♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

They had me come into the hospital today to check that baby and I are okay with covid. Everything looked great, but her weight was estimated at 8lb 6oz and the doctor there is recommending I’m induced on my due date because of her size. The problem is 1. I don’t think that’s a good reason to induce and 2. Dh will still be in quarantine on her due date and won’t be able to be at her birth if I’m induced then. I’m hoping my ob will have a different opinion when I see her next week and let me go over at least a few extra days so dh can come. If I go before that a friend of mine has offered to come be my birth partner instead.

I’m also being put on blood thinner injections to prevent blood clots. A friend is picking up my prescription from the pharmacy and I should begin taking them today. If I go into labour I stop taking them, then begin again some point after giving birth, but I’m not sure for how long. Ugh stupid covid has thrown in so many new complications.

that’s absolutely not an ok reason to induce. If they said 9lb6 it would be slightly more justified.

Have two friends who have had babies in the last week. One, at their 38.5 week growth scan on weds 15th, was told baby was 8lb13 and mum should be induced on the Sunday. They started the induction but didn’t have enough staff to break her waters to let her progress. So she didn’t have baby til thurs 23rd….baby was 8lb13 exactly and clearly didn’t not grow in the interim 8 days so the induction was totally unnecessary

the other had her baby in aus, had been measuring large in both scans and bump. Was predicted to be 10lb if she went to 42 weeks so they induced her at 41+3…baby finally came Christmas Day at 41+5 at 8lb7.

So both mums were induced due to size concerns which were unwarranted. Stand your ground til after DH is free!
I hate when Drs intervene for something not medically necessary. Like inducing bc theyre going on vaca and want to be paid for the birth(though they’d never tell the mother that), or inducing for weight when its widely known ultrasounds are can be hugely inaccurate. Sorry huge pet peeve of mine. Let nature do its thing! My sis also was told her baby would be well over 9lbs and he was barely over 7 lbs.

Glad you and baby are well @Teafor2 . Sorry DH is sick, hope he recovers quick and baby stays put until he can join you for delivery! So sweet your friend is able to be there for you though if needed.
Oh my goodness @kmpreston ! How awful for your friend! Why on earth would they start an induction understaffed if they couldnt actually do it?! Poor thing.
Oh my goodness @kmpreston ! How awful for your friend! Why on earth would they start an induction understaffed if they couldnt actually do it?! Poor thing.

i know, pessary in on Sunday, was 4cm and regular (managable) contractions by Monday lunch “oh we have no space on the labour ward so can’t break your waters yet. Whilst you’re comfortable you will have to wait, it could be a few days”.

Tuesday they decided that she and her hubby could go home to rest and just needed to come back once per day for an hours monitoring to check baby was fine.

At some point after lunch on weds her waters went on their own so they HAD to find them space on the labour ward and he was born Thursday morning. The question is why on earth they started her Sunday knowing they were short staffed and no space. This is in the UK so we don’t have an OB or even midwife you see regularly who misses out on being paid if you’re not in labour at the right time for them. So it’s not even financial gain…just insanity
Oh @Teafor2 sorry it wasn't the news u wanted. See here in the UK they not induce even if baby is big.
I was made to go 2 weeks over with my 15 year son and even tho scans measured 7 and a half lbs he was 8lb 15oz and I'm only 5ft 4 and pattite. He got really stuck because he was too big for my small body.
I new he was going to be big because I was absolutely massive with him. I looked dull term at 25 weeks.

I guess all you can do is explain ure situation and just ask if they will allow you to go a few days more.
They can either say yes or no so it's definitely worth asking.
I was on blood thinners (75mg Asprin) throughout my whole pregnancy.
Not sure if I had some weird clotting disorder that caused all them chemicals.
The only thing I did differently 2 months b4 I fell with Harely was the Macca Root' Folate and then the Asprin.

How are you feeling now hon and how is DH?

Also the scans can be inaccurate.
DS was so say 7 and a half lbs was 8lb 15.

DD was so say 7lbs and was 5lbs 7oz

Tommy measured 6lb 13oz at just 33 weeks which really worried me. Was fully expecting him to be over 9lb. He was 7lb 6oz.

The only one it got it right with was Harley.
He was 7lb 1oz at 36+4 weeks.
Born at 37+1 weeks and weighed 7lb 3oz.
i know, pessary in on Sunday, was 4cm and regular (managable) contractions by Monday lunch “oh we have no space on the labour ward so can’t break your waters yet. Whilst you’re comfortable you will have to wait, it could be a few days”.

Tuesday they decided that she and her hubby could go home to rest and just needed to come back once per day for an hours monitoring to check baby was fine.

At some point after lunch on weds her waters went on their own so they HAD to find them space on the labour ward and he was born Thursday morning. The question is why on earth they started her Sunday knowing they were short staffed and no space. This is in the UK so we don’t have an OB or even midwife you see regularly who misses out on being paid if you’re not in labour at the right time for them. So it’s not even financial gain…just insanity

Goodness that's awful. I'm in the uk and they were so so busy when I had my induction. I was supposed to go in on 4th September but ended up waiting untill 5th because they were too busy.
App its still crazy busy up there now. They had the most Christmas babies born this year compared to other years.
Must be too do with covid and lockdown and everyone at it lol.
Hoping this year and next will be more quiter if I fall pregnant again.

Feeling so content with what I have already and been on cloud 9 all week. My kids mean the world to me but i definitely have room In my heart and arms for one more.
Getting excited about trying again now. But also a little anxious.

Ure so close now hon baby cud come any moment eeeeek.

I'm Gonna have to stalk the February and March group next. Hehe
Feeling almost 100% better now, just a bit of congestion. My sense of taste has come back and I think my smell is also slowly starting to return. Dh is doing much better as well. This is his second day fever free.

I don’t think my ob will push to induce me. At my last appointment with her she was unconcerned about baby’s size. It was just the hospital doctor that was making a fuss.

@kmpreston I agree... while 8lb 6 is big, it’s not massive, so I’m not sure what all the panic was about.

@Rach87 I also hate that they would push for induction unnecessarily. If there is a medical reason I have no issue with inducing. If the only reason is size then I think it’s stupid. It’s national healthcare here, and midwives deliver babies in the hospitals, so at least I know my doctor’s schedule or income has no bearing on my birth.

@Suggerhoney They have me on an injectable low molecular weight heparin, which doesn’t cross the placenta. I need to do an injection into the fatty part of my belly once a day. It’s hard finding enough skin to pinch at this point though! It was also the first time I ever had to give myself an injection, which was a bit stressful. I actually know two people that died from blood clots within a week of ‘recovering’ from covid, so I’m happy to take the medication and reduce my risk.
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I’m just thankful little man is better and we got home for Christmas. He’s doing well now and off the antibiotics.
How is everyone? Hope all the babas are ok and you pregnant mamas are holding up ok. Glad you’re feeling better @Teafor2 .
Picture of my rabble :-)

35EAB1A0-F4AC-48C6-8A64-0CCF4D2A173F.jpeg 33995881-134B-4BC0-934E-12E55D0DAB64.jpeg
@erher so sorry sleep deprived mom brain i forgot you had your little bundle. How is she doing? And you?
Hi! She’s still in the hospital, but we’re hoping to be discharged soon. She’s almost a month post-op, and the repair seems stable and successful. (Open heart surgery on 12/1) How’s your little girl? Hoping all is well with postpartum life. Happy new year from mine to yours!
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@erher Glad to hear that your baby girl is doing well after her surgery. I hope she is discharged quickly and you will be home snuggling away soon!

@Sarah Pearce Congratulations on your baby girl! She’s so sweet! Her hair is so blonde!

I got a nose bleed today... first in my life. I’m thinking it was from the blood thinners. I’ll have to mention it to my ob when I go on Monday. My covid isolation ends tomorrow! So excited to get out of this apartment!
@erher Glad to hear that your baby girl is doing well after her surgery. I hope she is discharged quickly and you will be home snuggling away soon!

@Sarah Pearce Congratulations on your baby girl! She’s so sweet! Her hair is so blonde!

I got a nose bleed today... first in my life. I’m thinking it was from the blood thinners. I’ll have to mention it to my ob when I go on Monday. My covid isolation ends tomorrow! So excited to get out of this apartment!
Teafor2 thank you I can't believe abigail is 5 weeks old already she will be 6 weeks old this Wednesday
Hi! She’s still in the hospital, but we’re hoping to be discharged soon. She’s almost a month post-op, and the repair seems stable and successful. (Open heart surgery on 12/1) How’s your little girl? Hoping all is well with postpartum life. Happy new year from mine to yours!

awwww hon I'm so glad all Went well gosh that must of been so worrying for you. Praying she makes a very speedy recovery and she will be out the hospital soon. Ure in my thoughts ❤

Gosh hon sorry u lost ure smell and taste but so glad ure feeling better thank goodness. Hmm interesting I had loads of nose bleeds with Harley but then again I did with all my boys. But with Harely it was so soften and heavy too. Wondering if that was the aspirin now.

I can't believe ure nearly at ure due date. Any signs at all?

@Sarah Pearce
Yay at last so glad u posted this. She is beautiful and I should know it I live 2 doors down haha.
@Teafor2 she is very blonde and her hair is so fluffy and cute.
Harelys was as well but he is going bald now bless him.
Hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I’m just thankful little man is better and we got home for Christmas. He’s doing well now and off the antibiotics.
How is everyone? Hope all the babas are ok and you pregnant mamas are holding up ok. Glad you’re feeling better @Teafor2 .
Picture of my rabble :)

View attachment 1105145 View attachment 1105146

Lovely pictures hon and so happy he was aloud home for Christmas.

Happy new year ladies <3<3<3<3<3
@Suggerhoney no serious signs of labour yet. She’s definitely very low down because I can feel her pushing into my cervix and sometimes onto my tailbone as well. I’ve had a handful of contractions that I think are probably the real thing, but no more than 2-3 a day.
Well I am currently laying on the couch trying to figure out if my water has broken. It’s definitely not pee, but maybe just a good amount of very watery cm as a result of some vaginal suppositories I was given for bv? I held off taking my blood thinner as I was feeling a bit crampy and have had a lot of pelvic pressure today. My mom’s labours always started with her water breaking, which I know is not the norm. Now I’m wondering if I’ll be the same!
Well I am currently laying on the couch trying to figure out if my water has broken. It’s definitely not pee, but maybe just a good amount of very watery cm as a result of some vaginal suppositories I was given for bv? I held off taking my blood thinner as I was feeling a bit crampy and have had a lot of pelvic pressure today. My mom’s labours always started with her water breaking, which I know is not the norm. Now I’m wondering if I’ll be the same!

My midwife always says to treat anything that “could be waters breaking” as waters breaking. Worst case scenario is you go in and get checked and it’s not so you go home. What you don’t want to do is remain unsure and end up with an infection
My midwife always says to treat anything that “could be waters breaking” as waters breaking. Worst case scenario is you go in and get checked and it’s not so you go home. What you don’t want to do is remain unsure and end up with an infection
I changed my underwear and no more leaking after that. It’s been a few hours. I have an ob appointment tomorrow so I’ll be able to get checked then.
Been up on and off all night with period like cramps. There isn’t a clear start or stop to them or a peak, so I’m not sure if they’re contractions or not. They’re not too painful as I’ve been able to sleep most of the night and my periods are often painful enough to keep me up all night breathing through the pain.

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