★ October & November 2020 Hedgehogs ★

With many ladies now in the 30+ weeks the excitement is definitely growing for the little ones to be born soon! Who knows, maybe we even have a September baby or two! Reading on here is desperately intensifying my nesting needs so I’m taking the day to get baby stuff ready with my mom’s help (also turning it into a visit with my parents). She’s also going to sew a few shorter mat leggings for me for summer (calf-length). I’ll work again tomorrow when husband is home to keep my son busy!
@Pineberry hopefully baby stays inside for a few weeks longer yet, fingers crossed for you. Good that your Dr checked and gave you a plan of action though for if it does happen
I am so ready for autumn now, it is always my favourite time of year anyway but this year especially I cannot wait for the heat to be over and done with.

@Fern81 enjoy your day with your parents getting baby stuff ready, sounds lovely!

We are off to pick up bits for my hospital bag today, thanks to whoever mentioned dry shampoo... Iv added it to my list, never even thought of it but it'll come in handy I'm sure if my hospital stay is longer than expected! After shopping we are headed to a bbq for a friend's 40th, I feel huge and am actually feeling a bit anxious/self conscious about going as with lockdown I haven't socialised much so I know people are going to be commenting on my bump. I know they don't mean anything horrible by it but it's something I never enjoy in pregnancy when people start saying "oh aren't you big" and things like that.
Hope you all have a lovely weekend ladies xx
I'm so sorry guys but I'm nt going to be able to reply from when I last posted. I have read along but my mind is drawing blanks on some things and I just don't have time to type a response on my phone from all the missed pages.

Sooo since there is nearly zilch available in housing market that is in our budget we've actually decided to buy land and put a really nice doublewide on it. Soooo different from the singlewide I grew up in and we'd get what we want. 5 bedrooms, over 2000 sq ft, big kitchen, and land for girls to play on as well as for us to shoot on (we just like target shooting). I know it won't have the equity like a house and that's really the downside but we are wanting 4 to 6 acres of land so that would help give us more. We plan to live in our home for a very long time though. Inspections and appraisal went well on our house so we are still set to close on the 2nd.

Babywise, all is going well and we have a 3d/4d ultrasound on the 24th. So excited to see her again. I did have a bit of a scare last evening. I was having a lot of AF type cramps. They got better with rest though. DH was great and cleaned the kitchen for me while I rested.

DH's grandma passed away last week (not covid). He waa there with her whn it happened. I feel bad for him because he was there and hasn't really had much time to grieve.

On a happier note, my 3 y.o. understands she has a baby sister in my belly. It's much cooler with her awareness this time.

Anyways, happy weekend everyone :)
Just a quick post, will catch up properly later- omw watch these! I didn’t know a LOT of what she teaches even after having a prenatal class the first time around. I loved it and it was so informative! Pre and postnatal classes on YouTube: Maternity care midwives)

Enjoy your day, Fern! That sounds so nice. And thanks for sharing the vids!

I totally hear you, JessdueJan, on the big comments!! It's driving me nuts every time I see family. Hopefully it won't be so bad and you have a great time. :)

That's exciting about the home decision, Flueky!! Glad to hear your cramps went away. Very sorry to hear about your DH's grandma passing, though :( Hugs!

Anyone having any frustration with their partners being able to blow off steam but you can't (aka go for drinks with buddies, stay out super late to party, go up to boss's cottage for a weekend of - you guessed it - drinking)? He has been working very hard and he deserves the break but at the same time I feel so left out, lonely and frustrated. I'm stressed to hell with everything going on and the fact that I can't do anything that I used to do to let off steam is adding to that! Joining him and being the sober one amongst a bunch of drunk/high people is not my idea of a fun night. Whenever I'm home alone while he's out (and I'm not working on something), or just finally have an evening of no errands (a rarity lately) it's just feet up thanks to the bloating and crappy movies on Netflix. I miss being able to have some wine, some fun, and not feel like a giant whale that can't do anything. Plus, I feel like "this is it" and it's my life now - like I'm never going to get to have my own fun again!

Last night was his BIL's 40th and I left early because he was going to stay and get smashed to watch UFC. I don't mind watching UFC but I can't stand the BIL and the pair of them drunk out of their minds is like absolute torture. I feel so selfish being so upset about this. Definitely blaming the hormones!
Omw Azure I totally feel the same way. In fact I’m so angry right now! I asked my husband to do ONE THING today and that’s to put up a conduit for a bunch of loose wires that are lying right in the entryway at our front door. He started drilling a bit, left to “quickly” go say hi to his friend, ended up staying the whole day, got back, told me they are going to have a bbq there tonight (mind you it’s a school night, ds needs supper, bath and bed) and that I’m selfish if I don’t go and don’t take ds. Ok so I go (luckily with my own car) with the idea of staying half an hour then bringing ds back for all the above. When I got there, people were just lighting cigarettes right next to me even though I’m very obviously pregnant. Ds is hysterical because his dad told him they were going to have the night out at these people and now his mom is the bad person who wants to take him back home. Husband became angry at me when I said I can’t sit in their company with 4 people smoking right next to me. So I just up and left. Husband will have to bath ds at 10 or 11 pm or whenever they get home, he will have to stay home late tomorrow morning until ds has finished sleeping, he will have to let the preschool know that ds is going to be late.
I can’t sit at my friend’s house for 30 min because I can’t breathe in clouds of cigarette smoke, which is a sacrifice but also being shouted at for trying to be responsible when he just gets drunk and does whatever.... is shitty. All I do is work and take responsibility for everything and right now I wish I could down a bottle of wine tbh!!

Jess I feel the same way I can’t tell you how much it upsets me when people make remarks about my size. How did it go?

Flueky are you feeling better? Excuse my ignorance but what is a doublewide? Glad you have your plans in place for a home :)
Hi all so sorry your having these problems with your partners, I don't have experience with it but I hope the other ladies can help.

Hope your all well xx
Omg Fern, I’m sorry you had to deal with that! That’s definitely not right with the smokers and I would’ve done the same thing by leaving. Hopefully things improve for you.
I had a good cry and chat with my partner this morning and he was quite supportive. He’s trying to think of some ways that I can unwind and help out there. It’s nice and we’ll see if anything comes out of it.
I definitely agree though and would also like to just down a bottle of wine some days!!
Sorry just quickly stopping by and will have to catch up properly soon, sorry some of you are having such a tough time though!

I just got back from my growth scan and consultant appointment. It all went really well and the doctor is happy with baby’s growth. Will be seen for my next scan in 4 weeks! Got the midwife tomorrow which I’m a little nervous about as it’s the first time properly meeting my new midwife.

A spa day sounds so lovely, Fern!

Glad to hear your scan went well, jellybean! Great pic of the little one :) Hope everything goes OK with the new midwife tomorrow.
Fern thanks for sharing. I have saved them to watch later. I want to do the natural labor class my OB office offers but not sure if they are doing in currently. I just want a refresher as I imagine I'll have nothing for pain once again.

Oh man I'd be so pissed off if my DH did that. I don't like to be anywhere near someome smoking either even when I'm not pregnant. Yes, girl, treat yourself to a spa day!

Yes feeling better thankfully. A few odd cramps but nothing like Friday evening. A doublewide is a manufactured home. It's not built on-site. Some people view people that live in them as trashy or poor, but they are so much nicer now than they were years ago.

Azure it's never been the same since my childfree days but I do find "me time". Making time for you and your partner after baby is important. I promise you will get to have fun again :) but yes it can be frustrating that I can't have a glass of wine after a particularly hard day.

Jelly what a beautiful babe. I hope you like the new midwife. That reminds me that I need to try to meet the only OB I haven't met in the office. I also hope that your next growth scan goes well.

AFM going with realtor to look at 2 different plots of land tomorrow. My FIL and a friend of his said they'd check it out as well. FIL is pretty knowledgeable about things like that and his friend does excavating so he could give us a general idea of costs to prep the land.

I feel strange that dd3 will have a different nursery but excited to have a bigger home with more rooms. Dd3 is pretty active and feeling pretty normal for being 27 weeks. I'm not looking forwarding to the upcoming aches and pains though that come along with 3rd tri. I'm planning on using that gift certificate for a massage DH gave me for Valentine's day in early October. I also want a mani/pedi at end of October. I like to do something nice before baby arrives.

I'll try to continue keeping up with everyone.
The bbq luckily wasn't too bad, a few people commented how big I was but then one lady (a relative of a friend) commented that I definitely didn't look like I only had 8 weeks left, she would have put me at 6months max so she made me feel better! Thanks goodness for nice little old ladies!!

Fern... I would have absolutely left the same as you, that's not ok. I hope DH sorted out bath and bed with DS when he got home.

Azure... Glad your partner was supportive when you chatted to him, hope you find some way to relax and unwind soon.

Jelly... Glad scan went well, beautiful scan pic! Good luck with meeting the midwife.

Flueky... Exciting that you're off to look at land, I hope you find something perfect for you guys.

I have a growth scan on Wednesday, can't wait to see baby again! I also have the health visitor coming that morning to introduce herself and do a little home visit and it is DD's 6th birthday so a busy day all round really. Luckily OH has been able to take the day off so he will be around to help with the madness, unfortunately he still isn't allowed to attend my scan and consultant appointment though.
I have finally completely finished shopping for and packed baby's hospital bag so I'm feeling quite organised. Still need to sort mine out, I have all the bits for it now I think I just need to put it all together and pack it xx
Pine: I hope baby stays put a little longer for you. 30+ braxton hicks a day is quite a lot, I usually get 2 or 3 a day but have had one or two days with close to a dozen.. but that depends on how active I have been that day. My doctor said that before 34 weeks I would need to go to another hospital to have the baby (more equipped then our hospital for preemie babies)... but that after 34 weeks babies do pretty well. You are almost at 34 weeks so lets hope your baby stays put a couple weeks longer... my daughter was born at 36 weeks and did just fine.

Azure & Fern - I do remember when I was pregnant with my first getting jealous when my husband got to have fun and stay out late with his brother. I can remember a fight we had where I left a party without him. But our lives have changed so much since then (10 years ago) that we don't really go out and 'party' anymore... I guess we are boring now. Most of the fun things we do now involve the kids so drinking isn't a part of it and we are always home pretty early in the evening.

Jellybean - glad the scan went well, baby looks good!

Flukey - good luck with the land search, sounds like you've got big plans.. how exciting!

AFM - baby has been very quiet since Friday... today his movements have picked up again.. I also have a doctor check up so I'll mention it. But this is sort of a pattern with baby, he'll have 3-4 days not being very active but then must shift positions again and I feel them all. It's still concerning! I'm also going to plan to try for a VBAC, obviously I'm open for a c-section if it's the safest option at the time, but the chance to do a VBAC is most first option. I'm also going to ask about partner policy at the hospital as I'm not sure what has changed since COVID. I'm hoping DH can come and go since he'll be at school during the day and can't miss 3-4 days while I'm in hospital.. he'll obviously be there for the birth and first night but after that we'd prefer if he can come and go.

Ideally in a perfect world, I'm in and out of the optional in 2-3 days... but that has never happened to me before, both stays with the kids was 4 days (complications after birth for me with my first vaginal delivery and then c-section with the second). So I'm fully expecting to be in hospital for several days.
Flueky I had to look up what a double wide was but they look awesome! It seems like a really good way to get exactly what you need out of a home and be able to get the land that’s right for you! I hope the aches and pains stay away for you for as long as possible!

Jess I hope the scan, consultant and HV visit go well and that your DD has a brilliant birthday. That does sound like a very busy day! It’s so sad that we’re still not allowed partners at these scans and appointments. The clinic was so quiet when I was there on Monday they could have easily fitted partners in and still maintained distancing. Will you have a scan at 36 weeks as well? Hopefully they’ll be allowed in by then!

Joanna it’s good that you know that’s your baby’s pattern but I can also imagine that it’s still stressful on the quieter days! I’ve noticed mine still changed position quite a bit and the amount of movement I get seems to be dependent on that!
I hope that your hospital has a good partner policy in place. There’s two hospitals local to me that women can give birth at, one has a brilliant partner policy and the other one hasn’t been as good about it and so many women have transferred because of it!

My midwife appointment went well. The new one is very similar in attitude to my old one and I think they’re quite good friends! So it was a relief to know my midwife is on the same wavelength as me and very supportive of my choices. I’m waiting on the results of the 28 week blood tests now and trying not to worry but I’m so anxious at the moment in general. Pregnancy hormones always seem to put me on edge!
Jelly- I’m happy to hear that your midwife sounds so nice. Hopefully it will help ease some of that anxiety. What were the blood tests for?

Joanna baby’s patten can definitely be stressful! I’ve noticed that the more busy/stressed I am the less I feel mine move and it makes me stress even more. Brilliant. When is your next dr checkup?

Jess I hope you enjoy your busy day today. And post a pic of the scan if you can :)

Flueky I ended up Googling doublewides and wow do they look nice! I can’t wait to hear all about your new home once you move in. Glad you’re feeling better :)

Well so my husband will be away, diving and spearfishing for the next 2 weekends. The pile of electric cables is still lying where it has been (just as you enter through the front door) ugh. Hopefully he finishes cleaning/fixing it up soon, it looks horrible and there are some exposed wires in between everything. He also wants to host a boys’ night at our house which is an excuse to get very drunk (I’m supposed to be happy with it because his friends will each bring a pack of nappies so it’s “for the baby”) but I put my foot down. It’s hard enough getting the house and nursery ready for A since I’m working so much and am the only one actually DOING anything to get ready for the baby; I’m not going to spend a whole Saturday cleaning, preparing side dishes, setting the table etc for a boy’s night bbq, having to go to my parents with ds for that night, and returning the next day to clean up all day while husband is sleeping off his hangover. And try to do my usual weekend schoolwork in between. Oh no. I told him that he can go scuba diving and spearfishing all he wants but to leave the house alone so that I can get it baby ready.

8,5 weeks left until I stop working at the school!! Yay!
Scan went well thanks ladies, no picture as baby is right head down, facing my bottom. She said that's a great birth position but not so good for photos, they did say baby has a lot of hair on the back of its head though... Cute!
Baby is measuring 4lbs 4oz... Anybody else had a scan around this time, is that huge? I'm so worried about having a huge baby! xx
Oh and they've sent me away with a blood sugar monitoring kit. Apparently my blood tests showed fine for Gestational diabetes but my urine shows lucocytes(?) and ketones consistently and my amniotic fluid is increasing so they want to monitor.

Does anybody know what the normal range is that I'm looking for with these blood sugar levels when i test? xx
Jess leukocytes are wbcs. This would make me think infection possibly. As for ketones they are common with diabetes but I had them once when dehydrated.
Hi ladies - so sorry I've been MIA recently. Life has been absolutely crazy. I'm sorry if I don't respond to everyone's post.

Flueky - DH and I looked into getting land and putting a MH on it recently but decided we weren't quite ready to buy the right piece of land. Good luck! That's such a good way to get a house and land that you want while still saving heaps of money. And you know, if you really wanted equity out of it, you could always save up and build your dream house on the land.

Jess - I'm glad the scan went well and that baby is in the optimal birthing position! I don't know anything about the blood sugar monitoring though :(

Fern - I'm so sorry you're dealing with such a loser husband. I would also be completely and utterly p/o'd if I was forced to go to a party full of smokers. I'm allergic to cigarette smoke as it is and will get sick pretty quick around smokers. I'm also glad you put your foot down about the house party. That's just not right. I hope things start to get less stressful for you soon and you find a way out of that situation! Also, I have noticed the same issue with stress and less movement, which of course causes more stress! I hope you get a chance to put your feet up and go to that spa day! You've earned it! Also, I wish I could give you a big hug. Also, thanks for the videos!

Jelly - I'm glad your meeting with the midwife went well and I totally understand and am sorry the hormones are making you anxious. I hope you're able to get good results and feel less stress.

Azure - yes, I have been upset with DH lately but for different reasons. But for the most part, I can't complain too much and am thankful for that. Just know you're not alone in those feelings!

Pine - I hope baby stays put a little while longer, but if not, you will be great and all will be well! I realize that might sound happy-go-lucky, but I'm speaking life and positivity into that potential outcome for you! Sending you good vibes!

AFM - we are officially going to move. Just need to work out some details with our landlord. Finally got a hold of someone at the attorney general's office who actually knows what she's talking about. We found a nice 2bed 2bath apartment that will work well for our needs. We'll still have to get a storage locker, but I'm working on selling some furniture we won't need and sorting through things before the move. It has been SO stressful though...at least the hunting for a new place bit. Every time I found a good candidate that would save us money, I would go to DH and it was always "not enough savings to be worth it." I finally completely broke down one day in tears about it and I think he realized he had his own mental/ emotional issues to work through. We finally were able to look at the numbers and pick a place without emotion involved. We won't be saving as much as we'd like at the end of the day, but it's a super quiet and safe neighborhood and we're both happy with this decision. So now it's just packing. Normally I do all of that, but DH is gonna need to step up his game because I get tired or lose focus so quickly. We'll see how it goes.

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