Birth Story
Elective section went as planned. I was on the table for 9am. She was born at 09:26. The surgeon had to make a new incision so I now have 2 section scars. They discovered that my bladder had fused to my uterus so it’s a good job they didn’t go through my existing scar. Thankfully my placenta was high up so no placenta adhesion. I lost quite a lot of blood whilst they spent 1.5 hours detaching my bladder, Aria slept on my chest and breastfed whilst they were doing it. It was a pretty special moment
I finally went into recovery and the surgeon explained my bladder should be intact and fine. The test was having a wee when the catheter was removed! Thankfully passed 750mls on removal and no problems since. So bladder saved thank god!!
i was up walking and showering 6 hours post op and we both managed the 24 hour fast track recovery so we came home yesterday! I’m breast feeding and topping with formula as her blood sugars were very low so advised by the doctor to do that for a week until she goes for a check again. It’s working well. Thankfully she’s so chilled out, she isn’t bothered which I give her.
struggled with severe gas pain yesterday but thanks to peppermint tea, laxatives and being more mobile today it’s improved loads!
Sorry it went on a bit that didn’t it …