13 months and 1 day ago!


Mummy of 1 Girl & 1 Boy
Nov 12, 2007
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I have not posted on this site since my LO was born so thought i would give a quick update on my LO's birth!

I was 7 days over due and had an appointment to see my midwife she suggested a sweep, i agreed (was absolutey fine, did not hurt, i was more embarassed then anything!).

Later that night sat on the sofa at home eating a nice indian, i felt a massive gush! I looked at my OH and he started laughing saying have your waters just gone :haha:, i was like OMG! Sure enough they had, went down to the hospital and as i wasn't having any strong contractions they sent me home with a big list of do's and dont's and said to come back in two days ! This was at around 6pm by 11pm i was having really strong contractions about 3/4 minutes apart, rang hospital and they said try and stay at home as long as possible unless i want drugs! i was panicking by now thinking if i dont go soon i'm gonna have this baby at home!

i had a bath tried to relax, tried to sleep, nothing was working, so about 1am went back to the hospital. I was put in a room and all i could here was other women screaming :wacko: me and OH have were like OMG. i then got a snotty midwfie come in and she told me she couldn't check how far dilated i was as my waters had broken and she didn't want to cause infection. she then looked at me patronisingly and said you really dont look like your in labour, i was so angry :growlmad: i said i have a high pain threshold and just because i'm not a screamer it doesnt mean i'm not in pain!!!! she wouldn't listen and sent my OH home and told me to stay and that i could go home i the morning :growlmad:

So for the next 6 hours i paced my room in agony, they wouldn't exam me to see how far dilated i was, they did give me morphine however, which did nothing for me! after another hour they decided they would exam me and i was 6 cms dilated, they rushed me through to the delivery suite and gave me my requested epidural straight away! and called my OH to come back.. I was fuming at first as i had spent six hours on my own when OH could of been with me had they believed me that i was in labour :dohh:

After the epidural i felt nothing! no contractions no nothing, it was heaven! and i will definately have again next time, only downside was i couldnt walk for about 4 hours after my LO was born!

For the next 6 hours me and OH just waited! talked, read magazines, ate lunch! The midwife came in every half hour or so and examined me and then said it was time to push. After an hour and half of pushing i was still having trouble getting my LO out and she decided to call for doctors, they came and said i was doing everything correctly and would assist me by attaching a little rubber thing (forgot the proper name :dohh:) to my babys head and pulling her out. They also cut me to assist and within 30 seconds my LO was born :cloud9:

She weighed 9lb 9oz! which is why i was having trouble pushing her out!

I can honestly say looking back (even with my midwife not believeing me i was in labour) i really did have a wonderful experience and actually quite enjoyed myself! its even quite comical when i look back at some of the things :haha:

she was definately worth it and was perfect in every way and still is, she's just gone 13 months now and is walking around babbling random words and a right little character! :cloud9:

Thanks for reading and i hope i haven't put panic in anyone about anything! i would do it all again in a heart beat xxx
Belated Congratulations. Sounds like a fairly positive experience (once they listened to you of course!!) and at least you had the satisfaction of saying "ha, told you so!"
Congrats babe!!!!

awww Congratulations! Thanks for popping back to share your story! :D x

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