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★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Joanna yeah I don't think anterior placenta makes you more likely to have a Csection. Hope the OB you see later doesn't share your current OB's viewpoint.

Glad you enjoyed a long weekend.

Co not that I feel super energetic but I do get some back. I had horrible fatigue in 1st tri though. I honestly only weigh weekly because it can vary so much depending on water retention. I have some quick gains in 2nd tri. Like 8 to 9 lbs in 4 weeks during the latter half of 2nd tri. Then weight gain starts slowing down in 3rd tri. I still haven't gained but still having some sickness and plenty of aversions.
Oh and I do believe you are more likely to get a sunburn when pregnant. So definitely stay shaded and use a mineral based sunscreen.
I’m a bit jealous of all the warm weather you ladies are enjoying, it’s brrrr cold here! But on the other hand I will have this baby in the summer which will make waking up for night and early morning feeds, so much easier. I love summer! Oh I got horrible melasma on my forehead in my last pregnancy, I think the sun made it worse and it hasn’t faded :/ so this time I’m much more careful.

Joanna oh sorry, my bad, I thought it was a scan. I also haven’t heard of increasing risk of cs with a/p but it makes sense if it covers the scar tissue? I hope you get your vbac though!

Headaches- Omw yes this time I get them so badly. Especially on the right side. It sucks to only be able to take tylenol!

Thanks for all the support ladies, you truly are AMAZING, you are so supportive, sweet and caring! I finally, after years, told my mom what is going on. And am speaking to one of the social workers again tomorrow, she researched my case a bit. Finally I’ve scraped up the guts to get a support system together. For so long I was too nervous/scared of change etc to do anything but now things will change one way or another!

Pineberry- anxiously awaiting your anatomy scan news!

My 16 week appointment and scan is tomorrow. Then I’ll also find out about the hospital tour and antenatal classes.
Fern that is so so awesome to read that you are finally getting support and have told your mom. Proud of you!

Just got done with the anatomy scan an hour ago. All is well with bubba, no issues whatsoever, will post pics later.. in too much pain right now. Anyone else had severe pain after the 20 week scan? They poked around soo much with the ultrasound probe, and pushed so hard. Bub wasn’t in a very good position for the scan (which is also why they couldn’t get a very good look at the heart) so on 3-4 different occasions she would repeatedly poke into my belly very quickly.

Right before they finished the scan my left side hurt so bad I hunched over from the pain, they obviously asked what’s wrong and I think they did a quick check on that side because they said "everything is fine" and sent me on my way.

Since leaving the hospital i’ve been in so much pain I cried. Have another verbal consultation tomorrow morning so I’m thinking if the pain hasn’t gone by then I’ll bring it up and demand they do a quick check with the ultrasound.

Also have a special fetal echocardiography on the 8th of June where they’ll check the heart thouroughly (due to my GD) and also booked the 28 week scan.
Fern - That must have been so hard to finally open up to your mom but I'm so proud of you for finding the courage to do that. Life is going to get better from here on out. Keep your head up. There might still be a bit of a fight left but remember your support system is there for you and we are here cheering you on!

Pine - I'm really sorry that you're in pain after your appointment. I bled for over a week after my last OB appointment and scan so maybe the scans/ poking and prodding can do that. I'm glad you're planning on calling your doctor again tomorrow if the pain still hasn't subsided. I've never heard of that before, but that doesn't mean anything really as I've never made it to 20 weeks yet. I hope you feel better soon! Hope all is well with the heartbeat in a few weeks. I have to have that done as well...apparently IVF babies are more prone to heart problems so it's standard procedure at my clinic. Who knows?
Thanks foster. I just had never had this much pain after an ultrasound, so I’m a little freaked out. Keep checking for spotting too but none so far, which is good.

Also, my SO wasn’t able to join after all. He came with me to the hospital but then they denied him right there, even though website says partners can attend again (they said the website is incorrect). All in all, not a very good hospital experience today.. but bubba is healthy so that is all that matters.

Kinda cool that you are also getting an echocardiography done, and hope all will be well with yours too :)
Oh wow Pineberry that sounds terrible! Did your uterus contract? I’ve had loads of braxton hicks especially last time with the slightest irritation... but it wasn’t thát painful so it doesn’t sound like it? Please phone them! But I’m glad to hear he’s doing ok!

Thanks again everyone for the support!

I had my 16 week appointment and scan today, he is measuring spot on but we couldn’t see the sex! His legs were closed. So now I have to wait until the 20 week anatomy scan! What a disappointment! But he looks healthy so far which is great.

ETA the hospital is so busy with people queuing outside to be screened at tents before they can even enter... I turned around and left, will do the pre-registration at my 20 week appointment! I can’t imagine that they will be doing any hospital tours now in any case.

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Fern I’m so glad to hear you’re getting support in place, you’re doing amazingly. Taking those first steps must have been hard but you’re not alone and you’ll get through this! Glad your scan went well, sorry baby was hiding their sex from you though!

Pine How’s the pain today? Hope you’re feeling better! I had to have a heart scan for my youngest son and it was incredible to see all the detail! Hope yours goes well!

Thanks for the tips about the sun. I knew we could be more sensitive in pregnancy but didn’t realise clouds could make it worse! My skin is definitely more sensitive in general in this pregnancy than the others. Maybe it’s my age? Who knows!
@Pineberry hope your pain has subsided now.

@Fern81 so so pleased to hear you have told your mom and are getting support. I hope you are doing OK.

I had my 20 week scan (slightly early) on Tuesday, sonographer couldn't see the heart properly and wasn't too happy with it so I am booked to see a fetal medicine consultant on Tuesday for a scan and follow up. Hoping it is just that baby was in an awkward position and all will be well at the scan.
Baby has been super active past couple of days but is really quiet today which is starting to worry me. I've only felt one movement early this morning but not sure if the midwives will do anything if u ring with me only being just under 20 weeks still. Hoping movement picks up this evening x
Fern - I'm so glad you've reached out for some help with your Mom & social workers. I hope some weight has been lifted from your shoulders and that together you all can make the best decisions for your situation.

Pineberry - glad baby is doing well but I hope the pains you were getting are gone now. I can't say I've ever had that happen to me at a scan. Did you end up going to get checked out?

Fern - How do you know it's a 'he' if you couldn't see the sex at the scan? Just wondering if you knew from a previous scan and were waiting to confirm the sex?

Jess - I hope everything is ok with the baby and he/she was just being camera shy. The baby is still small so perhaps the movements have changed a little because of baby's position inside? Certainly call your doctor if your concerned though! I'm almost 19 weeks and have not felt any movement yet but I have an anterior placenta which is cushioning the movements... also had the heart beat checked on Tuesday so I know it's doing alright in there. I wish we had little windows into our tummies so we could see baby and know it's doing alright.
Jess- hope it was just because baby was in a weird position. Have you done a kick count? I’m sure everything is ok x

Joanna yes at my 12 week scan with the specialist she confirmed “boy” in about 6 different shots/positions. My dr says she’s never been able to prove that sonographer wrong but she can’t say anything with any certainty so we will confirm at 20 weeks... I hope! Oh yes btw I also asked her about the movement and anterior placenta and she said it’s normal to feel very little to nothing until around 20 weeks.
Jess do you maternity notes have numbers to call? Mine have different numbers for before and after a certain number of weeks. I think it’s always better to call and get some reassurance rather than worry! I hope the next scan goes well and baby is in a better position!

I put over the bump maternity jeans on for the first time this pregnancy. I’ve been pulling them up all day as I’m not quite big enough yet but oh the comfort! I might never go back :haha:
Fern, I'm so sorry you're going through such trying times but it's great that you're able to get support and are taking steps needed to make life better for you and your little one! Great pic from your scan and hopefully he opens his legs up next time for better viewing :)

Pine, hope your pains have gone away!

My skin has been a bit of a nightmare for months. It seems to be getting better this tri but I have been noticing my tolerance for sun is realllllly low. I mostly had issues withe eczema in the first tri, plus lovely zits everywhere. Haven't had any rashes lately, which is actually odd since my skin tends to be pretty sensitive and has given me random rashes for years!

As far as energy goes, mine is definitely up from the first tri but still isn't great. I run out of gas very quickly but I'm also super unfit from sitting on my butt for the last few months due to covid. I moved this week and the amount of breaks I had to take was unreal! The plus side is that it has helped improve my sleep. Last two nights I clocked several hours of solid sleep, which isn't something I've been able to do for a while!

We're having "fun" now with introducing our cats to each other. Mine is not enjoying the transition very much but has gotten quit happy having the bedroom with me. We set up some baby gates to give him the chance to wander around certain levels of the house and those are about as useless as you'd imagine with a determined cat so we may have a face-off sooner than later with the pair of them haha
Yeah I’m quite disappointed that I couldn’t get a confirmation on the gender. But I still believe it’s a boy!

Azure wow good luck with the big move and the cats... that’s a lot of work! Are they getting along now?

Pineberry are you doing OK? Thinking of you!

Afm- tomorrow teachers are returning to school. On the 1st of June, grade 7 and 12 (12-13 yrs old and 17-18/ final year learners) are returning. The other grades will return in a staggered fashion. We are doing training etc this coming week to prepare for how teaching will be different. No sign yet of when preschools will open. I understand that social day will be extremely difficult but I’m definitely sending my son back ASAP. He NEEDS the stimulation, friends, learning opportunities and routine. With me working 2 jobs and housework I can’t give him the quality school time he needs... what are everyone’s thoughts on your kids returning to preschool?

I swear I felt my baby’s head a few nights ago lol! Idk if it’s even possible but I had a painful tightness and when I rubbed it there was just one hard, small, perfectly round lump in the top left corner. Like a smallish ping pong ball. It stayed there for about 10 seconds. So weird! Otherwise it was just a VERY strangely shaped spasm!
Annnddd... another weird thing... I am CRAVING cigarettes. Like, I dream about smoking. My eyes and mouth water when I think about it. And I’m not a smoker, in fact I’m not a fan of cigarettes at ALL!
Fern - I don't blame you for wanting to send your son back to preschool. I probably would too. This pandemic has been hard on them in ways that only research and time will be able to tell, but since they have less capacity for understanding it, emotionally, being around friends and activity will be a really healthy thing. That being said, I would have a hard time sending my kiddo back (hypothetically) if they a) were forced to wear masks (can you imagine 3 and 4-year-olds with masks? Nightmare and/ or b) were not allowed to be near each other or interact with each other. Kids need physical connection with each other. It's a crucial component of early child development.

Also, weird about the cravings! So you might want to ask your doctor about that one because apparently if you're craving non-food items like sand, ice, dirt, etc. (I haven't heard about cigarettes but my guess is that counts), then you could have PICA which means your iron is super low. A doctor would be able to help you figure this odd craving out at any rate, especially if you've never been a smoker and don't like being around them normally.

Hope you're well Pine!

Azure - I hear you about the skin. I was really hoping for that baby boy glow but I've gotten flakey, dry skin and zits all over my face. Super annoying.

AFM I'm working up the courage to start adding movement to my daily or at the very least weekly routines. I've just been so afraid that I'll do something to start bleeding again, despite it having been weeks now. I've also been experiencing sharp pains in my uterus that happen most frequently if I wake up on my back in the morning and usually go away if I switch to my side. It hasn't happened consistently enough for me to be concerned, but today I had that pain again and changing position hasn't helped much. It's better now that I'm up and about but it's still bugging me on and off. I have an OB appointment on Tuesday so I'm going to talk with her about it. I think I need to write down a list of my recent concerns so I don't forget about anything!
I've read along but the past week was hectic, signed up for extra hours at work. Not many opportunities for me to earn extra so doing it when I can. I'll probably just be able to read this week as well. Busy week planned with memorial day cookout, 2 birthday parties, date day for DH and I, and a trip to our small local zoo.

I hope everyone is doing well and look forward to more pictures of our little babies. I have an early gender scan schedule for next Monday so anxiously awaiting that.

Have a happy Memorial Day weekend my fellow US ladies and happy week to all!
Hi ladies! Hope you all had a good weekend! Sorry I'm not responding individually right now (I've read all the responses and updates from you though!) but just wanted to quickly check in :) we're in the middle of putting together some furniture that I ordered, and just taking a mini break atm. I'm in full nesting mode and currently pimping our apartment up a little! Another Ikea order coming this week & have a bunch of stuff planned for our different rooms.

The stabbing abdominal pain fortunately went away after a good night's sleep :)

Btw, here are the pics from my anatomy scan last week! Some 3D pics too, though the dr. said they dont turn out well at this gestational age & we'll take better ones at my next routine scan at 28 weeks.

2d1.jpg 2d2.jpg 3d3.jpg 3d2.jpg 3d1.jpg

I think I'm seeing some resemblance with his Dad so that warms my heart! Love this lil guy so much.
Omw Pineberry I was worried about you but glad to see you were only busy nesting! So glad you are doing ok and that the pain has gone away. Gorgeous pics especially the one where it looks like he is sucking his thumb :)

Jess are you feeling better?

Flueky I’m also looking forward toward your scan and I vote boy :)

Co_foster I think making a list is a great idea. I find that I usually have a million questions but forget to ask half of them as the dr and I start to talk about other things.

Geez, pains! I haven’t really had any issues but the past week I’ve been getting intense pain in my hip joints. Sometimes when I lie down I can barely move my legs to sit back up. Dr Google just blames it on relaxin and the loose ligaments; it makes sense. I stretched quite a bit last week because I thought it was sciatica (doesn’t quite feel the same though) and it’s waayyyy worse after all the stretching. So I’ve probably loosened my loose ligaments even more lol. Just watching my posture more now, especially when sleeping.

Oh so I went back to school today. Kids will arrive next week. We will be doing a combination of online teaching and in-class teaching. It has definitely been a learning curve thus far and will be even more so once we start in-class teaching again. I feel SO SORRY for the kids. I never would have survived social distancing as a kid/teen. And everything feels so “scary” and forced. If we as teachers are stressed I can’t imagine how the kids must feel. I’m also worried about the emotional effect this has started to have on my own son :( co_foster you also mentioned this!

But now my mom has to look after him when I go to school (against the law but what else can I do lol) and his cousins were there today and he was a different child with them around!
Aww @Fern81 I didn't mean for you or anyone to worry! That's so sweet of you though <3 Sorry about those pains, that sounds really awful. Not quite the same but I always wake up with the worst pain in my leg simply because I'd been lying on that leg the entire night - normally when that happens I would just roll on my back, but they say not to lay on your back during pregnancy (and yepp after laying on it for 50 mins at my anatomy scan I now know why...ugh) so it's not an option. Really annoying! It's like this every morning.

Congrats on getting back to work though! I hope that you'll continue to stay safe and healthy during these times of things slowly getting back to normal, and I think it'll be really good for you to get out of your household again and to have time and space to yourself!
So who here has been feeling baby yet and how much? :)
Since the beginning of my 20th week, I feel those light taps more regularly and more noticably, and once even saw a little kick from the outside! I call them "kickies" when I talk to my SO because they're still so mild, but definitely noticable. Can't wait for the "real thing" (though I've heard they can be quite intense/painful at times!)

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