♡ January Snowdrops 2019 ♡

I had no pains what so ever I was just laying in bed and POP My waters went at 5:40 lol my partner had literally just left for work so I called his work and told them to tell him as soon as he got there so he came straight back and took me to the hospital. Contractions started at 6:30 and she arrived at 8:45
I had no pains what so ever I was just laying in bed and POP My waters went at 5:40 lol my partner had literally just left for work so I called his work and told them to tell him as soon as he got there so he came straight back and took me to the hospital. Contractions started at 6:30 and she arrived at 8:45

Wow, we should all be so lucky! :D

I had no pains what so ever I was just laying in bed and POP My waters went at 5:40 lol my partner had literally just left for work so I called his work and told them to tell him as soon as he got there so he came straight back and took me to the hospital. Contractions started at 6:30 and she arrived at 8:45

My water went the same way lol Laying down I felt the pop sat up and gush!
Holy crap was that ever fast?! 3 hours! Lucky!
Congratulations cuddle and wriggley!

Wait nine months for babies then they all come at once:haha:

Exciting giggle if you’re in early labour! Any more pains?

Cleo is getting so big and well done her on taking the bottle, I can’t imagine how hard it’s been with another child always being with cleo. How amazing that she could be home soon!
Ha my water with ds1 was like that! I went to lay on my couch. No pop though...I describe it as the feeling of filling your mouth with water, then just opening your mouth. Like it all just kind of felt like it poured or spilled out.
Oh I missed the Cleo uodate! Yay for her being ever closer to coming home!!!

Nope no pain here but still contracting all over the place. They seem to get closer together, like 5-6 minutes, then start spreading out again, 8-9 minutes.

I'm waiting for pain, consistently close contractions, or water to break. I want to wait to go into the hospital because I know as soon as I get in there the pressure for a c section will start. Now that I'm in the heat of things I know a vba2c is what I want to try. Ahhhh I am so nervous!
Holy crap wrig!!! Why the planned section then? Sorry if you've already said
Because I had third degree tears with both my boys I elected for a section but my body and baby had other ideas lol
Sounds like a good plan gigglebox!

Did you tear as bad this time wriggley? She is such a good weight for 37 weeks, and obviously decided this was her moment lol.

TMI, but I keep getting poop cramps and it’s driving me insane! Is anyone else getting them?(well the pregnant ladies left)
No second degree this time. Didn’t need to go to theatre for stitching they were able to locally numb it and stitch in the room

Baby is a bit jaundice so waiting to see if the ped wants to put her under that lamp
That's amazing wrig! C sections are no cake walk so i really think your outcome was infinitely better!

Bbb I've been "clearing out" so to speak so have had some on and off cramping. Do you have any feelings about when baby will arrive?
That is better wriggley! I have no personal experience but your recovery should be much better from a 2nd degree tear than a c section right?

And no idea if I’ll go naturally any time soon gigglebox, but on Wednesday they discussed inducing me at 39 weeks and I find out this Wednesday if that is the plan or not. I’m still umming what’s best, to accept induction or continue monitoring until 40+ weeks. I’m actually really scared to give birth this time and it didn’t help the consultant telling me the possible risks to baby due to my Graves’ disease and the medication to control my Graves‘ disease! But I keep telling myself they are only possibles not certainties.

How about you? And impending labour signs?
No second degree this time. Didn’t need to go to theatre for stitching they were able to locally numb it and stitch in the room

Baby is a bit jaundice so waiting to see if the ped wants to put her under that lamp

Fingers crossed you get to go home hope all is well
That is better wriggley! I have no personal experience but your recovery should be much better from a 2nd degree tear than a c section right?

And no idea if I’ll go naturally any time soon gigglebox, but on Wednesday they discussed inducing me at 39 weeks and I find out this Wednesday if that is the plan or not. I’m still umming what’s best, to accept induction or continue monitoring until 40+ weeks. I’m actually really scared to give birth this time and it didn’t help the consultant telling me the possible risks to baby due to my Graves’ disease and the medication to control my Graves‘ disease! But I keep telling myself they are only possibles not certainties.

How about you? And impending labour signs?

BBB, remember I’m here for you afterwards if you have questions about the Graves treatment options they will offer you after baby arrives, or maybe after breastfeeding. I had nobody to talk to when I was treated and I wish I had. I was really unprepared by the “professionals.” :evil:

Hopefully baby won’t be born with Graves, but you know they caught it early in you and will also be monitoring baby from the beginning, so everything will most likely be fine!
38 week appointment today and all is good with the baby. She didn’t check me this week to see if I’m any more dilated (was kinda hoping she would because I want to know if there is any progress) but we shall see next week if he doesn’t come sooner. If he isn’t here by the 21st I’ll be induced that day! I’m so ready to meet him.
That is exciting w8! Not long now...

Bbb it's tough making a choice, isn't it? I hope whatever you decide is a choice you are happy with and is best for you both :hugs:

As for me I got a second opinion on attempting vba2c and this dr highly suggested a planned section. She is not against vbacs but if certain criteria is met...evidently I am not a good candidate :( I am beyond bummed but it is what it is. I just hope a planned one is better than an emergency one!
Thank you missmarple, I do feel pretty clueless about it. The consultant never gives me much info, even answers to my questions are pretty vague and I don’t find much online either.

10 day countdown w8ing, we could give birth close together if I decide to be induced too!

Giggle, it’s so hard because I just don’t want to make the wrong decision. I just want my baby healthy!
That’s a real shame about the vba2c, have they advised against trying at all? Have they booked you a c section date?
Yes, they are saying trying is dangerous due to risk of uterine rupture. I am booked for a c section on 1/29 but if I go into labor before before that I will just have surgery with whichever doctor is on call that day
This has been my best recovery! I had an epi with my oldest and then theatre to repair the tear, then I had my second son without an epi and had to go to theatre anyways to repair the tear. This time it could be done just by numbing the area and I was up and in the shower within half hour of being stitched

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