♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

@Tasha36089 hows your little boy? Are the antibiotics helping? Hoping the meningitis results come back negative

@Teafor2 woo lets go baby!! Any contractions or anything?
@Rach87 I’ve had few crampy contractions, like very mild period cramps, but they are few and far between.

Went to bed last night with a runny nose and woke up this morning achy and headachy with a fever of 100.1! I’ve called my doctor and I am going to be ordered a PCR test for covid. Ugh will be so annoyed if I made it through this whole pandemic without covid only to get it now.
@Teafor2 i hope it isn’t covid

have any of you experienced baby’s movements becoming painful.
I don’t mean sharp kicks to the ribs or things like that. I mean every single movement feels like it’s painfully stretching you and/or causing pressure on your cervix/braxton hicks. I don’t remember this with my first and I’m wondering if I’m having a big fatty who’s out of room
@Teafor2 oh no mama I really pray its not! I got covid at 37w3d and it was miserable. I was able to get the monoclonal antibodies which made all the difference but i just read they’re canceling all infusions now :( Theres a new pill out though I think.

@kmpreston yes I was like that the last week or so(maybe longer cant remember I was sick and that overshadowed everything). But it hurt! And she was over 8lbs (my other 2 were 6.5 and 7lbs) There was definitely no more room
LOL to big fatty!
@kmpreston I got those painful kicks occasionally. It was when she would push or kick into my ligaments that were already stretching. It doesn’t happen much now.

@Rach87 Yeah, I remember you had covid. My symptoms actually are really similar to what you described. I’ve had this weird up and down fever all day. Sometimes my body temperature is normal, than an hour later it goes back up, but it never goes above 100.2. Overall feeling achy and just generally crap. I think the new medication isn’t recommended in pregnancy from what I’ve read. I get my results back tomorrow. I was vaccinated 5 months ago, so hoping that will prevent me from getting too sick if it is covid.
Well, my covid test came back positive. Currently calling all my doctors. I don’t have a fever today and I’m feeling better on one hand. On the other hand I am still stuffy and have the start of a cough, so we’ll see. I’m hoping my vaccine will keep it from getting too bad, but it’s still scary.
Oh no!! @Teafor2 what day symptoms are you on? Its usually days 6-8 I think where you can turn for the worse. Would you be able to get the monoclonal antibody infusion? It made such a huge difference for me personally, but I know everyone is different. Im unvaccinated too though. Drink tons of electrolytes, (gatorade, pedialyte or liquid IV) all the vitamins and rest up. Check your O2 if you can and continue taking deep breaths and try to get up and move for a couple minutes every hour to keep your lungs strong. Im SO SO sorry you have to deal with this too. It really sucks big time especially right at end of pregnancy when you should be thinking all about baby and prepping but instead are overcome with anxiety and fears. *HUGS*
@Rach87 Just woke up and today is day 4. I’m still pretty stuffy but I think my cough has improved from yesterday. It might be too early in the day to say. I also think I’m starting to loose my sense of smell, but it could just be the stuffy nose. I don’t qualify to get the monoclonal antibodies because I’m vaccinated. My doctor said I already have antibodies from my vaccine so it wouldn’t help at all. For now I still feel like I have a cold, but I’m definitely going to pay attention to my breathing over the next couple days. I was able to do some light yoga this morning when I woke up with really restless legs and pregnancy insomnia, so I’m thinking that’s a good sign. I’ll still have my prenatal appointment next week, but it will be at the hospital instead of my ob. Dh has his PCR test today. We are assuming he’ll be positive as well, although he hasn’t had any real symptoms yet.
@Teafor2 the 3 other people that were getting the infusion while i was were all vaccinated. I think just being pregnant qualifies you regardless of vaccine status. I guess each state/hospital has their own requirements though? If its something youre interested in I would try calling around to the hospitals/infusion centers and ask them. I really hope you just have a mild case and can fight it off quick!
@Teafor2 the 3 other people that were getting the infusion while i was were all vaccinated. I think just being pregnant qualifies you regardless of vaccine status. I guess each state/hospital has their own requirements though? If its something youre interested in I would try calling around to the hospitals/infusion centers and ask them. I really hope you just have a mild case and can fight it off quick!
Yeah I asked my doctor if I qualified anyway being pregnant but she said I didn’t. I’m not in the states, so I’m not able to call around to any other hospitals or anything since it’s national healthcare here and they have pretty strict regulations for medication that is limited. Im definitely feeling better today and my cough has improved, but I might feel a bit more out of breath? It’s hard to tell if it’s the stuffy nose, the covid, or anxiety. I tend to get out of breath with coughs though even when they are just from a standard cold.
Oh @Teafor2 I'm so sorry you have Covid and I'm praying for a speedy recovery.
So awful that u have gotten this far and now this pluss at this time of year its awful u poor thing.
Drink plenty of fluids my love and rest as much as u can. I hope ure feeling completely back too ure normol safe by the time labour starts.
I am thinking of you hon.
Woke up today feeling waaaaay better. Barely a stuffy nose and just a very mild cough. Ears are clear now and I don’t feel like my head is full of cotton anymore. I’ll still keep an eye on my breathing though, and a friend is lending us a pulse oximeter to be safe. But now poor dh has a fever, so I guess it’s his turn. At least I’ve recovered in time to take care of him and we’re not sick together.

update: checked my oxygen levels and they were 98% so all good. Dh’s levels were a little on the low side at 94%, but he is feeling okay and they are not low enough to warrant a panic so we will just keep monitoring.
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@Teafor2 SO glad to hear youre feeling better! Keep up on hydration for a while and extra vitamins. Its a sneaky disease. Sorry hubby is now ill. :(
Woke up this morning with a strong contraction that caused back pain and nausea. Baby girl was sitting really high since I had been sleeping. Went to the toilet and felt her move down really quickly and I instantly felt better. Woke up an hour later feeling shaky, clammy, and nauseas. Went to the toilet and had a clear out. I really hope I don’t go into labour today. Dh is so sick. He has a fever of 102.5 unless I keep him on paracetamol and he had low oxygen saturation last night so I had to take him to the er for a bit. I wouldn’t feel okay leaving him home alone if I had to go in to hospital. I guess I’ll be doing all those last minute things that have been put off because of covid today just incase.
Woke up this morning with a strong contraction that caused back pain and nausea. Baby girl was sitting really high since I had been sleeping. Went to the toilet and felt her move down really quickly and I instantly felt better. Woke up an hour later feeling shaky, clammy, and nauseas. Went to the toilet and had a clear out. I really hope I don’t go into labour today. Dh is so sick. He has a fever of 102.5 unless I keep him on paracetamol and he had low oxygen saturation last night so I had to take him to the er for a bit. I wouldn’t feel okay leaving him home alone if I had to go in to hospital. I guess I’ll be doing all those last minute things that have been put off because of covid today just incase.

you have literally just described how my night and morning went. Thankfully without the sick husband. Hope everything is ok for you
you have literally just described how my night and morning went. Thankfully without the sick husband. Hope everything is ok for you
Are you hoping it’s labour starting or are you hoping for baby to stay in a bit longer like I am? I’ve had a couple crampy contractions throughout the day but not much else.
Glad ure feeling better hon but sorry about DH hope labour holds off
Are you hoping it’s labour starting or are you hoping for baby to stay in a bit longer like I am? I’ve had a couple crampy contractions throughout the day but not much else.

I am hoping she stays put another week or so!
They had me come into the hospital today to check that baby and I are okay with covid. Everything looked great, but her weight was estimated at 8lb 6oz and the doctor there is recommending I’m induced on my due date because of her size. The problem is 1. I don’t think that’s a good reason to induce and 2. Dh will still be in quarantine on her due date and won’t be able to be at her birth if I’m induced then. I’m hoping my ob will have a different opinion when I see her next week and let me go over at least a few extra days so dh can come. If I go before that a friend of mine has offered to come be my birth partner instead.

I’m also being put on blood thinner injections to prevent blood clots. A friend is picking up my prescription from the pharmacy and I should begin taking them today. If I go into labour I stop taking them, then begin again some point after giving birth, but I’m not sure for how long. Ugh stupid covid has thrown in so many new complications.

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