♡ January Snowdrops 2019 ♡

JL your situation confuses me so that's why I never commented to yours.. I've had several chemicals and none like yours. My tests get dark then fade around af day by 17 dpo they are negative for me and I come on 4 days late. I've never experienced a chemical nor know of anyone that had bleed pre af and continued to get bfp! Keeping everything crossed for u!

I phoned epu earlier to schedule a scan for next week and was asked to come in and do blood work first. Results should b in tonight around 5 so we will know where to go from there. Be it book scan or second bloods. I put myself at 5 weeks today xx

Eta... my spelling is atrocious lol! It's the Damn phone not me lol.

I didn't realize the first time I answered your post it was to someone else. I didn't pay attention to the name just read the quote and since her's and my situation seemed so similar I just answered haha. Thanks for taking the time to write me now

**Update: So my doctors test came back negative but she took the time to ask me again when my last period was. When I told her April 12th she was like oh you would be newly pregnant. She then asked about any symptoms I was having, looked at the pregnancy tests I took at home and decided to do blood work. I asked her if the blood comes back negative what could that mean for all my positive tests, she said we would cross that bridge when it comes. I am having the worse heartburn that causes me to feel nauseous and have like a bile taste in the back of my throat, my boobs are ungodly swollen and tender and extreme bloating with the area right by my belly bottom being hard and tender(is that normal)
jlmeans0422, when do you get the blood test results back? Its probably too early to get a positive test with the tests they use at the Dr office. They are not very sensitive, and like I said are only usually used to confirm pregnancy a week or more after AF is due. Fx crossed you get your answers soon :hugs:.
JL your situation confuses me so that's why I never commented to yours.. I've had several chemicals and none like yours. My tests get dark then fade around af day by 17 dpo they are negative for me and I come on 4 days late. I've never experienced a chemical nor know of anyone that had bleed pre af and continued to get bfp! Keeping everything crossed for u!

I phoned epu earlier to schedule a scan for next week and was asked to come in and do blood work first. Results should b in tonight around 5 so we will know where to go from there. Be it book scan or second bloods. I put myself at 5 weeks today xx

Eta... my spelling is atrocious lol! It's the Damn phone not me lol.

I didn't realize the first time I answered your post it was to someone else. I didn't pay attention to the name just read the quote and since her's and my situation seemed so similar I just answered haha. Thanks for taking the time to write me now

**Update: So my doctors test came back negative but she took the time to ask me again when my last period was. When I told her April 12th she was like oh you would be newly pregnant. She then asked about any symptoms I was having, looked at the pregnancy tests I took at home and decided to do blood work. I asked her if the blood comes back negative what could that mean for all my positive tests, she said we would cross that bridge when it comes. I am having the worse heartburn that causes me to feel nauseous and have like a bile taste in the back of my throat, my boobs are ungodly swollen and tender and extreme bloating with the area right by my belly bottom being hard and tender(is that normal)

JL I hope my comment didn't come across the wrong way in saying it wasn't for u lol. I jisjustt meant thats why i havent previously replied to your situation as it was confusing me lol. If your period was only 12th that would put u at what 4+5 today? I wouldn't b concerned with the doctors test at all! Mine was negative at the doctors with my now almost 4 year old!! Keep us updated x
JL, I'm sorry you're having to deal with all these ups and downs :hugs:

APG, how are you doing?

Well, I got my betas back online in the middle of the night. My first was 233 14dpo. Now at 19dpo, it's 3476! With my miscarriage, I had been 127 and 771 at the same dpos, so these numbers are much more reassuring :)
Lexi's- I didn't take your message wrong.All is good

I should have my results back today before lunch time. The doctor that waited on me said she is going to keep an eye out for them and let me know as soon as they get to her. Hoping for good news but can't lie seeing the post above saying her beta at 19 dpo is over 3000, wouldn't that pick up on a doctors test? Unless I O later then I thought, I was thinking i was at 19dpo yesterday as well. Time will only tell at this point.
JL, I'm sorry - I'm not trying to make you feel bad :hugs:
My HCG here seems quite high, and there's such a big range that I hope you don't feel discouraged by my number alone. I had been expecting around 1000 maybe...

I'm not emotionally past my miscarriage at all - it only happened 8 weeks ago. I hesitated to post my news, but hope this thread can be about supporting us all in our various situations, as difficult as it can be :cry:

I will be thinking about you today, and hoping for great news from your blood test result! :flower:
Jl i keep checking in for your results! Praying they're great numbers and nicer doctors.
How is everyone? Besides the continuous bloating and face still breaking out nothing is different i don't think for me
jlmeans0422, Hcg levels can varry A LOT. Here is what I found online.

- Positive pregnancy test - more than 25 U/L
- Pregnant women, about 5 weeks after the LMP (week after first missed period) - 200 to 7,000 U/L
- Pregnant women, about 6 weeks after the LMP - 200 to 32,000 U/L

I'll respond to everyone else in the morning, it's about time for me to get some sleep lol I stayed up all night.
JL, I'm sorry - I'm not trying to make you feel bad :hugs:
My HCG here seems quite high, and there's such a big range that I hope you don't feel discouraged by my number alone. I had been expecting around 1000 maybe...

I'm not emotionally past my miscarriage at all - it only happened 8 weeks ago. I hesitated to post my news, but hope this thread can be about supporting us all in our various situations, as difficult as it can be :cry:

I will be thinking about you today, and hoping for great news from your blood test result! :flower:

Not discouraged at all honestly it's nice to see what numbers could be at, at the different dpo. Someone mentioned a chart and I did look it up and felt the same like oh wow factor. I'm super happy for you and have all fingers and toes crossed that this is your sticky baby! Your numbers just gave me some insight that either things aren't what I thought for myself or I'm not as far out as I thought which could be 100% possible. This was our first cycle using opks so I could have miscounted!

I'm sorry Randa i didn't mean for my post to come across as it may have!
Lexi's- I didn't take your message wrong.All is good

I should have my results back today before lunch time. The doctor that waited on me said she is going to keep an eye out for them and let me know as soon as they get to her. Hoping for good news but can't lie seeing the post above saying her beta at 19 dpo is over 3000, wouldn't that pick up on a doctors test? Unless I O later then I thought, I was thinking i was at 19dpo yesterday as well. Time will only tell at this point.

Urine tests can differ massively as my test yesterday proved I should have easily got 3+ but didn't and my hcg was 3690 at 21dpo. The hcg scale is massive and differed from person to person. To me your tests and
Symptoms scream pregnant! I keep check-in back to see how u are getting on too.

I have back ache and cramping on off today. No matter how much I know this can be perfectly normal it is soo worrying. Just can't wait for my scan on Friday. I'm well aware I most probably w9nt see a heartbeat I'm hoping as long as it's all in the right place this time they will issue a second scan to get progression. If not I can get a private reassurance scan for £30 booked for next week/week after x
I am also anxiously awaiting my ultrasound in 2 and a half weeks. Can’t wait u til June 1st. I want to be able to see an appropriate sized growing baby or whatever they may call it at 6 weeks lol. I keep waiting for something to happen and see blood and I’m always so relieved when I don’t but man a pregnancy after a mc is still just as scary as the mc. I don’t want to worry but I just can’t help it. I’ll be happy when that fear is gone and replaced with watching this little one grow
I am also anxiously awaiting my ultrasound in 2 and a half weeks. Can’t wait u til June 1st. I want to be able to see an appropriate sized growing baby or whatever they may call it at 6 weeks lol. I keep waiting for something to happen and see blood and I’m always so relieved when I don’t but man a pregnancy after a mc is still just as scary as the mc. I don’t want to worry but I just can’t help it. I’ll be happy when that fear is gone and replaced with watching this little one grow

Exactly! I can't believe how nervous I've been this time. I've had a lot of cramping, which is similar to my MC but nothing like my two successful pregnancies, and I keep expecting to bleed. My first midwife appointment is June 7th, and she *may* send me for an ultrasound (she did with my second baby to check viability, and with the recent MC, I'm hoping she will!) but we don't usually go for it first ultrasound until 12 weeks here (some docs do 20 - I can't even imagine!)

Good luck for yours on Friday, Lexi's! Look forward to your update!
I am also anxiously awaiting my ultrasound in 2 and a half weeks. Can’t wait u til June 1st. I want to be able to see an appropriate sized growing baby or whatever they may call it at 6 weeks lol. I keep waiting for something to happen and see blood and I’m always so relieved when I don’t but man a pregnancy after a mc is still just as scary as the mc. I don’t want to worry but I just can’t help it. I’ll be happy when that fear is gone and replaced with watching this little one grow

Exactly! I can't believe how nervous I've been this time. I've had a lot of cramping, which is similar to my MC but nothing like my two successful pregnancies, and I keep expecting to bleed. My first midwife appointment is June 7th, and she *may* send me for an ultrasound (she did with my second baby to check viability, and with the recent MC, I'm hoping she will!) but we don't usually go for it first ultrasound until 12 weeks here (some docs do 20 - I can't even imagine!)

Good luck for yours on Friday, Lexi's! Look forward to your update!

Thank you <3 I wouldn't normally get one until 12 either here but with the ectopic in November they want to be sure it's not reoccurring. although, I don't believe it is as usually it's due to scarring in the tube trapping the egg. My tubes gone as it ruptured in 2 places so it's jist as likely for me as it is anyone else. But I won't turn down a scan lol! I have a feeling I will go on Friday and won't see a heartbeat nor get a second early scan as really they are only checking for ectopic not viability. I can hope but however like I said I'll just pay the 30 the week after as I've got a family holiday in 3 weeks and I'd love to be able to relax knowing I've seen a heartbeat :winkwink:
January 12th baby! Finally after 2 years to the month of TTC! Praying for a boy!
I’m oddly calm this time! With my daughter, I was super anxious and scared because I wanted her SO much. This time, we tried for so long I learned to find peace during stressful times. Whatever will be, will be....I feel like this baby will grow to be healthy but I also tell myself if it isn’t meant to be, then it will be okay. Definitely more zen that last time! I was a basket case the entire pregnancy.
Heading to my doctor appointment now! I’ll update afterwards. Really have no idea what to expect but I just want some answers! FX
January 12th baby! Finally after 2 years to the month of TTC! Praying for a boy!

Congrats! In the same boat, 2 years TTC and due Jan 13th. We are also thinking it will be a boy.

APG keeping you in my thoughts.
Well ladies my doctor called me this afternoon and confirmed that the blood work was negative. My gut is leaning towards a chemical as thats how looks from the results, like there maybe a little HCG left in my system. I am sad but at the same time I am relieved to finally know 1 way or another. Im still not sure where to go from here because I only bled for 2 days (I can't imagine that would be my monthly cycle) so I have yet to actually get af, so I am worried I won't O this month (which would be this weekend coming up)..

I just wanted to thank each and everyone of you for your kind words, prayers and thoughts during this rough and confusing time. It made it easier knowing I had someone to go to and talk to. I plan to still drop by so I can see how everyone is doing and see what you all are having. I wish you all nothing but a healthy 9 months!

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