♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

Still no signs in labour starting. I don’t mind going over. I feel like my body will go into labour when baby is ready. I’m more stressed about the hospital pushing for induction. I’m hoping when I go in tomorrow I won’t have to fight them about it. From everything I’ve read induction for a suspected big baby isn’t warranted and to get any benefits I would have needed to be induced weeks ago.

Also, as far as they are concerned I am only 3 days over right now, not 5. I tried to tell them early on that I had ovulated early, but they still calculated my due date based on my last menstrual period. On the bright side it gives me 2 extra days of them not pushing.
Sorry Ive been m.i.a. lately. Little girl keeps me up all night, my other 2 are now getting up about 2 hours early and Im just wiped out beyond belief. She sleeps about 2.5-3 hr stretches, but grunts ALL night. Last couple nights at her 3am feeding she just stays wide awake for a couple hours. So i basically get about 1 hr sleep before that feeding, and possibly 30-45 min around 6am before the other littles wake up. Also she spits up a lot so I have to hold her upright about 15-20 min after a feeding. Ugh. Sorry for the rant. Im just so sleepy.

on the plus side Sadie is already 4 weeks! And 1 month on Tuesday. Her check up is tomorrow so will update with stats then. Im not a fan of the newborn stage so happy its at least flying by.

Glad youre still doing ok @Teafor2 hows your hubby? Maybe baby was just staying put until hes all better and can head to hospital with you.

@kmpreston how are you holding up? And labor signs?
@kmpreston , @Teafor2 , can't wait to hear news of ya'll having those stubborn babies!

10 days until my c-section! :happydance: My ob put me off work a couple weeks early because I've had high blood pressure a couple of times. It's weird; both times, it'd be high, and then it'd go down and stay down within an hour. She said my work was probably just too stressful for me at this point; that I'm not truly preeclamptic, which is a relief. I've been having contractions here and there, both real and Braxton Hicks, which she said was completely normal.
It's strange being home and not being able to do much, considering I'm nesting and want to clean so bad. I can't do much for very long though before my back starts killing me.
We finally got the crib put up and ready to go; not just to put up some decals and woodland prints.
I love seeing everyone's updates of growing babies; it reminds me how fast they grow and how stinkin' adorable they are!
@Rach87 That’s a lot at once... no wonder you are so tired! And dh is fully recovered, thanks for asking! :)

@kmpreston How are you doing?

I had an appointment today. Baby girl fell asleep halfway through my ctg and I ended up spending 20 minutes trying to wake her up. I think I was on the monitor for close to an hour, but in the end everything looked fine.

When the doctor finally saw me it was 2 pm and he strongly recommended an induction today because of baby’s size and me having had covid. In the end I agreed and resigned to being induced only to have him call his attending and find out it was too late for my induction. In the end they did a sweep and sent me home. Now I have an induction scheduled for Thursday if she doesn’t come before then. I’m so annoyed because what I asked for when I first went in was a sweep and to wait until Thursday and I was essentially told that the safest thing for baby was an induction today, but apparently it wasn’t as urgent as he was leading me to believe.

I was only 1cm dilated so not sure how much good the sweep will do. I have been cramping loads this last half hour though, so hopefully it will do something and even if I need the induction on Thursday it will be a bit easier than it would have been today.

just been to the midwife for my delayed check. So 40’weeks today.

she refused to check my cervix, refused to do a sweep (which is now booked for 17th), wouldn’t discuss indiction. All she did was listen to baby and measure me: still measuring absolutely huge. If measurements of my bump are right I’m on the 97th line and baby will be 9lb4 already. However every growth scan has tracked the 50th line making her 8lb4 ish. Either way midwife didn’t seem the least bit interested. Nor did she care that I am just recovering from covid, super anxious, or have been having cramping/mild contractions all day.

All I was left with was “baby’s head isn’t engaged at all, it’s on the brim of your pelvis”. Great, thanks. Glad I bothered

regardless of this I AM getting mild contractions or strong cramping every 10-15 mins so I’m hoping things get moving in the next 24hrs

just been to the midwife for my delayed check. So 40’weeks today.

she refused to check my cervix, refused to do a sweep (which is now booked for 17th), wouldn’t discuss indiction. All she did was listen to baby and measure me: still measuring absolutely huge. If measurements of my bump are right I’m on the 97th line and baby will be 9lb4 already. However every growth scan has tracked the 50th line making her 8lb4 ish. Either way midwife didn’t seem the least bit interested. Nor did she care that I am just recovering from covid, super anxious, or have been having cramping/mild contractions all day.

All I was left with was “baby’s head isn’t engaged at all, it’s on the brim of your pelvis”. Great, thanks. Glad I bothered

regardless of this I AM getting mild contractions or strong cramping every 10-15 mins so I’m hoping things get moving in the next 24hrs
Honestly it makes me feel better that your doctors seem so chill. I also have a big baby and just had covid and mine were all freaked out, so when they delayed the induction part of me was feeling nervous that something could go wrong, but now I’m thinking they were probably just overreacting.
Well, was up half the night having contractions, some quite painful, but they were never regular. I had a lot of general cramping and lower back pain with some spotting as well. Started to have some small pieces of bloody show around 8 pm which continued throughout the night. Then around 5 am woke up feeling nauseas, went to the toilet, and had a pretty big bloody show. Since then some small pieces on and off but contractions seem to have completely stopped. I’m hoping once I’m up and moving around for the day something will get going again.
Well, was up half the night having contractions, some quite painful, but they were never regular. I had a lot of general cramping and lower back pain with some spotting as well. Started to have some small pieces of bloody show around 8 pm which continued throughout the night. Then around 5 am woke up feeling nauseas, went to the toilet, and had a pretty big bloody show. Since then some small pieces on and off but contractions seem to have completely stopped. I’m hoping once I’m up and moving around for the day something will get going again.

Eeek I hope this is it for you!
I lost some mucus plug overnight and had two big contractions but then nothing ‍♀️
@kmpreston Sounds like the start of something! Do you know how long over they are recommending you go?

I had 2 hours of contractions this afternoon 8 minutes apart. Not too strong but definitely contractions and not bh. Took a nap and they stopped. I feel like every time I sleep for a bit she pops out of my pelvis, so maybe the problem is that she’s not well engaged?
@kmpreston Sounds like the start of something! Do you know how long over they are recommending you go?

I had 2 hours of contractions this afternoon 8 minutes apart. Not too strong but definitely contractions and not bh. Took a nap and they stopped. I feel like every time I sleep for a bit she pops out of my pelvis, so maybe the problem is that she’s not well engaged?

That’s very much how I feel at the moment too: i think I’m going to stop and start til my waters give up and burst :(

no idea how far over they will let me go but I’m not going more than 10 days I’m gonna insist on induction before then
Hope everyone is ok! I’ve been a bit absent. Exhausted. Baby has colic and screams 4-5 hours a night every night and with 2 other kids it’s a struggle!!
She’s growing well now 9lbs 7 at just over 6 weeks old. Just coming out of new born clothes. It’s bitter sweet isn’t it?! X
@Skye75 hes so adorable and love proud big sis! Cant believe either how quick the time is flying by!

@Teafor2 @kmpreston any news?!?!

@Lucy3 thank you! How are you doing?

@Mummyto293 Im so sorry! Sad to say Im in the same boat. She doesnt cry as much as yours I dont think, but shes unsettled a looot of the time and cries quite often. Its so mentally draining and I feel so bad for my other 2 not getting as much mommy snuggles/play time because I have to carry this one around all the time. We’ll get through this! One day at a time *hugs*
Had strong cramping all night last night, really thought it was time. But it’s almost completely tailed off now :(

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