1 in 14 result for downs blood test ..


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
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My midwife randomly came round and said that i have a high risk
result back.. 1 in 14 .. i was in shock she randomly came without
notice really but that just hit me aswell :nope: i forgot i even
had my bloods done for it aswell :dohh: .. but i don't know what to
think of it..

She told me iv got to go hospital tomorrow but didn't give me much
info except where to go.. and id get offered a CVS test.. but i don't
know what happens am i going to just talk to someone or am i going
to accept or decline the test and i don't even know when it gets done
if ill have to go back or its done on the day if i argee? :wacko:

OH's daughter was said to have downs aswell.. and she had TGA also
so was a very hard time throughout i assume.. but shes got learning
difficulties and her heart problem.. his side has the risk aswell ..
I can't remember my results with my son but it was low risk so i never
had any tests done except my bloods..

just need abit of info really as my midwife didn't explain much to me
:hugs: I've been there too hun, it's such a worrying time!! It's likely that they'll offer you the CVS when you go tomorrow - they usually do it before 13 weeks. My NT scan and bloods came back with a 1:11 chance of DS and we went in for a CVS a few days later - the placenta is posterior so they were unable to do it and asked us to consider an amnio at 17 weeks.

The blood results and scan results (measuring the fluid on baby's neck) are correlated to give this "risk ratio". In my case, the fluid level was higher than ideal (3.5mm) and Papp-a was slightly lower (0.67 MoM). HCG was ok (0.93). My age of 35 and NT level pushed up my risk ratio. Ask tomorrow what led to your ratio being 1:14.

Whether to go ahead with a CVS/amnio is a very personal choice. If the results were likely to influence the outcome of your pregnancy (ie, you would likely choose to terminate), knowing sooner through CVS would be an advantage. If you would continue the pregnancy regardless of the result, it's probably not worth risking possible complications caused by the procedure and instead, wait for detailed ultrasound later in the pregnancy. We opted for an amnio at 17 weeks and it wasn't the ordeal I'd been expecting at all. It was over in minutes, barely noticeable and less uncomfortable than a blood test, initial results 48 hrs later showed that Fidget was fine and all boy :)

I'll be thinking of you huni
A similar thing has happened to me, I got a high NT measurement and then got bloods of 1/50. I was offered a CVS there and then or an amnio a few weeks on in pregnancy if I wanted time to think. I declined both CVS and amnio as we decided to carry on with the pregnancy and let nature takes its own course.

As I declined further tests the consultant agreed to regular scanning to look out for other markers and also sent me to a bigger hospital to have a brain scan and a heart scan on the baby all which have come back clear so far apart from baby being small (but that could be down to the medication I take).

I got through it by turning the 1/50 into % which made it 2% and when you look at it that way round it really isnt as bad.

All we can do is wait now and I wont lie I am getting a little anxious/emotional the nearer I get to my due date but she will be loved no matter what so just clinging onto that thought.

No one can make the decision for you whether to have the CVR/amnio or not only you and your partner can decide whats best for you, but dont rush and dont be forced into if you dont want it.

Goodluck and stay positive xx
The quad screening for my little guy showed 1:34. We declined any further testing. I just could not do an amnio. SO we will see when little man gets here. Good luck on your decision. It's so scary hearing that news.
I'm another one w/ a positive result who also declined amnio. We also had 2 soft markers on u/s which brought our risk up to 1:15. After further investigation of the soft markers, they brought our risk down to 1:30. I also found turning it into a percent made it a lot easier to handle. Our risk is 3 or 6% based on the 2 ratios, that gives us a 94-97% chance that our baby is not effected. I thought those were pretty good odds.

I have felt comfortable the whole pregnancy waiting it out. I am scheduled to be induced early (due to other complications) on Monday so we will know very soon.

Good luck with your decision :)
I'm so sorry you're going through this. We were given 1:21 some weeks back, and had an amnio as a result.

It sounds as though your midwife didn't give you the world's most complete information, and I've found, reading forums and such, that that's pretty common. Medical professionals seem to be extremely bad at this, for some reason. I was just told over the phone that the baby was 'positive' for something. Other people have actually been told their baby HAD Down, when all that meant was that the numbers were high and needed to be looked at. BLEAH.

Anyway, I'm no expert, and if I say something that's incorrect, please someone jump in and tell me, but this is what I've found:

As people have said, remembering that the odds are in favor of its being nothing is helpful, at least a bit. Right now they're playing with numbers and probabilities from the blood work. What they're going to offer you is a chance to do diagnostic testing, which can give you real answers. Before that, they'll probably want to do a thorough ultrasound, which will let them look for the 'soft markers', things like bone length, nasal bone presence, tissue thickness and the like, which can give some clue as to whether Down seems likely, and may adjust your numbers up or down.

Other people have said this too, but the key thing to figure out is what you're going to want to do if it is Down, because that will determine a lot of what you decide. CV and amniocentesis carry a small risk of miscarriage with them, but they will give you a real yes or no answer. If you would terminate, or consider it, if the answer is yes, or if you feel it would be important to know before the baby is born, you may decide it's worth it to proceed with one of them. My husband and I did, although I was extremely conflicted about what we would do in the event of a positive result, and incredibly fearful about it.

If you wouldn't consider terminating the pregnancy regardless of the answer, you may simply not find the risk acceptable.

There are also some new, noninvasive blood tests available, which my doctor didn't think were as good as amnio, but are apparently quite good, and may be a good middle ground. I don't know if they're available everywhere, and sometimes insurance doesn't cover them. You may want to ask.

This was the scariest damn thing I ever went through, and I am so, so sorry you're having to face it. Let us know how things go. Like I said, my sole experience comes from having read too much stuff on the Internet while handling this myself, so I am no expert, but if you have questions, please ask. A lot of people here have been right there.

One piece of advice: only read reliable looking medical sites if you look this up on the Internet, and don't read the comments. I nearly sent myself out of my mind with that. People have political and religious agendas, some of the stories, I'm pretty sure, are not real, and it can just be awful and creepy watching people make bombastic statements about what you 'should' do and feel. I say, avoid hearing about what anyone who's not your nearest and dearest feels about this.
Oh, one more thing, you say 'his side has the risk as well'. I don't know if this is at all useful, but nearly all Down is the result of genetic mutation; it's not inherited. There is one form that's inherited, IIRC, but it's pretty rare. (If you happen to know his family does carry genes for that, shut my mouth. Just throwing in the info.)

Be really good to yourself, and know that we're out here rooting for you.
I hope everything works out for you hun

This NT scan & results scare the hell out of me as i have already suffered 4 mc. I had decided not to have it until someone pointed out its not just DS that the test for

For anyone that has yet to have the NT scan, a new blood test has been developed called the Harmony Prenatal Test and it tests for the Trisomy disorders.

The Fetal medicine Centre at Harley Street do it, you go in for a scan at 10-11 weeks to check the pregnancy is viable, they take the blood for the harmony test and then you go back 2 weeks later for the Nuchal Scan and blood results. I have decided to opt for this if it means saving me from a possible cvs/amnio. I was also told that the Nuchal Scans they do are more thorough than the NHS, there equipment is the best and up to date. Two scans & the blood test cost £180.00. If you are over 11 weeks when you have the blood taken then it costs £580.00. Big difference! This is the option for me for peace of mind becuase i do not want a cvs or amnio due to miscarriage rate.

I'm so sorry you're going through this :(. It must've been a complete shock to you.
I don't have experience in this but I have read a few stories about people getting very high risks with DS and everything ends up being false. Please try not to stress too much. I will keep you in my prayers tonight.
Also just a little thing I might add, I've heard that DS children/people are the most loving, beautiful people you could ever meet. I too was scared once throughout my pregnancy of having a baby with DS, but I read and heard such beautiful stories about these people and they really are one of a kind. I figured whatever happens, happens and if my baby were to come out DS, I would still be happy and feel blessed as they are gifts.

Hang in there hun, xoxox keep us updated.
Sorry to hear you are going through this. It must be extremely stressful I personally don't have much to offer as far as experience but sending a virtual:hugs:. Hope all turns out well!

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