1 week post partum baby blues :(


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2012
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It's a week tomorrow since my beautiful little boy was born, this time last week i was being induced and it hadn't even started yet! I know its normal.to feel all over the place especially once your milk kicks in, i just feel really overwhelmed and sad which is horrible because I've been on cloud 9 up until now it's really spoiling it for me :cry: this is my last baby as it's number 4 and OH is getting the snip in a few months as we fall pregnant so easily! I spent the whole pregnancy hating it in pain and mentally not in a good place and wishing it by and now i feel really really sad that it's all over and keep getting really tearful. When i left the ward last Sunday it really hit home that it was the last time I'd ever be up there and i felt completely consumed with sadness which shocked me as I was so happy at the thought of it all being over before. Anyway sorry for the pointless post i just had to get my feelings written down. I don't want to tell anyone else this because they will start going on about how they knew i would want 5 kids bla etc which is not the case lol thanks for reading x
Oh darling. x

You're in the 4th trimester - just remember your hormones are still at an 11.

I remember DS being 5ish days old, and waiting in hospital outpatient lab area to have his urine tested (suspected UTI), and my hospital plays this sweet little tune when a baby is born. I cried, cause I was jealous it wasn't for me. I had a newborn and wanted the spotlight again already. Hormones are so-so-so weird.

There's also the finality of thinking you CAN'T do something ever again. I know I don't want #3, financially mentally emotionally, I am done. Said the same about #1 though (heh). But when my midwife handed me the consent form for having my tubes tied, I swear my heart sunk and the room started spinning. Something about saying, "yes I want to commit to never conceiving again! Even though I don't want to, but having the deal sealed forever..." It's daunting as all get out.

As a veteran mom, you know these days are weird. Little sleep, hormones, boobs leaking, baby crying, older children to dote on... *You* get lost in the process. Find yourself. :)
Thank you so much for that lovely reply, what nice words. I agree hormones are a complete bitch! I keep trying to tell myself most ladies probably feel like this afterwards. It is nice having the spotlight on you and your new baby but once everyone is used to them being here it just becomes the norm and that makes me upset as it shows how shortlived this newborn stage is. X
Congratulations on your new little one!

In all likelihood what you are feeling I normal, hormones at this stage are total hell. I also think that even when you know you’re done it’s completely normal to grieve for moving on past this stage of your life. My second is probably also my last but I had such a bad anxious pregnancy with him I feel robbed of the wonderful experience I had with my first. I know you’re worried people will think it’s all about not being done but if you can talk to someone about it then that might help.
Oh dear, I so know how you feel! After both my babies I felt like I'd made such an awful mistake after the birth high wore off and my milk came in. This is hormones. Just stupid, regular, horrible hormones and it WILL get better. I wouldn't change a thing now. Give it a couple of weeks and everything will be ok. :hugs:
Thank you ladies im glad you can all relate to how im feeling doesn't make me feel as bad and silly. God these hormones have so much to answer for don't they?! They completely ruined majority of my pregnancy and now this it's so infuritating. I think it is feeling extra tough where i know thats it for sure, whereas the other times i knew i would likely be back up the hospital having another one in a couple of years. I think I'm always going to crave a newborn but I can't just keep having children to have the baby stage when do you stop lol. I do hope by the end of the summer things will feel more normal again and i can really enjoy the kids i have i am so blessed to have 4 i want to enjoy every moment i can xx
This! This is me yesterday and today! I am in tears at the very concept that this is my last even though I said before we even fell pregnant that one more was it. They asked me like a million times on c-section day last week if I was certain I wanted to be sterilized (and I think this word shouldnt be used personally as it sounds awful) and I did, my DH wanted me to as well, we cant afford another child and we are both getting way to old to have another anyway. But then come Monday the realisation I am not pregnant anymore and never ever will be again hit me and it felt like such an anticlimax after the excitement of last week. It is so stupid as my rational brain is fine with the decision but my emotions are all over the place. I so get what you are feeling and I am hoping its a feeling that passes quickly for both of us!
It's a week tomorrow since my beautiful little boy was born, this time last week i was being induced and it hadn't even started yet! I know its normal.to feel all over the place especially once your milk kicks in, i just feel really overwhelmed and sad which is horrible because I've been on cloud 9 up until now it's really spoiling it for me :cry: this is my last baby as it's number 4 and OH is getting the snip in a few months as we fall pregnant so easily! I spent the whole pregnancy hating it in pain and mentally not in a good place and wishing it by and now i feel really really sad that it's all over and keep getting really tearful. When i left the ward last Sunday it really hit home that it was the last time I'd ever be up there and i felt completely consumed with sadness which shocked me as I was so happy at the thought of it all being over before. Anyway sorry for the pointless post i just had to get my feelings written down. I don't want to tell anyone else this because they will start going on about how they knew i would want 5 kids bla etc which is not the case lol thanks for reading x

This is/was EXACTLY me...it's almost as if I could have written your post word for word. Had #5 in June and my entire pregnancy I was mentally/physically in a bad place and was kinda just waiting for it to pass and have baby.
I felt the exact same way as you 1 week pp. Cried a ton...missed my belly, missed eating everything and anything in sight, missed the anticipation of a new baby coming. So what you are feeling is so so normal. It's super hard for me as well dealing with the finality of it all. It's our last baby for sure and it is SUCH an adjustment knowing I will never be pregnant again.
I'm in the same boat as you and want you to know what you're feeling is normal and ok! Let yourself feel the emotions you have to in order to move past them.

Wishing you and your new baby all the best...and be easy on yourself, those hormones take a while to settle down for sure.
Sorry just realized this post was from July 20th...hope you're doing well and update if you can.
I so feel you hun!! I had all the same emotions with my second (we don't plan on having anymore).
I felt VERY sad and emotional about that part (pregnancy, labour and delivery) of my life being over with essentially.
It does get better tho! My second is now 8 months old, and although I can occasionally have a sentimental moment, I don't have that full on sad feeling. I'm also excited to watch my boys grow and get to experience life with them outside of regular feeds, nappy changing and nap times!
Big hugs!! You'll get there :).

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