★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Joanna I started getting colostrum at about 20 weeks this time, a lot earlier than my other pregnancies! I had about 3 months between stopping breastfeeding and getting pregnant which is the same as last time so I’m not sure why it’s started so much earlier! I also share your struggles with getting back to sleep after getting up to wee during the night. So frustrating!

Fern what’s a mystic bells necklace? It sounds interesting! Is it something that makes sounds for the baby?

Jess I hope baby switches back to head down soon, that must be so uncomfortable! Have you tried any of the spinning babies exercises?

Flueky you look great! I hope your Mom is okay and you can figure out what’s going on with her, I can imagine it’s stressful for you!

AFM I’m 30 weeks now, can’t quite believe it! My eldest is starting back at school and my youngest is about to start his settling in sessions at school nursery. He’ll be going 5 mornings a week so I’ll have that time to myself until the baby arrives. It’s going to be so weird having an empty house again after so long. Hopefully I can use the time to prepare for the baby and maybe even get a bit of rest! Going to miss my lads so much though, already counting down to the half term holidays!
Jelly time does fly! We’re in the home stretch!
A mystic bells necklace is a long chain with a pendant containing a ball (with bell inside) which makes a soft chiming sound. Traditionally it’s worn long during pregnancy with the pendant reaching the uterus and then after birth shortened so it comes to above your breasts. The story goes that Baby hears the chimes during pregnancy and recognizes the sound after pregnancy & if you keep wearing the pendant, as baby gets older he/she can touch and play with it while feeding. I don’t know how much of the chiming sound they will actually be able to hear and remember! but I love the tradition. It’s also a bit of a superstition that the chiming “calls the angels” :) & also called a harmony bell.

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Fern - what a cool idea and sounds like a nice story you'd have with the necklace too. It's also so pretty, you'll have to send us a close up picture of your necklace pendant when you get it.

Jelly - I'll have a few days a week during the month of September after the kids start back at school where I'll be home alone. It's such a weird feeling being in an empty/quiet house. I'm excited for some free and alone time but I'm excited to have that free time shared with the new baby.

AFM - I am feeling very tired this morning. DH came to bed at 2am after trying to sleep in the spare room... he said he couldn't fall asleep there so came to our bed. 2 minutes later he's snoring like a freaking fog horn! I tried to ignore it and even put in ear plugs but it was just so loud... plus I was worried I'd sleep through my alarm at 6am. So I went to sleep on the couch. Ugh, horrible sleep. Our spare bed is in the basement and is super uncomfortable.. however I can't keep being woken even damn night from his snoring (he's usually not much of a snorer but allergies at this time of the year make it bad). I'm thinking about picking up a mattress pad or pillow to make the bed more comfy... but I think DH is going to have to deal with it until his snoring phase is over. Sorry for the moan but lack of sleep makes me crabby lol.
Hi everyone!

Victoria - thinking of you...how are you and baby doing?

Fern - I just got one of those necklaces too! Been wanting one all pregnancy and finally decided to buy one.

Jess - I hope baby goes back to being head down really soon.

Joanna - I've been getting tiny, tiny bits of colostrum since about 28 weeks or so. But I basically only notice if I happen to brush my bare arm across my bare chest and notice that it's either wet, or feels crusty. Most of the time I have this sticky crusty stuff mainly on my right nipple. But it's nothing that leaks through my clothes.

Azure - I feel your moving/ packing woes. Take it easy and be kind to yourself!

AFM - had a growth check yesterday and baby has moved up to the 13th percentile so I don't have to go in for weekly NSTs anymore. He also has moved to the head down position, which I suspected because when I think it happened it was a pretty wild and intense feeling. I'm hoping he no longer has room to flip back the other way, and I think he's been trying but it hasn't been as intense since when I think he actually flipped. We got to see the inside of our new apartment for the first time yesterday so that's feeling a lot more real. Will be an adjustment but the place is in good shape and they haven't even cleaned it yet. There's a super dark wall in the living room so we are going to paint that a warmer color because the gray months in WA can be super depressing. Other than that, no more updates. I feel pretty miserable these days so I know I'm in the home stretch. Just praying that Bug doesn't come until after I've had a chance to get the new place mostly settled.

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Hope you enjoy your baby shower, Fern!! I can't wait for mine in a couple of weeks! You're so right with time flying. Some days it feels like it drags but then when I look up and see just how many days are left, it's kinda scary. The pendant sounds really cool, too!

Yikes, victoria. I hope he stays in there! Hope both of you are doing well and getting rest now.

Cute bump Flueky!! That's rough with your mom, though. Hopefully they won't keep you in too long so you can get home.

Ouch, Jess!! Fingers crossed baby gets back into position soon for you.

I hear you with the sleep issues, Joanna. I've been suffering from really bad restlessness lately and can't get comfortable/stay still in bed at night at certain points, which keeps me up forever. Between the peeing, the kicking and the restlessness, sleep is pretty elusive. I also sleep with air pods with noise cancellation and rain sounds turned up pretty loudly to drown out my partner's snores! It's a bit of a pain but helps me sleep.

co_fostermom, glad to hear he moved to the right position and hope he stays there. Hope all goes well with the new place :)
Victoria- I’m assuming you don’t have time to type right now but if you manage to read, I’m thinking of you both x

Co_foster I’m glad your ds growth has picked up some. How cool that we have the same pendant :)

All the ladies posting about insomnia and sleep problems - I’m also there! I don’t share a bedroom with my husband so I don’t have to listen to his snoring though. I just have to pee a thousand times and struggle to fall asleep after. And the bump gets uncomfortable! I did flip my mattress a week or so ago and it helped with my back aches & sleeping position.
Oh! Since many of us are packing our hospital bags- a few more tips I got: pack a toothbrush for dad as well as enough snacks and drinks (plus find out what the hospital’s policy is, will he be allowed to go and buy food at the cafeteria etc), pack copies of both parents’ id documents and all medical aid/hospital admin documents needed, in a file.
Foster - It's nice to hear that your baby has moved to the 13th percentile and head down. Also, the apartment sounds great, when can you move in? I bet your anxious to get all settled.

Victoria - thinking of you still xx

Azure & Fern - sleep issues I think it will just be a constant thing until delivery now unfortunately lol. I did convince hubby to buy a foam topper for the spare bed mattress, he slept in it last night and I had a much better sleep ... so hopefully he did too. I think we will be sleeping separate for a couple weeks or until his allergies have gone away (thankfully it's just something we get in the fall).

Back issues - my back feels fine when I'm at home on weekends, but when at work my back just can't cope. I do administration at a desk for 8 hours during the week and my back just can't take it. Thankfully my work is really supportive and will basically let me do whatever I want. So I'm planning to just work 2-3 days a week until Sept 25th and thankfully we are still on work sharing (government pays days we aren't at work) and I have a couple vacation days left to use... so I'll still be paid for my full week.

By Sept 25th I'll be just about 37 weeks, so baby could come anytime after that. My doctor said that by 38 weeks she will check me and see if there is anything we could do to naturally speed things along (maybe a stretch/sweep?... never had one). Anyway, my doctor fully supports my decision to try for a VBAC, so hopefully my body remembers how and will go into labour around 38-39 weeks.
Wow Joanna that’s really right around the corner! That’s so nice of your work to accommodate you re your work and back issues.

I had an appointment today just to check if everything is fine after being hospitalized for pain 2 weeks ago. I haven’t had that pain since and she’s concluded that it was most likely muscles/ligaments since I do have a slipped disk in my lower back which happened just before I got pregnant. In any case baby looks fine, he keeps measuring right on the 50th percentile while his brother always measured in the 90th percentile... even now my ds1 is tall for his age and has a large head. My husband is very tall and broad. So this baby seems to be more my size. His nose however keeps looking like my husband’s nose and that’s the ONE physically ugly feature my husband has Lol! I hope for A’s sake he doesn’t inherit it but oh well what will be will be!

6 more weeks until maternity leave, one of which is a holiday week! Oh yes and my baby shower is tomorrow yay!
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Hi all been a while since I popped in!

I can't remember everyone's names I'm so sorry

But to the lady who's waters broke I really hope all is well!!

Colostrum iv not had any yet thank God I'm really odd I hate the feeling of it. I'm a bottle feeder which I no a lot of you will disagree with but I find it best for me and my situation

I had my bags all packed but then things happened and its kind of all over the place now lol

Afm we decided last week to move, we wanted to start looking for a house swap and found one almost instantly. Which means swapping my 3 bed for a 5 bed house! I was thinking it would take a while but looking at it ending up around my due date which is really stressing me out. My anxiety is through the roof and I don't think my partner understands even tho he is brilliant he just doesn't get it lol. Also my kids are going back to school Monday. Jasmine and Millie have the same teachers they had last school year but my Isabella starts reception and Evelyn starts nursery. The school aren't too bad but the nursery have gone waaay over the top with covid worrying and my 2 year old is very clingy and I can't take her ìn which again is causing me loads of stress! Just don't know what's to do for the best!! Hope your all well xxx
HI ladies.

Well, it has been an eventful few days and I now feel a little bit of a fraud in this group as I have a September baby!

Baby Leo arrived very quickly on Wednesday night via emergency c-section at 29+3. He is is NICU and doing very well thankfully but needs support with his breathing via a cpap machine and feeding at the moment which is as expected for how early he is.
He weighed 3lb 6 1/4oz and is just perfect. Here’s a little pic of him getting a cuddle last night and gripping onto my thumb.

I hope all you ladies and bumps are doing well. I hope those of you that have just moved/moving it is all going well. Don’t do too much and make sure you try to relax through it. I promise I am reading everyone’s posts and seeing how they are getting on, my brain just isn’t keeping in who said what!

HI ladies.

Well, it has been an eventful few days and I now feel a little bit of a fraud in this group as I have a September baby!

Baby Leo arrived very quickly on Wednesday night via emergency c-section at 29+3. He is is NICU and doing very well thankfully but needs support with his breathing via a cpap machine and feeding at the moment which is as expected for how early he is.
He weighed 3lb 6 1/4oz and is just perfect. Here’s a little pic of him getting a cuddle last night and gripping onto my thumb.

I hope all you ladies and bumps are doing well. I hope those of you that have just moved/moving it is all going well. Don’t do too much and make sure you try to relax through it. I promise I am reading everyone’s posts and seeing how they are getting on, my brain just isn’t keeping in who said what!

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So sweet <3 congratulations :flow: so glad he’s doing well , I hope you are too momma <3
Omg congratulations!! Glad you are both doing well. And that's a great weight so early x
Oh wow Victoria I had a feeling:) and am so glad and grateful you are both doing well! Congrats on a healthy September baby Leo!! Sending you both many hugs and good wishes xx

Catmum sorry to hear about your stressful circumstances, I still can’t imagine how it must be to move house while so far along. And a good deal of our group is moving house, what a coincidence. Good luck hun thinking of you.

Afm I had a zoom appointment with my neuropsychiatrist yesterday and it was a good session with getting a lot off my chest; she had a good few suggestions re handling husband and made one adjustment to my meds. But even with the medication I’m on now I can aim to try bf. I’m so happy that I’m getting proper pre and postnatal mental health care this time around.

I posted yesterday that I had 7 weeks of work left but edited it... its 6 weeks but including our school holiday it’s 2 weeks, then 2 days (Mon-Tues), school closes early on the 23rd, reopens on the 5th of Oct so then only 2 more weeks until maternity leave. I’ve been counting down weeks and days for ages now and am really glad to be getting to the end!

I got my mystic bell/harmony bell pendant this morning. Pics attached. Now for a full bikini wax (so scared!) and then baby shower at 2PM.

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Victoria oh wow! Congratulations on baby Leo, he sounds like a good size! Wishing you a smooth journey and hope he continues going from strength to strength :hugs: take care of yourself and keep us updated if you can!

Cat I’m glad you found a house swap so quickly though I can understand the stress! Will it still be the same school area for the kids? I hope their return to school goes well! My youngest just started school nursery and they’ve been really good about starting them in small groups so we can go in with them. I’ve got a few friends with kids in different schools that haven’t been able to do that and it must be difficult. Kids can be so resilient and good at adapting to different situations though. Hopefully they’ll all settle quickly!
As for the bottle feeding, you’ve got to do what’s right for you and your circumstances. I work in breastfeeding support and it breaks my heart when women feel like they need to justify how they feed their babies. I think everyone deserves the information and support to make the choices that work best for them.

Fern that necklace is so pretty! I’m glad your appointment went well and you’ve got support in place. I’ve just had my perinatal psychiatrist appointment as well and I feel better knowing that there’s a plan for if I become unwell again after the baby is born!

Not much new here! Just getting increasingly big and sore :haha: we’re sorting the nursery today and it’s all coming together. Will be able to get all the baby stuff washed and put away soon. It’s all getting more real. I’m so excited!
Fern your necklace is gorgeous! I love the idea the baby gets used to a particular sound good for comfort!

Jelly thank you for the support. Evelyn went in for a brief introduction to the teachers at her nursery today and it went a lot better then I thought it would so I'm happy. In a lot of pain today though! Mid way through 34 weeks and so can't wait for Bonnie to be here now!! Hope all is well xx
Wow!! Congratulations Victoria. I am so happy that both you and your sweet bubba are doing well. Do continue to update us <3

co, I'm glad to hear that baby is doing so well and has increased in percentile. And aww, he looks so sweet and peaceful in the ultrasound photo!

Fern, hope you've had a fantastic time at your baby shower! and lovely necklace! :flower:

AFM - been taking it really easy ever since I stopped working completely last week. SO had the week off too so we've been chilling, went to the beach on Wednesday but that's it. It's still soo hot here despite it being September, I'm so sick of the heat :wacko:

Also... just found a small amount of blood on the paper after wiping. I'm freaked out now thinking it may be the 'bloody show". I wouldn't mind if baby came now, we're prepared and I'm already 36 weeks, but I'm scared now thinking it may actually be happening for real soon. Braxton Hicks have been more intense lately, and right now my entire uterus feels really achy. Have also had a lot of pelvic and abdominal pains today, feels like bubba is way way down there.

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