I am strongly considering it - I did a lot of reading up on it a while ago, and like how it is much more environmentally friendly, as well as cost saving in the long run. But at least for the first few months, we will definitely be doing disposable. Feel like I'll need to settle into motherhood first before figuring out the rest.

I just have to report..! This morning I felt a good few bumps from baby. Two things that were huge for me... he responded to a poke for the first time (that I could feel). He bumped me, I poked and he immediately pushed back. Also, I felt him through my skin for the first time! Both times on the right side. I really think my placenta has moved up a bit because I’m really able to feel more in the lower middle and sides whereas before it was just very low and sides. After all my worries and disappointment for not feeling him move, this makes me soooo happy!

Aww how wonderful hun! It’s so cute when they react to you! I often talk to my little one while listening to him via the doppler, and I swear he was ’reacting’ to me one time a few days ago - I would say something (like "heyy little one, did you know that i love you?!" or "how’s my sweetheart doing today?") and he’d give the doppler a poke every time I finished talking, as if he was answering :D

I’m so happy for you that things are progressing movement-wise <3

I have something similar to report - little one was kicking a loooot last night (just after complaining about him not moving much hahah!) and my SO was able to feel it with his hands for the very first time :cloud9: before, baby would always stop kicking as soon as SO put his hands on my belly, but not last night! He was soo happy!!
@Joannaxoxo I will be using cloth nappies! I also sold my stash after my DD so am currently in the process of rebuilding as cheaply as possible. With my others I found alva baby always worked well and were cheap enough to bulk out the majority of my stash so hoping these work for this baby too. I'm going for terries and wraps for the newborn stage mainly to keep costs low but plenty of people have recommended me the tots bots peenut wrap and pads so I'm looking into that too xx

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