Morning Ladies, saying goodbye unfortunately. I started some pretty heavy bleeding this weekend and passed a fairly large mass this morning slightly smaller than the size of the palm of my hand. I have a call in to my doc to book an scan and confirm but I'm certain I won't be having my Christmas baby. I'm disappointed but not devastated. I have comfort and peace in knowing that God's plan for me and my family is far better than anything I can think of myself. I trust in His plan and whatever that may bring. I'm wishing you all happy and healthy pregnancies. Enjoy every moment. xoxo.
I have requested to join, I assume it will turn secret soon?
Morning Ladies, saying goodbye unfortunately. I started some pretty heavy bleeding this weekend and passed a fairly large mass this morning slightly smaller than the size of the palm of my hand. I have a call in to my doc to book an scan and confirm but I'm certain I won't be having my Christmas baby. I'm disappointed but not devastated. I have comfort and peace in knowing that God's plan for me and my family is far better than anything I can think of myself. I trust in His plan and whatever that may bring. I'm wishing you all happy and healthy pregnancies. Enjoy every moment. xoxo.
On todays episode of Most Extreme Bloat: 11w3d with 3rd baby and lack of stomach muscles.
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My sister has it currently at 18 weeks pregnant still! They’ve had to do trans vag scans instead of abdominal. They say it will pop forward around 20 weeks. Hasn’t affected her pregnancy other than currently they can’t get a good pic of baby. Couldn’t do her NT measurement even!Just curious, does anyone else here have a retroverted uterus? If you’ve been pregnant before did it have any effect at all on your pregnancy?
Hello ladies, sorry I've been absent but with the continues bleed for more than 3 weeks and my dad being at hospital have been so stressed constantly thinking that something horrible would happen. I had my scan today and there is beautiful and very shy little baby. It measured 12+4, moved my EDD from 7th to 4th december. I still cant believe we are going to have a baby.
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