★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Pineberry glad you have had time to rest! I had my bloody shoe with my first ages before going into labour it's just another one of those pregnancy things that 'could' mean it might happen soon. Hope that helps put your mind at ease xx
Pineberry I have no experience with bloody show but it sounds like labour might not be tooooo far in the future but like you said you’re 36 weeks already and prepared and who knows how long he’ll still take :) anxiety before birth is so normal x

Catmum glad things went well at school! I hope once they all get back into a school routine it will take some stress off your shoulders:).

The baby shower was a bit of a letdown. My so-called best friend has started shunning me since I became pregnant and didn’t show yesterday, without sending an apology or a reason. This is the second time since I’ve been pregnant that she just doesn’t show up when we’ve made plans and doesn’t answer her phone etc. I’ve heard of people doing that when you’re pregnant I just never thought it would happen to me. And though it was nice to see my other friends and family it all felt a bit weird to just visit and run due to covid, I didn’t invite a lot of people to start with, there was almost no food (my sister packed individual boxes so that we wouldn’t breathe over/share food platters which is understandable and thoughtful under the circumstances) so people would come, take a box of food and a takeaway coffee, and leave. Which is what we planned due to covid but it felt strange. I kept thinking all afternoon about all the school work that I was falling behind in, stupid. Anyway even though it wasn’t at all like our nice traditional baby showers that we’re used to, it was still wonderful to see my family and friends even if super quickly. I’m also not going to contact my friend again because it just hurts when she ignores me. I get that we’re in different places in our lives (her kids are older and I’m sure she has no interest in infants) but she was so supportive during ivf etc I have no idea what her problem is now. I can’t let it add to my stress, I’ll leave it up to her to communicate if/when she feels like it...
One funny thing- my one friend dropped off my baby bath that she had borrowed for the baby she had had in the meantime. In any case I brought the bath home after the party, ds climbed into it and packed toys into it and after a while said “ok so here is the baby bath but where is the baby SHOWER that you took so long to fetch?” Lol!

HI ladies.

Well, it has been an eventful few days and I now feel a little bit of a fraud in this group as I have a September baby!

Baby Leo arrived very quickly on Wednesday night via emergency c-section at 29+3. He is is NICU and doing very well thankfully but needs support with his breathing via a cpap machine and feeding at the moment which is as expected for how early he is.
He weighed 3lb 6 1/4oz and is just perfect. Here’s a little pic of him getting a cuddle last night and gripping onto my thumb.

I hope all you ladies and bumps are doing well. I hope those of you that have just moved/moving it is all going well. Don’t do too much and make sure you try to relax through it. I promise I am reading everyone’s posts and seeing how they are getting on, my brain just isn’t keeping in who said what!

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Congratulations Victoria. Glad to hear Leo is doing so well, hope you are OK too :) xx
@Fern81 so sorry your friend is being like that. Not nice at all and I don't blame you for deciding to not contact her again. You definitely don't need the stress and upset right now, if she doesn't care enough to be there then you're better off without her anyway, focus on those that were there.
Everything is so strange with covid guidelines at the minute but I'm glad you still were able to briefly see friends and family and enjoy it a little.
Love that your DS was asking where the shower was, bless him, cute!

So I have been given the official diagnosis of gestational diabetes after they had me monitoring my bloods for a few weeks. Consultant has giving me numbers to be working towards for my blood sugar levels and I just can't seem to get down to them :shrug: diabetes midwife is ringing me on Tuesday which I'm pleased about because it's really stressing me out. I've been following diet advice from diabetes UK, cut out the occasional fizzy drinks and sweet snacks I did have and I still just seem to be way over. I'm worried my baby is just going to get huge all of a sudden if I can't get it all under control. I have scan and consultant appointment at 36 weeks to discuss progress and plan of action xx
Victoria - CONGRATS!!!! I hope Baby Leo continues to grow and do well.

Catmum - Ugh moving. No fun. Take it easy and little bits at a time. That has seemed to be working for me. And no heavy lifting!

Fern - I'm sorry about the shower letdown and your friend. That is rough. :hugs:

Pine - I literally just had a dream about wiping up blood (spotting). I have no idea if that's your bloody show or not, but I would call your doctor and ask as they would probably be able to give you the best answer. But I'm glad you feel ready for baby!!! SO exciting.

Jess - I'm sorry about the GD but I'm glad you have a consult with a GD midwife to put your mind at ease.

AFM - 33 weeks today and I have my virtual shower today. It'll be really nice to see people I haven't seen in a really long time, but I am worried that people will get bored. My mom is kind of hosting it and she's done a lot so far to make people feel loved and appreciated, so hopefully that'll be enough.
Fern I'm so sorry your friend is treating you like this it's so unfair. And your son sounds so cute!

Feeling fed up with being pregnant now but really looking forward to the kids getting back to school permanently tomorrow yeey xx
Hope your virtual shower went well @co_fostermom.
@Catmumof4 so with you there on the fed up front, my kids went back Thursday to school and honestly it is such a relief to have some routine and normality back.

I ended up in pregnancy assessment with reduced movement today. Took baby 55minutes on the monitor to move and have a heart rate acceleration though the heart beat was easy enough to find which was reassuring. Anyway they scanned me to see what was going on and why baby was being so lazy, no clues really but was nice to see baby again and they are measuring a lovely 5lbs 5oz at dead on 35 weeks. Growth is still following the line on the graph nicely, sitting between 25th and 50th centile xx
Jess sorry baby gave you a scare today but really glad you got to see and be reassured by the scan. Scary when they are quiet for the day..

Something I wanted to share my 2 year old back in March decided she was going to get the ultimate worst case of separation anxiety iv ever heard of. I can't even sit on the other side of a shut stair gate without her freaking out big time. So she has been sleeping downstairs on the opposite end of the sofa to her dad BUT we have had a bit of a breakthrough she now sleeps in her own bed at the start of the night after just 30 mins of tantrums. Having to bring her into my room through the night due to her anxiety flaring but she now sleeps on a mattress on the floor (trying to get her used to sleeping separate) which in itself is a big step for her. Just wish could have 1 night without the drama.
Catmum - yay that is great progress for your little one! One night without drama will come soon!

Jess - I'm sorry you ended up in assessment but I'm glad Baby was just being lazy and is right on target as far as growth.
Hi all. Nursery for Evelyn didn't go well apparently she cried on and off the whole time (4hrs) but no-one rang me or anything so I feel a bit guilty. I ended up on the monitor today because Bonnie had a very quiet day and took an hr and half and a quick scan to prove she was ok that was scary! Since leaving she has proven she is fine kicking constantly which even tho it hurts it is so reassuring lol. Hope everyone else is ok!! Xx
@Catmumof4 sorry to hear your little one wasn't keen on nursery and Bonnie was having a lazy day. It's so scary when they decide to give us a fright! Minefelt like the longest 55minutes of my life on that monitor waiting for a movement.
Hopefully Evelyn settles into nursery and new routine quickly over the next few days, don't feel guilty, she will get there and be just fine :) I used to work in a private nursery for 10 years and a lot were unsettled for a few days but soon got used to it and thrived in a matter of weeks xx
My feet are swollen, I had low blood pressure on Sunday so I'm not too worried it's because of high blood pressure or anything, I'm assuming it's just because I'm 35 weeks now and my body is fed up :lol:
co - hope you had a lovely virtual shower :flower:

catmum - ugh, it's so scary when our bubs aren't moving like usual. I'm glad Bonnie is fine! My lil one had one of those quiet days yesterday, but I decided not to worry too much this time. He was making up for it this morning when my insomnia made me wake up at 05:50AM (after getting 2 hours of sleep:?), his little feet were suddenly tickling my ribs non-stop lol.

Jess - noo, sorry about the GD diagnosis! GD sucks massively. [-( Fortunately it's only a couple weeks left. Mine was diagnosed at 13 weeks and now in those final weeks I've come to the point where I'm just so tired of it, and sick of having to feel guilty after a slice of cheesecake. And sorry about the scare with decreased movement!

My feet are swollen too, but somehow only the left foot, not the right one! Weird :lol:

Think the blood on Saturday night wasn't my "bloody show" - no real signs of labour since then - also googled pics of a bloody show and mine didn't look like that at all, there was no mucus, just a regular red blood spot...

After getting over the intial shock and fear of thinking I might be going into labour, I must admit I was then disappointed that it didn't end up being the case :sad1:

I've had tons of pelvic pressure, mild cramps and even what felt like very mild contractions in the last few nights since then. Another small amount of red blood yesterday. So I am hoping labour isn't too far away.

Sleep is getting more and more scarce these days; insomnia + feeling uncomfortable + having to pee every 30 minutes (not exaggerating) + getting woken up by BH contractions when I DO fall asleep... and then my entire body feels sore when I wake up after sleeping for a couple of hours.

Safe to say I'm ready to be done with pregnancy :mrgreen:
Pineberry I totally hear you! At the same time as wanting this pregnancy to be done already, I'm in the boat where bubs needs to grow a bit more first so I go back and forth with it. Also wanting him to stay put at least through the end of next week so I can sort of get our new place settled. That being said, I miss sleep, and I bet you do too. Sorry about the contractions and the aches. Try adding some more pillows - I added one last night and it helped a bunch. I would probably add 30 more if I hadn't already packed them. :dohh:
Morning everyone.

We all sound similar... I'm also feeling the pregnancy insomnia, can't get comfortable anymore and my body hurts in the morning when I get up. I'm also in the same boat where I want baby to stay put for a few more weeks... hoping to make it to 37 weeks, after that i'll be happy to have him.

Catmum - sorry for nursery didn't go well for Evelyn... hopefully after a few days or weeks it will be fine. My son took several weeks to adjust to daycare when he first started going, it was horrible to leave him screaming but it just took a bit of time.

Quiet babies - I've definitely noticed a sleep and awake time now, especially if I've been busy. He is very quiet in the morning if I'm running about and when I sit down and relax he decides to wake up and move about. I'm not saying that lack of movement is not something to take seriously but noticing this pattern has helped me feel less worried. I've also taken my doctor's advice... count 6 kicks/movements and if the 6 movements take longer than 2 hours then to go get checked out... but I usually feel the 6 movements within 45 minutes or less. Often we are so busy that the movements go unnoticed but they are still happening.

Victoria - congratulations! I hope everything is still going well.

Pineberry - I noticed my bloody show with my first baby. It was definitely mostly mucus with a few tints of blood. It also happened about 24 hours before I delivered. I'd mention the blood you've seen to your doctor because they might want to check things out. But your symptoms (mild cramps, increased BH contractions, pressure) all sound like your body is prepping for delivery.

AFM - I've noticed an increase in BH contractions, not so much the quantity of them but they feel a bit stronger now. I'm also very much nesting... I've been trying to get the house ready for having my Mom stay over when baby comes. The problem with our house is that with 4 people and 2 pets that shed, it's basically a daily cleaning thing. I'm sure the day we go into labour that the house will be less than perfect, but I can't help trying to keep on top of things.
Jess sorry to hear about the GD diagnosis. Any new news about your sugar levels? I’m sure you’ll be fine because you are taking steps to treat it!

Catmum I hope Evelyn settles in quickly x

Omw I’m also hugely swollen:( my feet and ankles are huge and my spring/summer shoes don’t fit! When I work from home I wear slippers! It’s been a little bit of an issue but has become bad since about a week ago. And so uncomfortable. I went to the physiotherapist again for my hips and sciatica but no relief. I won’t go again because it’s so expensive! I literally dream of looking in the mirror and realizing I have no tummy anymore and it’s glorious lol. Then I wake up to pee and can’t get out of bed haha.

Pine- I’ve had lots of slightly bloody wipes and nothing’s come from it ..?? My dr calls it a friable cervix. Despite my secretly hoping your boy will arrive and we’ll have another baby on the group soon, I agree with you and Foster that we want them to stay inside for as long as possible, impatient though we might be.

Who was talking about baby movement? Mine has been super quiet these past 3 days. I’m going to phone my dr a bit later. I phoned the hospital yesterday, they said to monitor and call dr today. Of course I went into a flat spin and started washing everything and packing my hospital bag in between teaching classes; totally wasting time because I have a HUGE load of exams to mark and the marks need to be done urgently. As if A would be able to wear his newborn suits if he was to be born today! But doing something to help me feel a little more in control just helps with the anxiety. Even if it’s packing newborn clothes and a hairbrush. It was terrible being admitted to hospital last time with nothing packed at all.
So I have to go in for fetal monitoring but I’ve put it off until tomorrow... my dr is pissed off at me for not going today but I’ve missed so much work already due to pregnancy appointments and extra monitoring, I can’t cancel classes today... and have just TONNES of work to do... so I’m going tomorrow morning between classes.

ETA: Co_foster I forgot to ask, how was your virtual shower? X
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I have been put on metformin to treat the GD. It is making me feel so nauseous at the moment but the diabetes nurse has assured me that will wear off in the next day or so.
I'm due to see my consultant on Tuesday to discuss a plan of action now I'm on this medication xx

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