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★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

Well, I've had these strong jabs that I can't attribute to anything other than Love Bug kicking or moving around, but I'm not sure why it would hurt so much. On Mother's Day (I would have been 15 weeks) I felt flutters for the first time (felt like popcorn in my belly) which I've felt on and off since, but yesterday was the first time I felt those jabs. I wouldn't say it was sharp pains (which I've also had recently), but I also wouldn't say it was gentle. Quite uncomfortable actually. I have an OB appointment today so I'm going to ask my doctor about it. Wondering if it's painful for me because my uterus is smaller.
Pineberry - glad the pains went away after the scan, I was also a little worried when you didn't come back for a few days.

I've done a bit of nesting too... cleaned up a lot of my kids toys.. boxed up the baby stuff for the new baby to use in a few years and tossed a lot of junk toys. It took DH and I 2-3 hours and we were only doing the toys in the basement!! Going to tackle their bedrooms in the next few weeks... we've ordered the kids loft style beds so they will get a bit of a room tidy at the same time.

As for baby kicks. I've only started feeling some since late last week. Just a few very light taps, I expect they will pickup and happen more regularly as time goes on. Pineberry - they can certainly get a little painful when the baby is almost full-term... I remember getting kicked in the ribs a few times. Most of the time though it's not painful but can feel very weird when baby does a full turn and your whole belly moves haha. And I also remember that baby was more active when I was resting... they say baby sleeps when your active because of your body moving around it kind of rocks them to sleep... so of course at night when your trying to sleep the baby is awake and 'having a party'!
Pine beautiful pics and yes the later scan in 3d is better detailed. My first wanted to hide her face though bahaha. I'm glad you are well.

No movements yet, thinking I probably have an anterior placenta again as I'd expect to feel movements by now being this is my 3rd. Ah well, there are definitely pluses of anterior placenta. It's a nice cushion when those kicks get stronger.

Fern I wanted to say, I'm so proud of you working on getting the help you and your children deserve :)

As for your parents watching ds, you gotta do what you got to do. I hope that it goes well with school back in session.

Oh and I've had the occasional achey hip and pelvis. I'm thinking it's the relaxin already.

Co not ignoring you, just replied on your journal.

Joanna no nesting here yet, but hoping it'll start soon. I agree I don't think kicks were painful. They could take my breath away sometimes but I didn't find it painful.

AFM memorial day cookout at in laws was okay. It was a bit hectic and so many kids. One of them is BILs girlfriend's, she said she was going to kick my belly. I was a bit annoyed but I know she needs help. She was adopted and her birth mother took drugs while pregnant and I believe this caused a bunch of behavioral/emotional issues. She also said my oldest was crazy. So I played referee a lot. Was exhausted when we got home.

We took the girls to the zoo today. The zoo was following safe protocols, only so many guests allowed, maintain distance, only one allowed in shop to buy tickets, etc. The girls had so much fun and dd1 got to feed a giraffe a carrot.
@co_fostermom I think it's so cool that you've already been feeling some movement since 15 weeks! Do let us know on what the OB's thoughts were on why those jabs have been feeling uncomfortable.

Pineberry - they can certainly get a little painful when the baby is almost full-term... I remember getting kicked in the ribs a few times. Most of the time though it's not painful but can feel very weird when baby does a full turn and your whole belly moves haha. !

Ha! Ahh I'm looking forward to when these things start happening and I can really truly feel him moving around in there an doing full turns. As a first time mom I'm still so bewildered (in a good way) by all of these things and actually still find it so amazing that I am even pregnant at all. Like how did I get here!? Haha. I'm constantly in awe by it all and even though it feels so real at this point, there's a part of me that still finds it all so surreal :)

@Flueky88 Anterior placenta too here! And you're certainly right about it being a nice cushion for the stronger kicks later on, I didn't even think about that :) that does sound hectic with the cookout and I can completely see why you would be exhausted after that. A bit surprised (and also jealous haha) that you're allowed to have gatherings again where you live, they are still not permitted here in Portugal (or I think not more than 5 people).

Lovely that you've had an awesome day at the zoo with your girls :) and so cute about the giraffe!!
There are quite a few of us with anterior placentas it seems (me too). I didn't realize how common they were, my doctor made it seem like it wasn't very common and could pose some issues later on. I guess I'll find out.

CoFoster - I'm pretty sure I felt movement around 14-16 weeks with my other pregnancies.

Oh and I finally have an appointment for my ultrasound. I go on Tuesday, June 2nd... one week to wait :) Can't wait to find out the gender and hoping everything is going smoothly with baby.
Pine, we only have 1 active case in our county. The stay at home order for our state was lifted May 1st with exception of a few counties (major metropolitan areas). I think we are in phase 2 of reopening in our region because numbers are so low and we've not had a big surge of new cases since the stay at home order was lifted.

Thank you. I'm looking forward to taking them again sometime. We were supposed to be at Disney this week so it was nice to do something fun for them and get some exercise pushing a stroller about.

Joanna woohoo! The day after my appt, I know it's silly but I like knowing babies gender.

Anyone having braxton hicks already? I've had some, bht they weren't bad.
Flueky I think I've had ONE Braxton hicks last week. It took my breath away and I literally was doubled over for about a minute. Haven't experienced anything like it since.

Pine - my doctor said that baby movement can be painful/ uncomfortable sometimes, but she also said that it's possible I might experience round ligament pain differently than most because of my unicornuate uterus and the fact that it's leaning to the right. I think that's why I've had so much left side pain in general - all the stretching is happening on that side because the weight from baby is pulling my uterus further. I also think he's living somewhere on the left side of my uterus too (that's where I most often find his heartbeat) so that probably doesn't help either! But, other than that, my doctor was seriously unconcerned with all my concerns which is probably a good thing lol. And baby's heartbeat was a strong 150bpm. It was nice hearing it on an actual doppler.
Had another crazy vivid dream this morning, so strong I slept through my alarm and was almost late for work! In my dream I had my baby (it was a boy) and we had just left the hospital so he was a newborn. I'd also delivered on the same day as 2 other ladies that I apparently knew and we all had boys. One of the ladies and I offered to babysit the other lady's baby for some unknown reason. Well in my dream I was so focused on watching this other baby boy that I lost mine... literally, as in I couldn't find where I'd left him. The rest of the dream was me and DH looking in all these random places for him! So weird haha.

I also read (old wives tale) that if you dream of one gender then you are having the opposite. This is the second dream I've had where it's been a boy. And I'm thinking I'm actually pregnant with a girl... I guess I'll find out next week at the scan.

Flueky - I'd love to take the kids to a zoo and I'm glad your country has so few cases. We are finally able to see family... but only for outside visits. I was able to have my Mom over last weekend and we hung out in the back yard.

Foster - I don't think I've had any braxton hicks (not that I've noticed) but I don't recall ever really getting them until closer to the end with my other pregnancies. I have had lots of stretching achy-ness around the bottom of my bump, it can be on either side.
Foster- ouch, poor lady! Round ligament pain for me is worse than BH but RLP for me is over quickly. Kicks have never been painful to me. It does sound that you might have additional issues with your uterus shape? Hope it gets better and not worse as things grow and move around x

Flueky the zoo sounds lovely!! I’m jealous!

Joanna on that old wives tale... I had a dream that I was having twin girls and am actually having one boy (well, boy as far as I know lol!)

Flueky and Joanna I can’t wait for those 2 gender scans next week! Flueky it’s not silly it’s awesome:)

Yes I’ve been having BH but not too often. And not too bad.

Wow yes loads of us have anterior placentas! Pineberry can you feel movement yet? Sorry if you’ve already mentioned it! I barely feel anything. It really bums me out because it makes me feel less connected to the baby than I “should”? At least I know this quiet won’t last until delivery day!

Pic: 17 weeks belly.

Cute bump fern! All of you are showing so well. Honestly my bump is still under my belly button and just looks like fat to people who don't know better lol.
Co I bet your OB is right that it has something to do with your uterus shape. Sorry you are going through it though. Ah I don't think you look fat, yours looks like a proper bump. If I saw you out without knowing you, I'd think you were preggo but I don't say anything unless it's an obvious bump. I definitely avoid sayingthings like "you look like you could pop any moment" or similar.

Joanna I dreamt of a boy with my 1st, so wrong. With my 2nd I dreamt about 2 girls (not twins), so right. This time I've dreamt both so I'm 50/50 lol

Fern such a cute bump! I'm glad I'm not only one getting BH already. I'm dreading irregular contractions later. I got them 3rd tri and they helped to slowly dilate me many weeks before I delivered.

AFM had an awful night last night. Migraine with nausea. Felt some better when I woke and it eased up as the day passed.
Thanks Flueky. The only reason I'm able to look like I have any sort of bump in all my bumpies is because I put my arm over the top part of my belly lol. It's been sticking out really oddly the past few weeks which is why I feel fat, but also why I'm able to get semi-decent bump photos lol.

I'm sorry about the migraines. Those really are the worst. I'm glad you're feeling better now though. :)
Fern - love the bump shot, so cute!

Flueky - I hope the migraine is gone today.

Co- I'm sure your baby bump is adorable like the rest of us. We are all different shapes and sizes so bumps are different shapes and sizes too. My baby is still below my belly button too, when the doctor measures you, you should be the same weeks pregnant as you are in centimetres... ex: I was 18 cm from bottom of my uterus to the top of my uterus and I was 18 weeks pregnant at the time. I think my uterus size pushes my stomach/intestines up which gives the look of the round baby belly.

Had another random dream last night of being on a plane and going to Germany. I remember saying to my Mom, who I was travelling with, "Is this really wise going on a trip during COVID?" I have no idea where the dream came from or the fact that I was going to Germany, since I've never been there before haha. Needless to say, after 2 nights in a row with these random dreams I'm feeling a bit tired, I need some good deep sleep. I thought vivid dreams was something pregnancy women got in their early first trimester?
Anyone having braxton hicks already? I've had some, bht they weren't bad.

Hmm I've heard they can occur around this time but I wouldn't really know what they feel like! Will have to research that some.

I think that's why I've had so much left side pain in general - all the stretching is happening on that side because the weight from baby is pulling my uterus further. I also think he's living somewhere on the left side of my uterus

Huh! I swear my boy lives on my left side too now that you mention it. 90% of the time I will find him there with the doppler. And I tend to have left side pains rather than anywhere else. I'm glad your OB wasn't concerned about anything :)

@Fern81 Omg ADORABLE belly!!! :cloud9: And yes, I've been feeling movement especially these past few weeks! I think I felt some around week 16-18 too, but they were just flutters. Now they're definitely more noticable. But my boy does go long stretches of being very quiet. I'll mostly feel him in the evening watching netflix, or when I'm trying to fall asleep.

@Joannaxoxo - Can't wait for you to have your scan next week, soo curious about your babe's gender!! :) And about the old wives tales about gender dreams... the first dream I ever had was that it's a boy and indeed it is :p It's funny you dreamed about going to Germany- that's where I'm from originally :haha: I've had weird dreams all throughout my pregnancy so far, so definitely not just something that happens in the 1st trimester only!
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Fern & Pine - baby movements feel just like yours Pine. Only seem to notice them in the evening while watching TV. They are very light (which is why I probably don't notice them during the day) and it feels like baby is 'kicking' behind a pillow. So it's very muffled.

They are calling for some severe thunderstorms here this afternoon. Our 'severe' thunderstorms are usually just hard rain, wind and lightening/thunder... but I love them! Hoping to loose power so I can leave work early haha. Have a nice weekend all.
Oooh I love thunderstorms! And rains and storms! So cozy and perfect to cuddle up at home :) It's been sooo hot here in Portugal these past 2-3 weeks (I'm talking 30-33 degrees celsius). And we dont have an AC or a fan right now (but buying one this weekend), so it's been unbearable!!

We're taking the train later today to my in-laws, and we're going to pick up our new car!! We decided on a Seat Arona in the end, in colour light grey. So on Sunday when we return to Lisbon it'll be our first time driving that route with our very own car.

Currently re-doing what will be baby's playroom & changing station room. Rug arrived today as well as a huge plant and a beautiful night lamp (for when I change baby's diaper at night & dont have to turn on the big bright ceiling lamp) from Ikea. I'm loving this nesting phase!!
Joanna- enjoy the thunderstorm! It is SO COLD here, we are officially in winter. It should start to get a bit warmer during the second half of August. I’m not a fan of winter!

Pine- Braxton hicks are “fake” contractions. It’s a bit painful/uncomfortable and gets more uncomfortable as the uterus grows. It’s a tightening/uncomfortable clenching feeling for me and if I feel my tummy then my whole uterus is rock hard. I’ve also started nesting slowly. I’ve unpacked one cupboard lol. We need to unpack and clean out the guest bedroom cupboard so I can move ds clothing there and fix the room up for him. Ds current bedroom is smaller and will be used as the nursery (again). I’ll have to do it bit by bit as/when I can get a bit of time when I’m not busy with school work. My colleague who taught the 3 senior grade science classes with me, just resigned and they’re not appointing anyone in his place. I have to do double the work now until baby comes on top of running my own tutoring business. This madness starts on Monday (he has just finished out the week). Seeing as there are only 8 days of holiday planned for the rest of the year until my due date and I already sit with loads of prep every weekend, I think I’ll just get the basics sorted and then when I’m on mat leave I can do the rest!
@Fern81 that’s interesting about the kids going back to school. Here, there’s no school until September! Lucky kids. So weird with the cigarettes!! Also, super cute bump!

@Pineberry glad to hear the pains went away and super cool ultrasound pics!!

@Flueky88 yikes that does sound exhausting!

@Joannaxoxo yay for your ultrasound! Can’t wait to hear the gender :)

Finally settling in after moving and the cats (or “the children” as we call them) are slowly starting to tolerate each other. My cat has seemingly come out of his shell all of a sudden and turned into an alpha jerk but they’re getting there.

I hear those of you having round ligament pain! It keeps getting me every so often and boy can it hurt.

Love hearing about everyone’s movements and kick feels!! I can’t wait to get to that point.

Went to the driving range last weekend and had a lot of fun trying to get my swing back with this belly getting in the way lol also really struggling with clothes… even a hair tie on my shorts button isn’t helping. This COVID stuff is really impeding my online ordering and shipping expectations lol! I have a bunch of maternity clothes on their way but they’re taking their sweet time.

Hope all of you have a lovely weekend :)
Azure I hear you about the online ordering! Side note to EVERYONE - if you plan on ordering a bedside bassinet, do it NOW. It would seem ALL of the baby product companies have stopped making those products because the materials they use to make those products have stopped shipping. Which means, when they are sold out, they are sold out, and who knows how long it's gonna be before they're back in stock. I wasn't planning on buying my bedside bassinet this early until I discovered that. It's across the board too - Chicco, Graco, Halo, Arm's Reach, you name it. The only thing I can find anymore are the weird off-brands on Amazon and I don't trust those for a second.

Also - we had a thunderstorm this morning! It rains here all the time but thunderstorms are super rare. Was so cool.
Morning all, hope everyone had a nice weekend.

Thunderstorm here was a bust. Got lots of dark clouds and rain but no thunder/lightening. We also had a drop in temperature and I think it was what caused me to get a massive headache yesterday. Spent most of the day in bed and I felt rough, Tylenol really does nothing to help headaches. Glad it was a Sunday and I was able to rest rather than take a day off work. Feeling normal this morning thankfully!

Only one more day until my scan! Can't wait!

Azure - My sister had a similar problem with her cats, she got her mother-in-law's cat when she passed away over a year ago. They still have the two cats separated in the house as my sister's cat is really anxious and vicious with other cats (I mean her cat would literally have explosive diarrhea when she saw the other cat!). Now over a year later, they just have a baby rail separating the cats, they can now see and smell each other but no more explosive poos. If it were me I'd just monitor them when I'm home but leave them to it (get rid of barriers) and they will probably adjust much faster.

Foster - was that just bassinets? Or other baby products too? I'm not planning on getting a bassinet and already have a little sleeper we could use similar to the bassinet. I don't have a crib yet.

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