♥ December 2021/January 2022 Due Dates ♥

@Skye75 congratulations on being half way tomorrow hon.
As for doppler I have one that I brought when I was pregnant last time. It came when I was 12 weeks and took me a while to find HB but did in the end..
I started using it really early with this one at 8 weeks but cudnt find it.
I managed to find it at around 10 weeks.

I don't tend to use it now because I feel every little movement but loved having it when I wasn't feeling anything and also if I had days where I was worried.
I love having a doppler.

Prosteria placenta here and thought I felt pops at 14 weeks on and off then it stopped for weeks and week and didn't feel anything.
At 19 weeks I strated feeling taps but no regular movements untill 22+ weeks.

With my last 2 pregnancies I had a anterior placenta and felt nothing untill 18 weeks and no regular movements untikl 28 weeks.
Gosh ures are off for longer than ours.
Ours finish school in 2 weeks so end of July and go back beginning of September. They have 6 weeks off in total.
Then they get a week off at the end of October and 2 weeks off over Xmas.
Then they get another week off in Feb and 2 weeks off for Easter and then another week in May.
I just need to get through these 6 weeks hols and when they go back to school in September I should be going in for my induction (no date yet) but should be 37 ish weeks. Gonna push for 37 and no later.

My liver transplant scar is so so itchy from the stretching and I've been itchy all over for weeks and can't put up with it for too long.

Have a consultant appointment tomorrow and gonna ask him very nicely if I can be induced no later than 37 weeks.
Unless he decides to come b4 that but I doubt it.
It's reassuring to know that movements might not be felt her and that they aren't regular even if they are felt. I don't seem to feel mine as much, or so it seems. I was getting worried because I am ending up on my front or almost on my front when I sleep and I worry I'm damaging baby somehow. I'm... 'well cushioned' on the front anyway but even so.
Happy 20 weeks @Skye75 !!! These weeks are flying by!

We need some more bumpdates on here mamas. Everyone is so quiet! how’s everyone?
Happy 20 weeks @Skye75 !!! These weeks are flying by!

We need some more bumpdates on here mamas. Everyone is so quiet! how’s everyone?

Plodding along! 18 weeks tomorrow, no scans until 30th, not at midwife again until 3rd September ish, then just.... waiting! Just seems to be going slowly. Hoping the next two weeks go fast though, can't wait to see the youngling again and maybe find out what s/he is :)
@Skye75 yay for almost half way!

@Desito87 congrats on the boy! It’s a lovely scan picture as well!

@Rach87 my belly is definitely popping out now. I took a picture this morning but I’m topless in it. I’m also STARVING all the time. I had 3 sandwiches at lunch today. Hopefully it means I’ll start catching up all that lost weight soon.

@aymz1983 I’m sure if sleeping partially on your tummy was hurting baby your body would wake you up. I’ve noticed I’m quite breathless if I sleep on my back now so I’ll be trying to swap to my side.
Adorable @Desito87 congrats! So exciting all the anatomy scans and gender announcements coming up. Mines in 2 weeks!
Thank you @Rach87 it is so exiting, my scan was very emotional but I'm grateful all went well. I was sure it was a girl, had to ask twice to confirm that is a boy. I have not look for any boy stuff up till now or thought of boy names x Waiting for my scan felt like forever but seeing the baby was amazing x
Thanks guys! Yay.. only another 20 weeks to go, ugh! Feels like I have ages to wait for anything now, 4D scan and holiday with the kiddos at 28 weeks.. hope those 8 weeks fly. Then a scan at 32 weeks ( I think- depending on what my doctor says on Monday)
Guess I'll have to start thinking about glucose testing and whooping cough injection soon.

Congratulations @Desito87 :) lovely scan picture.
@aymz1983 wow thats a long time to go without any check ups! I firget where are you? So sad seems prenatal care is total crap now since covid :(

@Skye75 hope times keeps moving quick for your next scan. Ugh the dreaded glucose test! Im going to refuse it this time. After doing research on it after I took it last time I wish I hadnt.

@Desito87 its always such a huge emotional relief once youve seen baby is ok. I forget are you on #3 like a few of us? Were you hoping for a girl?
I have been super busy lately and I’m just now getting a chance to do an update! About 2 weeks ago I had my 14 week gender reveal ultrasound and I got to find out the gender of my baby and the BW that I had done at my DR’s office came back to confirm the gender also! I’m not going to post those results just yet until I make the announcement to my family and friends, but I wanted to share some pictures of the baby from the US. If anyone wants to guess the gender than you can! I finally announced my pregnancy at 16 weeks to my friends and family on social media with the cute Christmas theme I had mentioned I would be using since baby’s due date is 12/25! I have included some of my 14 week pictures along with some from my pregnancy announcement.
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Glad the visiting is going well @Teafor2 and the flight wasn't to bad. I can't believe you are already 15 weeks!! time seems to be flying.

I am 20 weeks tomorrow! 20 to go! (well hopefully maybe a little less aha!)

I caved and brought a home doppler.. promised myself I wouldn't, for my sanity and anxiety but we'll see how we go lol. Has anyone else got one?
It should be here tomorrow, going to google how to use it today.

I have an at home doppler also. I have owned it ever since my twins were growing in my belly, so going on almost 9 years now! I have used it a few times with my current pregnancy for peace of mind also! I have started feeling movements a little bit every once and a while but not enough to feel confident that everything is okay, so I use the doppler to check for the HB so i can feel at ease again! It did take me a bit to find the heart beat each time so please be patient and try not to freak out if you can't find it right away. I did find this youtube video to be really helpful with instructions on how to find the HB, without it I don't know if I would of ever found it on my own!!! Here is the video below! Good luck!

@aymz1983 wow thats a long time to go without any check ups! I firget where are you? So sad seems prenatal care is total crap now since covid :(

@Skye75 hope times keeps moving quick for your next scan. Ugh the dreaded glucose test! Im going to refuse it this time. After doing research on it after I took it last time I wish I hadnt.

@Desito87 its always such a huge emotional relief once youve seen baby is ok. I forget are you on #3 like a few of us? Were you hoping for a girl?
@Rach87 this is my first one, I always wanted a boy and for some unknown to me reason I convinced myself that I am having a girl, but I would of been happy with any baby after the long wait x
I had an ultrasound last week at 10.5 weeks - showed the 2nd sac was absorbing like we expected, my SCH was smaller, and baby was measuring 11wks 1 day, with a great heart beat. My next appt isn't until 16 weeks now. The doctor does think that my placenta will end up anterior d/t what she's seeing on the ultrasounds and potentially low, over my bleed area - which is near my cervix... So something that I hope doesn't happen, but only time will tell!

Today was the first time that I was able to hear the heartbeat with my at home doppler - I'm 11.5 weeks. So exciting!

I'm feeling a little better each day. With my dtr I was feeling good again about 11 weeks, my son I was sick much longer - 14-15 weeks. My gut is saying girl with this baby just because my sickness seems to more similar to how I was with my dtr. But we'll see in January! We are team yellow this time around. We found out with both of our previous kiddos so it will be fun to have the surprise at birth this time. We have no preference so it will be exciting!

We still haven't told any family, just a few friends when necessary d/t drinking events, etc. So family will be extremely surprised as know one thinks that we will end up having any more than our 2 kiddos. We are hoping to get to at least 16 weeks if not closer to 20 weeks before sharing. We have a history of loss for us and then also within siblings in our families so we've found its a lot easier to wait to tell as otherwise everyone is just to uptight and nervous!

Kudos to anyone that makes it to the end of this - lol.
@Rach87 I'm in the UK. Midwife is generally every 4 weeks but I saw her at 16 weeks then she's like, ok we will see you at 25/26 weeks. So other than the 20 week scan it does seem a long time! I need to schedule my glucose test for around 26 weeks as well...I am NOT looking forward to it...
I haven't felt much movement over the last few days, kind of stressing me out a bit! had pretty consistent movement for the last two weeks before that. I feel him every now and then but not reliably like I was.
I have an OB appointment on Monday. Feels like forever away!
@Skye75 please ring your midwife or delivery suite if movements have become different, could be baby has moved into a different position but always best to be safe then sorry. Xx

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